COP shot and killed last night. Not much hype about it. Wonder why?

Holy shit
It boggles the mind. Some replies are just too unreal and filled with illogical thinking. Libs probably think they could just reply with something like "mayonnaise is delicious" and they probably would start high fiving each other. Claiming victory all over the place. They are children.

LOL...You think that Mike Pence bullshit is going to work. "Amazing" "Remarkable"

Then when I ask you whats wrong you cant explain so you just react more "Wow!" "Holy Moly" "Can you believe it?"

All without saying anything :badgrin:
Actually I have already answered it. Thugs getting shot by cops are reported on more because CNN profits from it. But you act like since you asked the question then you have won some amazing argument. It's illogical and childish. You've won nothing but the dumbass award.

If it bleeds it leads. That phrase didnt come from this year. So yes, CNN gets ratings on violence. And bees like honey!

What was wrong with my post? Anything?
what was wrong with your post? It was idiotic. It doesn't make much sense for one. You have to retread it many times to come to a conclusion of what you mean. From what I can tell from your post "it's ok to shot cops because it's part of the job" "if a cop shoots a criminal it's bad because he was supposed to protect him". And I'm supposed to say to myself "oh you got me, you've put me in my place with that one".

Reread your post then rewrite it but take your time and be clear and direct so we can all understand.

Ahh, well the problem isnt me...its that you admit you dont understand it so instead of asking for a clarification you move to translate the thing that you dont understand.

Here I'll help you. Cops get shot by criminals dealing with and confronting criminals is their job with sometimes lethal consequences. Criminals dont have standards so when you see one violate what everyone would agree is a common standard no one is surprised because...they are criminals wihtout standard.

Cops are held to a different standard so when they violate what every would agree is a common standard people dont expect that from cops.

Now do you understand?
To be fair, before all this BLM protest got started two years ago, did we routinely hear about every cop who died in the line of duty nationally? I'd be just as happy without hearing such sad news.
If they had killed the perp, it would be on every network. Maybe it should be flaunted nationally as an incident where even when a cop WAS shot, they took the perp alive. I don't know how Fox is viewing it, but it was one for the cops, in a way.
I hate all of it.
Do you understand what the hype is all about? It is about dividing races, dividing genders, dividing classes and whatever else they can for political expediency. Victimology strategy and it has worked very well.

How many movies can be made about blacks being victims of whitey? Hardly ever (once and a while) you see the blacks as the true criminal (Training day was one).

Just watch that bit. It is hilarious.

Did you like Dances with Wolves the first time you watched it, or did you like its remake when it was called Avatar? Both, pretty much the exact same theme.

Dances with Wolves antagonists

The antagonists in Avatar. :lol:

This is basically all it is. We are so thoroughly brainwashed.

Notice nearly ALL of the democrats arguments are convincing the (ignorant) voting base that their misery is the fault of "alt right" racism, white privilege, the "rich", "corporations."

All designed to take down the system they hate. The system that is the only system that gives those minorities in the peasant class to get out of that peasant class. The free market and the notion that anyone could even have AN OPPORTUNITY is what truly offends OLD MONEY.

Get it?

You're way too deep for me. There is something unequal in our criminal justice system. There is something amiss in black inner city communities. Both are issues. Putting all the blame on blacks or the Democrats will not solve the problem. I don't find it divisive to offer to help solve these problems regardless of who we are.

I didn't see Avatar, so your comparison is probably interesting, but I can't follow you there.

Incorrect. The democrats rule those areas, blacks live there and comitt the crimes. Who do you wish to blame exactly? Bush?

I'd prefer we stop blaming anyone and just buckle down to working on solutions.

You have a decent heart, but you are very naive how wicked the left is with their political agenda and how they benefit from the grievance INDUSTRY.
To be fair, before all this BLM protest got started two years ago, did we routinely hear about every cop who died in the line of duty nationally? I'd be just as happy without hearing such sad news.
If they had killed the perp, it would be on every network. Maybe it should be flaunted nationally as an incident where even when a cop WAS shot, they took the perp alive. I don't know how Fox is viewing it, but it was one for the cops, in a way.
I hate all of it.
Do you understand what the hype is all about? It is about dividing races, dividing genders, dividing classes and whatever else they can for political expediency. Victimology strategy and it has worked very well.

How many movies can be made about blacks being victims of whitey? Hardly ever (once and a while) you see the blacks as the true criminal (Training day was one).

