Corporations Say Publicly They’ll Pocket the Tax Cut, But Republicans Aren’t Listening

Try to remember, although the Intercept is a wonderful source for Deep State analysis, it really is quite poor for economics. The founder is leans to the left. He loves the State, worships the state, and does not think the free market is the answer to anything. Once a Keynesian, always a Keynesian. I won't fault him or his publication for cognitive bias.

Glen Greenwald's work with Edward Snoweden is legendary, however, I am not going to take seriously their propaganda on the recent tax negotiations, b/c they are only going to push a narrative and consider facts that make their case.

We are talking about Statist spooks here.

The point of the tax reform was to encourage more corporations to domicile in the US. No mention was made of that in the piece posted. Would it be encouraging for corporations to domicile in the US if they could keep more of their capital? I would think so, wouldn't you? Of course it would.

It's not really important if that money is spent creating jobs or given to back to the consumer or society in the short term.

If you want a more balanced perspective on the tax bill, you go to a publication that does that sort of thing.

And yes, this piece of legislature falls way short of the hype of the party that is passing it. I'll agree with you on that one. However, try to remember, it isn't passed for Huge Corporations. The press wants us to think that. Don't get distracted.

The 2017 Lump Of Coal Award: Tax Cuts And Jobs Act Edition
The 2017 Lump Of Coal Award: Tax Cuts And Jobs Act Edition

OTH, the thing that the press seems to forget is small business. Small business is the engine of growth now in this nation. This tax reform is meant to make things simpler and to get government out of the way.

Why, in heavens name, don't folks on the left want people creating small businesses and jobs for people? Is it because they all work for huge corporations in big cities?

What Tax Reform Means For Small Businesses & Pass-Through Entities
What Tax Reform Means For Small Businesses & Pass-Through Entities
"Weeks before the Republican-led Congress moved toward final passage of its corporate tax cut bill, major companies had already begun a surge of stock buybacks — confirming critics’ fears that the windfall of lower rates will be used for self-enrichment rather than job growth.Home Depot led the buyback splurge, pocketing $15 billion. On an earnings call held earlier this month, the company’s CFO Carol Tomé quietly admitted the strategy, when asked about the impact of tax reform on the firm:

It really all depends on if it happens and when it happens and how we would spend it. Cash is fungible. Right now, we’re thinking it might not happen until 2019, so obviously we are using internally generated cash in 2018 to invest in the business and return capital to our shareholders. If it were to happen in 2019, we might use the tax — cash tax savings to invest in the business and then use — generated cash to back buy [sic] shares, it’s all fungible. The point is, we’re going to generate a lot, we may get some from tax reform and we will use it. We will invest back in the business, and we will return it our [sic] shareholders.

By “return it to our shareholders,” she is referring to a buyback, which drives up the price of a stock and can come with dividends as well. Typically, executives hold much of their wealth in company stock, and their compensation is tied to the performance of the shares". - Source

Right how, the far right is tripping over each other, trying to find and post companies who say they'll offer their employees bonuses with the tax money. I laugh to myself. That money will not be available until March, at the very least, and a lot can happen between then and now. Aside from that, Americans have very short attention spans and corporations and banks, lie as notoriously as our politicians.

The corporations are saying is that they WILL NOT use the money to create jobs.Instead, they are all saying the money will be used to increase their bottom line, for themselves and stockholders. The far right is of course ignoring this.

Buying back allows them to keep more of their profits, which increases their ability to expand, pay shareholders, or take other corrective actions.

Considering how many people's 401k's contain stock, as well as people's pensions, rising stock prices and dividends helps them, even if it also helps larger single stockholders.

And those now richer people also spend $$.

Hopefully they get new yachts, new cars, and throw elaborate parties, thus returning $$ back into the economy at all levels.

Never depend on the stock market, and those rich freaks are going to raise dividend and foreign investors are going to make money. What are we now, people who depend on the stock market, make 7.25 an hour but put money in the market. That is what SS is going to be in the future, the market. The market is feeble at best and many hedge funds who have wealthy clients short it.
There is a lot more median income people that spend money as compared to the wealthy who spend money.

