Corona Virus - what do you think about wearing a mask?


Jun 11, 2020
(For some of you) do you remember when we were kids and was told not to do something for our own good? Some of us just didn't listen and then got in trouble. I guess doing what we were told not to do might have been a fun challenge to see if we could get away with it. Well, not this time with the corona virus and the adults are not listening. A friend of mine told me she doesn't wear a mask when walking inside walmart. She said this as if it was amusing which shocked me because she is a very intelligent person and always tries to do the right thing. I told her that although masks protects up to 70%, people wearing mask are still in danger of getting the virus from people like her who doesn't wear a mask. We are all in this danger together and need to help protect one another in any way that's necessary. I haven't heard from her again- i guess I might have lost a friend. I know someone who had the virus and then after it was over, she gave a house party. A few members of my family are having get togethers indoors and not wearing a mask. This is crazy - I know they don't want to let anything get in the way of living their lives, but this virus will get in their way. The ones I'm talking about and others that I have seen not wearing a mask are in the age range of 20-40. If this continues, this virus is never going to die off. I have a 13 year old daughter who has an auto immune disease and she can't go out much because if she gets the virus, she will not recover according to her reumatologist. I let her play in the yard and we have lots of fun working on video and audio editing which she loves, but she's still a child and needs to go out and be around other kids and be able to experience the world when she grows up, which might not happen if people refuse to at least try to protect one another by keeping distances and wearing a mask. Some say that mask doesn't do anything and that's ok; they are entitled to believe what they want, but I rather be safe than sorry. It doesn't hurt to wear a mask inside a store, in someone else's home, any place where there are people and especially closed in places. Once you are out of those places, the mask comes off. Aside from the precautions that some of us take, one of the best things we can do is change our diets by eating healthier foods to build up our resistance. I wish you all the best of health, stay safe.
I think the mask thing is a load of shit, but I still welcome it as I had dental surgery a couple of weeks ago and I look like Mad Dog Vachon in my current state, at least from a dental point of view.

NIH and CDC have confirmed that wearing a mask doesn't really prevent you from catching COVID-19. The masks only prevent particles and moisture from penetrating the masks. Viruses are so small that the cloth masks and fiber filters can't stop them.
Then of course, whenever a nation closes down for two weeks or a month, once the people are allowed out again, the infection rate climbs again.
There is no cure for the Coronavirus, just as there is no cure for the various influenza viruses that come around regularly and the 160 types of rhinoviruses (cold viruses). There are only three ways to approach viruses.
1. Vaccination (which, due to occasional viral mutations, don't always work).
2. Treat the symptoms.
3. Herd immunity (hoping that as in some viruses cases, a partial or total immunity develops). However, this novel virus could be like the Chicken Pox Virus, in which it lies dormant for decades, only to rise up as Shingles.
So, are we to be so feared of contracting a virus that is only lethal in a very small percentage of the population, as does influenza, that we humans spend the rest of our existence wearing masks whenever we leave the apartment or house and must social distance from our loved ones, never to be united again? At some point sanity must prevail and we dump the masks and return to normal lives.
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(For some of you) do you remember when we were kids and was told not to do something for our own good? Some of us just didn't listen and then got in trouble. I guess doing what we were told not to do might have been a fun challenge to see if we could get away with it. Well, not this time with the corona virus and the adults are not listening. A friend of mine told me she doesn't wear a mask when walking inside walmart. She said this as if it was amusing which shocked me because she is a very intelligent person and always tries to do the right thing. I told her that although masks protects up to 70%, people wearing mask are still in danger of getting the virus from people like her who doesn't wear a mask. We are all in this danger together and need to help protect one another in any way that's necessary. I haven't heard from her again- i guess I might have lost a friend. I know someone who had the virus and then after it was over, she gave a house party. A few members of my family are having get togethers indoors and not wearing a mask. This is crazy - I know they don't want to let anything get in the way of living their lives, but this virus will get in their way. The ones I'm talking about and others that I have seen not wearing a mask are in the age range of 20-40. If this continues, this virus is never going to die off. I have a 13 year old daughter who has an auto immune disease and she can't go out much because if she gets the virus, she will not recover according to her reumatologist. I let her play in the yard and we have lots of fun working on video and audio editing which she loves, but she's still a child and needs to go out and be around other kids and be able to experience the world when she grows up, which might not happen if people refuse to at least try to protect one another by keeping distances and wearing a mask. Some say that mask doesn't do anything and that's ok; they are entitled to believe what they want, but I rather be safe than sorry. It doesn't hurt to wear a mask inside a store, in someone else's home, any place where there are people and especially closed in places. Once you are out of those places, the mask comes off. Aside from the precautions that some of us take, one of the best things we can do is change our diets by eating healthier foods to build up our resistance. I wish you all the best of health, stay safe.
Masks, distancing and enhanced hygiene don't bother me. People that whine about it are pu$$y whimps. They should have listened in health class and the grew the Fk up.
(For some of you) do you remember when we were kids and was told not to do something for our own good? Some of us just didn't listen and then got in trouble. I guess doing what we were told not to do might have been a fun challenge to see if we could get away with it. Well, not this time with the corona virus and the adults are not listening. A friend of mine told me she doesn't wear a mask when walking inside walmart. She said this as if it was amusing which shocked me because she is a very intelligent person and always tries to do the right thing. I told her that although masks protects up to 70%, people wearing mask are still in danger of getting the virus from people like her who doesn't wear a mask. We are all in this danger together and need to help protect one another in any way that's necessary. I haven't heard from her again- i guess I might have lost a friend. I know someone who had the virus and then after it was over, she gave a house party. A few members of my family are having get togethers indoors and not wearing a mask. This is crazy - I know they don't want to let anything get in the way of living their lives, but this virus will get in their way. The ones I'm talking about and others that I have seen not wearing a mask are in the age range of 20-40. If this continues, this virus is never going to die off. I have a 13 year old daughter who has an auto immune disease and she can't go out much because if she gets the virus, she will not recover according to her reumatologist. I let her play in the yard and we have lots of fun working on video and audio editing which she loves, but she's still a child and needs to go out and be around other kids and be able to experience the world when she grows up, which might not happen if people refuse to at least try to protect one another by keeping distances and wearing a mask. Some say that mask doesn't do anything and that's ok; they are entitled to believe what they want, but I rather be safe than sorry. It doesn't hurt to wear a mask inside a store, in someone else's home, any place where there are people and especially closed in places. Once you are out of those places, the mask comes off. Aside from the precautions that some of us take, one of the best things we can do is change our diets by eating healthier foods to build up our resistance. I wish you all the best of health, stay safe.

