Corportate Tax Breaks Explained for Marixt Idiots

Say for instance there's a large boat harbor on the seaside. The harbormaster's name is Mr. Sam and he owns the landing and the boat docks.

There are ten ships docked in the harbor. Each of the ship-owners pays Mr. Sam a yearly fee that goes into maintenance of the harbor, and to protect them from pirates.

One of the ship-owners is an enterprising man named Mr. Hat. He tells the harbormaster that he will do some minor renovations to the docks and will give jobs to some of the riff-raff hanging around the docks, if Mr. Sam will forgo the harbor fee for a year.

Now tell me: How much did the other nine ship-owners have to fork over to cover Mr. Hat's yearly fee?

Q. What's a Marixt

a) An extinct Martian
b) An Existential Marten (Image below)
c) A Seinfeld Plot

I say again. Read my posts in this topic.

Take a good hard look at the words of the very people who write our tax laws which I have provided. This is what they all say:

Tax expenditures = higher tax rates.

It is literally impossible to dumb it down more than that for you tards.

Someone has spent a lot of time making you this ignorant and keeping you that way.

A lot of time.

Whoever that is, that is who you should be royally pissed off at. They have taken you way, way, way off the conservative/libertarian reservation.

Way, way, way off.
No link there but you may have just tax expended your links.
I have provided the links many times in this topic.

Read. My. Posts.

See the tax law writers tell you that tax expenditures = higher tax rates.

Christ, I even bolded, enlarged, and reddened the evidence so even the densest tard can see them.

But then I am dealing with willfully blind monkeys, so what should I have expected, really.
Why should I suffer through all of your stupid to find a link. Provide the link.
Actually I have been talking about tax cuts.

The opposite of "tax expenditures = higher tax rates, is "eliminating tax expenditures = lower tax rates for EVERYONE".

I've said that many hundreds of times on this forum.
So all of this time you've been talking out your ass. Not surprised.
It is understandable to mistrust the budgets and taxes proposed by our elected officials.
Say for instance there's a large boat harbor on the seaside. The harbormaster's name is Mr. Sam and he owns the landing and the boat docks.

There are ten ships docked in the harbor. Each of the ship-owners pays Mr. Sam a yearly fee that goes into maintenance of the harbor, and to protect them from pirates.

One of the ship-owners is an enterprising man named Mr. Hat. He tells the harbormaster that he will do some minor renovations to the docks and will give jobs to some of the riff-raff hanging around the docks, if Mr. Sam will forgo the harbor fee for a year.

Now tell me: How much did the other nine ship-owners have to fork over to cover Mr. Hat's yearly fee?

Q. What's a Marixt

a) An extinct Martian
b) An Existential Marten (Image below)
c) A Seinfeld Plot

A Russian, Chinaman, Cuban, Venezuelan, North Korean....
Say for instance there's a large boat harbor on the seaside. The harbormaster's name is Mr. Sam and he owns the landing and the boat docks.

There are ten ships docked in the harbor. Each of the ship-owners pays Mr. Sam a yearly fee that goes into maintenance of the harbor, and to protect them from pirates.

One of the ship-owners is an enterprising man named Mr. Hat. He tells the harbormaster that he will do some minor renovations to the docks and will give jobs to some of the riff-raff hanging around the docks, if Mr. Sam will forgo the harbor fee for a year.

Now tell me: How much did the other nine ship-owners have to fork over to cover Mr. Hat's yearly fee?

Q. What's a Marixt

a) An extinct Martian
b) An Existential Marten (Image below)
c) A Seinfeld Plot

A Russian, Chinaman, Cuban, Venezuelan, North Korean....

A Marixt is one of those little subversive bastards that made the letters in my keyboard sticky.

They're everywhere you know. :biggrin:
Say for instance there's a large boat harbor on the seaside. The harbormaster's name is Mr. Sam and he owns the landing and the boat docks.

There are ten ships docked in the harbor. Each of the ship-owners pays Mr. Sam a yearly fee that goes into maintenance of the harbor, and to protect them from pirates.

One of the ship-owners is an enterprising man named Mr. Hat. He tells the harbormaster that he will do some minor renovations to the docks and will give jobs to some of the riff-raff hanging around the docks, if Mr. Sam will forgo the harbor fee for a year.

Now tell me: How much did the other nine ship-owners have to fork over to cover Mr. Hat's yearly fee?

Q. What's a Marixt

a) An extinct Martian
b) An Existential Marten (Image below)
c) A Seinfeld Plot

A Russian, Chinaman, Cuban, Venezuelan, North Korean....

