Corportate Tax Breaks Explained for Marixt Idiots

Thsat'scright. You are a conservstive.

Conservastives believe you reduce revenues through tax cuts spend the same amount, & put the deficit on the credit card.

That's a lie, how often do you lie about Conservatives? My guess is daily. Conservatives believe in cutting spending, reducing taxes, and reducing regulation all to fuel economic growth.
Then why do you keep voting Republican?

They can't balance the budget. They hand out tax cuts to the wealthy. They don't cut spending.

Yes they do cut regulations. Make our air & water dirtier, increase emissions, deregulate Wall Street. That all worked out so well.

You live a dream world.

Are you and idiot? I highlighted your stupid shit lib talking points nonsense. :cuckoo:

Example. The budget was balanced under Bill Clinton.

Bush took office & he & the Republicans took us from that to the worst recession in 80 years & a near financial meltdown.

I expect you'll have a tissy fit & deny the budget was balanced & proceed to blame Democrats for that recession.
/----/ Only Congress can balance a budget. And Clintoon had a REPUBLICAN Congress led by Newt Gingrich, whom as I recall, you Progs hate with a passion. .

We've had a republican congress for a long time now, where is our balance budget?
Wrong, dumbass, it doesn't have to be replaced.
Thsat'scright. You are a conservstive.

Conservastives believe you reduce revenues through tax cuts spend the same amount, & put the deficit on the credit card.

That's a lie, how often do you lie about Conservatives? My guess is daily. Conservatives believe in cutting spending, reducing taxes, and reducing regulation all to fuel economic growth.
Then why do you keep voting Republican?

They can't balance the budget. They hand out tax cuts to the wealthy. They don't cut spending.

Yes they do cut regulations. Make our air & water dirtier, increase emissions, deregulate Wall Street. That all worked out so well.

You live a dream world.

Are you and idiot? I highlighted your stupid shit lib talking points nonsense. :cuckoo:
The Bush Tsax cuts heavily favored the Wealthy. Your orange buddy's tax cuts do too.

When you cut regulations that were to make air & water cleaner, guess what the vuck happens. I would think that even a person as duped as you could figure that one out.
/----/ "regulations that were to make air & water cleaner," No proof those regulations did anything but hamper commerce. Libs hate corporations and love any reg that makes doing business harder even if the reg does nothing but increase paperwork.
The reduced revenues caused by every tax deduction, credit, and exemption has to be replaced by raising tax rates on EVERYONE. They are robbery, pure and simple. Theft. They steal from the pockets of every taxpayer.

They cost us all money. Just like welfare does. They are just as much a government gift as food stamps.

No self-respecting libertarian or conservative would EVER defend them.

You're a Marxist idiot and don't have a fucking clue how capitalism even works. While you were typing your Marxist spew, ten more ship-owners decided they liked Mr. Sam's renovations, and decided to dock there.

And those riff-raff Mr. Hat employed? Two of them actually made enough to buy their own ships.

Go practice your Marxism somewhere else.
Don't waste your breath. Half The Liberal Idiots who post on here are actually from other countries that practice communism and socialism. Others are actually paid Trolls, paid by The Democrat Party to troll Social Media and disrupt discussions and push a Leftist Agenda.

I've yet to meet a reasonable Liberal on Social Media.
That's a lie, how often do you lie about Conservatives? My guess is daily. Conservatives believe in cutting spending, reducing taxes, and reducing regulation all to fuel economic growth.
Then why do you keep voting Republican?

They can't balance the budget. They hand out tax cuts to the wealthy. They don't cut spending.

Yes they do cut regulations. Make our air & water dirtier, increase emissions, deregulate Wall Street. That all worked out so well.

You live a dream world.

Are you and idiot? I highlighted your stupid shit lib talking points nonsense. :cuckoo:

Example. The budget was balanced under Bill Clinton.

Bush took office & he & the Republicans took us from that to the worst recession in 80 years & a near financial meltdown.

I expect you'll have a tissy fit & deny the budget was balanced & proceed to blame Democrats for that recession.
/----/ Only Congress can balance a budget. And Clintoon had a REPUBLICAN Congress led by Newt Gingrich, whom as I recall, you Progs hate with a passion. .