My thing was this...what do you have to lose by wearing it?
It's like turning off your lights when you leave a room or turning your A/C off when you leave the house. What do you have to lose?
(For some of you) do you remember when we were kids and was told not to do something for our own good? Some of us just didn't listen and then got in trouble. I guess doing what we were told not to do might have been a fun challenge to see if we could get away with it. Well, not this time with the corona virus and the adults are not listening. A friend of mine told me she doesn't wear a mask when walking inside walmart. She said this as if it was amusing which shocked me because she is a very intelligent person and always tries to do the right thing. I told her that although masks protects up to 70%, people wearing mask are still in danger of getting the virus from people like her who doesn't wear a mask. We are all in this danger together and need to help protect one another in any way that's necessary. I haven't heard from her again- i guess I might have lost a friend. I know someone who had the virus and then after it was over, she gave a house party. A few members of my family are having get togethers indoors and not wearing a mask. This is crazy - I know they don't want to let anything get in the way of living their lives, but this virus will get in their way. The ones I'm talking about and others that I have seen not wearing a mask are in the age range of 20-40. If this continues, this virus is never going to die off. I have a 13 year old daughter who has an auto immune disease and she can't go out much because if she gets the virus, she will not recover according to her reumatologist. I let her play in the yard and we have lots of fun working on video and audio editing which she loves, but she's still a child and needs to go out and be around other kids and be able to experience the world when she grows up, which might not happen if people refuse to at least try to protect one another by keeping distances and wearing a mask. Some say that mask doesn't do anything and that's ok; they are entitled to believe what they want, but I rather be safe than sorry. It doesn't hurt to wear a mask inside a store, in someone else's home, any place where there are people and especially closed in places. Once you are out of those places, the mask comes off. Aside from the precautions that some of us take, one of the best things we can do is change our diets by eating healthier foods to build up our resistance. I wish you all the best of health, stay safe.

