Corportate Tax Breaks Explained for Marixt Idiots

Because in order to believe in your kind of stupid we would have to begin as you do that the government can never spend less.
Wrong. That is not what I believe.

You tards are a bottomless pit of logical fallacies. No wonder you were so easily hoaxed into thinking tax expenditures are not theft.
Taxes are theft you moron. And spending more on worthless government programs doesn't help anyone. Not even the ones you claim will get something for free. You still think the government is owed first above any of a personal need or use of that money. So in your simple mind we exist to work for the government and maybe can eek out a poppers existence with what the almighty fat girl at the DMV allows you to have. You're an idiot. A willing one.
Spoken ,like a true America hating Trumpette. Supporting your country is stealing from you?

You mean supporting a bunch of dead beats, don't you?

Taxation is theft. No one has ever managed to prove otherwise.

See? This guy believes there should be NO government. At all.

Imagine his world if you can.
I'm sure if some government employee wasn't there to tell you to eat you'd starve to death.
Because in order to believe in your kind of stupid we would have to begin as you do that the government can never spend less.
Wrong. That is not what I believe.

You tards are a bottomless pit of logical fallacies. No wonder you were so easily hoaxed into thinking tax expenditures are not theft.
Taxes are theft you moron. And spending more on worthless government programs doesn't help anyone. Not even the ones you claim will get something for free. You still think the government is owed first above any of a personal need or use of that money. So in your simple mind we exist to work for the government and maybe can eek out a poppers existence with what the almighty fat girl at the DMV allows you to have. You're an idiot. A willing one.
Spoken ,like a true America hating Trumpette. Supporting your country is stealing from you?

You mean supporting a bunch of dead beats, don't you?

Taxation is theft. No one has ever managed to prove otherwise.

See? This guy believes there should be NO government. At all.

Imagine his world if you can.
It would be a far more just and far more peaceful world. Government is responsible for 99% of all the murders and 99% of all the theft in the world.
I quit reading to to extreme laughter when a read the 23% sales tax.

This is to due dumbass Libertarians who know shit about mathematics & how taxes actually work.

That's one tax that has been suggested:

Let me point out that this is not a new idea. The FAIR Tax repeals all 73,000 pages of the tax code in favor of a single 23% sales tax. Americans for Tax Reform proposes a single flat income tax. Next week, I’ll be laying out my own proposal for a revenue-neutral tax code with no loopholes.

Here where that 23% is a lie.

What the "plan" ays is that if we take$@3 from every hundred spent.

So we are spending $77 & paying $23 in sales tax

That is a 30% rate. not 23%.

This is a big deal because it exposer the attempt to dupe people. The 23% is fraudulent.

Some say it would take a 34% rate.

I'm not sold on that as the best alternative, but it is interesting. One problem I see is the poor
would be paying way more than now with a sales tax.

They wouldn't be paying more with the FAIR tax. They would pay nothing up to a certain amount, like $15,000 per person, $30,000 per couple.

How would there be exclusions with a sales tax?
Wrong. That is not what I believe.

You tards are a bottomless pit of logical fallacies. No wonder you were so easily hoaxed into thinking tax expenditures are not theft.
Taxes are theft you moron. And spending more on worthless government programs doesn't help anyone. Not even the ones you claim will get something for free. You still think the government is owed first above any of a personal need or use of that money. So in your simple mind we exist to work for the government and maybe can eek out a poppers existence with what the almighty fat girl at the DMV allows you to have. You're an idiot. A willing one.
Spoken ,like a true America hating Trumpette. Supporting your country is stealing from you?

You mean supporting a bunch of dead beats, don't you?

Taxation is theft. No one has ever managed to prove otherwise.

See? This guy believes there should be NO government. At all.

Imagine his world if you can.
It would be a far more just and far more peaceful world. Government is responsible for 99% of all the murders and 99% of all the theft in the world.
True, but get rid of ours and we'll soon need to learn Russian or Chinese...
The Corporate tax is a thinly veiled Federal sales tax. I can't understand why some people don't realise that. Raise it and guess what the business does, adds that cost onto the price of the goods or services they provide. The Company doesn't pay that tax the consumer does.


So, If trump gets his way & the corporate rate drops from 35% to 15%, we can expect all prices to come down 15%.


Companies charge based on market pricing.
And market prices are set by expenses of which taxes are one.

But you realize prices won't go down right? Profits will just go to the rich. Just like when they move production overseas. Just more profits.

The market forces all prices down to the marginal cost of production. However, I agree with you that cutting income taxes won't make prices go down in the near term. What they will do is make the economy grow at a much faster rate as money that formerly went to welfare parasites will now be invested in expanding production. Furthermore, a lot more money will be invested here rather than overseas.
I quit reading to to extreme laughter when a read the 23% sales tax.