We've had a republican congress for a long time now, where is our balance budget?
/----/ You share my anger and frustration. Thank you
Thsat'scright. You are a conservstive.

Conservastives believe you reduce revenues through tax cuts spend the same amount, & put the deficit on the credit card.

That's a lie, how often do you lie about Conservatives? My guess is daily. Conservatives believe in cutting spending, reducing taxes, and reducing regulation all to fuel economic growth.
Then why do you keep voting Republican?

They can't balance the budget. They hand out tax cuts to the wealthy. They don't cut spending.

Yes they do cut regulations. Make our air & water dirtier, increase emissions, deregulate Wall Street. That all worked out so well.

You live a dream world.

Are you and idiot? I highlighted your stupid shit lib talking points nonsense. :cuckoo:
The Bush Tsax cuts heavily favored the Wealthy. Your orange buddy's tax cuts do too.

When you cut regulations that were to make air & water cleaner, guess what the vuck happens. I would think that even a person as duped as you could figure that one out.
/----/ Everyone who paid taxes got a tax cut.

Who got the most $$? Repeal estate tax? Only the richest pay that.
That's a lie, how often do you lie about Conservatives? My guess is daily. Conservatives believe in cutting spending, reducing taxes, and reducing regulation all to fuel economic growth.
Then why do you keep voting Republican?

They can't balance the budget. They hand out tax cuts to the wealthy. They don't cut spending.

Yes they do cut regulations. Make our air & water dirtier, increase emissions, deregulate Wall Street. That all worked out so well.

You live a dream world.

Are you and idiot? I highlighted your stupid shit lib talking points nonsense. :cuckoo:
The Bush Tsax cuts heavily favored the Wealthy. Your orange buddy's tax cuts do too.

When you cut regulations that were to make air & water cleaner, guess what the vuck happens. I would think that even a person as duped as you could figure that one out.
/----/ Everyone who paid taxes got a tax cut.

Who got the most $$? Repeal estate tax? Only the richest pay that.
/----/ That money has already been taxed. Libs want it to be taxed 100%
Then why do you keep voting Republican?

They can't balance the budget. They hand out tax cuts to the wealthy. They don't cut spending.

Yes they do cut regulations. Make our air & water dirtier, increase emissions, deregulate Wall Street. That all worked out so well.

You live a dream world.

Are you and idiot? I highlighted your stupid shit lib talking points nonsense. :cuckoo:
The Bush Tsax cuts heavily favored the Wealthy. Your orange buddy's tax cuts do too.

When you cut regulations that were to make air & water cleaner, guess what the vuck happens. I would think that even a person as duped as you could figure that one out.
/----/ Everyone who paid taxes got a tax cut.

Who got the most $$? Repeal estate tax? Only the richest pay that.
/----/ That money has already been taxed. Libs want it to be taxed 100%

It benefits only the most wealthy. And much of it hasn't been taxed when you really look at it. If I make money on a stock I pay taxes when I sell. Really rich guy makes a lot on a stock and then dies, no tax. I'm not a huge fan of the estate tax, but you have to be blind to not see it's repeal only helps the wealthy. Repeal after a balanced budget.
Thsat'scright. You are a conservstive.

Conservastives believe you reduce revenues through tax cuts spend the same amount, & put the deficit on the credit card.

That's a lie, how often do you lie about Conservatives? My guess is daily. Conservatives believe in cutting spending, reducing taxes, and reducing regulation all to fuel economic growth.

That is something republicans sure aren't doing.

No one hates the corrupt lying scum GOP establishment republicans more than I do, they are not conservatives. In fact they routinely mock and shit on conservatives.

That's why I am no longer a republican.
But do you vote Republican?
It's either Republican or Marxist.
That's a lie, how often do you lie about Conservatives? My guess is daily. Conservatives believe in cutting spending, reducing taxes, and reducing regulation all to fuel economic growth.
Then why do you keep voting Republican?

They can't balance the budget. They hand out tax cuts to the wealthy. They don't cut spending.

Yes they do cut regulations. Make our air & water dirtier, increase emissions, deregulate Wall Street. That all worked out so well.

You live a dream world.