Just watch that bit. It is hilarious.

Did you like Dances with Wolves the first time you watched it, or did you like its remake when it was called Avatar? Both, pretty much the exact same theme.

Dances with Wolves antagonists

The antagonists in Avatar. :lol:

This is basically all it is. We are so thoroughly brainwashed.

Notice nearly ALL of the democrats arguments are convincing the (ignorant) voting base that their misery is the fault of "alt right" racism, white privilege, the "rich", "corporations."

All designed to take down the system they hate. The system that is the only system that gives those minorities in the peasant class to get out of that peasant class. The free market and the notion that anyone could even have AN OPPORTUNITY is what truly offends OLD MONEY.

Get it?

You're way too deep for me. There is something unequal in our criminal justice system. There is something amiss in black inner city communities. Both are issues. Putting all the blame on blacks or the Democrats will not solve the problem. I don't find it divisive to offer to help solve these problems regardless of who we are.

I didn't see Avatar, so your comparison is probably interesting, but I can't follow you there.

Incorrect. The democrats rule those areas, blacks live there and comitt the crimes. Who do you wish to blame exactly? Bush?

I'd prefer we stop blaming anyone and just buckle down to working on solutions.

You have a decent heart, but you are very naive how wicked the left is with their political agenda and how they benefit from the grievance INDUSTRY.

Well, the election being so close, let's play the wishing game. Every friggin' Democrat in the country is voted out of office and the game is played by Republicans only. How will you deal with those grievances? Ignore them? Send out the National Guard to keep them in their homes after dark? That will cause a lot more riots, a lot more deaths. Bank on it.
To be fair, before all this BLM protest got started two years ago, did we routinely hear about every cop who died in the line of duty nationally? I'd be just as happy without hearing such sad news.
If they had killed the perp, it would be on every network. Maybe it should be flaunted nationally as an incident where even when a cop WAS shot, they took the perp alive. I don't know how Fox is viewing it, but it was one for the cops, in a way.
I hate all of it.
Do you understand what the hype is all about? It is about dividing races, dividing genders, dividing classes and whatever else they can for political expediency. Victimology strategy and it has worked very well.

How many movies can be made about blacks being victims of whitey? Hardly ever (once and a while) you see the blacks as the true criminal (Training day was one).

Just watch that bit. It is hilarious.

Did you like Dances with Wolves the first time you watched it, or did you like its remake when it was called Avatar? Both, pretty much the exact same theme.

Dances with Wolves antagonists

The antagonists in Avatar. :lol:

This is basically all it is. We are so thoroughly brainwashed.

Notice nearly ALL of the democrats arguments are convincing the (ignorant) voting base that their misery is the fault of "alt right" racism, white privilege, the "rich", "corporations."

All designed to take down the system they hate. The system that is the only system that gives those minorities in the peasant class to get out of that peasant class. The free market and the notion that anyone could even have AN OPPORTUNITY is what truly offends OLD MONEY.

Get it?

You're way too deep for me. There is something unequal in our criminal justice system. There is something amiss in black inner city communities. Both are issues. Putting all the blame on blacks or the Democrats will not solve the problem. I don't find it divisive to offer to help solve these problems regardless of who we are.

I didn't see Avatar, so your comparison is probably interesting, but I can't follow you there.

Incorrect. The democrats rule those areas, blacks live there and comitt the crimes. Who do you wish to blame exactly? Bush?

I'd prefer we stop blaming anyone and just buckle down to working on solutions.

Okey dokie. List your solutions!
To be fair, before all this BLM protest got started two years ago, did we routinely hear about every cop who died in the line of duty nationally? I'd be just as happy without hearing such sad news.
If they had killed the perp, it would be on every network. Maybe it should be flaunted nationally as an incident where even when a cop WAS shot, they took the perp alive. I don't know how Fox is viewing it, but it was one for the cops, in a way.
I hate all of it.
We didn't used to hear about every black man shot by a white man, either.

And we won't once again after the election.
To be fair, before all this BLM protest got started two years ago, did we routinely hear about every cop who died in the line of duty nationally? I'd be just as happy without hearing such sad news.
If they had killed the perp, it would be on every network. Maybe it should be flaunted nationally as an incident where even when a cop WAS shot, they took the perp alive. I don't know how Fox is viewing it, but it was one for the cops, in a way.
I hate all of it.
Do you understand what the hype is all about? It is about dividing races, dividing genders, dividing classes and whatever else they can for political expediency. Victimology strategy and it has worked very well.

