Correct me If I'm wrong

Women's rights are civil rights. Gay rights are civil rights. Minority rights are civil rights.

Why is it every time there is opposition to civil rights, it's a Conservative leading the charge?
The problem is everything goes through your political filters and you define desires as rights. If you oppose a man marrying ten men or a woman that can't kill her late term baby then you too are anti-rights using your logic. So stuff your anti-rights shit back up your ass where it comes from.
So the way I see it, Donald Trump is hoping for 2 things here. Firstly he hopes his supporters believe he's pandering to Latino's, because he realized he can't win the election, if he has no support whatsoever with minorities. Secondly he hopes that the Latino community, doesn't believe he's pandering but had an actual change of heart and he realized deporting illegal immigrants en masse is inhumane. I think he's actually losing supporters here, because I've seen a lot of people voting for Trump exactly because, like they like to say, he doesn't cater to political correctness. And it's a pretty hard sell to say the exact opposite of what you have claimed for the entire primaries and something you have doubled down on on multiple occasions.
Donald Trump Has A Completely Different Immigration Position Every Day
I will gladly correct you. Trump never called for illegal immigrants to be deported en masse, but always specified it would have to be done in a humane way.

By the way, as a senator, Hillary voted for a bill to construct a fortified fence along the border but now claims she wants to build bridges not walls. What changed her mind? The only thing that ever changes her mind, polls and focus groups told her then that supporting a border wall would get her more votes and now polls and focus groups tell her opposing a border wall will get her more votes. The only thing Hillary never seems to consider when formulating positions is what's best for Americans.
wow, another trump thread.. wow, I honestly can't believe for a guy that doesn't have a chance all the thread attention in usmessageboard. Politics, Current Events and Election Forum. Wow, I'd hate to see the number if you all thought he had a chance.

simpletons, you look desperate. Hey, maybe you can start up another useless thread to show your fear of the man.

In reality you are denying that Trump lied to Americans when he said he will deport 12 millions illegals.
maybe you should start a thread.
wow, another trump thread.. wow, I honestly can't believe for a guy that doesn't have a chance all the thread attention in usmessageboard. Politics, Current Events and Election Forum. Wow, I'd hate to see the number if you all thought he had a chance.

simpletons, you look desperate. Hey, maybe you can start up another useless thread to show your fear of the man.

In reality you are denying that Trump lied to Americans when he said he will deport 12 millions illegals.
that was a very vague statement. It has nothing of value except a talking point. If by the end of his tenure as president he has deported 12 million then we'd be able to see. If anyone truly believed it would be in one week, well they aren't very smart. The processing alone would take quite some time. his supporters are much smarter than you and yours cause we understand processes. Things you couldn't think of obviously.
wow, another trump thread.. wow, I honestly can't believe for a guy that doesn't have a chance all the thread attention in usmessageboard. Politics, Current Events and Election Forum. Wow, I'd hate to see the number if you all thought he had a chance.

simpletons, you look desperate. Hey, maybe you can start up another useless thread to show your fear of the man.

In reality you are denying that Trump lied to Americans when he said he will deport 12 millions illegals.
I would deny it. He very likely didn't have all information possible and it's what he believed. But it wasn't THE issue that got him nominated. You're just slinging your dirty diaper around. Like most lefties.

You prove that he doesn't know what he is talking about. He lied as simple as that just to get him elected.
What made to think he is not lying with the rest of his policies? My question remain...... What happened to his major policy of deporting 12 millions illegals?
Ask Trump, he doesn't think it's humane anymore since yesterday lol. Kind of my point.
He didn't make your arguments, you are simply trying to smear him, being the liberal you are. He said those not deported must go through the legalization process.
"Now, everybody agrees we get the bad ones out," Trump said. "But when I go through and I meet thousands and thousands of people on this subject, and I've had very strong people come up to me, really great, great people come up to me, and they've said, 'Mr. Trump, I love you, but to take a person who's been here for 15 or 20 years and throw them and their family out, it's so tough, Mr. Trump,' I have it all the time! It's a very, very hard thing."
I didn't realize pointing out your candidates inconsistencies was smearing.
You said he did a 180. A 180 would mean he wants Hillary's open border position. Try to keep up.