Maybe trickle up is the way it should be.
Try to remember, although the Intercept is a wonderful source for Deep State analysis, it really is quite poor for economics. The founder is leans to the left. He loves the State, worships the state, and does not think the free market is the answer to anything. Once a Keynesian, always a Keynesian. I won't fault him or his publication for cognitive bias.

Glen Greenwald's work with Edward Snoweden is legendary, however, I am not going to take seriously their propaganda on the recent tax negotiations, b/c they are only going to push a narrative and consider facts that make their case.

We are talking about Statist spooks here.

The point of the tax reform was to encourage more corporations to domicile in the US. No mention was made of that in the piece posted. Would it be encouraging for corporations to domicile in the US if they could keep more of their capital? I would think so, wouldn't you? Of course it would.

It's not really important if that money is spent creating jobs or given to back to the consumer or society in the short term.

If you want a more balanced perspective on the tax bill, you go to a publication that does that sort of thing.

And yes, this piece of legislature falls way short of the hype of the party that is passing it. I'll agree with you on that one. However, try to remember, it isn't passed for Huge Corporations. The press wants us to think that. Don't get distracted.

The 2017 Lump Of Coal Award: Tax Cuts And Jobs Act Edition
The 2017 Lump Of Coal Award: Tax Cuts And Jobs Act Edition

OTH, the thing that the press seems to forget is small business. Small business is the engine of growth now in this nation. This tax reform is meant to make things simpler and to get government out of the way.

Why, in heavens name, don't folks on the left want people creating small businesses and jobs for people? Is it because they all work for huge corporations in big cities?

What Tax Reform Means For Small Businesses & Pass-Through Entities
What Tax Reform Means For Small Businesses & Pass-Through Entities
The thinking seems to be that it's great for small business America, but really great for American corporations. So we're against it.
Sounds like the smart money would be with the corporations. Then you could pocket some of that corporate money, too.

Trickle up?

"Weeks before the Republican-led Congress moved toward final passage of its corporate tax cut bill, major companies had already begun a surge of stock buybacks — confirming critics’ fears that the windfall of lower rates will be used for self-enrichment rather than job growth.Home Depot led the buyback splurge, pocketing $15 billion. On an earnings call held earlier this month, the company’s CFO Carol Tomé quietly admitted the strategy, when asked about the impact of tax reform on the firm:

It really all depends on if it happens and when it happens and how we would spend it. Cash is fungible. Right now, we’re thinking it might not happen until 2019, so obviously we are using internally generated cash in 2018 to invest in the business and return capital to our shareholders. If it were to happen in 2019, we might use the tax — cash tax savings to invest in the business and then use — generated cash to back buy [sic] shares, it’s all fungible. The point is, we’re going to generate a lot, we may get some from tax reform and we will use it. We will invest back in the business, and we will return it our [sic] shareholders.

By “return it to our shareholders,” she is referring to a buyback, which drives up the price of a stock and can come with dividends as well. Typically, executives hold much of their wealth in company stock, and their compensation is tied to the performance of the shares". - Source

Right how, the far right is tripping over each other, trying to find and post companies who say they'll offer their employees bonuses with the tax money. I laugh to myself. That money will not be available until March, at the very least, and a lot can happen between then and now. Aside from that, Americans have very short attention spans and corporations and banks, lie as notoriously as our politicians.

The corporations are saying is that they WILL NOT use the money to create jobs.Instead, they are all saying the money will be used to increase their bottom line, for themselves and stockholders. The far right is of course ignoring this.

Buying back allows them to keep more of their profits, which increases their ability to expand, pay shareholders, or take other corrective actions.

Considering how many people's 401k's contain stock, as well as people's pensions, rising stock prices and dividends helps them, even if it also helps larger single stockholders.

And those now richer people also spend $$.

Hopefully they get new yachts, new cars, and throw elaborate parties, thus returning $$ back into the economy at all levels.