Should be a personal choice----------if you feel masks are safer--YOU SHOULD WEAR ONE. If you want to take your chances however high or low they are for you personally-----YOU should chose for yourself.
(For some of you) do you remember when we were kids and was told not to do something for our own good? Some of us just didn't listen and then got in trouble. I guess doing what we were told not to do might have been a fun challenge to see if we could get away with it. Well, not this time with the corona virus and the adults are not listening. A friend of mine told me she doesn't wear a mask when walking inside walmart. She said this as if it was amusing which shocked me because she is a very intelligent person and always tries to do the right thing. I told her that although masks protects up to 70%, people wearing mask are still in danger of getting the virus from people like her who doesn't wear a mask. We are all in this danger together and need to help protect one another in any way that's necessary. I haven't heard from her again- i guess I might have lost a friend. I know someone who had the virus and then after it was over, she gave a house party. A few members of my family are having get togethers indoors and not wearing a mask. This is crazy - I know they don't want to let anything get in the way of living their lives, but this virus will get in their way. The ones I'm talking about and others that I have seen not wearing a mask are in the age range of 20-40. If this continues, this virus is never going to die off. I have a 13 year old daughter who has an auto immune disease and she can't go out much because if she gets the virus, she will not recover according to her reumatologist. I let her play in the yard and we have lots of fun working on video and audio editing which she loves, but she's still a child and needs to go out and be around other kids and be able to experience the world when she grows up, which might not happen if people refuse to at least try to protect one another by keeping distances and wearing a mask. Some say that mask doesn't do anything and that's ok; they are entitled to believe what they want, but I rather be safe than sorry. It doesn't hurt to wear a mask inside a store, in someone else's home, any place where there are people and especially closed in places. Once you are out of those places, the mask comes off. Aside from the precautions that some of us take, one of the best things we can do is change our diets by eating healthier foods to build up our resistance. I wish you all the best of health, stay safe.

Should be a personal choice----------if you feel masks are safer--YOU SHOULD WEAR ONE. If you want to take your chances however high or low they are for you personally-----YOU should chose for yourself.

I don't choose to wear a mask for myself. Yeah, I am 60 years old, but I am healthy and would probably survive if I got Covid-19. I wear it because others might not survive. I wear it because I do not know who has a previous condition that makes them a greater risk. I wear it because, despite my precaution, I may have come in contact with the virus and can spread it.

It is not like it is a huge inconvenience.
While I do wear a mask when I go in stores, I have noticed more people are not wearing masks. While I assume the overwhelming majority wouldn't want to intentional infect anyone, I imagine most are not wearing a mask because despite the MSM 24/7 hysteria over COVID, they are not seeing people getting infected in great numbers and are not seeing people needing to go to the hospital. If they MSM hysteria was happening and people were increasingly becoming infected in the millions needed hospitalization and not recovering, I assure the overwhelming majority wouldn't need a mask mandate or signs telling people to put on a mask.

When the hysteria does't match what people are seeing they will tune it out! It is what it is.
(For some of you) do you remember when we were kids and was told not to do something for our own good? Some of us just didn't listen and then got in trouble. I guess doing what we were told not to do might have been a fun challenge to see if we could get away with it. Well, not this time with the corona virus and the adults are not listening. A friend of mine told me she doesn't wear a mask when walking inside walmart. She said this as if it was amusing which shocked me because she is a very intelligent person and always tries to do the right thing. I told her that although masks protects up to 70%, people wearing mask are still in danger of getting the virus from people like her who doesn't wear a mask. We are all in this danger together and need to help protect one another in any way that's necessary. I haven't heard from her again- i guess I might have lost a friend. I know someone who had the virus and then after it was over, she gave a house party. A few members of my family are having get togethers indoors and not wearing a mask. This is crazy - I know they don't want to let anything get in the way of living their lives, but this virus will get in their way. The ones I'm talking about and others that I have seen not wearing a mask are in the age range of 20-40. If this continues, this virus is never going to die off. I have a 13 year old daughter who has an auto immune disease and she can't go out much because if she gets the virus, she will not recover according to her reumatologist. I let her play in the yard and we have lots of fun working on video and audio editing which she loves, but she's still a child and needs to go out and be around other kids and be able to experience the world when she grows up, which might not happen if people refuse to at least try to protect one another by keeping distances and wearing a mask. Some say that mask doesn't do anything and that's ok; they are entitled to believe what they want, but I rather be safe than sorry. It doesn't hurt to wear a mask inside a store, in someone else's home, any place where there are people and especially closed in places. Once you are out of those places, the mask comes off. Aside from the precautions that some of us take, one of the best things we can do is change our diets by eating healthier foods to build up our resistance. I wish you all the best of health, stay safe.
So you believe a mask makes you 70% better protective. That must be some kind of mask keeping out those microscopic germs. The mask only says 'we don't know what to do but this might make us feel good. The people in Japan where mask if they are sick to give some protection to those not sick. A curtesy to others. I believe the 5 governors sticking the infected in with the ones most acceptable to die from the virus should all be arrested and tried for a decision that was pure madness causing 40,000 deaths. I still know no one that has been infected nor do I see any cemetery's filling up or their employees working over time.
(For some of you) do you remember when we were kids and was told not to do something for our own good? Some of us just didn't listen and then got in trouble. I guess doing what we were told not to do might have been a fun challenge to see if we could get away with it. Well, not this time with the corona virus and the adults are not listening. A friend of mine told me she doesn't wear a mask when walking inside walmart. She said this as if it was amusing which shocked me because she is a very intelligent person and always tries to do the right thing. I told her that although masks protects up to 70%, people wearing mask are still in danger of getting the virus from people like her who doesn't wear a mask. We are all in this danger together and need to help protect one another in any way that's necessary. I haven't heard from her again- i guess I might have lost a friend. I know someone who had the virus and then after it was over, she gave a house party. A few members of my family are having get togethers indoors and not wearing a mask. This is crazy - I know they don't want to let anything get in the way of living their lives, but this virus will get in their way. The ones I'm talking about and others that I have seen not wearing a mask are in the age range of 20-40. If this continues, this virus is never going to die off. I have a 13 year old daughter who has an auto immune disease and she can't go out much because if she gets the virus, she will not recover according to her reumatologist. I let her play in the yard and we have lots of fun working on video and audio editing which she loves, but she's still a child and needs to go out and be around other kids and be able to experience the world when she grows up, which might not happen if people refuse to at least try to protect one another by keeping distances and wearing a mask. Some say that mask doesn't do anything and that's ok; they are entitled to believe what they want, but I rather be safe than sorry. It doesn't hurt to wear a mask inside a store, in someone else's home, any place where there are people and especially closed in places. Once you are out of those places, the mask comes off. Aside from the precautions that some of us take, one of the best things we can do is change our diets by eating healthier foods to build up our resistance. I wish you all the best of health, stay safe.

