Corportate Tax Breaks Explained for Marixt Idiots

Tax expenditures = higher tax rates.

I cannot dumb it down any more than that for you retards.

The only reason rates are so high is because of tax expenditures. And who decides who gets the most expenditures? Scumbag politicians.
Tax expenditures steal from EVERY taxpayer. They are no different than food stamps.

You aren't keeping more of your own money, you are stealing from EVERY taxpayer.

None of you who defend this practice can rightfully call yourselves conservatives or libertarians.

You are pseudocons.

If so-called "tax expenditures" are stealing, then so is a progressive income tax.
Example. The budget was balanced under Bill Clinton.

Bush took office & he & the Republicans took us from that to the worst recession in 80 years & a near financial meltdown.

I expect you'll have a tissy fit & deny the budget was balanced & proceed to blame Democrats for that recession.

Good lord, who controlled congress when the budget was balanced? Which branch of government controls the budget? Hello earth to liberal drone.

Who has controlled congress for quite a long time now? Where is the balanced budget? Yet the drones keep voting Repub.

Why are you deflecting? The poster tried to claim it was Dem's who balanced the budget, not true.

You can't claim it is all congress and then give repubs a pass now and blame obama. Fact is it was Dems and repubs who got the budget in order.

Oh come on, know your history Bill Clinton had to be dragged kicking and screaming into that balanced budget FACT!
Slick complained every year that the budget Congress passed didn't spend enough.
That's a lie, how often do you lie about Conservatives? My guess is daily. Conservatives believe in cutting spending, reducing taxes, and reducing regulation all to fuel economic growth.
Then why do you keep voting Republican?

They can't balance the budget. They hand out tax cuts to the wealthy. They don't cut spending.

Yes they do cut regulations. Make our air & water dirtier, increase emissions, deregulate Wall Street. That all worked out so well.

You live a dream world.

Are you and idiot? I highlighted your stupid shit lib talking points nonsense. :cuckoo:

Example. The budget was balanced under Bill Clinton.

Bush took office & he & the Republicans took us from that to the worst recession in 80 years & a near financial meltdown.

I expect you'll have a tissy fit & deny the budget was balanced & proceed to blame Democrats for that recession.
It was only the worst because Obama made it worse than it had to be.
Obama certainly didn't create it.
He helped. The Dims and the Pubs both created it.

As the Task Force worked to develop smart reforms, we asked ourselves two questions about each policy or provision: “Will this policy reform grow our economy?” and “Is it worth raising taxes on everyone else to include this provision?”

Many of these tax preferences, sometimes referred to as “tax expenditures,” are special-interest giveaways that are masked as tax breaks instead of direct grants. For fiscal year 2016, such “spending” through the tax code amounts to more than $1.4 trillion, or almost three-fourths of the amount of revenue raised by the entire Federal income tax. When Washington picks winners and losers with the tax code, the American people ultimately pay higher tax rates and keep less of their hard-earned money.
Example. The budget was balanced under Bill Clinton.

Bush took office & he & the Republicans took us from that to the worst recession in 80 years & a near financial meltdown.

I expect you'll have a tissy fit & deny the budget was balanced & proceed to blame Democrats for that recession.

Good lord, who controlled congress when the budget was balanced? Which branch of government controls the budget? Hello earth to liberal drone.

Who has controlled congress for quite a long time now? Where is the balanced budget? Yet the drones keep voting Repub.

Why are you deflecting? The poster tried to claim it was Dem's who balanced the budget, not true.

You can't claim it is all congress and then give repubs a pass now and blame obama. Fact is it was Dems and repubs who got the budget in order.

Oh come on, know your history Bill Clinton had to be dragged kicking and screaming into that balanced budget FACT!

He ran on it and it got done.
I've said it literally hundreds of times for YEARS on this forum. And the pseudocon tards who defend this theft lie about it. As if they think everyone is as fucking stupid as they are.

See, with lower tax rates for everyone, they get to keep more of their own money, and no one is stealing from them through tax expenditures.

So simple even a retard can understand.

Oh, wait...
Oh come on, know your history Bill Clinton had to be dragged kicking and screaming into that balanced budget FACT!

That is total revisionist bullshit. Clinton's very first budget proposal included tax legislation which would cut the deficit by half a trillion dollars. It was the REPUBLICANS who resisted it. Al Gore had to make the tie breaking vote to get it passed.

"Know your history." You fucking liar. You made up fake history.