This is to due dumbass Libertarians who know shit about mathematics & how taxes actually work.

That's one tax that has been suggested:

Let me point out that this is not a new idea. The FAIR Tax repeals all 73,000 pages of the tax code in favor of a single 23% sales tax. Americans for Tax Reform proposes a single flat income tax. Next week, I’ll be laying out my own proposal for a revenue-neutral tax code with no loopholes.

Here where that 23% is a lie.

What the "plan" ays is that if we take$@3 from every hundred spent.

So we are spending $77 & paying $23 in sales tax

That is a 30% rate. not 23%.

This is a big deal because it exposer the attempt to dupe people. The 23% is fraudulent.

Some say it would take a 34% rate.

I'm not sold on that as the best alternative, but it is interesting. One problem I see is the poor
would be paying way more than now with a sales tax.

They wouldn't be paying more with the FAIR tax. They would pay nothing up to a certain amount, like $15,000 per person, $30,000 per couple.

How would there be exclusions with a sales tax?

It's called a pre-bate. Everyone would apply for a pre-bate which is equal to the all the sales tax they would pay on the first $15,000.
We have the highest corporate tax rate on the planet

We ALSO have a ton of tax loop holes, more than any other system on the planet....

The latter negates the former........Name FIVE large corporations who are actually paying the maximum tax rate.........A shell game based on lies and hypocrisy.

Interesting that you don't have a problem with the tax loopholes that allow the family of four making almost $50,000 to pay zero income tax. For the corporations to use what you call loopholes, they have to actually do something. For that family of four to pay nothing, they simply have to exist as a family of four.
That's a lie, how often do you lie about Conservatives? My guess is daily. Conservatives believe in cutting spending, reducing taxes, and reducing regulation all to fuel economic growth.
Then why do you keep voting Republican?

They can't balance the budget. They hand out tax cuts to the wealthy. They don't cut spending.

Yes they do cut regulations. Make our air & water dirtier, increase emissions, deregulate Wall Street. That all worked out so well.

You live a dream world.

Are you and idiot? I highlighted your stupid shit lib talking points nonsense. :cuckoo:

Example. The budget was balanced under Bill Clinton.

Bush took office & he & the Republicans took us from that to the worst recession in 80 years & a near financial meltdown.

I expect you'll have a tissy fit & deny the budget was balanced & proceed to blame Democrats for that recession.

Good lord, who controlled congress when the budget was balanced? Which branch of government controls the budget? Hello earth to liberal drone.

Who has controlled congress for quite a long time now? Where is the balanced budget? Yet the drones keep voting Repub.

Why are you deflecting? The poster tried to claim it was Dem's who balanced the budget, not true.
That's a lie, how often do you lie about Conservatives? My guess is daily. Conservatives believe in cutting spending, reducing taxes, and reducing regulation all to fuel economic growth.
Then why do you keep voting Republican?

They can't balance the budget. They hand out tax cuts to the wealthy. They don't cut spending.

Yes they do cut regulations. Make our air & water dirtier, increase emissions, deregulate Wall Street. That all worked out so well.

You live a dream world.

Are you and idiot? I highlighted your stupid shit lib talking points nonsense. :cuckoo:
The Bush Tsax cuts heavily favored the Wealthy. Your orange buddy's tax cuts do too.

When you cut regulations that were to make air & water cleaner, guess what the vuck happens. I would think that even a person as duped as you could figure that one out.

LOL more liberal talking points. Obama already raised taxes on the 'rich' so you have nothing to bitch about now, right.

And since the taxes on the Rich were raised, the economy is doing well and the deficit is falling.

Two things you RWnuts said couldn't happen.

LOL do you know how puny Obama's tax increase on the rich was? You just destroyed yourself thanks for saving me the trouble :laugh:
Then why do you keep voting Republican?

They can't balance the budget. They hand out tax cuts to the wealthy. They don't cut spending.

Yes they do cut regulations. Make our air & water dirtier, increase emissions, deregulate Wall Street. That all worked out so well.

You live a dream world.

Are you and idiot? I highlighted your stupid shit lib talking points nonsense. :cuckoo:

Example. The budget was balanced under Bill Clinton.

Bush took office & he & the Republicans took us from that to the worst recession in 80 years & a near financial meltdown.

I expect you'll have a tissy fit & deny the budget was balanced & proceed to blame Democrats for that recession.

Good lord, who controlled congress when the budget was balanced? Which branch of government controls the budget? Hello earth to liberal drone.

Who has controlled congress for quite a long time now? Where is the balanced budget? Yet the drones keep voting Repub.

Why are you deflecting? The poster tried to claim it was Dem's who balanced the budget, not true.

You can't claim it is all congress and then give repubs a pass now and blame obama. Fact is it was Dems and repubs who got the budget in order.
Wrong, dumbass, it doesn't have to be replaced.
Thsat'scright. You are a conservstive.

