Cop to public defender supervisor: If you keep pushing this, we are going to have a conversation


Apr 14, 2015
Cop's scuffle with suspect leaves attorney injured


Paula Sen was hit in the head when a police officer allegedly threw a punch at an agitated defendant in a courthouse hallway last week. (PHOTO: BRADLEY BRIDGE)

DANA DiFILIPPO | Daily News Staff Writer
Last updated: Thursday, April 16, 2015

MORE THAN a half-dozen Philadelphia police officers jumped and beat an agitated defendant in a hallway outside a Criminal Justice Center courtroom last Friday, a takedown in which an officer's errant fist punched a female public defender in the head, the defender and other witnesses said.


"The officers overstepped their authority," said longtime lawyer Richard Hoy, who was sitting on a hallway bench when the violence erupted a few feet away. "He was no threat to anybody. He was loud and obnoxious. He wasn't threatening them - or anybody. The officers are there to protect people, but they didn't protect anybody. They abused their power."

The incident started about 11 a.m. last Friday, when a court crier in Courtroom 706 ordered Jones to remove his hat and then booted him out when he became upset, Sen said.

In the hallway, Jones yelled and cursed, and Sen hurried to defuse things, Hoy and Sen said. (Sen didn't represent Jones, but her employer, the Defender Association of Philadelphia, did.)

About a dozen officers stood gathered down the corridor, Hoy said.


Of Jones, Hoy said: "There was obviously something wrong with him. But [the] PD [public defender] had him 75 percent calmed down."

Still, about six officers suddenly swarmed, Sen said.

"A very large officer got into [Jones'] face and was yelling at us," said the petite Sen, who is 105 pounds and stands 5-foot-3. "I was scared for [our] client. I stood directly in front of him with my arms outspread. I said: 'Everybody, calm down.' I was just trying to get people to act like grown-ups."

Instead, Officer David Chisholm lunged and swung his arm, Sen said, adding, "I think the intent was to put [Jones] in a chokehold and take him to the ground."

But Chisholm's fist caught Sen in the back of the head and knocked her to the floor, as he took Jones down, she said.

Chisholm and two other officers punched the downed defendant several times as more officers piled on, handcuffing him and dragging him to his feet, Hoy and Sen said.

"He was bleeding fairly profusely and the cops continued taunting him," Sen said, adding that while she was treated at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital for bumps and bruises, police did not take Jones for medical care.

When the hubbub subsided, and Hoy told an officer he had seen no need for violence, "the officer told me to 'mind your own f---ing business,' " Hoy said.

And when one of Sen's supervisors arrived to investigate, Chisholm allegedly refused to identify himself.

"He said: 'If you let these animals act like this, this is what happens,' and, 'If you keep pushing this, we are going to have a conversation,' " said Jordan Barnett, chief of the Defender Association's Southwest Division. "I find it troubling that the officer would refuse to give his name and make statements like that in a public courthouse."


The officers will not be charged, said Cameron Kline, spokesman for District Attorney Seth Williams.

Kline disputed witnesses' version of events, saying Sen wasn't punched but rather "fell over" after she "walked into the scrum."

"[Chisholm] didn't do anything wrong; the public defender was knocked down in the course of him handling the defendant," Kline said.

But the incident earned Jones new charges: He's now in jail on $2,500 bail for terroristic threats, resisting arrest and disorderly conduct, court records show. He'd been in court on Friday to stand trial on similar charges stemming from a Feb. 21 offense, court records show.

Sen said she was "deeply offended" that Kline denied she was assaulted.

"It is ridiculous to think that I would jump into a fight involving at least six police officers and then just somehow fall," Sen said. "This young man was attacked. It was unprovoked, and I was collateral damage. If this is how these officers behave in the Criminal Justice Center with that many potential witnesses, how do they act on the streets when there are no witnesses?"

Full Story:

Cop s scuffle with suspect leaves attorney injured

How do they act on the streets?

Well, cameras in the hands of ordinary people are telling us that police murder, torture, rape, steal, lie and file false police reports. And more. Much more. What could possibly be more over the line than the threat "If you keep pushing this, we are going to have a conversation"? Worse still, they get away with it far too often.

Best thing these lawyers could do would be to file civil suits against these players and their managers, then move the trial to a different area. Obviously, this district area has serious problems. Just as obviously, this cop needs to explain his behavior to a jury.
Too bad the thug wasn't somewhere besides the court house. So he could receive a proper beating. ...... :thup:
Cops are thugs with a gun and a badge, extorting money for their retirement...
The thug was going to trial for a similar incident. Obviously he has a behavioral problem with authority.

The cops need to take him to an enclosed private location. So they can administer an attitude adjustment aka Rodney King. ..... :cool:
The thug was going to trial for a similar incident. Obviously he has a behavioral problem with authority.

The cops need to take him to an inclosed private location. So they can administer an attitude adjustment aka Rodney King. ..... :cool:
Sure that's all the brutes know how to do..just plain old thugs......
And yet when you are robbed or assaulted.

I bet you still call the police. ..... :cool:
The thug was going to trial for a similar incident. Obviously he has a behavioral problem with authority.

The cops need to take him to an enclosed private location. So they can administer an attitude adjustment aka Rodney King. ..... :cool:

A lot of us have serious problems with completely corrupt and criminal authority. But your response sounds like you are just having some type of imaginary "fun" -- surely nobody in their right mind would advocate police beatings?
Unfortunately all too often the scumbag crooks and their scumbag ambulance chaser attorneys use the system to get away with the crimes they commit. Occasionally it can be very frustrating for law enforcement.
But noooo, you all would rather keep the trash and throw out the trash can............
The police officers did the right thing and were backed up by their supervisor.

The thug got off lightly.

His attitude will be modified when he is convicted and the prison guards get ahold of him. ...... :thup:
Jumping into the middle of a scuffle with 6 cops isn't something I would intentionally involve myself in.
You corrupted your own witness.
Too bad the thug wasn't somewhere besides the court house. So he could receive a proper beating. ...... :thup:

Yeah right, takes 6 or 7 little piggies to teach him a lesson alright. Just like playground bullies. Tough in numbers, but when alone apparently have no qualms about shooting fleeing citizens in the back.

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