Corbyn’s nostalgia less of a fantasy than May’s


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014
It was always foolish for the Conservatives to try to create a cult of personality around a woman who doesn’t have one

They are selling, not just May, but her childhood. She does this herself on a literal level, constantly reminding voters that her values are entirely rooted in her upbringing: “values that I learned in my own childhood, growing up in a vicarage.” A vicarage in Oxfordshire is as valid a place to grow up as anywhere else, but in May’s world view it is another Eden, a centre from which high church Toryism radiated benevolence and decency and everyone was enfolded in its paternalistic embrace. All was right with England – and therefore with the world. And it will be so again, when England reasserts its greatness outside the EU, immigrants are kept away and grammar schools return.

Fintan O’Toole: Corbyn’s nostalgia less of a fantasy than May’s

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