Corporations Say Publicly They’ll Pocket the Tax Cut, But Republicans Aren’t Listening

Corporation's might pocket their own money?

The horror!

Well we all agree with corp welfare. :rolleyes: Who pays Corp income? Customers, we the people and we the people just have to have a weeks holiday from the internet, and maybe a few others.
Only a Liberal would see tax cuts as welfare.

well when they are for businesses then they are corp welfare, and we have plenty of it already, tax cuts going to corps , states fighting over factories.

Part 2 of the tax cut is coming either in 2018 or 2019, cuts to Medicaid, hud, chip, and Medicare. So that is what the tax cuts are going to bring. I doubt it will come in 2018, as they are worried about the house, but just know that is their plan for all the Dems out there who think these cuts are so great.
Corporation's might pocket their own money?

The horror!

Well we all agree with corp welfare. :rolleyes: Who pays Corp income? Customers, we the people and we the people just have to have a weeks holiday from the internet, and maybe a few others.
Only a Liberal would see tax cuts as welfare.

well when they are for businesses then they are corp welfare, and we have plenty of it already, tax cuts going to corps , states fighting over factories.

Part 2 of the tax cut is coming either in 2018 or 2019, cuts to Medicaid, hud, chip, and Medicare. So that is what the tax cuts are going to bring. I doubt it will come in 2018, as they are worried about the house, but just know that is their plan for all the Dems out there who think these cuts are so great.
This is why you Liberals are going to keep losing because you believe the Government owns income.
Why do lefties continue to labor (pardon the pun) under the delusion that all money belongs to the government and they only let us use it for a little while? It's their freaking money. Everyone is going to pocket the tax cut. Did you expect them to donate it the government?
Do you understand that just running the economy costs money? This must be paid for. And The best way is progressive taxation with the entities gaining the most out of the economy paying the most in. Not an arbitrary most, but enough to pay for it all without a deficit.
You mean government costs money. The economy is run by business, which will continue to fund government by paying taxes. There is a delicate balance between enough taxation and too much.
? Don't dodge it this time. Protected shipping lanes, strong enforcement of international patent law, infrastructure, an educated and healthy labor pool, protection from crime, all cost money, to name a few.
None of which the funding comes from government, which produces nothing but taxation. Business and the workers pay for all of it through taxation.
Corporation's might pocket their own money?

The horror!

Well we all agree with corp welfare. :rolleyes: Who pay Corp income? Customers, we the people and we the people just have to have a week holiday from internet, and maybe a few others.
Other foreign members of USMB at least have a grasp of English.

Oh I find posts all the time that have misspelled words on them and I do not say anything, but will you be happy if I put an s after pay and s after week and a the before internet? Will that make you happy. Done, are you happy now, or have you found something else?
I can't figure out why you're divorced.
He didn't commit suicide?

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