How many movies can be made about blacks being victims of whitey? Hardly ever (once and a while) you see the blacks as the true criminal (Training day was one).

Just watch that bit. It is hilarious.

Did you like Dances with Wolves the first time you watched it, or did you like its remake when it was called Avatar? Both, pretty much the exact same theme.

Dances with Wolves antagonists

The antagonists in Avatar. :lol:

This is basically all it is. We are so thoroughly brainwashed.

Notice nearly ALL of the democrats arguments are convincing the (ignorant) voting base that their misery is the fault of "alt right" racism, white privilege, the "rich", "corporations."

All designed to take down the system they hate. The system that is the only system that gives those minorities in the peasant class to get out of that peasant class. The free market and the notion that anyone could even have AN OPPORTUNITY is what truly offends OLD MONEY.

Get it?

You're way too deep for me. There is something unequal in our criminal justice system. There is something amiss in black inner city communities. Both are issues. Putting all the blame on blacks or the Democrats will not solve the problem. I don't find it divisive to offer to help solve these problems regardless of who we are.

I didn't see Avatar, so your comparison is probably interesting, but I can't follow you there.

Incorrect. The democrats rule those areas, blacks live there and comitt the crimes. Who do you wish to blame exactly? Bush?

I'd prefer we stop blaming anyone and just buckle down to working on solutions.

Okey dokie. List your solutions!

I asked Owl first.
You could start a protest. Go for it.

Fox and ABC have picked it up nationally. A lot of it is local coverage, though, you're right. I heard about it on Fox early this a.m.
You could start a protest. Go for it.

Fox and ABC have picked it up nationally. A lot of it is local coverage, though, you're right. I heard about it on Fox early this a.m.

Shouldn't you be out justifying the n*ggers looting and vandalizing places where a black thug was shot by a police officer.

Very little concern from you about a white officer shot by a thug n*gger. How telling.
You're a Drumpf supporter, aren't you?
And you're a Hill a **** supporter.
Actually I have been leaning towards Johnson....but he keeps saying loopy stuff so I may have no choice but to vote for Clinton. Not quite sure what your "****" represented.

Officer Steven Owen. Father of two.


^^^The MONKEY that killed Officer Steven Owen.

A Los Angeles sheriff's sergeant has died after he was shot while answering to a report of a burglary in progress.

Authorities say 53-year-old Steve Owen died at a hospital Wednesday afternoon, several hours after he was shot in while responding to a report of a burglary in a neighborhood in Lancaster, north of Los Angeles.

Sheriff's officials say other deputies fired shots at the suspect after he tried to steal a sheriff's patrol car and rammed that vehicle into another patrol car while escaping.

Authorities say the man later fled to a home, which was surrounded, and a man was arrested after he tried to climb a fence and escape.

Read more: LA cop Steven Owen 'dies after being shot while responding to burglary' | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Unreal folks.
Cops lives dont matter to the liberals, and I cant help but wonder if all the anti-cop propaganda made this deputy hesitant at the critical time that might have saved his life had he not been.
Can you see your house from up there?
Do you understand what the hype is all about? It is about dividing races, dividing genders, dividing classes and whatever else they can for political expediency. Victimology strategy and it has worked very well.

How many movies can be made about blacks being victims of whitey? Hardly ever (once and a while) you see the blacks as the true criminal (Training day was one).

Just watch that bit. It is hilarious.

Did you like Dances with Wolves the first time you watched it, or did you like its remake when it was called Avatar? Both, pretty much the exact same theme.

Dances with Wolves antagonists

The antagonists in Avatar. :lol:

This is basically all it is. We are so thoroughly brainwashed.

Notice nearly ALL of the democrats arguments are convincing the (ignorant) voting base that their misery is the fault of "alt right" racism, white privilege, the "rich", "corporations."

All designed to take down the system they hate. The system that is the only system that gives those minorities in the peasant class to get out of that peasant class. The free market and the notion that anyone could even have AN OPPORTUNITY is what truly offends OLD MONEY.

Get it?

You're way too deep for me. There is something unequal in our criminal justice system. There is something amiss in black inner city communities. Both are issues. Putting all the blame on blacks or the Democrats will not solve the problem. I don't find it divisive to offer to help solve these problems regardless of who we are.

I didn't see Avatar, so your comparison is probably interesting, but I can't follow you there.

Incorrect. The democrats rule those areas, blacks live there and comitt the crimes. Who do you wish to blame exactly? Bush?