A Marixt is one of those little subversive bastards that made the letters in my keyboard sticky.

They're everywhere you know. :biggrin:
Kind of odd how they can't admit Marxism exists. Even though they are one.
I have no idea what point you're trying to make, but reducing taxes is not an expenditure. That's basic accounting, dumbass.

Not surprised the point is lost on you. Scumbag politicians are choosing winners and losers thanks to expenditures.

They are choosing winners and losers, but that doesn't make a tax cut an "expenditure."
We're not talking about tax cuts. We are talking about deductions, exemptions, and credits.

That's what tax expenditures are, moron. That's what this topic is about.
Those are reductions in taxes, aka, tax cuts.

A tax cut is a reduction across the board for everyone.

What are you doing in a tax topic when you know fuck-all about how taxes work?
ROFL! Sorry, but you don't get to define what words mean. A "tax cut" is a reduction in tax cut. There are no qualifiers about who is affected. That's purely for demagogues and douche bags like you.

I'm here because I know how demagogues who are really trying to raise taxes work. One way they do it is by calling tax cuts "tax expenditures."
Say for instance there's a large boat harbor on the seaside. The harbormaster's name is Mr. Sam and he owns the landing and the boat docks.

There are ten ships docked in the harbor. Each of the ship-owners pays Mr. Sam a yearly fee that goes into maintenance of the harbor, and to protect them from pirates.

One of the ship-owners is an enterprising man named Mr. Hat. He tells the harbormaster that he will do some minor renovations to the docks and will give jobs to some of the riff-raff hanging around the docks, if Mr. Sam will forgo the harbor fee for a year.

Now tell me: How much did the other nine ship-owners have to fork over to cover Mr. Hat's yearly fee?

Q. What's a Marixt

a) An extinct Martian
b) An Existential Marten (Image below)
c) A Seinfeld Plot

A Russian, Chinaman, Cuban, Venezuelan, North Korean....

A Marixt is one of those little subversive bastards that made the letters in my keyboard sticky.

They're everywhere you know. :biggrin:
Kind of odd how they can't admit Marxism exists. Even though they are one.
Which aspect of Marx's Theory?
It's unhealthy to have pure Capitalism, Socialism or Communism.
Say for instance there's a large boat harbor on the seaside. The harbormaster's name is Mr. Sam and he owns the landing and the boat docks.

There are ten ships docked in the harbor. Each of the ship-owners pays Mr. Sam a yearly fee that goes into maintenance of the harbor, and to protect them from pirates.

One of the ship-owners is an enterprising man named Mr. Hat. He tells the harbormaster that he will do some minor renovations to the docks and will give jobs to some of the riff-raff hanging around the docks, if Mr. Sam will forgo the harbor fee for a year.

Now tell me: How much did the other nine ship-owners have to fork over to cover Mr. Hat's yearly fee?

Q. What's a Marixt

a) An extinct Martian
b) An Existential Marten (Image below)
c) A Seinfeld Plot

A Russian, Chinaman, Cuban, Venezuelan, North Korean....

A Marixt is one of those little subversive bastards that made the letters in my keyboard sticky.

They're everywhere you know. :biggrin:
Kind of odd how they can't admit Marxism exists. Even though they are one.

Marxism, as in a nation state which is governed under the theory in the Communist Manifesto, has never existed. The fact that most nation states which claim to be Peoples Republicans, democratic republics or Social Republics are that in name only, most are shame Republics - only one political party is legal - and are Authoritarian and not democratic.
The Corporate tax is a thinly veiled Federal sales tax. I can't understand why some people don't realise that. Raise it and guess what the business does, adds that cost onto the price of the goods or services they provide. The Company doesn't pay that tax the consumer does.
The analogy is problematic, and worse, it is somewhat in error. But we can deal with it for a minute.

FIrst, Docks do deteriorate. One of the few constants in the universe is the effect of Atrophy. That is the way things break down. Docks are particularly susceptible to this effect. The cost of maintainance is factored in to the business plan of most people with enough brains between their ears to actually start a business. So our Dock Owner has been setting aside money for some time to manage repairs.

The cost of those repairs would probably be at least the equal to the annual docking fee of one ship in your scenario, and hiring riff raff, who do you think anyone would hire? Folks that you would consider riff raff almost certainly. Construction is hard and dirty work, and folks involved in it generally speaking don't have the table manners of the elites on Masterpiece Theator.

