Corporate/DNC media attacking Kyrsten Sinema for her sexuality

You didn't respond to my question. I will ask it again: Did you even read the article you linked to? Where does "Corporate/DNC media attacking Kyrsten Sinema for her sexuality"?

The grammar in your "question" is so bad I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Try again.
That's what NBC "news" has become? Chummers? I'm not surprised.
I looked back over the "Think" thing on there, following back through link you posted. Chumming to see what controversy they can attract over as little as anything is what their "Think" thing is all about.
The grammar in your "question" is so bad I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Try again.
LOL. I was quoting you. But, ok. Let's try again.

Did you even read the article you linked to? Your heading says: "Corporate/DNC media attacking Kyrsten Sinema for her sexuality".

Show me in the article where corporate/DNC media is attacking Kyrsten Sinema specifically for her sexuality. Get it now?

Let's see how you wriggle out of this one.
LOL. I was quoting you. But, ok. Let's try again.

Did you even read the article you linked to? Your heading says: "Corporate/DNC media attacking Kyrsten Sinema for her sexuality".

Show me in the article where corporate/DNC media is attacking Kyrsten Sinema specifically for her sexuality. Get it now?

Let's see how you wriggle out of this one.

You don't think NBC "news" asking if Kyrsten Sinema is "bad for bisexuals" is an attack on her?
You don't think NBC "news" asking if Kyrsten Sinema is "bad for bisexuals" is an attack on her?
Is English a second language for you or are you really this dumb? The author is bisexual. She is disappointed that Sinema (herself a bi) is not doing enough for bisexuals. That, somehow, translates in your mind to an attack on her sexuality?
How low can these shitbags go?

Lux Alptraum, author of “Faking It: The Lies Women Tell About Sex — And the Truths They Reveal,” writes:

Identity politics is about money and power. NOT ABOUT THE IDENTITIES THEMSELVES.

Is English a second language for you or are you really this dumb? The author is bisexual. She is disappointed that Sinema (herself a bi) is not doing enough for bisexuals. That, somehow, translates in your mind to an attack on her sexuality?

Yes, an attack is exactly what it is. You people have no bottom when it comes to attacking anyone for any reason, as long as it serves "the cause". Fucking fascists.
Yes, an attack is exactly what it is. You people have no bottom when it comes to attacking anyone for any reason, as long as it serves "the cause". Fucking fascists.
In other words, you could not prove your case? Just as I thought, the usual right-wing tard MO - Long on accusations, short on facts. Thanks for playing.
OK, some Senator from the other side of the country. Not someone I really have paid attention to. I'd still ask.......most prominent?
You just exposed you don't keep up with current events.
In other words, you could not prove your case? Just as I thought, the usual right-wing tard MO - Long on accusations, short on facts. Thanks for playing.

I proved it just fine, but you're dumb as fuck so you didn't realize that.
Did you even read the article you linked to? Where does "Corporate/DNC media attacking Kyrsten Sinema for her sexuality"?
I was trying to sort through that myself.

What was the attack?

Is Sinema bi?

Did she attack Bis?

I was trying to sort through that myself.

What was the attack?

Is Sinema bi?

Did she attack Bis?


Sinema is "bad for bisexuals". That's all you need to know, peon.

Now put your two masks and your face shield back on and shut the fuck up.
Sinema is "bad for bisexuals". That's all you need to know, peon.

Now put your two masks and your face shield back on and shut the fuck up.
So a bisexual woman is saying that Sinema isn't doing enough for other bisexual women.

That's attacking her sexuality?

That's the "DC Media"?


So in short...someone controversial said something about Sinema....

Senators from other states? No. Their sexual preferences are generally not something that interests me.

Sinema has been in the news for months disputing Joe Biden's massive tax and spend scam. Have you at least heard of Joe Biden?
Sinema has been in the news for months disputing Joe Biden's massive tax and spend scam. Have you at least heard of Joe Biden?

I've argued more than once that the plan didn't seem to be going anywhere so the arguments haven't interested me that much. I've often argued the way to avoid stress is to avoid stressing over what is never going to happen.

As we have seen, it's not going to happen.
I'd say regular Americans are pushing back more than any time in recent history. Every time you flip on the news there are at least 2 or 3 massive protests or school board pushbacks being covered.

You m,ean terrorist threats by Republicans against school boards.
The left literally believes that if you don't believe in spending taxpayer dollars on leftist pet projects that you are the devil incarnate. It doesn't matter if you are one of them, or if you exercise a little introspection and think that maybe this isn't necessary. If you don't agree with them, 1,000%, you will be utterly destroyed.

Until normal Americans begin to push back, in every way, in every walk of life, this crap will continue.

Normal Americans need to push back against the fascist Republicans who are trying to take over this country.

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