During the next round of budget battles, Clinton and the Republicans compromised.
Interesting that you don't have a problem with the tax loopholes that allow the family of four making almost $50,000 to pay zero income tax. For the corporations to use what you call loopholes, they have to actually do something. For that family of four to pay nothing, they simply have to exist as a family of four.

Interesting......So, morons like you would side MORE with a corporation and the CEOs need for new Lear Jets, and LESS with a family of 4 making $50K.

I'll let others judge how fucked up you are.
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Oh come on, know your history Bill Clinton had to be dragged kicking and screaming into that balanced budget FACT!

That is total revisionist bullshit. Clinton's very first budget proposal included tax legislation which would cut the deficit by half a trillion dollars. It was the REPUBLICANS who resisted it. Al Gore had to make the tie breaking vote to get it passed.

"Know your history." You fucking liar. You made up fake history.
His own budget projections showed $500 deficits as far as the eye could see.

What caused the deficit to go down was the tech boom and all the tax revenue the government earned on the sale of tech stocks. That disappeared when the tech boom collapsed.
Interesting that you don't have a problem with the tax loopholes that allow the family of four making almost $50,000 to pay zero income tax. For the corporations to use what you call loopholes, they have to actually do something. For that family of four to pay nothing, they simply have to exist as a family of four.

Interesting......So,morons like you would side MORE with a corporation and the CEOs need for new Lear Jets, and LESS with a family of 4 making $50K.

I'll let others judge how fucked up you are.
A family of four making $50,000 doesn't pay any income taxes, moron.
Good lord, who controlled congress when the budget was balanced? Which branch of government controls the budget? Hello earth to liberal drone.

Who has controlled congress for quite a long time now? Where is the balanced budget? Yet the drones keep voting Repub.

Why are you deflecting? The poster tried to claim it was Dem's who balanced the budget, not true.

You can't claim it is all congress and then give repubs a pass now and blame obama. Fact is it was Dems and repubs who got the budget in order.

Oh come on, know your history Bill Clinton had to be dragged kicking and screaming into that balanced budget FACT!

He ran on it and it got done.
No, Congress got it done.
Actually I have been talking about tax cuts.

The opposite of "tax expenditures = higher tax rates, is "eliminating tax expenditures = lower tax rates for EVERYONE".

I've said that many hundreds of times on this forum.
Of course, you aren't proposing to lower rates to compensate for eliminating the tax cuts.
Yes I am, you stupidly and willfully blind retard. Without fail, every single time I have talked about eliminating tax expenditures, I have said it would allow us to reduce tax rates for EVERYONE. I have always capitalized EVERYONE to drive home the point that tax expenditures STEAL from EVERYONE.

I do not understand why you fucking assholes feel the need to make up lies. I really don't. You completely destroy your credibility. So eat shit and die motherfucker.

When I said I have talked about lowering tax rates for EVERYONE hundreds of times on this forum, I meant it literally. And I have said it directly to YOU several times. So stop lying asshole.

Here are some examples, with the relevant words blown up so even a fucking lying asshole like you can't miss them:

If we eliminated all tax expenditures, we would have at least $800 billion surplus in revenues.

That means tax rates could be reduced for EVERYONE.

Tax expenditures are being paid for with higher tax rates and deficits.

When you hear politicians talk about "broadening the tax base", this is what they are talking about.

By eliminating tax expenditures (you can call them "tax breaks" or "subsidies" or whatever you feel like), you can then lower everyone's tax rates. And everyone pays the same amount as everyone else who earns the same income.

The reason we cannot lower rates now is because you have to subsidize all those deductions people are getting now.


As for tax rates, we could significantly lower tax rates for EVERYONE if we banned tax expenditures.

But just try to get someone to give up their mortgage interest deduction or child tax credit which is paid for by someone else. They scream like the welfare queen they are.

1. Lower the tax rates, broaden the tax base. We do this simply by eliminating tax expenditures. Tax expenditures are gifts to special interests that are paid for by higher tax rates on everyone and heavy borrowing. We are mortgaging our future so special interests can steal more money from us.

2. Increase the retirement age to 70, and index to 9 percent of the population going forward. We are living DECADES longer than our ancestors who established SS, we should be working longer. Common fricking sense.

These two things alone would give us such a ridiculous surplus, we could balance the budget, lower tax rates for EVERYONE, and pay down the debt. All at the same time.

And it would give us instant campaign finance reform. If we banned Congress from putting tax expenditures in the tax code, the special interests would lose the incentive to bribe Congressmen to do so. Again, common fricking sense.

I can do this all fucking day, you lying fuck.
I recall posts where you said eliminating tax expenditures would be a good way to eliminate the deficit. How can it do that if it's revenue nuetral?