Conservastives believe you reduce revenues through tax cuts spend the same amount, & put the deficit on the credit card.

That's a lie, how often do you lie about Conservatives? My guess is daily. Conservatives believe in cutting spending, reducing taxes, and reducing regulation all to fuel economic growth.
Then why do you keep voting Republican?

They can't balance the budget. They hand out tax cuts to the wealthy. They don't cut spending.

Yes they do cut regulations. Make our air & water dirtier, increase emissions, deregulate Wall Street. That all worked out so well.

You live a dream world.

Are you and idiot? I highlighted your stupid shit lib talking points nonsense. :cuckoo:

Example. The budget was balanced under Bill Clinton.

Bush took office & he & the Republicans took us from that to the worst recession in 80 years & a near financial meltdown.

I expect you'll have a tissy fit & deny the budget was balanced & proceed to blame Democrats for that recession.
It was only the worst because Obama made it worse than it had to be.
Thsat'scright. You are a conservstive.

Conservastives believe you reduce revenues through tax cuts spend the same amount, & put the deficit on the credit card.

That's a lie, how often do you lie about Conservatives? My guess is daily. Conservatives believe in cutting spending, reducing taxes, and reducing regulation all to fuel economic growth.
Then why do you keep voting Republican?

They can't balance the budget. They hand out tax cuts to the wealthy. They don't cut spending.

Yes they do cut regulations. Make our air & water dirtier, increase emissions, deregulate Wall Street. That all worked out so well.

You live a dream world.

Are you and idiot? I highlighted your stupid shit lib talking points nonsense. :cuckoo:

Example. The budget was balanced under Bill Clinton.

Bush took office & he & the Republicans took us from that to the worst recession in 80 years & a near financial meltdown.

I expect you'll have a tissy fit & deny the budget was balanced & proceed to blame Democrats for that recession.
It was only the worst because Obama made it worse than it had to be.
Obama certainly didn't create it.
Actually I have been talking about tax cuts.

The opposite of "tax expenditures = higher tax rates, is "eliminating tax expenditures = lower tax rates for EVERYONE".

I've said that many hundreds of times on this forum.
Of course, you aren't proposing to lower rates to compensate for eliminating the tax cuts.
Yes I am, you stupidly and willfully blind retard. Without fail, every single time I have talked about eliminating tax expenditures, I have said it would allow us to reduce tax rates for EVERYONE. I have always capitalized EVERYONE to drive home the point that tax expenditures STEAL from EVERYONE.

I do not understand why you fucking assholes feel the need to make up lies. I really don't. You completely destroy your credibility. So eat shit and die motherfucker.

When I said I have talked about lowering tax rates for EVERYONE hundreds of times on this forum, I meant it literally. And I have said it directly to YOU several times. So stop lying asshole.

Here are some examples, with the relevant words blown up so even a fucking lying asshole like you can't miss them:

If we eliminated all tax expenditures, we would have at least $800 billion surplus in revenues.

That means tax rates could be reduced for EVERYONE.

Tax expenditures are being paid for with higher tax rates and deficits.

When you hear politicians talk about "broadening the tax base", this is what they are talking about.

By eliminating tax expenditures (you can call them "tax breaks" or "subsidies" or whatever you feel like), you can then lower everyone's tax rates. And everyone pays the same amount as everyone else who earns the same income.

The reason we cannot lower rates now is because you have to subsidize all those deductions people are getting now.


As for tax rates, we could significantly lower tax rates for EVERYONE if we banned tax expenditures.

But just try to get someone to give up their mortgage interest deduction or child tax credit which is paid for by someone else. They scream like the welfare queen they are.

1. Lower the tax rates, broaden the tax base. We do this simply by eliminating tax expenditures. Tax expenditures are gifts to special interests that are paid for by higher tax rates on everyone and heavy borrowing. We are mortgaging our future so special interests can steal more money from us.

2. Increase the retirement age to 70, and index to 9 percent of the population going forward. We are living DECADES longer than our ancestors who established SS, we should be working longer. Common fricking sense.

These two things alone would give us such a ridiculous surplus, we could balance the budget, lower tax rates for EVERYONE, and pay down the debt. All at the same time.

And it would give us instant campaign finance reform. If we banned Congress from putting tax expenditures in the tax code, the special interests would lose the incentive to bribe Congressmen to do so. Again, common fricking sense.

I can do this all fucking day, you lying fuck.
Tax expenditures = higher tax rates.

I cannot dumb it down any more than that for you retards.
Taxes are theft you moron. And spending more on worthless government programs doesn't help anyone. Not even the ones you claim will get something for free. You still think the government is owed first above any of a personal need or use of that money. So in your simple mind we exist to work for the government and maybe can eek out a poppers existence with what the almighty fat girl at the DMV allows you to have. You're an idiot. A willing one.
Spoken ,like a true America hating Trumpette. Supporting your country is stealing from you?

