Corniness Is Back In Al-qaeda’s Promotional Videos


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Maybe they hope some Hollywood producer will discover them.

Corniness is back in al-Qaeda’s promotional videos

By Dan Lamothe September 26 at 10:58 AM

The aggressive media campaign by the Islamic State and other militant groups has received a lot of attention this year as they’ve terrorized Iraq and Syria, murdered Westerners on video and taken to social media to promote their views. But another aspect of their media campaign has been largely overlooked: Corniness is back.

The video above, posted on Wednesday, purportedly shows militant fighters with Jabhat al-Nusra, al-Qaeda’s affiliate in Syria. With music in the background, the clip shows masked snipers opening fire, wearing “ghillie suits” that help keep them hidden in the field and using rifle scopes and other modern equipment. But it also shows a bizarre sequence of fighters doing flips, running through obstacles courses and practicing hand-to-hand combat. Some of it is even in slow motion, enhancing the weirdness.

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ISIS just put their video out too. I made a thread about it on this board last night. The video is certainly an attempt at mimicking Hilters propaganda films. It cannot be missed. Islam is the new fascism.
ISIS just put their video out too. I made a thread about it on this board last night. The video is certainly an attempt at mimicking Hilters propaganda films. It cannot be missed. Islam is the new fascism.

Jeremiah----islam is fascism for the past 1400 years------it's crap is not really all that innovative---the romans and to some extent even the greeks and Babylonians did it before them---
but they are the guys who made it LIVE for a long long time. What they are doing now is simply the old Islamic fascism that most people
had no idea still existed. Adolf Hitler knew and LOVED IT. adolf had a thing against Jesus----NOT FASCIST--too jewish-------all that hillel crap he so hated. There are interestring discussions in the Islamic literature. In reading it ----it is important to remember that poor muhummad did not really say all that stuff.
Muslims make up stories about him that so often
seem to be REPUDIATIONS of -------that hillel guy. Hillel was so "liberal" in his thinking that he made capital punishment virtually impossible in jewish jurisprudence----that is why it barely exists in Israel. Hillel and his Talmudic stuff is simply not to muhummad's taste. -----Jesus was a HILLEL man Long ago when I was young
((and beautiful)) muslim aquaintances told me that the new testament is a fraud----not only because it says "jesus made wine"----but that

ie truly idiotic

getting back to muhummad----I really doubt that he spent his time repudiating the liberalism of
Hillel and Jesus------chances are he really did
not even know their stuff.

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