I'd prefer we stop blaming anyone and just buckle down to working on solutions.

Okey dokie. List your solutions!

I asked Owl first.

So you have none of your own?
It boggles the mind. Some replies are just too unreal and filled with illogical thinking. Libs probably think they could just reply with something like "mayonnaise is delicious" and they probably would start high fiving each other. Claiming victory all over the place. They are children.

LOL...You think that Mike Pence bullshit is going to work. "Amazing" "Remarkable"

Then when I ask you whats wrong you cant explain so you just react more "Wow!" "Holy Moly" "Can you believe it?"

All without saying anything :badgrin:
Actually I have already answered it. Thugs getting shot by cops are reported on more because CNN profits from it. But you act like since you asked the question then you have won some amazing argument. It's illogical and childish. You've won nothing but the dumbass award.

If it bleeds it leads. That phrase didnt come from this year. So yes, CNN gets ratings on violence. And bees like honey!

What was wrong with my post? Anything?
what was wrong with your post? It was idiotic. It doesn't make much sense for one. You have to retread it many times to come to a conclusion of what you mean. From what I can tell from your post "it's ok to shot cops because it's part of the job" "if a cop shoots a criminal it's bad because he was supposed to protect him". And I'm supposed to say to myself "oh you got me, you've put me in my place with that one".

Reread your post then rewrite it but take your time and be clear and direct so we can all understand.

Ahh, well the problem isnt me...its that you admit you dont understand it so instead of asking for a clarification you move to translate the thing that you dont understand.

Here I'll help you. Cops get shot by criminals dealing with and confronting criminals is their job with sometimes lethal consequences. Criminals dont have standards so when you see one violate what everyone would agree is a common standard no one is surprised because...they are criminals wihtout standard.

Cops are held to a different standard so when they violate what every would agree is a common standard people dont expect that from cops.

Now do you understand?

So if I write "blabbly blah blah drop pity do da do" and you don't understand it that's your problem?

I see exact opposite as you. When a cop shoots a criminal no one should be surprised and that shouldn't make the news. When a cop gets shot that should be surprising and it should get national coverage. The problem right now is every shooting by an officer is automatically perceived as a racial incident and CNN comes on with breaking news that the perp was only shot because he was black. The cops are automatically guilty of a crime and justice must be served immediately (but after the rioting of course) and the cops have to prove their innocence. Where as 99% of these incidents the cop was right, but the damage is done. But then CNN gets to line their pockets with cash from more ads because ratings went up and democrats get more votes because the scary white people are out to get them "oh no!".
So do I understand? Hell yes I understand what's going on. It's the media and the dems that are manipulating and distorting reality for personal gain.
Do you understand what the hype is all about? It is about dividing races, dividing genders, dividing classes and whatever else they can for political expediency. Victimology strategy and it has worked very well.

How many movies can be made about blacks being victims of whitey? Hardly ever (once and a while) you see the blacks as the true criminal (Training day was one).

Just watch that bit. It is hilarious.

Did you like Dances with Wolves the first time you watched it, or did you like its remake when it was called Avatar? Both, pretty much the exact same theme.

Dances with Wolves antagonists

The antagonists in Avatar. :lol:

This is basically all it is. We are so thoroughly brainwashed.

Notice nearly ALL of the democrats arguments are convincing the (ignorant) voting base that their misery is the fault of "alt right" racism, white privilege, the "rich", "corporations."

All designed to take down the system they hate. The system that is the only system that gives those minorities in the peasant class to get out of that peasant class. The free market and the notion that anyone could even have AN OPPORTUNITY is what truly offends OLD MONEY.

Get it?

You're way too deep for me. There is something unequal in our criminal justice system. There is something amiss in black inner city communities. Both are issues. Putting all the blame on blacks or the Democrats will not solve the problem. I don't find it divisive to offer to help solve these problems regardless of who we are.

I didn't see Avatar, so your comparison is probably interesting, but I can't follow you there.

Incorrect. The democrats rule those areas, blacks live there and comitt the crimes. Who do you wish to blame exactly? Bush?

I'd prefer we stop blaming anyone and just buckle down to working on solutions.

You have a decent heart, but you are very naive how wicked the left is with their political agenda and how they benefit from the grievance INDUSTRY.