Face it: you're lying.
Eliminating tax expenditures is not revenue neutral, you innumerate idiot.

What I clearly said many, many times is that the eliminating the amount of tax expenditures (over a trillion dollars) would increase revenues. We could then decide what to do with that increase. We could use most of it to lower tax rates, and use some to pay down the debt. Then once the debt was paid down, we could lower tax rates even more.

I can't remember how many times I said that very thing on this forum. But you willfully blind assholes make up lies about what I think and believe, in the fact of reality and facts.

That's what pseudocons asshole tards do. You are the most dishonest people who have ever walked the Earth.

You think lying makes up for being stupid.
Actually I have been talking about tax cuts.

The opposite of "tax expenditures = higher tax rates, is "eliminating tax expenditures = lower tax rates for EVERYONE".

I've said that many hundreds of times on this forum.
Of course, you aren't proposing to lower rates to compensate for eliminating the tax cuts.
Yes I am, you stupidly and willfully blind retard. Without fail, every single time I have talked about eliminating tax expenditures, I have said it would allow us to reduce tax rates for EVERYONE. I have always capitalized EVERYONE to drive home the point that tax expenditures STEAL from EVERYONE.

I do not understand why you fucking assholes feel the need to make up lies. I really don't. You completely destroy your credibility. So eat shit and die motherfucker.

When I said I have talked about lowering tax rates for EVERYONE hundreds of times on this forum, I meant it literally. And I have said it directly to YOU several times. So stop lying asshole.

Here are some examples, with the relevant words blown up so even a fucking lying asshole like you can't miss them:

If we eliminated all tax expenditures, we would have at least $800 billion surplus in revenues.

That means tax rates could be reduced for EVERYONE.

Tax expenditures are being paid for with higher tax rates and deficits.

When you hear politicians talk about "broadening the tax base", this is what they are talking about.

By eliminating tax expenditures (you can call them "tax breaks" or "subsidies" or whatever you feel like), you can then lower everyone's tax rates. And everyone pays the same amount as everyone else who earns the same income.

The reason we cannot lower rates now is because you have to subsidize all those deductions people are getting now.


As for tax rates, we could significantly lower tax rates for EVERYONE if we banned tax expenditures.

But just try to get someone to give up their mortgage interest deduction or child tax credit which is paid for by someone else. They scream like the welfare queen they are.

1. Lower the tax rates, broaden the tax base. We do this simply by eliminating tax expenditures. Tax expenditures are gifts to special interests that are paid for by higher tax rates on everyone and heavy borrowing. We are mortgaging our future so special interests can steal more money from us.

2. Increase the retirement age to 70, and index to 9 percent of the population going forward. We are living DECADES longer than our ancestors who established SS, we should be working longer. Common fricking sense.

These two things alone would give us such a ridiculous surplus, we could balance the budget, lower tax rates for EVERYONE, and pay down the debt. All at the same time.

And it would give us instant campaign finance reform. If we banned Congress from putting tax expenditures in the tax code, the special interests would lose the incentive to bribe Congressmen to do so. Again, common fricking sense.

I can do this all fucking day, you lying fuck.
I recall posts where you said eliminating tax expenditures would be a good way to eliminate the deficit. How can it do that if it's revenue nuetral?

Face it: you're lying.
Eliminating tax expenditures is not revenue neutral, you innumerate idiot.

What I clearly said many, many times is that the eliminating the amount of tax expenditures (over a trillion dollars) would increase revenues. We could then decide what to do with that increase. We could use most of it to lower tax rates, and use some to pay down the debt. Then once the debt was paid down, we could lower tax rates even more.

I can't remember how many times I said that very thing on this forum. But you willfully blind assholes make up lies about what I think and believe, in the fact of reality and facts.

That's what pseudocons asshole tards do. You are the most dishonest people who have ever walked the Earth.
Just as I said, you use the "eliminate tax expenditures" as a ploy to increase taxes. Increasing tax revenues has never lowered the deficit one iota. Congress just spends all the new money and then 3 times more.
"Gimme gimme gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it."

Another thing I have said many, many times on this forum is that every time you propose eliminating tax expenditures, the pseudocons scream like welfare queens.

Who has controlled congress for quite a long time now? Where is the balanced budget? Yet the drones keep voting Repub.

Why are you deflecting? The poster tried to claim it was Dem's who balanced the budget, not true.

You can't claim it is all congress and then give repubs a pass now and blame obama. Fact is it was Dems and repubs who got the budget in order.

Oh come on, know your history Bill Clinton had to be dragged kicking and screaming into that balanced budget FACT!