Are you and idiot? I highlighted your stupid shit lib talking points nonsense. :cuckoo:

Example. The budget was balanced under Bill Clinton.

Bush took office & he & the Republicans took us from that to the worst recession in 80 years & a near financial meltdown.

I expect you'll have a tissy fit & deny the budget was balanced & proceed to blame Democrats for that recession.
/----/ Only Congress can balance a budget. And Clintoon had a REPUBLICAN Congress led by Newt Gingrich, whom as I recall, you Progs hate with a passion. .

We've had a republican congress for a long time now, where is our balance budget?
Damn fool. Trump 6 months in office - 8 years of The Blamer negating everything the republicans put forth before that.
Then why do you keep voting Republican?

They can't balance the budget. They hand out tax cuts to the wealthy. They don't cut spending.

Yes they do cut regulations. Make our air & water dirtier, increase emissions, deregulate Wall Street. That all worked out so well.

You live a dream world.

Are you and idiot? I highlighted your stupid shit lib talking points nonsense. :cuckoo:

Example. The budget was balanced under Bill Clinton.

Bush took office & he & the Republicans took us from that to the worst recession in 80 years & a near financial meltdown.

I expect you'll have a tissy fit & deny the budget was balanced & proceed to blame Democrats for that recession.
/----/ Only Congress can balance a budget. And Clintoon had a REPUBLICAN Congress led by Newt Gingrich, whom as I recall, you Progs hate with a passion. .

We've had a republican congress for a long time now, where is our balance budget?
Damn fool. Trump 6 months in office - 8 years of The Blamer negating everything the republicans put forth before that.

Haven't noticed a difference since Trump.
That's a lie, how often do you lie about Conservatives? My guess is daily. Conservatives believe in cutting spending, reducing taxes, and reducing regulation all to fuel economic growth.

That is something republicans sure aren't doing.

No one hates the corrupt lying scum GOP establishment republicans more than I do, they are not conservatives. In fact they routinely mock and shit on conservatives.

That's why I am no longer a republican.
But do you vote Republican?
It's either Republican or Marxist.

Don't be so dramatic. It is either spend or spend.
Wrong, dumbass, it doesn't have to be replaced.
Thsat'scright. You are a conservstive.

Conservastives believe you reduce revenues through tax cuts spend the same amount, & put the deficit on the credit card.

That's a lie, how often do you lie about Conservatives? My guess is daily. Conservatives believe in cutting spending, reducing taxes, and reducing regulation all to fuel economic growth.
Then why do you keep voting Republican?

They can't balance the budget. They hand out tax cuts to the wealthy. They don't cut spending.

Yes they do cut regulations. Make our air & water dirtier, increase emissions, deregulate Wall Street. That all worked out so well.

You live a dream world.

Are you and idiot? I highlighted your stupid shit lib talking points nonsense. :cuckoo:

Example. The budget was balanced under Bill Clinton.

Bush took office & he & the Republicans took us from that to the worst recession in 80 years & a near financial meltdown.

I expect you'll have a tissy fit & deny the budget was balanced & proceed to blame Democrats for that recession.

Good lord, who controlled congress when the budget was balanced? Which branch of government controls the budget? Hello earth to liberal drone.
The Libertarian Party believes in the repeal of the income tax.

Tax expenditures are not unique to the income tax. They can corrupt ANY tax scheme, and they invariably lead to higher tax rates, no matter which tax scheme you have.

What the innumerate pseudocon tards have never been told by their propaganda masters is that every deduction is paid for by higher tax rates. So when you tell them this, they are literally struck stupid and blind.

Every time. I have never once seen one see the light. Ever.

This is voluntary on their part. They have a character defect which prevents them from ever admitting they are not only wrong, but have been fooled by their idols.
Because in order to believe in your kind of stupid we would have to begin as you do that the government can never spend less.
Wrong. That is not what I believe.

You tards are a bottomless pit of logical fallacies. No wonder you were so easily hoaxed into thinking tax expenditures are not theft.
Taxes are theft you moron. And spending more on worthless government programs doesn't help anyone. Not even the ones you claim will get something for free. You still think the government is owed first above any of a personal need or use of that money. So in your simple mind we exist to work for the government and maybe can eek out a poppers existence with what the almighty fat girl at the DMV allows you to have. You're an idiot. A willing one.
Spoken ,like a true America hating Trumpette. Supporting your country is stealing from you?