Well, the election being so close, let's play the wishing game. Every friggin' Democrat in the country is voted out of office and the game is played by Republicans only. How will you deal with those grievances? Ignore them? Send out the National Guard to keep them in their homes after dark? That will cause a lot more riots, a lot more deaths. Bank on it.

Your entire question illustrates how brainwashed you are and how much you buy into the notion that democrats are these Robin Hood types and republicans are the fat rich white greedy heartless assholes.

The simple fact is right wing Christians (voluntarily) feed the poor and house more people than any selfish do gooder hypocritical left wing pervert would ever do.

I do volunteer. I am no saint mind you. Way too much pride. I however am not suckered into the same stupid tired pathetic rhetoric that the democrats care oh sooooo much for the poooooor.

Encourage volunteering. Donate willingly of your surplus. Not forced redistribution which hardly ever truly goes to or intended to go to the right places.

Your entire question tells me you watch way too much of "The View" and bullshit like that.
LOL...You think that Mike Pence bullshit is going to work. "Amazing" "Remarkable"

Then when I ask you whats wrong you cant explain so you just react more "Wow!" "Holy Moly" "Can you believe it?"

All without saying anything :badgrin:
Actually I have already answered it. Thugs getting shot by cops are reported on more because CNN profits from it. But you act like since you asked the question then you have won some amazing argument. It's illogical and childish. You've won nothing but the dumbass award.

If it bleeds it leads. That phrase didnt come from this year. So yes, CNN gets ratings on violence. And bees like honey!

What was wrong with my post? Anything?
what was wrong with your post? It was idiotic. It doesn't make much sense for one. You have to retread it many times to come to a conclusion of what you mean. From what I can tell from your post "it's ok to shot cops because it's part of the job" "if a cop shoots a criminal it's bad because he was supposed to protect him". And I'm supposed to say to myself "oh you got me, you've put me in my place with that one".

Reread your post then rewrite it but take your time and be clear and direct so we can all understand.

Ahh, well the problem isnt me...its that you admit you dont understand it so instead of asking for a clarification you move to translate the thing that you dont understand.

Here I'll help you. Cops get shot by criminals dealing with and confronting criminals is their job with sometimes lethal consequences. Criminals dont have standards so when you see one violate what everyone would agree is a common standard no one is surprised because...they are criminals wihtout standard.

Cops are held to a different standard so when they violate what every would agree is a common standard people dont expect that from cops.

Now do you understand?

So if I write "blabbly blah blah drop pity do da do" and you don't understand it that's your problem?

No, but unlike you I wouldn't attempt to translate. See?

I see exact opposite as you. When a cop shoots a criminal no one should be surprised and that shouldn't make the news. When a cop gets shot that should be surprising and it should get national coverage. The problem right now is every shooting by an officer is automatically perceived as a racial incident and CNN comes on with breaking news that the perp was only shot because he was black.

Sigh...I'm talking about shooting people as a first line of defense. I say innocent person and you again translate to talk only and specifically about criminals. As if no innocent people are ever involved. The reason why is simple use any justification for the shooting. On a side note then you take the perceived actions of CNN and apply them to black people or whatever cause you already dont believe in. Lol

The cops are automatically guilty of a crime and justice must be served immediately (but after the rioting of course) and the cops have to prove their innocence. Where as 99% of these incidents the cop was right, but the damage is done. But then CNN gets to line their pockets with cash from more ads because ratings went up and democrats get more votes because the scary white people are out to get them "oh no!".
So do I understand? Hell yes I understand what's going on. It's the media and the dems that are manipulating and distorting reality for personal gain.

I'm curious who you blame for police abuse before CNN. Tis a curious thing. You believe every action by police is right and true. I believe police are people and people sometimes make mistakes or can be out of line. That's the difference between me and you. You trust power completely and without question. But you distrust any insinuation that maybe, possibly a person wearing a badge didn't take proper action and instead seek to blame the victim, the protests, the media, Sharpton, BLM, Black Panthers, Black Jelly beans, Africanized killer bees, and black and milds.
You could start a protest. Go for it.

Fox and ABC have picked it up nationally. A lot of it is local coverage, though, you're right. I heard about it on Fox early this a.m.
You could start a protest. Go for it.

Fox and ABC have picked it up nationally. A lot of it is local coverage, though, you're right. I heard about it on Fox early this a.m.

Shouldn't you be out justifying the n*ggers looting and vandalizing places where a black thug was shot by a police officer.