Now, the way tax breaks really work is like this. You have a business, and it will employ a hundred people when you set up your new distribution plant. You need to place it within 100 miles of Charlotte. You start examining locations, and you tell these various towns and cities that you are doing this to find a suitable location. You want to know about trash costs, property tax costs, and a lot of other factors that will go into your estimates.

The cities want you there, in addition to bringing in the business, most of the people you hire will be local. They will see an increase in their tax revenue, even if they cut you a break. You see, not only will the employment taxes go into the city coffers, but those employees will buy things with that money, and that goes towards the sales tax income that the cities need for things like police, schools, fire departments, and a host of other things.

So the City does their own math, and comes up with some estimates, and whamo they announce that they will give you a break on property taxes for twelve years if you pick their city. The location you've chosen will be near the freeway, and has good access to rail lines as well. It's a good location, but there are others that are just as worthy. The twelve years of reduced property taxes seals the deal.

For that twelve years the city still comes out slightly ahead on the other taxes I mentioned. Diners crop up around your place for the employees, and truckers, a Truck Stop is built to service the drivers and trucks. All of these other businesses pay taxes, and make their money off of your distribution facility.

It's like a night club that offers Ladies Night. No cover charge, and two free drinks per lady. The night club will get the ladies in, and where there are ladies, the men will follow. The Night Club comes out ahead because more people show up, and most people including the ladies, have more than two drinks.

Or a bar that offers happy hour with half price well drinks. Those happy hour specials don't really cost the bar money, but do make money on the overall picture as the drinkers stay for a drink or two past the happy hour limit.

Many people like yourself, denounce such deals, despite the fact that they generally speaking end up bringing in a lot more money than they cost. Perhaps you don't like the ladies, I don't know, and don't care. But these techniques have been used for generations with success. Grocery Stores offer Buy One Get One Free on some select items. Even if you buy every single one of them, and nothing else, most people will buy something else, and the store still makes money.

Now, we've addressed your terrible analogy, and used much better ones to examine the question of tax breaks. I'd ask if you had any questions, but I'm sure you do, and I doubt I can help.
More of this endless Manichean mindset. Binary thinking taken to the absurd extreme! Either you favor one side (which the proponent calls 'good'), or you must be 'evil', opposite, enemy. If you are not one hundred percent, laissez faire, gung-ho 'capitalist', you are a blood drenched Leninist-Stalinist 'commie'.
Capitalism is not a religion. It isn't even a philosophy. It is one way economic functioning can take place. Any number of other modes and combinations are possible, and that which works best the most desirable, regardless of the label put on it.
Say for instance there's a large boat harbor on the seaside. The harbormaster's name is Mr. Sam and he owns the landing and the boat docks.

There are ten ships docked in the harbor. Each of the ship-owners pays Mr. Sam a yearly fee that goes into maintenance of the harbor, and to protect them from pirates.

One of the ship-owners is an enterprising man named Mr. Hat. He tells the harbormaster that he will do some minor renovations to the docks and will give jobs to some of the riff-raff hanging around the docks, if Mr. Sam will forgo the harbor fee for a year.

Now tell me: How much did the other nine ship-owners have to fork over to cover Mr. Hat's yearly fee?
/----/// From Libtard rag Newsday. A glaring example of how corporate taxes are passed on to the consumer in spite of what the Progs claim:
The average household in Sea Cliff (NY) uses about 8,000 gallons a month, Tierno said. The average bill is $110 a month, but he said only $32 of that goes to pay for operations and maintenance. The remaining $78 goes to pay property taxes levied by various entities, including Nassau County, towns and school districts.

David Denenberg, director of the advocacy group Long Island Clean Air Water and Soil and a former Nassau County legislator who lives in Merrick, said his latest monthly water bill is $264.59, and 40 percent to 55 percent of that goes to pay property taxes.
Customers air grievances over spiking water bills
The reduced revenues caused by every tax deduction, credit, and exemption has to be replaced by raising tax rates on EVERYONE. They are robbery, pure and simple. Theft. They steal from the pockets of every taxpayer.

They cost us all money. Just like welfare does. They are just as much a government gift as food stamps.

No self-respecting libertarian or conservative would EVER defend them.
Wrong, dumbass, it doesn't have to be replaced.
Thsat'scright. You are a conservstive.

Conservastives believe you reduce revenues through tax cuts spend the same amount, & put the deficit on the credit card.
The Libertarian Party believes in the repeal of the income tax.

Tax expenditures are not unique to the income tax. They can corrupt ANY tax scheme, and they invariably lead to higher tax rates, no matter which tax scheme you have.

What the innumerate pseudocon tards have never been told by their propaganda masters is that every deduction is paid for by higher tax rates. So when you tell them this, they are literally struck stupid and blind.