You mean supporting a bunch of dead beats, don't you?

Taxation is theft. No one has ever managed to prove otherwise.
Wrong, dumbass, it doesn't have to be replaced.
Thsat'scright. You are a conservstive.

Conservastives believe you reduce revenues through tax cuts spend the same amount, & put the deficit on the credit card.

That's a lie, how often do you lie about Conservatives? My guess is daily. Conservatives believe in cutting spending, reducing taxes, and reducing regulation all to fuel economic growth.
Then why do you keep voting Republican?

They can't balance the budget. They hand out tax cuts to the wealthy. They don't cut spending.

Yes they do cut regulations. Make our air & water dirtier, increase emissions, deregulate Wall Street. That all worked out so well.

You live a dream world.

Are you and idiot? I highlighted your stupid shit lib talking points nonsense. :cuckoo:
The Bush Tsax cuts heavily favored the Wealthy. Your orange buddy's tax cuts do too.

When you cut regulations that were to make air & water cleaner, guess what the vuck happens. I would think that even a person as duped as you could figure that one out.

LOL more liberal talking points. Obama already raised taxes on the 'rich' so you have nothing to bitch about now, right.
Thsat'scright. You are a conservstive.

Conservastives believe you reduce revenues through tax cuts spend the same amount, & put the deficit on the credit card.

That's a lie, how often do you lie about Conservatives? My guess is daily. Conservatives believe in cutting spending, reducing taxes, and reducing regulation all to fuel economic growth.
Then why do you keep voting Republican?

They can't balance the budget. They hand out tax cuts to the wealthy. They don't cut spending.

Yes they do cut regulations. Make our air & water dirtier, increase emissions, deregulate Wall Street. That all worked out so well.

You live a dream world.

Are you and idiot? I highlighted your stupid shit lib talking points nonsense. :cuckoo:

Example. The budget was balanced under Bill Clinton.

Bush took office & he & the Republicans took us from that to the worst recession in 80 years & a near financial meltdown.

I expect you'll have a tissy fit & deny the budget was balanced & proceed to blame Democrats for that recession.

Good lord, who controlled congress when the budget was balanced? Which branch of government controls the budget? Hello earth to liberal drone.

Who has controlled congress for quite a long time now? Where is the balanced budget? Yet the drones keep voting Repub.
Thsat'scright. You are a conservstive.

Conservastives believe you reduce revenues through tax cuts spend the same amount, & put the deficit on the credit card.

That's a lie, how often do you lie about Conservatives? My guess is daily. Conservatives believe in cutting spending, reducing taxes, and reducing regulation all to fuel economic growth.
Then why do you keep voting Republican?

They can't balance the budget. They hand out tax cuts to the wealthy. They don't cut spending.

Yes they do cut regulations. Make our air & water dirtier, increase emissions, deregulate Wall Street. That all worked out so well.

You live a dream world.

Are you and idiot? I highlighted your stupid shit lib talking points nonsense. :cuckoo:
The Bush Tsax cuts heavily favored the Wealthy. Your orange buddy's tax cuts do too.

When you cut regulations that were to make air & water cleaner, guess what the vuck happens. I would think that even a person as duped as you could figure that one out.

LOL more liberal talking points. Obama already raised taxes on the 'rich' so you have nothing to bitch about now, right.

And since the taxes on the Rich were raised, the economy is doing well and the deficit is falling.

Two things you RWnuts said couldn't happen.
The Libertarian Party believes in the repeal of the income tax.

Tax expenditures are not unique to the income tax. They can corrupt ANY tax scheme, and they invariably lead to higher tax rates, no matter which tax scheme you have.

What the innumerate pseudocon tards have never been told by their propaganda masters is that every deduction is paid for by higher tax rates. So when you tell them this, they are literally struck stupid and blind.

Every time. I have never once seen one see the light. Ever.

This is voluntary on their part. They have a character defect which prevents them from ever admitting they are not only wrong, but have been fooled by their idols.
Because in order to believe in your kind of stupid we would have to begin as you do that the government can never spend less.
Wrong. That is not what I believe.