Very little concern from you about a white officer shot by a thug n*gger. How telling.
You're a Drumpf supporter, aren't you?
And you're a Hill a **** supporter.
Actually I have been leaning towards Johnson....but he keeps saying loopy stuff so I may have no choice but to vote for Clinton. Not quite sure what your "****" represented.

I wish Weld had been the top of the ticket. He seems like a better personality for it.

Officer Steven Owen. Father of two.


^^^The MONKEY that killed Officer Steven Owen.

A Los Angeles sheriff's sergeant has died after he was shot while answering to a report of a burglary in progress.

Authorities say 53-year-old Steve Owen died at a hospital Wednesday afternoon, several hours after he was shot in while responding to a report of a burglary in a neighborhood in Lancaster, north of Los Angeles.

Sheriff's officials say other deputies fired shots at the suspect after he tried to steal a sheriff's patrol car and rammed that vehicle into another patrol car while escaping.

Authorities say the man later fled to a home, which was surrounded, and a man was arrested after he tried to climb a fence and escape.

Read more: LA cop Steven Owen 'dies after being shot while responding to burglary' | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Unreal folks.

While this is certainly deserving of sympathy, there is a huge difference in this situation and the anger over some of the police shootings. You can clearly see that the man who shot the officer has been arrested and you know he will be facing trial for his actions. The perception that seems to be common amongst protesters and those angered by some of the recent police shootings is that the officers not only unnecessarily kill the suspects involved, but also face little to no legal consequences for it.

I don't agree that all or even most of the controversial police shootings were the fault of the police, but the situations are not the same.

I do agree that the media will push the more controversial story and narrative, however.
God progressives are so fucking stoopid on this shit....:bye1::bye1::bye1:.....all they do is ensure more blacks get shot to shit in their own neighborhoods. Silly thinking is ghey.
Actually I have already answered it. Thugs getting shot by cops are reported on more because CNN profits from it. But you act like since you asked the question then you have won some amazing argument. It's illogical and childish. You've won nothing but the dumbass award.

If it bleeds it leads. That phrase didnt come from this year. So yes, CNN gets ratings on violence. And bees like honey!

What was wrong with my post? Anything?
what was wrong with your post? It was idiotic. It doesn't make much sense for one. You have to retread it many times to come to a conclusion of what you mean. From what I can tell from your post "it's ok to shot cops because it's part of the job" "if a cop shoots a criminal it's bad because he was supposed to protect him". And I'm supposed to say to myself "oh you got me, you've put me in my place with that one".

Reread your post then rewrite it but take your time and be clear and direct so we can all understand.

Ahh, well the problem isnt me...its that you admit you dont understand it so instead of asking for a clarification you move to translate the thing that you dont understand.

Here I'll help you. Cops get shot by criminals dealing with and confronting criminals is their job with sometimes lethal consequences. Criminals dont have standards so when you see one violate what everyone would agree is a common standard no one is surprised because...they are criminals wihtout standard.

Cops are held to a different standard so when they violate what every would agree is a common standard people dont expect that from cops.

Now do you understand?

So if I write "blabbly blah blah drop pity do da do" and you don't understand it that's your problem?

No, but unlike you I wouldn't attempt to translate. See?

I see exact opposite as you. When a cop shoots a criminal no one should be surprised and that shouldn't make the news. When a cop gets shot that should be surprising and it should get national coverage. The problem right now is every shooting by an officer is automatically perceived as a racial incident and CNN comes on with breaking news that the perp was only shot because he was black.

Sigh...I'm talking about shooting people as a first line of defense. I say innocent person and you again translate to talk only and specifically about criminals. As if no innocent people are ever involved. The reason why is simple use any justification for the shooting. On a side note then you take the perceived actions of CNN and apply them to black people or whatever cause you already dont believe in. Lol

The cops are automatically guilty of a crime and justice must be served immediately (but after the rioting of course) and the cops have to prove their innocence. Where as 99% of these incidents the cop was right, but the damage is done. But then CNN gets to line their pockets with cash from more ads because ratings went up and democrats get more votes because the scary white people are out to get them "oh no!".
So do I understand? Hell yes I understand what's going on. It's the media and the dems that are manipulating and distorting reality for personal gain.