The bottom line is.... regardless of the endless blathering on about why you think, or someone thinks, or anyone thinks.... that masks help.... there is no scientific data suggesting that masks do anything.

Let me repeat that. Show me, one scientific, peer-reviewed, paper showing clear unambiguous benefits to mask wearing.

There is none.

There is no scientific evidence showing that masks conclusively work. Or anything, honestly.

I have asked and asked and asked for real scientific data showing masks work on this forum. No one can point to such research, because no such research exists that shows the benefits of mask wearing.

Despite the clear requirement to carry out further large, pragmatic trials a decade later, only six had been published: five in healthcare workers and one in pilgrims. 3 This recent crop of trials added 9,112 participants to the total randomised denominator of 13,259 and showed that masks alone have no significant effect in interrupting the spread of ILI or influenza in the general population, nor in healthcare workers.

Six published randomized trials have been done, and all of them showed ZERO.....>> ZERO << significant effect at interrupting the spread of ILI or influenza.

And Covid-19, is far more contagious than influenza.
Only one randomised trial (n=569) included cloth masks. This trial found ILI rates were 13 times higher in Vietnamese hospital workers allocated to cloth masks compared to medical/surgical masks, RR 13.25, (95%CI 1.74 to 100.97) and over three times higher when compared to no masks, RR 3.49 (95%CI 1.00 to 12.17). 4​

Let me translate that for you. They found that in this trial, that infections were actually HIGHER with cloth masks, than not having a mask at all.
After adjusting for other factors, ILI (RR=6.64, 95% CI 1.45 to 28.65) and laboratory-confirmed virus (RR=1.72, 95% CI 1.01 to 2.94) remained significantly higher in the cloth masks group compared with the medical masks group.​

The bottom line remains simply this.... there is zero evidence that masks work. Zero. None.

There is no evidence whatsoever that other people not wearing a mask, will cause you to get Covid-19, or that people around you wearing a mask, will prevent you from getting Covid.

This has been matched by my personal experience. Unlike left-wingers who when they disagree with a rule or law, feel free to break it and burn down cities.... I follow the law, even while arguing against it.

I have worn a mask consistently since March, because that's what the rules say.

This year, I have been horribly ill twice, lasting a total of 3 weeks between the two illnesses. Both during the time I was wearing masks, and everyone around me has been wearing masks.

How did this happen? If masks work, how did I get sick while wearing masks, and social distancing? Explain? How did this occur?

Let me get to my conclusion:

There have been people on this very forum, whose parents died, while they couldn't visit them in the Nursing home. These old people, spent the last 6 months of their life, lonely and isolating. Friends and family that should have seen them, and talk to them, were sitting at home, socially distancing, and wearing masks.