You tards are a bottomless pit of logical fallacies. No wonder you were so easily hoaxed into thinking tax expenditures are not theft.
Taxes are theft you moron. And spending more on worthless government programs doesn't help anyone. Not even the ones you claim will get something for free. You still think the government is owed first above any of a personal need or use of that money. So in your simple mind we exist to work for the government and maybe can eek out a poppers existence with what the almighty fat girl at the DMV allows you to have. You're an idiot. A willing one.
Spoken ,like a true America hating Trumpette. Supporting your country is stealing from you?

You mean supporting a bunch of dead beats, don't you?

Taxation is theft. No one has ever managed to prove otherwise.

How can it be theft when you get something in return. That military protection won't pay for itself.
The Libertarian Party believes in the repeal of the income tax.

Tax expenditures are not unique to the income tax. They can corrupt ANY tax scheme, and they invariably lead to higher tax rates, no matter which tax scheme you have.

What the innumerate pseudocon tards have never been told by their propaganda masters is that every deduction is paid for by higher tax rates. So when you tell them this, they are literally struck stupid and blind.

Every time. I have never once seen one see the light. Ever.

This is voluntary on their part. They have a character defect which prevents them from ever admitting they are not only wrong, but have been fooled by their idols.
Because in order to believe in your kind of stupid we would have to begin as you do that the government can never spend less.
Wrong. That is not what I believe.

You tards are a bottomless pit of logical fallacies. No wonder you were so easily hoaxed into thinking tax expenditures are not theft.
Taxes are theft you moron. And spending more on worthless government programs doesn't help anyone. Not even the ones you claim will get something for free. You still think the government is owed first above any of a personal need or use of that money. So in your simple mind we exist to work for the government and maybe can eek out a poppers existence with what the almighty fat girl at the DMV allows you to have. You're an idiot. A willing one.
Spoken ,like a true America hating Trumpette. Supporting your country is stealing from you?

You mean supporting a bunch of dead beats, don't you?

Taxation is theft. No one has ever managed to prove otherwise.

See? This guy believes there should be NO government. At all.

Imagine his world if you can.
I quit reading to to extreme laughter when a read the 23% sales tax.

This is to due dumbass Libertarians who know shit about mathematics & how taxes actually work.

That's one tax that has been suggested:

Let me point out that this is not a new idea. The FAIR Tax repeals all 73,000 pages of the tax code in favor of a single 23% sales tax. Americans for Tax Reform proposes a single flat income tax. Next week, I’ll be laying out my own proposal for a revenue-neutral tax code with no loopholes.

Here where that 23% is a lie.

What the "plan" ays is that if we take$@3 from every hundred spent.

So we are spending $77 & paying $23 in sales tax

That is a 30% rate. not 23%.

This is a big deal because it exposer the attempt to dupe people. The 23% is fraudulent.

Some say it would take a 34% rate.

I'm not sold on that as the best alternative, but it is interesting. One problem I see is the poor
would be paying way more than now with a sales tax.

They wouldn't be paying more with the FAIR tax. They would pay nothing up to a certain amount, like $15,000 per person, $30,000 per couple.
Because in order to believe in your kind of stupid we would have to begin as you do that the government can never spend less.
Wrong. That is not what I believe.

You tards are a bottomless pit of logical fallacies. No wonder you were so easily hoaxed into thinking tax expenditures are not theft.
Taxes are theft you moron. And spending more on worthless government programs doesn't help anyone. Not even the ones you claim will get something for free. You still think the government is owed first above any of a personal need or use of that money. So in your simple mind we exist to work for the government and maybe can eek out a poppers existence with what the almighty fat girl at the DMV allows you to have. You're an idiot. A willing one.
Spoken ,like a true America hating Trumpette. Supporting your country is stealing from you?

You mean supporting a bunch of dead beats, don't you?

Taxation is theft. No one has ever managed to prove otherwise.

How can it be theft when you get something in return. That military protection won't pay for itself.
Forcing me to pay for stuff I haven't asked for is theft. Just ask the police if it's legal for some street urchin to smear your windshield with a muddy rag and then charge you for cleaning your windshield.

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