Cop Who Killed Woman In Capitol Had No Choice: Rep

The blame for this woman's death rests solely with Trump and his lawless supporters who attacked democracy this Wednesday.


The blame for this lies on the incompetent capitol police and security details who should be defunded and replaced by social workers who know how to deescalate volatile situations.

Hate to see what they'd do if a kindergarten class was to invade the capitol grounds with crayons.


Your wrong eagle. That girl if she had any brains.. should have been back in the crowd.. My god. I saw the video.. She jumped thru the window first. What kind of stupid chick does that? sorry it happened to her... but that is dam stoopid. And I ever had any plans like that.. the guys I know would grab me by my collar and say.. Dont you even go there!


So all these congresspersons are going to pass a nation wide castle doctrine law, stand your ground law, and concealed carry?

While they're at it they can pass legislation requiring the police only carry a firearm and body armor and we can save on having to buy mace, pepper spray, tasers, etc,... and save on some law enforcement training.

Let's do it! Otherwise those at the capitol need to be held to the same standards as the rest of us.

I'm sorry your trust fund baby was shot down mister congressperson but they were attempting to burn down a building in Minneapolis and they resisted arrest.


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The U.S. Capitol Police officer who killed an Air Force vet when a mob stormed the beacon of democracy on Wednesday “didn’t have a choice at that time,” a GOP lawmaker who witnessed the shooting said Thursday. “They were trying to come through the front door, which is where I was at in the chamber, and in the back they were trying to come through the speaker’s lobby, and that’s problematic when you’re trying to defend two fronts,” Rep. Markwayne Mullin (R-OK) said on Good Morning America.

Logic fucking fail.

If the lady was surrounded by other cops. When she was shot, she fell at the feet of other cops. They were treating her withon seconds.

If it was truly a case where deadly force was necessary, why then was he the ONLY cop that fired? Also, why were none of the other LARGE MEN who were also trying to gain entry, not shot and killed as well?

I watched the video.

This was an execution.

The officer is a hero. He took out a terrorist.

I'm betting tbat the courts are going to say you are wrong on that.
The U.S. Capitol Police officer who killed an Air Force vet when a mob stormed the beacon of democracy on Wednesday “didn’t have a choice at that time,” a GOP lawmaker who witnessed the shooting said Thursday. “They were trying to come through the front door, which is where I was at in the chamber, and in the back they were trying to come through the speaker’s lobby, and that’s problematic when you’re trying to defend two fronts,” Rep. Markwayne Mullin (R-OK) said on Good Morning America.

lawmaker is full of chit though---we saw the video--the woman was no threat....

And the cop has been relieved of ALL policing duties
She was rioting in the capitol.

Nuf said.
She wasn't even rioting---she crawled through a broken window (a window that likely was broken by antifa and soros henchmen as btw has been their case in portland other cities--they break the glass of a building out and then flee allowing in rioters or protestors in)......she was at most was protesting in congress where one should be protesting but more likely recording the protestors likely to sell the video later on or to keep for herself as history.)

If you are going to say that the capital cop had the right to shoot her for entering through the broken glass then-----

You are also saying that shopkeepers should be able to shoot whatever rioter entering their store
and that all these poor old people who waited for repeat criminals to break into their homes again and then shooting them should be free from prison.

You are saying that kyle rittenhouse should be free as should the two attorney who only showed their weapons as rioters invaded their housing complex.

But we all know this a banana republic and laws are for only non members of the communist dem party or those that try to defend themselves from communist dems pet groups violence.
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It was a "good shoot."

When you fire a warning shot, you shoot OVER their heads, not THROUGH it.

There was no reason for lethal force.
She was white. Everyone knows that lethal force is always justified on a white.
....Everyone knows that lethal force is always justified by a white.

Fixed it to reflect what you really meant.

You are race baiting asshole. Fuck you.
I suggest that you own your white privilege as everyone can see it.

I suggest you say that to a man in real life instead of on the internet like a coward.
I have and most insurrection trumpers usually cry in their beer for the poor white guy.
The U.S. Capitol Police officer who killed an Air Force vet when a mob stormed the beacon of democracy on Wednesday “didn’t have a choice at that time,” a GOP lawmaker who witnessed the shooting said Thursday. “They were trying to come through the front door, which is where I was at in the chamber, and in the back they were trying to come through the speaker’s lobby, and that’s problematic when you’re trying to defend two fronts,” Rep. Markwayne Mullin (R-OK) said on Good Morning America.

lawmaker is full of chit though---we saw the video--the woman was no threat....

And the cop has been relieved of ALL policing duties
She was rioting in the capitol.

Nuf said.
She wasn't even rioting---she crawled through a broken window (a window that likely was broken by antifa and soros henchmen as btw has been their case in portland other cities--they break the glass of a building out and then flee allowing in rioters or protestors in)......she was at most was protesting in congress where one should be protesting but more likely recording the protestors likely to sell the video later on or to keep for herself as history.)