You are not telling the truth. Typical Trump supporter.
One of Trump main policy from the beginning is to deport 11 - 12 millions of illegals. That is what you rightwing nut believes. He lied to American people.
This week he flip flopped NO MASS DEPORTATION. It is you and Trump followers need to keep up.
He knows that he doesn't have a chance that is why he flip flopped 180.

Trump said the other day........ NO AMNESTY & NO CITIZENSHIPS ......... Do you realized how stupid that is?
If you don't deport illegals.... Then what do you do with them? Let them hide and work illegally don't pay taxes? Let them work illegally that Americans can't compete with their low wages?
Liar. I've always said it would be impossible to deport 11 million illegals. You lie because you are a liberal. It's what liberals do, all day every day.

Trump was criticized for it all along, some may have wanted it, others not. You do not have the authority to tell people what they consider important. What most want is a real border and immigration laws enforced. I for one am glad to see Trump get more realistic about it, beats the shit out of the Democrat open border/more votes policy.

Please tell me where I lied.
"Now, everybody agrees we get the bad ones out," Trump said. "But when I go through and I meet thousands and thousands of people on this subject, and I've had very strong people come up to me, really great, great people come up to me, and they've said, 'Mr. Trump, I love you, but to take a person who's been here for 15 or 20 years and throw them and their family out, it's so tough, Mr. Trump,' I have it all the time! It's a very, very hard thing."
I didn't realize pointing out your candidates inconsistencies was smearing.
You said he did a 180. A 180 would mean he wants Hillary's open border position. Try to keep up.

You are not telling the truth. Typical Trump supporter.
One of Trump main policy from the beginning is to deport 11 - 12 millions of illegals. That is what you rightwing nut believes. He lied to American people.
This week he flip flopped NO MASS DEPORTATION. It is you and Trump followers need to keep up.
He knows that he doesn't have a chance that is why he flip flopped 180.

Trump said the other day........ NO AMNESTY & NO CITIZENSHIPS ......... Do you realized how stupid that is?
If you don't deport illegals.... Then what do you do with them? Let them hide and work illegally don't pay taxes? Let them work illegally that Americans can't compete with their low wages?
Dems talking about truth while they support obummer and Clinton always crack me up.

Aside from your racist comments....... What else do you offer? POTUS name is Obama.
Obummer? The liar? Yep! That be him.

And that sums up your credibility.
You said he did a 180. A 180 would mean he wants Hillary's open border position. Try to keep up.

You are not telling the truth. Typical Trump supporter.
One of Trump main policy from the beginning is to deport 11 - 12 millions of illegals. That is what you rightwing nut believes. He lied to American people.
This week he flip flopped NO MASS DEPORTATION. It is you and Trump followers need to keep up.
He knows that he doesn't have a chance that is why he flip flopped 180.

Trump said the other day........ NO AMNESTY & NO CITIZENSHIPS ......... Do you realized how stupid that is?
If you don't deport illegals.... Then what do you do with them? Let them hide and work illegally don't pay taxes? Let them work illegally that Americans can't compete with their low wages?
Dems talking about truth while they support obummer and Clinton always crack me up.

Aside from your racist comments....... What else do you offer? POTUS name is Obama.
Obummer? The liar? Yep! That be him.

And that sums up your credibility.
Your opinion of my credibility matters not one iota!
So the way I see it, Donald Trump is hoping for 2 things here. Firstly he hopes his supporters believe he's pandering to Latino's, because he realized he can't win the election, if he has no support whatsoever with minorities. Secondly he hopes that the Latino community, doesn't believe he's pandering but had an actual change of heart and he realized deporting illegal immigrants en masse is inhumane. I think he's actually losing supporters here, because I've seen a lot of people voting for Trump exactly because, like they like to say, he doesn't cater to political correctness. And it's a pretty hard sell to say the exact opposite of what you have claimed for the entire primaries and something you have doubled down on on multiple occasions.
Donald Trump Has A Completely Different Immigration Position Every Day
I will gladly correct you. Trump never called for illegal immigrants to be deported en masse, but always specified it would have to be done in a humane way.

