Corporations have gone WOKE


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Boston, MA

Most interesting. The pendulum has swung. If you’re white you’re not as welcome as you once were it seems. Staggering 94% of jobs to non-whites.
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So corporations are telling us that there's no money to be made in catering conservative fascist douches.

Why don't conservatives have any spending money? Has it all been spent on hookers and blow?

Most interesting. The pendulum has swung. If you’re white you’re not as welcome as you once were it seems.

Some of them are getting bitten by it, here and there.

Ask Anheuser-Bush how well their Bud-Light-in-the-Loafers brand is now selling, compared to how it has sold in past years.

Ask Proctor & Gamble how well their Gillette brand is now selling, compared to how it sold before their idiotic “toxic masculinity” video came out a few years ago, followed closely by a spot with a man teaching his mentally-fucked-up daughter that believed she was a boy, how to shave..
So corporations are telling us that there's no money to be made in catering conservative fascist douches.

Why don't conservatives have any spending money? Has it all been spent on hookers and blow?
So most whites are conservatives? That’s your statement? Interesting

94% Of New Corporate Jobs Go To Non-Whites​

  1. Affirmative action is now dead, making such discriminatory hiring practices illegal.
  2. Just watch now how fast this country goes down the tubes. The main reason America BECAME the great shining city on the hill was BECAUSE of white people.
It was the success of European countries followed by America which has made the growth and expansion of minorities from other parts of the world possible in the first place.

The left will now implement another failed policy trying to prove that all people are alike and you can plug anyone into a job, but by the time they admit it has failed with millions of important positions filled politically instead of best qualified, America will be toast.
So corporations are telling us that there's no money to be made in catering conservative fascist douches.

Why don't conservatives have any spending money? Has it all been spent on hookers and blow?

Looks like you're a little mad.


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