Cops: if you run, we get to beat you


Apr 14, 2015
I've seen at least three videos over the last year or so where someone being chased by the cops (fight or flight response) came to their senses and stopped -- seemingly only to be beaten by just about every officer present.

IIRC, the videos I've seen took place in widely separated areas. Where did this judge-jury-executioner practice come from? Why do police departments and prosecutors ignore this blatant criminal conduct? They may fire the officers but criminal charges are never filed -- and the officers are rehired by the same or a different department.

I can't help but wonder if this practice is caused by steroids, unprofessional lack of integrity or if it perhaps is some type of a very-real gang-ritual? Something else?

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Horse Pursuit Police Beating VIDEO Group Officers Brutally Punch Kick Strike Man More 50 Times - YouTube
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What say you?
Two wrongs dont make a right.

But...the first wrong is resisting arrest.
Two wrongs dont make a right.

But...the first wrong is resisting arrest.

Ah ...... but not everyone would agree with you:

"Your Right of Defense Against Unlawful Arrest

“Citizens may resist unlawful arrest to the point of taking an arresting officer's life if necessary.” Plummer v. State, 136 Ind. 306. This premise was upheld by the Supreme Court of the United States in the case: John Bad Elk v. U.S., 177 U.S. 529. The Court stated: “Where the officer is killed in the course of the disorder which naturally accompanies an attempted arrest that is resisted, the law looks with very different eyes upon the transaction, when the officer had the right to make the arrest, from what it does if the officer had no right. What may be murder in the first case might be nothing more than manslaughter in the other, or the facts might show that no offense had been committed.”"

More here:

Your Right of Defense Against Unlawful Arrest
Police departments are no different than your average street gang. The pack mentality is identical and dangerous to everyone around them.
The Police are authorized to use any means necessary to subdue a suspect. The word "beating" can mean anything and the pop-culture media is ready and willing to make a buck off it. The giggling idiot drugged out pop-culture media even justified the murder of at least 50 people and the felonious assault of perhaps several thousand and the arson loss of tens of millions because a junkie nut case appeared to have been beaten after he led Police on a life threatening chase across L.A. Moral of the story? How many media pundits and celebrities have ever risked their lives to protect American citizens? About 1,500 brave Police Officers make the ultimate sacrifice every year.
Beating on a dude who could very well already be dead seems a bit excessive.
. Calling legitimate federally sanctioned restraint of a suspect might constitute a "beating" to the hypocrite left wing idiots who are free to exercise their 1st Amendment right today because of the heroism of about 1,500 Police Officers who are killed every year.
Police departments are no different than your average street gang. The pack mentality is identical and dangerous to everyone around them.
True, with all the drive by shootings they do, the knock out game, mugging people, slingin rock, burning down businesses, etc.They are "identical" to street gangs. :lol:
The Police are authorized to use any means necessary to subdue a suspect. The word "beating" can mean anything and the pop-culture media is ready and willing to make a buck off it.

You are trying to defend the indefensible.

When these gang-cop-beating videos surface, why does police management go into full-scale damage control? I'm guessing because they know this whacked out behavior in inexcusable.
Beating on a dude who could very well already be dead seems a bit excessive.

Beating on a dude that just got thrown out of a crashing, rolling vehicle could very well result in death or crippling the victim. That in itself shows a murderous disregard for the law.
Beating on a dude who could very well already be dead seems a bit excessive.
. Calling legitimate federally sanctioned restraint of a suspect might constitute a "beating" to the hypocrite left wing idiots who are free to exercise their 1st Amendment right today because of the heroism of about 1,500 Police Officers who are killed every year.

I'll give em the first couple wacks...but the continued beating of the dude after it became clear he was unconscious is pretty chicken shit. Hell for all they knew the guy was already dead.
Calling legitimate federally sanctioned restraint of a suspect might constitute a "beating" to the hypocrite left wing idiots who are free to exercise their 1st Amendment right today because of the heroism of about 1,500 Police Officers who are killed every year.

Why is your belief that police-gang-beating is acceptable ...... any different than the police-gang-beating victim that believes they have an absolute right to execute gang-banging cops that beat them?

Extremism has no place in police work. Those mindless gang-bangers have watched too many Hollywood movies.
The sub-human on the horse fell off the horse and laid on the ground. As soon as the cops got close to him he then moved his right hand underneath his body and refused to extend his right arm to show he wasn't going for a weapon. The cops beat on the sub-human until he finally extended his right arm. They did exactly what they were trained to do. Use all force necessary to secure the scene. The sub-human is very lucky to be alive so he can go out and commit more violent acts against innocent law abiding people.
Next time someone may put the world out of it's misery and 'off' the sub-human.
bank on it

if the cops have to come after you for running

they are bringing a beating with them
I've seen at least three videos over the last year or so where someone being chased by the cops (fight or flight response) came to their senses and stopped -- seemingly only to be beaten by just about every officer present.

IIRC, the videos I've seen took place in widely separated areas. Where did this judge-jury-executioner practice come from? Why do police departments and prosecutors ignore this blatant criminal conduct? They may fire the officers but criminal charges are never filed -- and the officers are rehired by the same or a different department.

I can't help but wonder if this practice is caused by steroids, unprofessional lack of integrity or if it perhaps is some type of a very-real gang-ritual? Something else?

(script complained it would not embed but preview shows successful embed)

Horse Pursuit Police Beating VIDEO Group Officers Brutally Punch Kick Strike Man More 50 Times - YouTube
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What say you?

I'm fine with it.
bank on it

if the cops have to come after you for running

they are bringing a beating with them

I just had a thought -- the past several years I've been hearing about the police being ambushed in some California police departments. I even recall one case where some type of booby traps were placed outside a police station.

I wonder if any of these actions are retaliation for police gang beatings?
bank on it

if the cops have to come after you for running

they are bringing a beating with them

I just had a thought -- the past several years I've been hearing about the police being ambushed in some California police departments. I even recall one case where some type of booby traps were placed outside a police station.

I wonder if any of these actions are retaliation for police gang beatings?

or they are just simply criminals
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, I'm becoming jaded.....enough please somebody wake me up when a honest cop chases down a suspect, put his hand behind his back and hauls his or her ass off the jail....and the suspect can not be in a wheel chair or on

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