Yes he said he will deport 11 to 12 millions illegals. See link dated Nov. 2015.
There are no such thing as HUMANE WAY when you are deporting and separating families then leaving anchor babies without parents.
What is your definition of HUMANE WAY when separating families by the millions?

Donald Trump promises 'deportation force' to move 11M -

Washington (CNN)Pressed on how he would deport 11 million undocumented immigrants from the country, Donald Trump said Wednesday he would build a "deportation force."
So the way I see it, Donald Trump is hoping for 2 things here. Firstly he hopes his supporters believe he's pandering to Latino's, because he realized he can't win the election, if he has no support whatsoever with minorities. Secondly he hopes that the Latino community, doesn't believe he's pandering but had an actual change of heart and he realized deporting illegal immigrants en masse is inhumane. I think he's actually losing supporters here, because I've seen a lot of people voting for Trump exactly because, like they like to say, he doesn't cater to political correctness. And it's a pretty hard sell to say the exact opposite of what you have claimed for the entire primaries and something you have doubled down on on multiple occasions.
Donald Trump Has A Completely Different Immigration Position Every Day
I will gladly correct you. Trump never called for illegal immigrants to be deported en masse, but always specified it would have to be done in a humane way.

By the way, as a senator, Hillary voted for a bill to construct a fortified fence along the border but now claims she wants to build bridges not walls. What changed her mind? The only thing that ever changes her mind, polls and focus groups told her then that supporting a border wall would get her more votes and now polls and focus groups tell her opposing a border wall will get her more votes. The only thing Hillary never seems to consider when formulating positions is what's best for Americans.
The first sentence of your post immediately makes your position kind of confusing.
Trump never called for illegal immigrants to be deported en masse, but always specified it would have to be done in a humane way.
Did he or didn't he say it? I don't know what position you take for sure, from reading that post, so I'm going to guess. Trump never called for deportation en masse. The video is only a minute so I suggest you listen.
Last edited:
You are not telling the truth. Typical Trump supporter.
One of Trump main policy from the beginning is to deport 11 - 12 millions of illegals. That is what you rightwing nut believes. He lied to American people.
This week he flip flopped NO MASS DEPORTATION. It is you and Trump followers need to keep up.
He knows that he doesn't have a chance that is why he flip flopped 180.

Trump said the other day........ NO AMNESTY & NO CITIZENSHIPS ......... Do you realized how stupid that is?
If you don't deport illegals.... Then what do you do with them? Let them hide and work illegally don't pay taxes? Let them work illegally that Americans can't compete with their low wages?
Dems talking about truth while they support obummer and Clinton always crack me up.

Aside from your racist comments....... What else do you offer? POTUS name is Obama.
Obummer? The liar? Yep! That be him.

And that sums up your credibility.
Your opinion of my credibility matters not one iota!

Making a comments or opinion based from racist bs and hatred that makes your credibility worthless. Try again.
Dems talking about truth while they support obummer and Clinton always crack me up.

Aside from your racist comments....... What else do you offer? POTUS name is Obama.
Obummer? The liar? Yep! That be him.

And that sums up your credibility.
Your opinion of my credibility matters not one iota!

Making a comments or opinion based from racist bs and hatred that makes your credibility worthless. Try again.
wow, another trump thread.. wow, I honestly can't believe for a guy that doesn't have a chance all the thread attention in usmessageboard. Politics, Current Events and Election Forum. Wow, I'd hate to see the number if you all thought he had a chance.

simpletons, you look desperate. Hey, maybe you can start up another useless thread to show your fear of the man.

In reality you are denying that Trump lied to Americans when he said he will deport 12 millions illegals.
I would deny it. He very likely didn't have all information possible and it's what he believed. But it wasn't THE issue that got him nominated. You're just slinging your dirty diaper around. Like most lefties.

You prove that he doesn't know what he is talking about. He lied as simple as that just to get him elected.
What made to think he is not lying with the rest of his policies? My question remain...... What happened to his major policy of deporting 12 millions illegals?
how has he lied?
Aside from your racist comments....... What else do you offer? POTUS name is Obama.
Obummer? The liar? Yep! That be him.

