Correct me If I'm wrong

So the way I see it, Donald Trump is hoping for 2 things here. Firstly he hopes his supporters believe he's pandering to Latino's, because he realized he can't win the election, if he has no support whatsoever with minorities. Secondly he hopes that the Latino community, doesn't believe he's pandering but had an actual change of heart and he realized deporting illegal immigrants en masse is inhumane. I think he's actually losing supporters here, because I've seen a lot of people voting for Trump exactly because, like they like to say, he doesn't cater to political correctness. And it's a pretty hard sell to say the exact opposite of what you have claimed for the entire primaries and something you have doubled down on on multiple occasions.
Donald Trump Has A Completely Different Immigration Position Every Day
I will gladly correct you. Trump never called for illegal immigrants to be deported en masse, but always specified it would have to be done in a humane way.

Yes he said he will deport 11 to 12 millions illegals. See link dated Nov. 2015.
There are no such thing as HUMANE WAY when you are deporting and separating families then leaving anchor babies without parents.
What is your definition of HUMANE WAY when separating families by the millions?

Donald Trump promises 'deportation force' to move 11M -

Washington (CNN)Pressed on how he would deport 11 million undocumented immigrants from the country, Donald Trump said Wednesday he would build a "deportation force."
There is certainly a humane way to deport illegal immigrants. Eisenhower rounded them up and put them in camps before deporting them and Cruz would have sent agents to round them up in their homes, but Trump opposes both of these methods. Trump has not specified exactly how he would go about deporting these illegal immigrants, but he may employ methods Hillary once supported such as penalizing employers who hire them, and he will build the border wall Hillary voted for as a senator.

There is nothing humane about allowing illegal immigrants to take millions of jobs away from poor Americans or allowing them to keep wages low for poor Americans or to allow them to send billions of dollars earned by violating US immigration laws every day back to Mexico every month instead of spending it here in the US economy. It is this casual indifference to the problems of poor Americans, especially to the problems of poor black Americans, that has led both The Nation and the Huffington Post to declare Hillary does not deserve the black vote.

Why Hillary Clinton Doesn’t Deserve the Black Vote

How Can Black People Trust Hillary Clinton After the 2008 Campaign?
So the way I see it, Donald Trump is hoping for 2 things here. Firstly he hopes his supporters believe he's pandering to Latino's, because he realized he can't win the election, if he has no support whatsoever with minorities. Secondly he hopes that the Latino community, doesn't believe he's pandering but had an actual change of heart and he realized deporting illegal immigrants en masse is inhumane. I think he's actually losing supporters here, because I've seen a lot of people voting for Trump exactly because, like they like to say, he doesn't cater to political correctness. And it's a pretty hard sell to say the exact opposite of what you have claimed for the entire primaries and something you have doubled down on on multiple occasions.
Donald Trump Has A Completely Different Immigration Position Every Day
I will gladly correct you. Trump never called for illegal immigrants to be deported en masse, but always specified it would have to be done in a humane way.

By the way, as a senator, Hillary voted for a bill to construct a fortified fence along the border but now claims she wants to build bridges not walls. What changed her mind? The only thing that ever changes her mind, polls and focus groups told her then that supporting a border wall would get her more votes and now polls and focus groups tell her opposing a border wall will get her more votes. The only thing Hillary never seems to consider when formulating positions is what's best for Americans.
The first sentence of your post immediately makes your position kind of confusing.
Trump never called for illegal immigrants to be deported en masse, but always specified it would have to be done in a humane way.
Did he or didn't he say it? I don't know what position you take for sure, from reading that post, so I'm going to guess. Trump never called for deportation en masse. The video is only a minute so I suggest you listen.

I listened to it. Clearly Trump is saying it must be done in a humane way.
The easy way to do it is to cut off all benefits and access to jobs. They would take their sorry job stealing asses back across the border. Build the damn wall.
So the way I see it, Donald Trump is hoping for 2 things here. Firstly he hopes his supporters believe he's pandering to Latino's, because he realized he can't win the election, if he has no support whatsoever with minorities. Secondly he hopes that the Latino community, doesn't believe he's pandering but had an actual change of heart and he realized deporting illegal immigrants en masse is inhumane. I think he's actually losing supporters here, because I've seen a lot of people voting for Trump exactly because, like they like to say, he doesn't cater to political correctness. And it's a pretty hard sell to say the exact opposite of what you have claimed for the entire primaries and something you have doubled down on on multiple occasions.
Donald Trump Has A Completely Different Immigration Position Every Day
I will gladly correct you. Trump never called for illegal immigrants to be deported en masse, but always specified it would have to be done in a humane way.

