Coronavirus: Is pandemic being used for power grab in Europe?


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Some of Europe's leaders have been accused of taking advantage of a public health crisis to clamp down on dissent and bolster their power.

As Turkey arrests hundreds for social media posts and Russians are threatened with jail for anything considered fake news, there are fears that democracy is being jeopardised in Poland and that it has been swept away in Hungary.

BBC correspondents assess whether coronavirus is being used as cover for a power grab.

I love how Turkey is considered European when they need something. In this instance it's another few paragraphs.

Look at all the grand things that can be accomplished by controlling the masses.


NWO bitches like Putin, Macron, Erdogan, Merkel & Co dismantles everywhere democracies and transform societies to brutal prisons
None of those countries could be confused with liberal democracies. Putin and Erdogan are old school dictators and Orban was going the same way before the virus.

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