Never depend on the stock market, and those rich freaks are going to raise dividend and foreign investors are going to make money. What are we now, people who depend on the stock market, make 7.25 an hour but put money in the market. That is what SS is going to be in the future, the market. The market is feeble at best and many hedge funds who have wealthy clients short it.

The market is one of the gears of a capitalistic economy. It allows for investment and "spreads the wealth" so to speak far better than raising taxes and letting government decide to hand it out (after of course the costs of all those bureaucrats)
There is a lot more median income people that spend money as compared to the wealthy who spend money.Maybe trickle up is the way it should be.

The bonuses mean nothing. If you are getting $13.00/hr for being a cashier with minimum benefits, after the bonus, you will still be making the same. The money creates no new jobs nor adds to the economic productivity of the country. As the article I posted plainly stated (if you read the entire thing) the corporations are saying publicly, that this will only impact the wealth of the company and it's owners and shareholders. It will NOT boost the economy one iota.

Partisans just are not educationally equipped to understand even the basics of current economic realities. GROWTH is what propels a nation and this is NOT growth, unless one is already wealthy.
There is a lot more median income people that spend money as compared to the wealthy who spend money.Maybe trickle up is the way it should be.

The bonuses mean nothing. If you are getting $13.00/hr for being a cashier with minimum benefits, after the bonus, you will still be making the same. The money creates no new jobs nor adds to the economic productivity of the country. As the article I posted plainly stated (if you read the entire thing) the corporations are saying publicly, that this will only impact the wealth of the company and it's owners and shareholders. It will NOT boost the economy one iota.

Partisans just are not educationally equipped to understand even the basics of current economic realities. GROWTH is what propels a nation and this is NOT growth, unless one is already wealthy.

Tell that to the cashier. Since it will add nothing, I’m sure they won’t accept it. Right?
There is a lot more median income people that spend money as compared to the wealthy who spend money.Maybe trickle up is the way it should be.

The bonuses mean nothing. If you are getting $13.00/hr for being a cashier with minimum benefits, after the bonus, you will still be making the same. The money creates no new jobs nor adds to the economic productivity of the country. As the article I posted plainly stated (if you read the entire thing) the corporations are saying publicly, that this will only impact the wealth of the company and it's owners and shareholders. It will NOT boost the economy one iota.

Partisans just are not educationally equipped to understand even the basics of current economic realities. GROWTH is what propels a nation and this is NOT growth, unless one is already wealthy.
Tell it to 3+% GNP growth.
Why do lefties continue to labor (pardon the pun) under the delusion that all money belongs to the government and they only let us use it for a little while? It's their freaking money. Everyone is going to pocket the tax cut. Did you expect them to donate it the government?
Do you understand that just running the economy costs money? This must be paid for. And The best way is progressive taxation with the entities gaining the most out of the economy paying the most in. Not an arbitrary most, but enough to pay for it all without a deficit.
Why do lefties continue to labor (pardon the pun) under the delusion that all money belongs to the government and they only let us use it for a little while? It's their freaking money. Everyone is going to pocket the tax cut. Did you expect them to donate it the government?
Do you understand that just running the economy costs money? This must be paid for. And The best way is progressive taxation with the entities gaining the most out of the economy paying the most in. Not an arbitrary most, but enough to pay for it all without a deficit.
You mean government costs money. The economy is run by business, which will continue to fund government by paying taxes. There is a delicate balance between enough taxation and too much.
Why do lefties continue to labor (pardon the pun) under the delusion that all money belongs to the government and they only let us use it for a little while? It's their freaking money. Everyone is going to pocket the tax cut. Did you expect them to donate it the government?
Do you understand that just running the economy costs money? This must be paid for. And The best way is progressive taxation with the entities gaining the most out of the economy paying the most in. Not an arbitrary most, but enough to pay for it all without a deficit.
You mean government costs money. The economy is run by business, which will continue to fund government by paying taxes. There is a delicate balance between enough taxation and too much.
? Don't dodge it this time. Protected shipping lanes, strong enforcement of international patent law, infrastructure, an educated and healthy labor pool, protection from crime, all cost money, to name a few.

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