By the way, as a senator, Hillary voted for a bill to construct a fortified fence along the border but now claims she wants to build bridges not walls. What changed her mind? The only thing that ever changes her mind, polls and focus groups told her then that supporting a border wall would get her more votes and now polls and focus groups tell her opposing a border wall will get her more votes. The only thing Hillary never seems to consider when formulating positions is what's best for Americans.
The first sentence of your post immediately makes your position kind of confusing.
Trump never called for illegal immigrants to be deported en masse, but always specified it would have to be done in a humane way.
Did he or didn't he say it? I don't know what position you take for sure, from reading that post, so I'm going to guess. Trump never called for deportation en masse. The video is only a minute so I suggest you listen.

I listened to it. Clearly Trump is saying it must be done in a humane way.

Ok so at least I know what your position is, the never was a typo. Ok so my logical question is, how do you humanely deport someone who has kids here and has build up a life, has friends, a job. How do you do that humanely? How does a humane deportation look like?
So the way I see it, Donald Trump is hoping for 2 things here. Firstly he hopes his supporters believe he's pandering to Latino's, because he realized he can't win the election, if he has no support whatsoever with minorities. Secondly he hopes that the Latino community, doesn't believe he's pandering but had an actual change of heart and he realized deporting illegal immigrants en masse is inhumane. I think he's actually losing supporters here, because I've seen a lot of people voting for Trump exactly because, like they like to say, he doesn't cater to political correctness. And it's a pretty hard sell to say the exact opposite of what you have claimed for the entire primaries and something you have doubled down on on multiple occasions.
Donald Trump Has A Completely Different Immigration Position Every Day
I will gladly correct you. Trump never called for illegal immigrants to be deported en masse, but always specified it would have to be done in a humane way.

By the way, as a senator, Hillary voted for a bill to construct a fortified fence along the border but now claims she wants to build bridges not walls. What changed her mind? The only thing that ever changes her mind, polls and focus groups told her then that supporting a border wall would get her more votes and now polls and focus groups tell her opposing a border wall will get her more votes. The only thing Hillary never seems to consider when formulating positions is what's best for Americans.
The first sentence of your post immediately makes your position kind of confusing.
Trump never called for illegal immigrants to be deported en masse, but always specified it would have to be done in a humane way.
Did he or didn't he say it? I don't know what position you take for sure, from reading that post, so I'm going to guess. Trump never called for deportation en masse. The video is only a minute so I suggest you listen.

I listened to it. Clearly Trump is saying it must be done in a humane way.

Ok so at least I know what your position is, the never was a typo. Ok so my logical question is, how do you humanely deport someone who has kids here and has build up a life, has friends, a job. How do you do that humanely? How does a humane deportation look like?

You help them pack up and pay their transportation costs back to Mexico. The fact that they got away with breaking the law for a long time doesn't mean they should be allowed to continue breaking the law. Keep in mind that the job this guy has would have gone to a poor American, probably at higher wages, and sending him back to Mexico will free this job up for a poor American. Sending them back will free up millions of jobs for poor Americans, allow wages to rise for poor Americans and keep the billions of dollars they send back to Mexico each month here in the US economy.
Could someone explain to me why deporting people who are here illegally is in humane? Wasn't it in humane for them to sneak in here and steal from us in humane?

One of the things is deporting the parents of babies who were born here.
So the parents broke into our home, dropped a baby on the living room floor and we're supposed to reward them? They can take their babies back with them.
So the way I see it, Donald Trump is hoping for 2 things here. Firstly he hopes his supporters believe he's pandering to Latino's, because he realized he can't win the election, if he has no support whatsoever with minorities. Secondly he hopes that the Latino community, doesn't believe he's pandering but had an actual change of heart and he realized deporting illegal immigrants en masse is inhumane. I think he's actually losing supporters here, because I've seen a lot of people voting for Trump exactly because, like they like to say, he doesn't cater to political correctness. And it's a pretty hard sell to say the exact opposite of what you have claimed for the entire primaries and something you have doubled down on on multiple occasions.
Donald Trump Has A Completely Different Immigration Position Every Day
I will gladly correct you. Trump never called for illegal immigrants to be deported en masse, but always specified it would have to be done in a humane way.

