Corporal Punishment Returning To School?

Grown men spanking naughty cheerleaders in Texas.

Yeah, this story is going to get a lot of attention... for the wrong reasons.
I had an eighth grade teacher who paddled us.

We addressed him as Yes, sir.. No, Sir... I never worked harder in school.

I only got paddled once.
A school board member in FL wants to bring back the practice of paddling kids who misbehave. When I first read the headline I thought no way in hell. The ACLU and God knows who else would gin up the lawsuits pronto.

But then in the article I read where parents would have the right to opt out of the disciplinary tool if they wanted to. So if that would be the case, what's wrong with paddling kids whose parents are okay with it?

At my high school - A Jesuit Preparatory School for Men, as it read out front - all parents knew when they enrolled their sons that corporal punishment via paddling was practiced when necessary, and no opting out. If you didn't like it, send your kid elsewhere.

And I knew no one, including myself, who ever put himself in the position of being paddled a second time. And thus there were very few discipline problems because, well, kids aren't stupid. Paddling is no fun.

Mine was a private school and this is about a public school, but, again, if the parents are okay with paddling should the school adopt the procedure?

I was in elementary school in the late 50's early 60's....we had corporal punishment. I never had to experience it, but many did. But they usually only did it maybe ONCE and learned their lesson. My parent used to spank me when i mouthed back, or didn't come home when i was told to from the neighbors house....that did happen often! When i went to school we were allowed prayer too. Between the corporal punishment and prayer...we did pretty well! Now being a teacher in our schools, they need to be martial arts experts and have a hard heart. The kids will walk all over the teachers, and get away with it. I hate the thought of my grandkids growing up in this society.

If SOME kids in a school are being punished by corporal punishment because their parents say its ok...but others are getting away with the same thing with no punishment...what is that teaching ANYONE??? It not fair to any of the kids.....they should all be treated equally.
Its legal in 20-some states and there was just a story of a high school girl being beaten to the point of broken skin by a young male staff member.


One of these days, a parent is going to do the right thing and beat the living shit out of the person who hits their child.

Playing out a sexual fantasy with a CONSENTING ADULT is fine.

Beating a child - even a high school age teenager - at school is indefensible.
I had an eighth grade teacher who paddled us.

We addressed him as Yes, sir.. No, Sir... I never worked harder in school.

I only got paddled once.

Just think how hard you would have worked had he used a cattle prod and a scourge!

I had a teacher who used a metal edged wood ruler across the backs of our hands. I have 2" scars on the backs of my hands from not learning to keep my hands in my lap. But she wouldn't allow that either. She was vicious and hated kids.

I think I also worked hard. I didn't want to be noticed or called on.

If someone had ever hit my child, I very likely would have killed him/her. I don't believe hitting kids does anything good and I KNOW it does a lot of harm.
I had an eighth grade teacher who paddled us.

We addressed him as Yes, sir.. No, Sir... I never worked harder in school.

I only got paddled once.

Just think how hard you would have worked had he used a cattle prod and a scourge!

Don't you think you are dramatizing this a bit? Why do you think the Good Lord padded those behinds? Just for us to remind them of good behavior when everything else fails. believe me, a good swat on the behind is better than the student going around getting in trouble time and time again without any consequences and not knowing where the boundaries lie.

We'll leave the cattle prod for cattle, thank you very much!, LOL
Nothing like a good paddling to help a kid learn his ABC's. Spare the rod, spoil the child.
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I had an eighth grade teacher who paddled us.

We addressed him as Yes, sir.. No, Sir... I never worked harder in school.

I only got paddled once.

Just think how hard you would have worked had he used a cattle prod and a scourge!

I had a teacher who used a metal edged wood ruler across the backs of our hands. I have 2" scars on the backs of my hands from not learning to keep my hands in my lap. But she wouldn't allow that either. She was vicious and hated kids.

I think I also worked hard. I didn't want to be noticed or called on.

If someone had ever hit my child, I very likely would have killed him/her. I don't believe hitting kids does anything good and I KNOW it does a lot of harm.

You had a horrid experience. That's why you feel the way you do. The poster above was not treated harshly.

Just how do you discipline your children? When talk after talk does no good, taking away privileges does no do you get them to commit to their boundaries you set...lor do you set boundaries at all?

My son was paddled by being with the wrong kids in the wrong place at the wrong time. He wasn't the culprit who did the act, but he learned a lesson that day. And it stayed with him.
Yeah, let's beat a love of learning right into their skinny behinds.

I'm wondering if more rw's beat their kids than libs. From reading here, it seems so.
If a kid misbehaves in school, turn that little ass into hamburger. I'm all for it. That's what wrong with kids today. NO FEAR. They can cuss you out, call you everything except a human being, be disruptive in class, and behave any way they wish with no meaningful consequences. We're too busy teaching them about homosexuality and handing out condoms to teach them how to behave and learn their ABC's.
I had a teacher who used a metal edged wood ruler across the backs of our hands. I have 2" scars on the backs of my hands from not learning to keep my hands in my lap. But she wouldn't allow that either. She was vicious and hated kids.

I think I also worked hard. I didn't want to be noticed or called on.