And they still died. Alone. Isolated. With no one around them.

The terrible and horrific people who push these tyrannical policies, made these people die alone and isolated without their friends or family.

I had a friend whose father passed away, just before the lock down started, and we had a huge funeral, where we gathered and comforted the family. We had no idea then, but now we look back and are glad it happened when it did, otherwise the family wouldn't have had a funeral with more than a few people.

How said. How cruel. How evil that is, for people to blame others for a sickness that can't be stopped, and destroy the lives of everyone around them, in the name of saving lives.

Now I'm not going to tell you what to do with your daughter. I don't know much about auto immune diseases, and spare me, because it's not my problem.

But don't tell me that everyone else has to change their entire world, to fit what you demand for your daughter. How selfish, and inconsiderate that is.

I'm not keeping my kids locked up. I'm not going to put my parents in isolation. We are going to live life, and enjoy life, and you are not going to stop us anymore. We've had enough of this crap.

You want to keep your daughter alone and isolated, that's on you. You do what is best for your family, and I'll do what is best for mine. Me and my elderly parents in their 70s, met for lunch just on Saturday, and we had a good time. Don't pretend the rest of us, owe you something. We don't.

And if I can just be super blunt right here... I think it would be a poetic, and divine judgement on people who support these evil policies, if when their time comes to die, they are the ones who are isolated, lonely, and deserted, the exact same way they have left elderly people to die during this pandemic. I think it would be a divine judgement from Heaven, if they were the ones who spent the last 6 months of their life, in utter isolation and deserted loneliness.
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All its really meant to do.

I have worn the same dirty unwashed mask into stores since the stupid mandates started. Apparently it makes morons around me feel safer.
I bought two of these masks recently. Some people commented approvingly. A couple of women called me a racist. My wearing a mask protects no one. I am not sick. The mask is meaningless. If I were sick that's different but I'm not. People are just about done with the nonsense.

The kids were out in full force yesterday. Halloween. No masks. Then the parents. Pretty soon garage doors opened up and we had a full scale maskless party going on.

Biden selling mandatory masks and a renewed lockdown isn't going to help him.
My 50 cent: Even in case someone is convinced a mask helps not - what's totally wrong: masks help - it would honor such a person to wear a mask, because someone shows in this way to others: "Don't worry. I know the danger. I try not to infect anyone."
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(For some of you) do you remember when we were kids and was told not to do something for our own good? Some of us just didn't listen and then got in trouble. I guess doing what we were told not to do might have been a fun challenge to see if we could get away with it. Well, not this time with the corona virus and the adults are not listening. A friend of mine told me she doesn't wear a mask when walking inside walmart. She said this as if it was amusing which shocked me because she is a very intelligent person and always tries to do the right thing. I told her that although masks protects up to 70%, people wearing mask are still in danger of getting the virus from people like her who doesn't wear a mask. We are all in this danger together and need to help protect one another in any way that's necessary. I haven't heard from her again- i guess I might have lost a friend. I know someone who had the virus and then after it was over, she gave a house party. A few members of my family are having get togethers indoors and not wearing a mask. This is crazy - I know they don't want to let anything get in the way of living their lives, but this virus will get in their way. The ones I'm talking about and others that I have seen not wearing a mask are in the age range of 20-40. If this continues, this virus is never going to die off. I have a 13 year old daughter who has an auto immune disease and she can't go out much because if she gets the virus, she will not recover according to her reumatologist. I let her play in the yard and we have lots of fun working on video and audio editing which she loves, but she's still a child and needs to go out and be around other kids and be able to experience the world when she grows up, which might not happen if people refuse to at least try to protect one another by keeping distances and wearing a mask. Some say that mask doesn't do anything and that's ok; they are entitled to believe what they want, but I rather be safe than sorry. It doesn't hurt to wear a mask inside a store, in someone else's home, any place where there are people and especially closed in places. Once you are out of those places, the mask comes off. Aside from the precautions that some of us take, one of the best things we can do is change our diets by eating healthier foods to build up our resistance. I wish you all the best of health, stay safe.

As I watch people wearing masks I notice a lot wearing or handling them improperly. They might actually be safer not wearing a mask. Of course I notice people wearing masks which are not designed for medical use. A thin bandana is not going to provide much protection for you or those around you.


It's stupid.

I will not participate in stupidity.

Fuck the masks, fuck the hysteria, and fuck the media that started it.


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