You mean supporting a bunch of dead beats, don't you?

Taxation is theft. No one has ever managed to prove otherwise.

See? This guy believes there should be NO government. At all.

Imagine his world if you can.
It would be a far more just and far more peaceful world. Government is responsible for 99% of all the murders and 99% of all the theft in the world.
True, but get rid of ours and we'll soon need to learn Russian or Chinese...
I don't think so. Many proposals have been made as to how to handle defense against foreign predators.
Numerous other exemptions, deductions, and credits for individuals riddle the tax code, making it less fair for those who cannot take advantage of such provisions and more complicated for everyone. These special-interest provisions require higher tax rates to compensate for the lost revenue, thus raising taxes on others and hurting the economy by reducing the incentives to work, save, and invest.

Kevin Brady's tax reform plan said that.

I dare you idiot tards to call him a liberal.
Tax expenditures steal from EVERY taxpayer. They are no different than food stamps.

You are STEALING from EVERY taxpayer by government force.

None of you who defend this practice can rightfully call yourselves conservatives or libertarians.

You are pseudocons.
Actually I have been talking about tax cuts.

The opposite of "tax expenditures = higher tax rates, is "eliminating tax expenditures = lower tax rates for EVERYONE".

I've said that many hundreds of times on this forum.
Of course, you aren't proposing to lower rates to compensate for eliminating the tax cuts.
Yes I am, you stupidly and willfully blind retard. Without fail, every single time I have talked about eliminating tax expenditures, I have said it would allow us to reduce tax rates for EVERYONE. I have always capitalized EVERYONE to drive home the point that tax expenditures STEAL from EVERYONE.

I do not understand why you fucking assholes feel the need to make up lies. I really don't. You completely destroy your credibility. So eat shit and die motherfucker.

When I said I have talked about lowering tax rates for EVERYONE hundreds of times on this forum, I meant it literally. And I have said it directly to YOU several times. So stop lying asshole.

Here are some examples, with the relevant words blown up so even a fucking lying asshole like you can't miss them:

If we eliminated all tax expenditures, we would have at least $800 billion surplus in revenues.

That means tax rates could be reduced for EVERYONE.

Tax expenditures are being paid for with higher tax rates and deficits.

When you hear politicians talk about "broadening the tax base", this is what they are talking about.

By eliminating tax expenditures (you can call them "tax breaks" or "subsidies" or whatever you feel like), you can then lower everyone's tax rates. And everyone pays the same amount as everyone else who earns the same income.

The reason we cannot lower rates now is because you have to subsidize all those deductions people are getting now.


As for tax rates, we could significantly lower tax rates for EVERYONE if we banned tax expenditures.

But just try to get someone to give up their mortgage interest deduction or child tax credit which is paid for by someone else. They scream like the welfare queen they are.

1. Lower the tax rates, broaden the tax base. We do this simply by eliminating tax expenditures. Tax expenditures are gifts to special interests that are paid for by higher tax rates on everyone and heavy borrowing. We are mortgaging our future so special interests can steal more money from us.

2. Increase the retirement age to 70, and index to 9 percent of the population going forward. We are living DECADES longer than our ancestors who established SS, we should be working longer. Common fricking sense.

These two things alone would give us such a ridiculous surplus, we could balance the budget, lower tax rates for EVERYONE, and pay down the debt. All at the same time.

And it would give us instant campaign finance reform. If we banned Congress from putting tax expenditures in the tax code, the special interests would lose the incentive to bribe Congressmen to do so. Again, common fricking sense.

I can do this all fucking day, you lying fuck.
I recall posts where you said eliminating tax expenditures would be a good way to eliminate the deficit. How can it do that if it's revenue nuetral?

Face it: you're lying.
Are you and idiot? I highlighted your stupid shit lib talking points nonsense. :cuckoo:

Example. The budget was balanced under Bill Clinton.

Bush took office & he & the Republicans took us from that to the worst recession in 80 years & a near financial meltdown.

I expect you'll have a tissy fit & deny the budget was balanced & proceed to blame Democrats for that recession.

Good lord, who controlled congress when the budget was balanced? Which branch of government controls the budget? Hello earth to liberal drone.

Who has controlled congress for quite a long time now? Where is the balanced budget? Yet the drones keep voting Repub.

Why are you deflecting? The poster tried to claim it was Dem's who balanced the budget, not true.

You can't claim it is all congress and then give repubs a pass now and blame obama. Fact is it was Dems and repubs who got the budget in order.

Oh come on, know your history Bill Clinton had to be dragged kicking and screaming into that balanced budget FACT!

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