If you are going to say that the capital cop had the right to shoot her for entering through the broken glass then-----

You are also saying that shopkeepers should be able to shoot whatever rioter entering their store
and that all these poor old people who waited for repeat criminals to break into their homes again and then shooting them should be free from prison.

You are saying that kyle rittenhouse should be free as should the two attorney who only showed their weapons as rioters invaded their housing complex.

But we all know this a banana republic and laws are for only non members of the communist dem party or those that try to defend themselves from communist dems pet groups violence.

just stop with the idiotic defense of the Big Lie.
The U.S. Capitol Police officer who killed an Air Force vet when a mob stormed the beacon of democracy on Wednesday “didn’t have a choice at that time,” a GOP lawmaker who witnessed the shooting said Thursday. “They were trying to come through the front door, which is where I was at in the chamber, and in the back they were trying to come through the speaker’s lobby, and that’s problematic when you’re trying to defend two fronts,” Rep. Markwayne Mullin (R-OK) said on Good Morning America.

lawmaker is full of chit though---we saw the video--the woman was no threat....

And the cop has been relieved of ALL policing duties
She was rioting in the capitol.

Nuf said.
She was playing amateur reporter hun as per her earlier video....she was acting like reporting talking about the story while holding her camera which I assume is her phone up like a reporter would do. She was well spoken, and calm and collected and smiling a bit -----she wasn't angry, wasn't destroying property, wasn't yelling----she looked like she was there to get a story more than anything else. 1st video

2nd Video caught my eye when the shots were fired that no one was expecting a gun? Oh shit that sounds like a gun as they all look around--------so this tells me that no warning and no commands were given--they just shot the woman on accident or on purpose--which explains why the cop was relieved of actual policing duties and why the video isn't showing him.

3rd they are reporting that the 'cop' was a plain clothes cop--------which makes me wonder if the cia/fbi weren't putting their people into the riots leading them on. I say this because I know the cia has organized riots on many many occasions to further the lefts agenda--these evil bastards did this when Obama/Hilliary got our people murdered in benghazi. To push the fake film narrative, Obama/Hilliary had our evil CIA use their operatives to start and lead riots trying to blame the video to create their cover story for the american people not caring about the hundreds murdered or thousands raped because of it.

So now conservatives are trying to claim she was a journalist? Instead of a QAnon wacko...
I watched a video of her right before she was shot as she was heading to the congressional hall---she was playing amateur journalist holding her camera up recording stating the story of what was happening. Deal with the facts--I am not going to baby you.

BTW, fucking way---I am tired of the Qnon smears---I've been researching them and although the libs have been smearing their asses off trying to boogeyman this group--they are basically a collection of people tired of pedo and corrupt pols which is often one of the same group. I am not easily manipulated --I research and before you try vague smears and unfounded nonsense with me you better have you damn facts straight because I do research everything and I read and find articles quit quickly.
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It was widely reported that the MAGA Thugs were going through the building looking for Congress members.

Capitol Police have a job to protect members of Congress. Those trying to breach secure doors to reach Congressmen were a threat to their lives.

They were given numerous warnings about a possibly lethal response
You saying that they were thugs, and were a threat when you yourself have no evidence of that, is just typical of the partisan biased bullcrap that you and your fellow cult constantly spew around here. Care to prove with video that the officer had no choice ??

Did these officers have body cams, and if not, why not ???? Are they immune to gearing up like all police are being required to do these days ??
Rep MarkWarren----screwed up and said right after that he had a "talk" with the officer right before the incident telling him that the protestors had to be shot--just had to be. The lib media has since went dark on this interview and these comments.
It was a "good shoot."

When you fire a warning shot, you shoot OVER their heads, not THROUGH it.

There was no reason for lethal force.
She was white. Everyone knows that lethal force is always justified on a white.
....Everyone knows that lethal force is always justified by a white.

Fixed it to reflect what you really meant.

You are race baiting asshole. Fuck you.
I suggest that you own your white privilege as everyone can see it.

I suggest you say that to a man in real life instead of on the internet like a coward.
I have and most insurrection trumpers usually cry in their beer for the poor white guy.
We are tired of the lies told about us and the attacks often violent that the government allows based on our skin color. GFY for thinking discrimination and attacks on whites is ok.
It was widely reported that the MAGA Thugs were going through the building looking for Congress members.

Capitol Police have a job to protect members of Congress. Those trying to breach secure doors to reach Congressmen were a threat to their lives.

They were given numerous warnings about a possibly lethal response
You saying that they were thugs, and were a threat when you yourself have no evidence of that, is just typical of the partisan biased bullcrap that you and your fellow cult constantly spew around here. Care to prove with video that the officer had no choice ??

Did these officers have body cams, and if not, why not ???? Are they immune to gearing up like all police are being required to do these days ??
Rep MarkWarren----screwed up and said right after that he had a "talk" with the officer right before the incident telling him that the protestors had to be shot--just had to be. The lib media has since went dark on this interview and these comments.
Yes, she was coming thru the barricade. She was warned several times. Darwin's Law.
It was widely reported that the MAGA Thugs were going through the building looking for Congress members.

