Copland: Capitalism's Destiny [TrumpUSA Braille?]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Will people (anthropologists/sociologists in the future) look back on TrumpUSA culture, noting all the anti-TrumpUSA street-protests, and conclude that TrumpUSA capitalism was somehow bereft of ideology?

This patriotism-civics diorama was inspired by the film Colors and since it's a capitalism-eulogy, I didn't feel comfy posting it in the Writing section of USMB, but it's my last TrumpUSA-tale anyway (and my last USMB post most likely!), so I hope you like it (and welcome any kind of comments).

Cheers (signing 0ff) --- Happy New Year!


"My name is Sami. I'm an Algerian-American and U.S. citizen and LAPD officer since 2015. After capitalism-baron Donald Trump was elected as President, our cops were commanded to take extra precautions to ensure that urban looting did not occur as 'offshoots' of anti-TrumpUSA street-protests. Since I'm a respected LAPD cop, I know my duty is to ensure that no kind of 'PC traffic' issue conflagrates into a 'race-riot' scenario. That's my job, even though (technically) I'm an ethnic-minority (hailing from Algeria!). Is this capitalism's destiny --- to fortify TrumpUSA urban civics literacy?"


"A new radical terrorist gang in L.A. known as the Black Hand rose to prominence in 2017, shortly after Trump became President. The Black Hand created some minor 'tremors' during some East Coast anti-TrumpUSA street protests (in D.C. and N.Y.). The Black Hand was also responsible for a mall looting in L.A. on Black Friday 2017 (the annual shopping-day following Thanksgiving in America!), when 300 Sufi Muslims were killed in a mosque in Egypt by ISIS terrorists. Black Hand is comprised of radical Hindu and Muslim college-student dropouts from India and Pakistan who seek to exploit TrumpUSA capitalism 'loopholes.' I was charged with the job of making sure Black Hand did not become a new Helter-Skelter (Manson Family)."


"Unfortunately, at the same time period, a masked urban menace/psycho named Scarecrow (real name: unknown) rose to prominence. Scarecrow killed LAPD officers who were patrolling on bikes. Bike-cops have become a popular mainstay in the LAPD since 2000, and Scarecrow wanted us to feel unnerved about L.A. bike-cops securing commercial traffic and roadways in our consumerism-oriented 'TrumpUSA.' Scarecrow was not allied to Black Hand in any way, but I was sure he was somehow tied to some larger anti-American 'conspiracy' to undermine TrumpUSA capitalism --- whether such terrorism was organized or not! I decided to plant false evidence against Scarecrow around the city and blaspheme him in the press as a 'Christian fanatic' so he'd get so humiliated/dishonored and frustrated that he'd want to come out in the open and challenge me, which is what he ended up doing in the end. Is this the destiny of an American law-officer --- defending capitalism from the 'grip' of modern hellraisers?"


SAMI: I knew you'd come out to face me, Scarecrow!
SCARECROW: You're a shrewd cop.
SAMI: Call me Sami...
SCARECROW: Well, 'Sami,' I care less about American pride.
SAMI: I'm sure of that.
SCARECROW: Are you sure TrumpUSA is worth defending?
SAMI: Are you trying to persuade me with words of honey and potions?
SCARECROW: I'm no prophet; I'm no 'patriot' like you!
SAMI: What are you then?
SCARECROW: I'm a Caucasian-American cleansing TrumpUSA...
SAMI: Like Black Hand?
SCARECROW: Black Hand is just like Helter-Skelter.
SAMI: Are you the new Unabomber or something?
SCARECROW: Well, I did plant explosives in the park that one time.
SAMI: I remember that; I figured that was you, Scarecrow!
SCARECROW: Why would an Algerian immigrant want to become a cop?
SAMI: I care about the American city; people need help; I can do it!
SCARECROW: What if you're a mere 'minion' of modern capitalism?
SAMI: Why, because I defend burgers and donuts?
SCARECROW: Yes! You're an advocate of traffic, toffee, and tinsel.
SAMI: Someone has to defend Tinseltown from the clutches of idiots.
SCARECROW: Don't think of me as an idiot.
SAMI: Alright, why (in your own words) is TrumpUSA a 'problem'?
SCARECROW: TrumpUSA capitalism is akin to the Russian mafia!
SAMI: In time, Scarecrow, American capitalism may become 'legalese-literate.'


"After I turned Scarecrow over to the criminal-psychologists and unwound by reading L.A. Times fancy headlines about new insights into the nature of crime and anti-social behavior and why Scarecrow was an 'ideal case-study' into the patterns of anti-capitalism 'urges,' I decided that the journalists would handle all the legalese spinning necessary to make the people of this great American city feel more comfortable about shopping at the mall on weekends while Donald Trump was President. I returned tracking Black Hand and making sure they weren't coordinating some ill-conceived terrorist scheme to destroy the Lakers [NBA] stadium or something. As a respected LAPD officer (and just maybe some kind of 'traffic-priest'), I concluded that TrumpUSA capitalism merely required a dash of rhetorics-heroism."



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