Every time. I have never once seen one see the light. Ever.

This is voluntary on their part. They have a character defect which prevents them from ever admitting they are not only wrong, but have been fooled by their idols.
Because in order to believe in your kind of stupid we would have to begin as you do that the government can never spend less.
Wrong. That is not what I believe.

You tards are a bottomless pit of logical fallacies. No wonder you were so easily hoaxed into thinking tax expenditures are not theft.
Taxes are theft you moron. And spending more on worthless government programs doesn't help anyone. Not even the ones you claim will get something for free. You still think the government is owed first above any of a personal need or use of that money. So in your simple mind we exist to work for the government and maybe can eek out a poppers existence with what the almighty fat girl at the DMV allows you to have. You're an idiot. A willing one.
Spoken ,like a true America hating Trumpette. Supporting your country is stealing from you?
Say for instance there's a large boat harbor on the seaside. The harbormaster's name is Mr. Sam and he owns the landing and the boat docks.

There are ten ships docked in the harbor. Each of the ship-owners pays Mr. Sam a yearly fee that goes into maintenance of the harbor, and to protect them from pirates.

One of the ship-owners is an enterprising man named Mr. Hat. He tells the harbormaster that he will do some minor renovations to the docks and will give jobs to some of the riff-raff hanging around the docks, if Mr. Sam will forgo the harbor fee for a year.

Now tell me: How much did the other nine ship-owners have to fork over to cover Mr. Hat's yearly fee?
/----/// From Libtard rag Newsday. A glaring example of how corporate taxes are passed on to the consumer in spite of what the Progs claim:
The average household in Sea Cliff (NY) uses about 8,000 gallons a month, Tierno said. The average bill is $110 a month, but he said only $32 of that goes to pay for operations and maintenance. The remaining $78 goes to pay property taxes levied by various entities, including Nassau County, towns and school districts.

David Denenberg, director of the advocacy group Long Island Clean Air Water and Soil and a former Nassau County legislator who lives in Merrick, said his latest monthly water bill is $264.59, and 40 percent to 55 percent of that goes to pay property taxes.
Customers air grievances over spiking water bills

My water bill is $18 a month, 2 miles away inside the city limits a friends water bill is $165 a month for the same damn water. Why? Because the greedy vampire sucking city sunk its fangs into them, slapped a gob of fees and taxes onto his water bill that has nothing to do with water.
I quit reading to to extreme laughter when a read the 23% sales tax.

This is to due dumbass Libertarians who know shit about mathematics & how taxes actually work.

That's one tax that has been suggested:

Let me point out that this is not a new idea. The FAIR Tax repeals all 73,000 pages of the tax code in favor of a single 23% sales tax. Americans for Tax Reform proposes a single flat income tax. Next week, I’ll be laying out my own proposal for a revenue-neutral tax code with no loopholes.

Here where that 23% is a lie.

What the "plan" ays is that if we take$@3 from every hundred spent.

So we are spending $77 & paying $23 in sales tax

That is a 30% rate. not 23%.

This is a big deal because it exposer the attempt to dupe people. The 23% is fraudulent.

Some say it would take a 34% rate.
The Corporate tax is a thinly veiled Federal sales tax. I can't understand why some people don't realise that. Raise it and guess what the business does, adds that cost onto the price of the goods or services they provide. The Company doesn't pay that tax the consumer does.

So you eliminate the corporate tax and just raise taxes directly on the consumer to make up the revenue difference?
The Corporate tax is a thinly veiled Federal sales tax. I can't understand why some people don't realise that. Raise it and guess what the business does, adds that cost onto the price of the goods or services they provide. The Company doesn't pay that tax the consumer does.


So, If trump gets his way & the corporate rate drops from 35% to 15%, we can expect all prices to come down 15%.


Companies charge based on market pricing.
The reduced revenues caused by every tax deduction, credit, and exemption has to be replaced by raising tax rates on EVERYONE. They are robbery, pure and simple. Theft. They steal from the pockets of every taxpayer.

They cost us all money. Just like welfare does. They are just as much a government gift as food stamps.

No self-respecting libertarian or conservative would EVER defend them.
Wrong, dumbass, it doesn't have to be replaced.
Thsat'scright. You are a conservstive.

Conservastives believe you reduce revenues through tax cuts spend the same amount, & put the deficit on the credit card.

That's a lie, how often do you lie about Conservatives? My guess is daily. Conservatives believe in cutting spending, reducing taxes, and reducing regulation all to fuel economic growth.

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