Capitol Police have a job to protect members of Congress. Those trying to breach secure doors to reach Congressmen were a threat to their lives.

They were given numerous warnings about a possibly lethal response

Why are you supporting the shooting of an unarmed woman? Is it because she was white?
How did the officer know she was unarmed? Tell us.
IIf she were black they would have stood down, you know, like when BLM stormed DC.
I watched a video of her right before she was shot as she was heading to the congressional hall---she was playing amateur journalist holding her camera up recording stating the story of what was happening. Deal with the facts--I am not going to baby you.

BTW, fucking way---I am tired of the Qnon smears---I've been researching them and although the libs have been smearing their asses off trying to boogeyman this group--they are basically a collection of people tired of pedo and corrupt pols which is often one of the same group. I am not easily manipulated --I research and before you try vague smears and unfounded nonsense with me you better have you damn facts straight because I do research everything and I read and find articles quit quickly.
True.....They smear that with which they disagree. Q-anon, Fox, Rush, Hannity, Carelson, Newsmax, PJ Media, Alex Jones, Breitbart and any other news source that doesn't parrot the Democrat talking point MSM. In fact, they tell their constituents NOT to even LOOK at such alternate information. To them, these are all 'dangerous' and should be either silenced or boycotted. That way the Democrats and their in-the-pocket MSM can just spin lie after lie after lie until even they themselves start to believe their own prevarications.
It was a "good shoot."

When you fire a warning shot, you shoot OVER their heads, not THROUGH it.

There was no reason for lethal force.
She was white. Everyone knows that lethal force is always justified on a white.
....Everyone knows that lethal force is always justified by a white.

Fixed it to reflect what you really meant.

You are race baiting asshole. Fuck you.
I suggest that you own your white privilege as everyone can see it.

I suggest you say that to a man in real life instead of on the internet like a coward.
I have and most insurrection trumpers usually cry in their beer for the poor white guy.
We are tired of the lies told about us and the attacks often violent that the government allows based on our skin color. GFY for thinking discrimination and attacks on whites is ok.
What the fuck are whining about now. The white insurrection rout wasn’t discrimination against whites. It was white privilege politics of grievance about losing an election.

Stop with the Big Lie bullshit.
What the fuck are whining about now. The white insurrection rout wasn’t discrimination against whites. It was white privilege politics of grievance about losing an election.

Stop with the Big Lie bullshit.
That post ^^^^^^^^Deserves the Democrat talking point lie award.....:happy-1:
It was a "good shoot."

When you fire a warning shot, you shoot OVER their heads, not THROUGH it.

There was no reason for lethal force.
She was white. Everyone knows that lethal force is always justified on a white.
....Everyone knows that lethal force is always justified by a white.

Fixed it to reflect what you really meant.

You are race baiting asshole. Fuck you.
I suggest that you own your white privilege as everyone can see it.

I suggest you say that to a man in real life instead of on the internet like a coward.
I have and most insurrection trumpers usually cry in their beer for the poor white guy.
We are tired of the lies told about us and the attacks often violent that the government allows based on our skin color. GFY for thinking discrimination and attacks on whites is ok.
What the fuck are whining about now. The white insurrection rout wasn’t discrimination against whites. It was white privilege politics of grievance about losing an election.

Stop with the Big Lie bullshit.
Call it the start of the white revolt.

A handful of antifa infiltrators have you shaking in your dentures. Had that crowd meant business the capitol would be rubble today.
I saw the video. she is behind the door and cops are behind her. she was shot through the door. the cop is suspended.


1. A Congressman warned me on MONDAY of a growing ANTIFA threat & advised that I sleep in my office rather than leaving Capitol complex & sleeping in my condo. I heeded that advice & have slept on office floor for 4 straight nights

Mo Brooks

Please, don’t be like #FakeNewsMedia, don’t rush to judgment on assault on Capitol. Wait for investigation. All may not be (and likely is not) what appears. Evidence growing that fascist ANTIFA orchestrated Capitol attack with clever mob control tactics.

Evidence follows
I smelt this after 5 minutes. Scaling the God Damned walls. Who the fuck does that?
I'm astonished at all those who hate the police love this one because he killed a Trump supporter.

How sickening this is and you don't see it. And you didn't see it all Summer. Astonishing.

They are disgusting in their lust for blood and oppression.
Why was the Capitol Police so undermanned when they knew these crowds would be huge?

Why isn't anyone asking that question. Sumptin ain't right

That is a valid question. Dem mayors have repeatedly allowed political violence when it serves their partisan purposes.

Trump refused to call in the NG. Pence had to.
Funny, I heard a report that day that Trump was calling in the NG. Did Pence say he was ordered by the President to do so or not ?? Did Pence act alone ??

Yes, that is what we heard initially. Trump wasn't going to call in the NG to address "his people".
Bullcrap..... Can you ever stop playing partisan politic's ??

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