I'm curious who you blame for police abuse before CNN. Tis a curious thing. You believe every action by police is right and true. I believe police are people and people sometimes make mistakes or can be out of line. That's the difference between me and you. You trust power completely and without question. But you distrust any insinuation that maybe, possibly a person wearing a badge didn't take proper action and instead seek to blame the victim, the protests, the media, Sharpton, BLM, Black Panthers, Black Jelly beans, Africanized killer bees, and black and milds.
This why I say 99% are justified. Yes there are some bad cops but you and CNN immediately say guilty until proven innocent. This is very dangerous game the media and the left are playing. People are getting killed because of it on both sides. All for profit and power. Extremely shameful.
If a cop pulls you over today with what is going on right now you will not have a good attitude. You're going to be pissed, you are going to be a bit defiant. You may get aggressive and combative which will put you in danger. Do you see what I'm getting at? This shit is getting created by the media and the left. Don't fall for this bs
I am watching a press conference on this incident right now. Some idiot asked if the Marijuana addict /dealer was going to get a second chance to turn his life around.

Another idiot asked why the cop didn't just shoot the gun out of the dirt bag's hand. Couldn't the cop just have discussed it?

For real nummy yummies, the dirt bag may have gotten out on early release as a non violent drug offender.
If it bleeds it leads. That phrase didnt come from this year. So yes, CNN gets ratings on violence. And bees like honey!

What was wrong with my post? Anything?
what was wrong with your post? It was idiotic. It doesn't make much sense for one. You have to retread it many times to come to a conclusion of what you mean. From what I can tell from your post "it's ok to shot cops because it's part of the job" "if a cop shoots a criminal it's bad because he was supposed to protect him". And I'm supposed to say to myself "oh you got me, you've put me in my place with that one".

Reread your post then rewrite it but take your time and be clear and direct so we can all understand.

Ahh, well the problem isnt me...its that you admit you dont understand it so instead of asking for a clarification you move to translate the thing that you dont understand.

Here I'll help you. Cops get shot by criminals dealing with and confronting criminals is their job with sometimes lethal consequences. Criminals dont have standards so when you see one violate what everyone would agree is a common standard no one is surprised because...they are criminals wihtout standard.

Cops are held to a different standard so when they violate what every would agree is a common standard people dont expect that from cops.

Now do you understand?

So if I write "blabbly blah blah drop pity do da do" and you don't understand it that's your problem?

No, but unlike you I wouldn't attempt to translate. See?

I see exact opposite as you. When a cop shoots a criminal no one should be surprised and that shouldn't make the news. When a cop gets shot that should be surprising and it should get national coverage. The problem right now is every shooting by an officer is automatically perceived as a racial incident and CNN comes on with breaking news that the perp was only shot because he was black.

Sigh...I'm talking about shooting people as a first line of defense. I say innocent person and you again translate to talk only and specifically about criminals. As if no innocent people are ever involved. The reason why is simple use any justification for the shooting. On a side note then you take the perceived actions of CNN and apply them to black people or whatever cause you already dont believe in. Lol

The cops are automatically guilty of a crime and justice must be served immediately (but after the rioting of course) and the cops have to prove their innocence. Where as 99% of these incidents the cop was right, but the damage is done. But then CNN gets to line their pockets with cash from more ads because ratings went up and democrats get more votes because the scary white people are out to get them "oh no!".
So do I understand? Hell yes I understand what's going on. It's the media and the dems that are manipulating and distorting reality for personal gain.

I'm curious who you blame for police abuse before CNN. Tis a curious thing. You believe every action by police is right and true. I believe police are people and people sometimes make mistakes or can be out of line. That's the difference between me and you. You trust power completely and without question. But you distrust any insinuation that maybe, possibly a person wearing a badge didn't take proper action and instead seek to blame the victim, the protests, the media, Sharpton, BLM, Black Panthers, Black Jelly beans, Africanized killer bees, and black and milds.
This why I say 99% are justified. Yes there are some bad cops but you and CNN immediately say guilty until proven innocent.

You couldn't quote me saying anyone is guilty until proven innocent. Btw, I'm not CNN so stop trying to get me to defend everything they do. It's lame.

This is very dangerous game the media and the left are playing. People are getting killed because of it on both sides. All for profit and power.

I'll ask again...where did the division come from before CNN? Is any of the division real? Are any of the complaints...real? I mean gee make it sound as if decades of police actions with blacks is just made up and no one really cares because getting killed is no big deal.