If someone had ever hit my child, I very likely would have killed him/her. I don't believe hitting kids does anything good and I KNOW it does a lot of harm.
Your message here made me think of how kids these days already have a reason to fear for their life when they are at school thanks to those who bring weapons with them. That is another reason why I am against physical discipline. To me, if kids are paddled one day, they could always retaliate in any way on the next day if their parents aren't driven to doing that themselves. I still think that grounding your kid is the better way to go because that kind of punishment can last any amount of time when a paddling only takes a few seconds and then of course there are so many things that a kid can be grounded from: no TV, no phone use, no video games, no radio, no seeing friends, no driving, etc. and if the kid doesn't straighten up, the longer that they will go without them privileges, so if they want them back, there is only one thing left for them to do. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

I had an eighth grade teacher who paddled us.

We addressed him as Yes, sir.. No, Sir... I never worked harder in school.

I only got paddled once.

Just think how hard you would have worked had he used a cattle prod and a scourge!

I had a teacher who used a metal edged wood ruler across the backs of our hands. I have 2" scars on the backs of my hands from not learning to keep my hands in my lap. But she wouldn't allow that either. She was vicious and hated kids.

I think I also worked hard. I didn't want to be noticed or called on.

If someone had ever hit my child, I very likely would have killed him/her. I don't believe hitting kids does anything good and I KNOW it does a lot of harm.

What you went through was wasn't discipline! I agree, many teachers were mean. There are regulations in place now...and it wouldn't be the same as what you went through.

I do struggle with different types of discipline...I wonder what's too much for some kids? But i also don't think kids should get away with disrespect to the teachers. This world has gone crazy...where to you draw the line? How do you help others today, without offending someone else because you didn't help them? Nobody is going to win.................
I had an eighth grade teacher who paddled us.

We addressed him as Yes, sir.. No, Sir... I never worked harder in school.

I only got paddled once.

Just think how hard you would have worked had he used a cattle prod and a scourge!

I had a teacher who used a metal edged wood ruler across the backs of our hands. I have 2" scars on the backs of my hands from not learning to keep my hands in my lap. But she wouldn't allow that either. She was vicious and hated kids.

I think I also worked hard. I didn't want to be noticed or called on.

If someone had ever hit my child, I very likely would have killed him/her. I don't believe hitting kids does anything good and I KNOW it does a lot of harm.

She should have been tortured to death. She was clearly a psycho.

My wife had a teacher like that in school. The second time it happened, she broke the teacher's jaw, knocked out eight of her teeth, and gave her a severe concussion. (Left uppercut to the chin with a roll of coins clenched in her fist...and if I asked her today, she could still tell me WHICH eight teeth.) When her father found out, he went ballistic...he nearly killed the principal. The coward refused to talk to him and basically hid in his office...right up until the moment he put his fist through the door. (Note: though short, her father has 3' wide shoulders, 16" biceps, about a 50" chest, and a volcanic temper, especially regarding his daughter.)
Just think how hard you would have worked had he used a cattle prod and a scourge!

I had a teacher who used a metal edged wood ruler across the backs of our hands. I have 2" scars on the backs of my hands from not learning to keep my hands in my lap. But she wouldn't allow that either. She was vicious and hated kids.

I think I also worked hard. I didn't want to be noticed or called on.

If someone had ever hit my child, I very likely would have killed him/her. I don't believe hitting kids does anything good and I KNOW it does a lot of harm.

You had a horrid experience. That's why you feel the way you do. The poster above was not treated harshly.

Horse shit. My father used me as a punching bag regularly. I wound up with a dozen concussions, a dozen scars, broken ribs that never healed properly, and probably a fractured skull. You are no better than he is. Actually, you are least he never pretended he did it for any reason beyond the fact he enjoyed it.

My son was paddled by being with the wrong kids in the wrong place at the wrong time. He wasn't the culprit who did the act, but he learned a lesson that day. And it stayed with him.

I hope you wake up with a dull, rusty butcher knife in your guts , and the lest thing you see is your son standing over you saying, "You'll never hurt me again."
A school board member in FL wants to bring back the practice of paddling kids who misbehave. When I first read the headline I thought no way in hell. The ACLU and God knows who else would gin up the lawsuits pronto.

But then in the article I read where parents would have the right to opt out of the disciplinary tool if they wanted to. So if that would be the case, what's wrong with paddling kids whose parents are okay with it?

At my high school - A Jesuit Preparatory School for Men, as it read out front - all parents knew when they enrolled their sons that corporal punishment via paddling was practiced when necessary, and no opting out. If you didn't like it, send your kid elsewhere.

And I knew no one, including myself, who ever put himself in the position of being paddled a second time. And thus there were very few discipline problems because, well, kids aren't stupid. Paddling is no fun.

Mine was a private school and this is about a public school, but, again, if the parents are okay with paddling should the school adopt the procedure?

I was in elementary school in the late 50's early 60's....we had corporal punishment. I never had to experience it, but many did. But they usually only did it maybe ONCE and learned their lesson. My parent used to spank me when i mouthed back, or didn't come home when i was told to from the neighbors house....that did happen often! When i went to school we were allowed prayer too. Between the corporal punishment and prayer...we did pretty well! Now being a teacher in our schools, they need to be martial arts experts and have a hard heart. The kids will walk all over the teachers, and get away with it. I hate the thought of my grandkids growing up in this society.

If SOME kids in a school are being punished by corporal punishment because their parents say its ok...but others are getting away with the same thing with no punishment...what is that teaching ANYONE??? It not fair to any of the kids.....they should all be treated equally.

Definitely agree with that last statement. Allowing some to opt out is not teaching kids anything.

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