By the way, as a senator, Hillary voted for a bill to construct a fortified fence along the border but now claims she wants to build bridges not walls. What changed her mind? The only thing that ever changes her mind, polls and focus groups told her then that supporting a border wall would get her more votes and now polls and focus groups tell her opposing a border wall will get her more votes. The only thing Hillary never seems to consider when formulating positions is what's best for Americans.
The first sentence of your post immediately makes your position kind of confusing.
Trump never called for illegal immigrants to be deported en masse, but always specified it would have to be done in a humane way.
Did he or didn't he say it? I don't know what position you take for sure, from reading that post, so I'm going to guess. Trump never called for deportation en masse. The video is only a minute so I suggest you listen.

I listened to it. Clearly Trump is saying it must be done in a humane way.

Ok so at least I know what your position is, the never was a typo. Ok so my logical question is, how do you humanely deport someone who has kids here and has build up a life, has friends, a job. How do you do that humanely? How does a humane deportation look like?

You help them pack up and pay their transportation costs back to Mexico. The fact that they got away with breaking the law for a long time doesn't mean they should be allowed to continue breaking the law. Keep in mind that the job this guy has would have gone to a poor American, probably at higher wages, and sending him back to Mexico will free this job up for a poor American. Sending them back will free up millions of jobs for poor Americans, allow wages to rise for poor Americans and keep the billions of dollars they send back to Mexico each month here in the US economy.

The current US unemployment rate is 4,9 percent. How do you know any of the jobs illegal immigrants do now will be filled at all. This is what happened in Arizona when they lost that workforce. The Thorny Economics of Illegal Immigration This is one of those talking points that sound logical until you actually do some research. And I'll ask you what I try to ask by this OP. How do you feel when Trump starts changing his position now?
So the way I see it, Donald Trump is hoping for 2 things here. Firstly he hopes his supporters believe he's pandering to Latino's, because he realized he can't win the election, if he has no support whatsoever with minorities. Secondly he hopes that the Latino community, doesn't believe he's pandering but had an actual change of heart and he realized deporting illegal immigrants en masse is inhumane. I think he's actually losing supporters here, because I've seen a lot of people voting for Trump exactly because, like they like to say, he doesn't cater to political correctness. And it's a pretty hard sell to say the exact opposite of what you have claimed for the entire primaries and something you have doubled down on on multiple occasions.
Donald Trump Has A Completely Different Immigration Position Every Day
I will gladly correct you. Trump never called for illegal immigrants to be deported en masse, but always specified it would have to be done in a humane way.

By the way, as a senator, Hillary voted for a bill to construct a fortified fence along the border but now claims she wants to build bridges not walls. What changed her mind? The only thing that ever changes her mind, polls and focus groups told her then that supporting a border wall would get her more votes and now polls and focus groups tell her opposing a border wall will get her more votes. The only thing Hillary never seems to consider when formulating positions is what's best for Americans.
The first sentence of your post immediately makes your position kind of confusing.
Trump never called for illegal immigrants to be deported en masse, but always specified it would have to be done in a humane way.
Did he or didn't he say it? I don't know what position you take for sure, from reading that post, so I'm going to guess. Trump never called for deportation en masse. The video is only a minute so I suggest you listen.

I listened to it. Clearly Trump is saying it must be done in a humane way.

Ok so at least I know what your position is, the never was a typo. Ok so my logical question is, how do you humanely deport someone who has kids here and has build up a life, has friends, a job. How do you do that humanely? How does a humane deportation look like?

What does a humane breaking and entering and theft from the American taxpayer look like!? Why is the onus on Americans to be humane? Don't you think we're tired of being shit on by illegals?
Could someone explain to me why deporting people who are here illegally is in humane? Wasn't it in humane for them to sneak in here and steal from us in humane?

One of the things is deporting the parents of babies who were born here.
So the parents broke into our home, dropped a baby on the living room floor and we're supposed to reward them? They can take their babies back with them.

That pesky constitution…the baby is an American Citizen. Why do you hate America?
Could someone explain to me why deporting people who are here illegally is in humane? Wasn't it in humane for them to sneak in here and steal from us in humane?

One of the things is deporting the parents of babies who were born here.
So the parents broke into our home, dropped a baby on the living room floor and we're supposed to reward them? They can take their babies back with them.

That pesky constitution…the baby is an American Citizen. Why do you hate America?[/QUOTE

Suppose you are correct!??????? The parents aren't. They decided to break in. Them. Not me. They can take their kid back with them or leave it. I do not care!

And now you see why it is called inhumane.