He ran on it and it got done.
No, Congress got it done.

Then why didn't congress get it done under obama?
Actually I have been talking about tax cuts.

The opposite of "tax expenditures = higher tax rates, is "eliminating tax expenditures = lower tax rates for EVERYONE".

I've said that many hundreds of times on this forum.
Of course, you aren't proposing to lower rates to compensate for eliminating the tax cuts.
Yes I am, you stupidly and willfully blind retard. Without fail, every single time I have talked about eliminating tax expenditures, I have said it would allow us to reduce tax rates for EVERYONE. I have always capitalized EVERYONE to drive home the point that tax expenditures STEAL from EVERYONE.

I do not understand why you fucking assholes feel the need to make up lies. I really don't. You completely destroy your credibility. So eat shit and die motherfucker.

When I said I have talked about lowering tax rates for EVERYONE hundreds of times on this forum, I meant it literally. And I have said it directly to YOU several times. So stop lying asshole.

Here are some examples, with the relevant words blown up so even a fucking lying asshole like you can't miss them:

If we eliminated all tax expenditures, we would have at least $800 billion surplus in revenues.

That means tax rates could be reduced for EVERYONE.

Tax expenditures are being paid for with higher tax rates and deficits.

When you hear politicians talk about "broadening the tax base", this is what they are talking about.

By eliminating tax expenditures (you can call them "tax breaks" or "subsidies" or whatever you feel like), you can then lower everyone's tax rates. And everyone pays the same amount as everyone else who earns the same income.

The reason we cannot lower rates now is because you have to subsidize all those deductions people are getting now.


As for tax rates, we could significantly lower tax rates for EVERYONE if we banned tax expenditures.

But just try to get someone to give up their mortgage interest deduction or child tax credit which is paid for by someone else. They scream like the welfare queen they are.

1. Lower the tax rates, broaden the tax base. We do this simply by eliminating tax expenditures. Tax expenditures are gifts to special interests that are paid for by higher tax rates on everyone and heavy borrowing. We are mortgaging our future so special interests can steal more money from us.

2. Increase the retirement age to 70, and index to 9 percent of the population going forward. We are living DECADES longer than our ancestors who established SS, we should be working longer. Common fricking sense.

These two things alone would give us such a ridiculous surplus, we could balance the budget, lower tax rates for EVERYONE, and pay down the debt. All at the same time.

And it would give us instant campaign finance reform. If we banned Congress from putting tax expenditures in the tax code, the special interests would lose the incentive to bribe Congressmen to do so. Again, common fricking sense.

I can do this all fucking day, you lying fuck.
I recall posts where you said eliminating tax expenditures would be a good way to eliminate the deficit. How can it do that if it's revenue nuetral?

Face it: you're lying.
Eliminating tax expenditures is not revenue neutral, you innumerate idiot.

What I clearly said many, many times is that the eliminating the amount of tax expenditures (over a trillion dollars) would increase revenues. We could then decide what to do with that increase. We could use most of it to lower tax rates, and use some to pay down the debt. Then once the debt was paid down, we could lower tax rates even more.

I can't remember how many times I said that very thing on this forum. But you willfully blind assholes make up lies about what I think and believe, in the fact of reality and facts.

That's what pseudocons asshole tards do. You are the most dishonest people who have ever walked the Earth.
Just as I said, you use the "eliminate tax expenditures" as a ploy to increase taxes. Increasing tax revenues has never lowered the deficit one iota. Congress just spends all the new money and then 3 times more.

Liar. If you eliminate tax expenditures, you can lower the tax rates which were raised because of them.

Tax expenditures = higher tax rates. I can't dumb it down more than that for you tards.

Thus the complement is true: Eliminate tax expenditures = lower tax rates.

Don't say another fucking stupid thing until that sinks in.
Say for instance there's a large boat harbor on the seaside. The harbormaster's name is Mr. Sam and he owns the landing and the boat docks.

There are ten ships docked in the harbor. Each of the ship-owners pays Mr. Sam a yearly fee that goes into maintenance of the harbor, and to protect them from pirates.

One of the ship-owners is an enterprising man named Mr. Hat. He tells the harbormaster that he will do some minor renovations to the docks and will give jobs to some of the riff-raff hanging around the docks, if Mr. Sam will forgo the harbor fee for a year.

Now tell me: How much did the other nine ship-owners have to fork over to cover Mr. Hat's yearly fee?

I'm not sure the point you're making here.

You seem to be implying that those people getting corporate tax cuts are somehow doing the maintenance for everyone else. They're not.

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