Corporate power keeps U.S. wages 20% lower than they should be-White House


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021
Shenandoah Valley of Virginia
WASHINGTON, March 7 (Reuters) - With inflation at a four-decade high, a U.S. government report shows corporate America has used its clout in the labor market to keep wages 20% lower than they should be, the White House said on Monday.

The report, prepared by the Treasury Department with help from the Justice Department, Labor Department and Federal Trade Commission (FTC), found companies had the upper hand in setting wages because they generally knew more about the labor market than workers do.

Corporate power keeps U.S. wages 20% lower than they should be-White House

Sweet weeping Jesus on the cross.....Will this nightmare of a dem clown show ever end? :eusa_wall:
Yup. Dem mean old rich bidnesses and companies is keepin' eberyone poor. We should take they's money an give it to all dem poor peoples.

Yup. You betcha.

WASHINGTON, March 7 (Reuters) - With inflation at a four-decade high, a U.S. government report shows corporate America has used its clout in the labor market to keep wages 20% lower than they should be, the White House said on Monday.

The report, prepared by the Treasury Department with help from the Justice Department, Labor Department and Federal Trade Commission (FTC), found companies had the upper hand in setting wages because they generally knew more about the labor market than workers do.

Corporate power keeps U.S. wages 20% lower than they should be-White House

Sweet weeping Jesus on the cross.....Will this nightmare of a dem clown show ever end? :eusa_wall:

It is because they insist on allowing the womens to work. Make the broads stay home barefoot and pregnant and the manly men's wages would triple there would be so much demand for their services as spider stompers and box toters.
Antitrust enforcers have brought labor antitrust cases in the past, and the Trump Administration's Justice Department brought one against a no-poach agreement between rail equipment suppliers in 2018, but they remain rare.
Sweet Jeebus, good thing that commie's clown parade was halted there! :rolleyes:
WASHINGTON, March 7 (Reuters) - With inflation at a four-decade high, a U.S. government report shows corporate America has used its clout in the labor market to keep wages 20% lower than they should be, the White House said on Monday.

The report, prepared by the Treasury Department with help from the Justice Department, Labor Department and Federal Trade Commission (FTC), found companies had the upper hand in setting wages because they generally knew more about the labor market than workers do.

Corporate power keeps U.S. wages 20% lower than they should be-White House

Sweet weeping Jesus on the cross.....Will this nightmare of a dem clown show ever end? :eusa_wall:

Pray for America.

The dems need to be reduced to 4 maybe 6 Senators and a handful of Congressmen so we have a constant reminder of how insane, idiotic and un-American they are
Wages in america have been lagging since the 80s. Workers are figuring this out. It's great to hear companies whine about how they can't find people to work. The company heads can't figure out it's their fault. They are to blame.
That is not a surprising report. Businesses spend a lot of time and effort trying to keep costs down for capital investors. Workers should organize if they want increases power. Companies are organized.
Just bust 'em up. Then workers can start their own businesses serving local needs instead of having to "spend a lot of time and effort trying to keep" their wages and working conditions within reason.
That is not a surprising report. Businesses spend a lot of time and effort trying to keep costs down for capital investors. Workers should organize if they want increases power. Companies are organized.
YEAH!!... if only those workers in China, India and Mexico would organize we would all get raises. Bastards!!


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