And that sums up your credibility.
Your opinion of my credibility matters not one iota!

Making a comments or opinion based from racist bs and hatred that makes your credibility worthless. Try again.

Don't tell me that's all you got loser.
wow, another trump thread.. wow, I honestly can't believe for a guy that doesn't have a chance all the thread attention in usmessageboard. Politics, Current Events and Election Forum. Wow, I'd hate to see the number if you all thought he had a chance.

simpletons, you look desperate. Hey, maybe you can start up another useless thread to show your fear of the man.

In reality you are denying that Trump lied to Americans when he said he will deport 12 millions illegals.
I would deny it. He very likely didn't have all information possible and it's what he believed. But it wasn't THE issue that got him nominated. You're just slinging your dirty diaper around. Like most lefties.

You prove that he doesn't know what he is talking about. He lied as simple as that just to get him elected.
What made to think he is not lying with the rest of his policies? My question remain...... What happened to his major policy of deporting 12 millions illegals?
how has he lied?

I'm not going to update you. Follow my thread.
So the way I see it, Donald Trump is hoping for 2 things here. Firstly he hopes his supporters believe he's pandering to Latino's, because he realized he can't win the election, if he has no support whatsoever with minorities. Secondly he hopes that the Latino community, doesn't believe he's pandering but had an actual change of heart and he realized deporting illegal immigrants en masse is inhumane. I think he's actually losing supporters here, because I've seen a lot of people voting for Trump exactly because, like they like to say, he doesn't cater to political correctness. And it's a pretty hard sell to say the exact opposite of what you have claimed for the entire primaries and something you have doubled down on on multiple occasions.
Donald Trump Has A Completely Different Immigration Position Every Day
I will gladly correct you. Trump never called for illegal immigrants to be deported en masse, but always specified it would have to be done in a humane way.

Yes he said he will deport 11 to 12 millions illegals. See link dated Nov. 2015.
There are no such thing as HUMANE WAY when you are deporting and separating families then leaving anchor babies without parents.
What is your definition of HUMANE WAY when separating families by the millions?

Donald Trump promises 'deportation force' to move 11M -

Washington (CNN)Pressed on how he would deport 11 million undocumented immigrants from the country, Donald Trump said Wednesday he would build a "deportation force."
so did he give a timeline? I'm still trying to figure out how he lied. what is it he has said that he has been able to actually do just yet? Now, if he were president already, made that statement, and didn't fulfill it, then you got something. your example is very very vague.
wow, another trump thread.. wow, I honestly can't believe for a guy that doesn't have a chance all the thread attention in usmessageboard. Politics, Current Events and Election Forum. Wow, I'd hate to see the number if you all thought he had a chance.

simpletons, you look desperate. Hey, maybe you can start up another useless thread to show your fear of the man.

In reality you are denying that Trump lied to Americans when he said he will deport 12 millions illegals.
I would deny it. He very likely didn't have all information possible and it's what he believed. But it wasn't THE issue that got him nominated. You're just slinging your dirty diaper around. Like most lefties.

You prove that he doesn't know what he is talking about. He lied as simple as that just to get him elected.
What made to think he is not lying with the rest of his policies? My question remain...... What happened to his major policy of deporting 12 millions illegals?
how has he lied?

I'm not going to update you. Follow my thread.
so he didn't, so now it is you that lied. got it.
So the way I see it, Donald Trump is hoping for 2 things here. Firstly he hopes his supporters believe he's pandering to Latino's, because he realized he can't win the election, if he has no support whatsoever with minorities. Secondly he hopes that the Latino community, doesn't believe he's pandering but had an actual change of heart and he realized deporting illegal immigrants en masse is inhumane. I think he's actually losing supporters here, because I've seen a lot of people voting for Trump exactly because, like they like to say, he doesn't cater to political correctness. And it's a pretty hard sell to say the exact opposite of what you have claimed for the entire primaries and something you have doubled down on on multiple occasions.
Donald Trump Has A Completely Different Immigration Position Every Day
I will gladly correct you. Trump never called for illegal immigrants to be deported en masse, but always specified it would have to be done in a humane way.

