Corey Lewandowski Said trump Knew The Election Was Over But Wanted To 'Create Enough Doubt' So He Could Say 'He Didn't Lose And That It Was Stolen'

Lying always bothers me. When you make empty claims they don’t mean anything. You need to prove it like I just did to you.
Interesting. What IS lying is a serious philosophical issue but I don't want to do it myself, if I can figure out if I am. I don't especially care if people believe in things they can't prove ---- that's the whole history of religion, after all. It's the norm for people, really.

What I don't like is lying that is manipulative. Like all the junk mail I get with official-looking envelopes meant to get me to open them so I'll read the gimme-gimme money appeal inside. That kind of lying for money or interest I have no patience with. But somebody believing in something crazy, like Global Warming or "We're in the Latter Days" I don't care much about.
Is that why Hillary and Obama are both locked up for their crimes?! Haha y’all really suck
The fact that they are not locked up has everything to do with how co-conspirators and criminals have protected when Comey publicly declared Hillary committed multiple crimes, to include Espionage but would not be recommended for indictment because she was too stupid to know she was doing it...

This is true and normally I’d take pity on people like ol Lastamender but his agenda is so toxic and dishonest I have to just keep drilling
Toxic is calling people traitors who want to challenge an election. Toxic is constantly pulling the race card. Toxic is open borders and out of control crime. Your ilk wrote the book on toxic. Projection fail.
Interesting. What IS lying is a serious philosophical issue but I don't want to do it myself, if I can figure out if I am. I don't especially care if people believe in things they can't prove ---- that's the whole history of religion, after all. It's the norm for people, really.

What I don't like is lying that is manipulative. Like all the junk mail I get with official-looking envelopes meant to get me to open them so I'll read the gimme-gimme money appeal inside. That kind of lying for money or interest I have no patience with. But somebody believing in something crazy, like Global Warming or "We're in the Latter Days" I don't care much about.
People can care about and believe whatever they want. Just don’t lie about it. Lastamender should be saying that he thinks a lot of shady shit went on during the election and he doesn’t trust the results. That would be a valid and honest argument. But stating that it was stolen and that the proof is obvious is just straight up lying.
The fact that they are not locked up has everything to do with how co-conspirators and criminals have protected when Comey publicly declared Hillary committed multiple crimes, to include Espionage but would not be recommended for indictment because she was too stupid to know she was doing it...

Whatever you say buddy. It’s the deep state that did it. Haha. Loon
Toxic is calling people traitors who want to challenge an election. Toxic is constantly pulling the race card. Toxic is open borders and out of control crime. Your ilk wrote the book on toxic. Projection fail.
Nothing wrong with challenging an election. That was done almost a year ago and it ended, then the results were certified and Biden took office. What you’re doing now is just dishonest and pathetic
Nothing wrong with challenging an election. That was done almost a year ago and it ended, then the results were certified and Biden took office. What you’re doing now is just dishonest and pathetic
Biden didn't win that election legitimately and I can't believe that you think he did given the audits in Arizona and Georgia.
People can care about and believe whatever they want. Just don’t lie about it. Lastamender should be saying that he thinks a lot of shady shit went on during the election and he doesn’t trust the results. That would be a valid and honest argument. But stating that it was stolen and that the proof is obvious is just straight up lying.
Take a good look at the way the people who said there was no fraud acted. Did you notice they did absolutely nothing to ensure election integrity by even cooperating a little bit. Why do you think that is?
People can care about and believe whatever they want. Just don’t lie about it. Lastamender should be saying that he thinks a lot of shady shit went on during the election and he doesn’t trust the results. That would be a valid and honest argument. But stating that it was stolen and that the proof is obvious is just straight up lying.
It seems to me those are equivalent statements: that is, shady shit and him not trusting the results are pretty much the same as saying the election was crooked. I see what you mean about the proof is obvious point, but it is likely the proof IS obvious ------- to him.

Proof is often useful and even inquired for. Sometimes we want to know the facts, such as why did the car stop running in the middle of the road. But it's not the normal way the human mind works, I think. Empty assertions is how we usually think ---- like this one.

To me the interesting thing is why we are so committed to changing people's minds. I think it's because we want allies; also we need to know who is an enemy (like who believes in transubstantiation, versus being a damn Protestant, back in 1539, say). Most opinions can be used to categorize people into friend or foe.
Whatever you say buddy. It’s the deep state that did it. Haha. Loon
WTF would you know anyway, you gullible, whackadoodle snowflake fuck?!

For 4 years you ran around spewing and parroting the WSJ's, CNN's, etc...talking points, claiming these treasonous liars were the only ones telling the truth when the whole time you were a duped idiot defending criminals and traitors, denying reality, denying the truth.

In case you haven't figured it out, when Durham exposed the Russian Collusion as a Hillary Clinton manufactured scam, one that Barry used as the basis for his failed Coup attempt & proved the fake news liberal media were co-conspirators, he also exposed the fact that snowflakes are and have been duped, ignorant sheep for the last 4 years....

Let that sink in for a were / have been wrong for the last 4 years....which means you have ZERO CREDIBILITY.
Nothing wrong with challenging an election. That was done almost a year ago and it ended, then the results were certified and Biden took office. What you’re doing now is just dishonest and pathetic
Quite a lot of people (more than ever, I suspect) believe to this day that John Kennedy won his election by corruption in Chicago. I don't see any need to give up favorite beliefs; after all, what does it matter?
Take a good look at the way the people who said there was no fraud acted. Did you notice they did absolutely nothing to ensure election integrity by even cooperating a little bit. Why do you think that is?
I think that is because they didn’t want to feed Trump and his trolls. This game was set up before the election even happened. I don’t blame anybody for ignoring those people
I think that is because they didn’t want to feed Trump and his trolls. This game was set up before the election even happened. I don’t blame anybody for ignoring those people
Sounds like you got a conspiracy theory going on there. Taking the double standard a little too far there. How can you believe such a thing?
Dale my man!!! How the hell are ya?! Long time no talk
Just taking a break from all the becomes an endeavor in futility and left me in a bad mood. No one is going to change their mind. Listen to the words of the song I covered on youtube.....

Just taking a break from all the becomes an endeavor in futility and left me in a bad mood. No one is going to change their mind. Listen to the words of the song I covered on youtube.....

You’re a badass… how’s the health? Feeling any better?
Once again, for all the snowflakes who attempt to smear sources when they can not debunk what is being reported....

The OP actually uses MSN, who Durham exposed - along with many others like CNN / The WSJ, etc... - as a fake news false narrative advocating media co-conspirator for 4+ years, as one of his trusted sites / sources....

'Nuff said....
You’re a badass… how’s the health? Feeling any better?
I now have neuropathy to go along with postherpetic neuragia. I live in chronic pain and I am down to a 150 pounds. I am coping and still working for now. Thanks for the concern and compliment.

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