Or to put it another way:
So the way I see it, Donald Trump is hoping for 2 things here. Firstly he hopes his supporters believe he's pandering to Latino's, because he realized he can't win the election, if he has no support whatsoever with minorities. Secondly he hopes that the Latino community, doesn't believe he's pandering but had an actual change of heart and he realized deporting illegal immigrants en masse is inhumane. I think he's actually losing supporters here, because I've seen a lot of people voting for Trump exactly because, like they like to say, he doesn't cater to political correctness. And it's a pretty hard sell to say the exact opposite of what you have claimed for the entire primaries and something you have doubled down on on multiple occasions.
Donald Trump Has A Completely Different Immigration Position Every Day
Liberals refine their agenda all the time. They constantly appeal to specific demographics, black, latino, women, gays, etc. When Republicans do the same they are inconsistent and pandering.

Further evidence that liberals are corrupt.
Once a Republican steps up and champions civil rights rather than provide the opposition to civil rights, maybe, just maybe, we won't see it as pandering.
They do champion civil rights and have all along. Your blind partisan hatred can't see it then. Don't blame somebody else for your shortcomings.

You can't be serious.

Whose rights do they "champion" - it's clearly not women and gay or transgender Americans; it's not the voting rights of minorities, the due process rights of immigrants; and it's certainly not the First Amendment rights of Muslims.

You and others on the right need to first stop trying to violate citizens' rights before claiming to "champion" them.
So the way I see it, Donald Trump is hoping for 2 things here. Firstly he hopes his supporters believe he's pandering to Latino's, because he realized he can't win the election, if he has no support whatsoever with minorities. Secondly he hopes that the Latino community, doesn't believe he's pandering but had an actual change of heart and he realized deporting illegal immigrants en masse is inhumane. I think he's actually losing supporters here, because I've seen a lot of people voting for Trump exactly because, like they like to say, he doesn't cater to political correctness. And it's a pretty hard sell to say the exact opposite of what you have claimed for the entire primaries and something you have doubled down on on multiple occasions.
Donald Trump Has A Completely Different Immigration Position Every Day
I will gladly correct you. Trump never called for illegal immigrants to be deported en masse, but always specified it would have to be done in a humane way.

By the way, as a senator, Hillary voted for a bill to construct a fortified fence along the border but now claims she wants to build bridges not walls. What changed her mind? The only thing that ever changes her mind, polls and focus groups told her then that supporting a border wall would get her more votes and now polls and focus groups tell her opposing a border wall will get her more votes. The only thing Hillary never seems to consider when formulating positions is what's best for Americans.
The first sentence of your post immediately makes your position kind of confusing.
Trump never called for illegal immigrants to be deported en masse, but always specified it would have to be done in a humane way.
Did he or didn't he say it? I don't know what position you take for sure, from reading that post, so I'm going to guess. Trump never called for deportation en masse. The video is only a minute so I suggest you listen.

I listened to it. Clearly Trump is saying it must be done in a humane way.

Ok so at least I know what your position is, the never was a typo. Ok so my logical question is, how do you humanely deport someone who has kids here and has build up a life, has friends, a job. How do you do that humanely? How does a humane deportation look like?

so how do you treat convicted criminals who are getting ready for jail? I mean, they got caught. Is it your position that there would be no consequence of getting caught? it is a criminals Do we humanely move criminals through our system? why would you think we wouldn't illegal criminals?

And now you see why it is called inhumane.

Or to put it another way:
I agree. It is In humane to hard working American taxpayers who are forced to pay for all this illegal bullshittery! Why do ewe hate America?

In humane? They used to sell this thing called hooked on phonics. Perhaps you should look into purchasing it.

The ironic thing is that the only reason your illiterate ass is an “american” is an accident of your being born here….just like the person you seek to deport. Obviously you’re contributions are minimal otherwise.

And now you see why it is called inhumane.

Or to put it another way:
I agree. It is In humane to hard working American taxpayers who are forced to pay for all this illegal bullshittery! Why do ewe hate America?

In humane? They used to sell this thing called hooked on phonics. Perhaps you should look into purchasing it.

The ironic thing is that the only reason your illiterate ass is an “american” is an accident of your being born here….just like the person you seek to deport. Obviously you’re contributions are minimal otherwise.
dude, you should reread your sentence. if someone is born here, they are not illegal.

The illegals are the ones who came here illegally from where ever there is. i see you have problems with what constitutes the word illegal. you should look it up on the internet.

And now you see why it is called inhumane.

Or to put it another way:
I agree. It is In humane to hard working American taxpayers who are forced to pay for all this illegal bullshittery! Why do ewe hate America?

In humane? They used to sell this thing called hooked on phonics. Perhaps you should look into purchasing it.

The ironic thing is that the only reason your illiterate ass is an “american” is an accident of your being born here….just like the person you seek to deport. Obviously you’re contributions are minimal otherwise.
It is not right or humane to force Americans to pay for illegals breaking and entering and other bullshittery!

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