Cops: if you run, we get to beat you

I just had a thought -- the past several years I've been hearing about the police being ambushed in some California police departments. I even recall one case where some type of booby traps were placed outside a police station.

I wonder if any of these actions are retaliation for police gang beatings?
Could be. And when found the shitstain should get a proper ventilation.
I've seen at least three videos over the last year or so where someone being chased by the cops (fight or flight response) came to their senses and stopped -- seemingly only to be beaten by just about every officer present.

IIRC, the videos I've seen took place in widely separated areas. Where did this judge-jury-executioner practice come from? Why do police departments and prosecutors ignore this blatant criminal conduct? They may fire the officers but criminal charges are never filed -- and the officers are rehired by the same or a different department.

I can't help but wonder if this practice is caused by steroids, unprofessional lack of integrity or if it perhaps is some type of a very-real gang-ritual? Something else?

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Horse Pursuit Police Beating VIDEO Group Officers Brutally Punch Kick Strike Man More 50 Times - YouTube
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What say you?

Seems you're judging officers by what happens when they catch up to a fleeing suspect instead of what led up to that moment like the fleeing suspect driving recklessly through city and residential streets, crashing into other drivers, hitting pedestrians, and the like. In which case the suspect is lucky to be alive and arrested at all. If he gets a deserved beat down that's tough. Lucky this isn't Brazil or other Latin countries where they can just shoot you and save themselves the cardio.
....driving recklessly through city and residential streets, crashing into other drivers, hitting pedestrians, and the like.

Some of the most reckless drivers I've videoed are cops. They seem to live in a world all their own -- and many of them are quite dangerous.

Several months ago, a police department nearby joined the national trend and murdered an unarmed man. I never thought too much about these half-witted inbreds until that point. Their conduct post-murder shows exactly what they are made of -- and how far our police have devolved.

These are not your father's or your grandfather's police.
Cops may beat you at every stupid situation they want. I will never run from cops.
I suppose We have the most aggressive police in the world.
What the hell are they doing?
bank on it

if the cops have to come after you for running

they are bringing a beating with them

I just had a thought -- the past several years I've been hearing about the police being ambushed in some California police departments. I even recall one case where some type of booby traps were placed outside a police station.

I wonder if any of these actions are retaliation for police gang beatings?
That was an isolated nut case. I live about 60 miles from where this place took place. He was trying to eliminate the arresting officer as a witness. Most stupid white guy I ever heard. Aside from couple of booby trap he also use a bazooka but all attempts failed. He was arrested for illegal substances which I read the most sentences he will get was 3 to 5 months. I think he got 12 or 18 years.

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