Extremely shameful.
If a cop pulls you over today with what is going on right now you will not have a good attitude. You're going to be pissed, you are going to be a bit defiant. You may get aggressive and combative which will put you in danger. Do you see what I'm getting at? This shit is getting created by the media and the left. Don't fall for this bs

You don't know me so these constant accusations mean you don't have a solid point. You keep saying what I would do if...what the media does...what I think but you won't ever ever ever address police abuse.
what was wrong with your post? It was idiotic. It doesn't make much sense for one. You have to retread it many times to come to a conclusion of what you mean. From what I can tell from your post "it's ok to shot cops because it's part of the job" "if a cop shoots a criminal it's bad because he was supposed to protect him". And I'm supposed to say to myself "oh you got me, you've put me in my place with that one".

Reread your post then rewrite it but take your time and be clear and direct so we can all understand.

Ahh, well the problem isnt me...its that you admit you dont understand it so instead of asking for a clarification you move to translate the thing that you dont understand.

Here I'll help you. Cops get shot by criminals dealing with and confronting criminals is their job with sometimes lethal consequences. Criminals dont have standards so when you see one violate what everyone would agree is a common standard no one is surprised because...they are criminals wihtout standard.

Cops are held to a different standard so when they violate what every would agree is a common standard people dont expect that from cops.

Now do you understand?

So if I write "blabbly blah blah drop pity do da do" and you don't understand it that's your problem?

No, but unlike you I wouldn't attempt to translate. See?

I see exact opposite as you. When a cop shoots a criminal no one should be surprised and that shouldn't make the news. When a cop gets shot that should be surprising and it should get national coverage. The problem right now is every shooting by an officer is automatically perceived as a racial incident and CNN comes on with breaking news that the perp was only shot because he was black.

Sigh...I'm talking about shooting people as a first line of defense. I say innocent person and you again translate to talk only and specifically about criminals. As if no innocent people are ever involved. The reason why is simple use any justification for the shooting. On a side note then you take the perceived actions of CNN and apply them to black people or whatever cause you already dont believe in. Lol

The cops are automatically guilty of a crime and justice must be served immediately (but after the rioting of course) and the cops have to prove their innocence. Where as 99% of these incidents the cop was right, but the damage is done. But then CNN gets to line their pockets with cash from more ads because ratings went up and democrats get more votes because the scary white people are out to get them "oh no!".
So do I understand? Hell yes I understand what's going on. It's the media and the dems that are manipulating and distorting reality for personal gain.

I'm curious who you blame for police abuse before CNN. Tis a curious thing. You believe every action by police is right and true. I believe police are people and people sometimes make mistakes or can be out of line. That's the difference between me and you. You trust power completely and without question. But you distrust any insinuation that maybe, possibly a person wearing a badge didn't take proper action and instead seek to blame the victim, the protests, the media, Sharpton, BLM, Black Panthers, Black Jelly beans, Africanized killer bees, and black and milds.
This why I say 99% are justified. Yes there are some bad cops but you and CNN immediately say guilty until proven innocent.

You couldn't quote me saying anyone is guilty until proven innocent. Btw, I'm not CNN so stop trying to get me to defend everything they do. It's lame.

This is very dangerous game the media and the left are playing. People are getting killed because of it on both sides. All for profit and power.

I'll ask again...where did the division come from before CNN? Is any of the division real? Are any of the complaints...real? I mean gee make it sound as if decades of police actions with blacks is just made up and no one really cares because getting killed is no big deal.

Extremely shameful.
If a cop pulls you over today with what is going on right now you will not have a good attitude. You're going to be pissed, you are going to be a bit defiant. You may get aggressive and combative which will put you in danger. Do you see what I'm getting at? This shit is getting created by the media and the left. Don't fall for this bs

You don't know me so these constant accusations mean you don't have a solid point. You keep saying what I would do if...what the media does...what I think but you won't ever ever ever address police abuse.
Of course you believe every police shooting is bad and unjustified because it's all you ever talk about.

Of course some of it is real. Police abuse is real we agree but it's not as wide spread as you or CNN or dems believe. The division comes from criminals believing they should be allowed to break the law and police and citizens believing they shouldn't. Stop breaking the law. I don't break the law this I don't get shot simple simple. You idiots want us all to believe it's 1955 but it isn't, you need to wake up.
I'm actually worried for you I do believe a man with your unstable emotional state could get hurt if you have a confrontation with police. The media is manipulating you, they want to see you get killed.

Just curious, what percentage of police shootings in your opinion appear to be justified? I believe it's approximately 99%. Tamir Rice unjustified, those cops were stuuuupppid. Oklahoma, unjustified, probably jumpy trigger finger. Charleston, shot in the back, simply murder.
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