By the way, as a senator, Hillary voted for a bill to construct a fortified fence along the border but now claims she wants to build bridges not walls. What changed her mind? The only thing that ever changes her mind, polls and focus groups told her then that supporting a border wall would get her more votes and now polls and focus groups tell her opposing a border wall will get her more votes. The only thing Hillary never seems to consider when formulating positions is what's best for Americans.
The first sentence of your post immediately makes your position kind of confusing.
Trump never called for illegal immigrants to be deported en masse, but always specified it would have to be done in a humane way.
Did he or didn't he say it? I don't know what position you take for sure, from reading that post, so I'm going to guess. Trump never called for deportation en masse. The video is only a minute so I suggest you listen.

Didn't you noticed that they are trying very hard to deny that Trump abandoned his policy of deporting millions of illegals. This thread proved that all of CON MAN supporters are lying.
So the way I see it, Donald Trump is hoping for 2 things here. Firstly he hopes his supporters believe he's pandering to Latino's, because he realized he can't win the election, if he has no support whatsoever with minorities. Secondly he hopes that the Latino community, doesn't believe he's pandering but had an actual change of heart and he realized deporting illegal immigrants en masse is inhumane. I think he's actually losing supporters here, because I've seen a lot of people voting for Trump exactly because, like they like to say, he doesn't cater to political correctness. And it's a pretty hard sell to say the exact opposite of what you have claimed for the entire primaries and something you have doubled down on on multiple occasions.
Donald Trump Has A Completely Different Immigration Position Every Day
I will gladly correct you. Trump never called for illegal immigrants to be deported en masse, but always specified it would have to be done in a humane way.

By the way, as a senator, Hillary voted for a bill to construct a fortified fence along the border but now claims she wants to build bridges not walls. What changed her mind? The only thing that ever changes her mind, polls and focus groups told her then that supporting a border wall would get her more votes and now polls and focus groups tell her opposing a border wall will get her more votes. The only thing Hillary never seems to consider when formulating positions is what's best for Americans.
The first sentence of your post immediately makes your position kind of confusing.
Trump never called for illegal immigrants to be deported en masse, but always specified it would have to be done in a humane way.
Did he or didn't he say it? I don't know what position you take for sure, from reading that post, so I'm going to guess. Trump never called for deportation en masse. The video is only a minute so I suggest you listen.

Didn't you noticed that they are trying very hard to deny that Trump abandoned his policy of deporting millions of illegals. This thread proved that all of CON MAN supporters are lying.

Lol I notice they are trying every position imaginable . Iceweasel even tried to both deny he changed his position and claim he changed it because he didn't have all information. They can't even hold up a consistent excuse.
What 180?

I would deny it. He very likely didn't have all information possible and it's what he believed.
So the way I see it, Donald Trump is hoping for 2 things here. Firstly he hopes his supporters believe he's pandering to Latino's, because he realized he can't win the election, if he has no support whatsoever with minorities. Secondly he hopes that the Latino community, doesn't believe he's pandering but had an actual change of heart and he realized deporting illegal immigrants en masse is inhumane. I think he's actually losing supporters here, because I've seen a lot of people voting for Trump exactly because, like they like to say, he doesn't cater to political correctness. And it's a pretty hard sell to say the exact opposite of what you have claimed for the entire primaries and something you have doubled down on on multiple occasions.
Donald Trump Has A Completely Different Immigration Position Every Day
Liberals refine their agenda all the time. They constantly appeal to specific demographics, black, latino, women, gays, etc. When Republicans do the same they are inconsistent and pandering.

Further evidence that liberals are corrupt.
Once a Republican steps up and champions civil rights rather than provide the opposition to civil rights, maybe, just maybe, we won't see it as pandering.
They do champion civil rights and have all along. Your blind partisan hatred can't see it then. Don't blame somebody else for your shortcomings.

You can't be serious.

Whose rights do they "champion" - it's clearly not women and gay or transgender Americans; it's not the voting rights of minorities, the due process rights of immigrants; and it's certainly not the First Amendment rights of Muslims.

You and others on the right need to first stop trying to violate citizens' rights before claiming to "champion" them.

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