Correct me If I'm wrong

So the way I see it, Donald Trump is hoping for 2 things here. Firstly he hopes his supporters believe he's pandering to Latino's, because he realized he can't win the election, if he has no support whatsoever with minorities. Secondly he hopes that the Latino community, doesn't believe he's pandering but had an actual change of heart and he realized deporting illegal immigrants en masse is inhumane. I think he's actually losing supporters here, because I've seen a lot of people voting for Trump exactly because, like they like to say, he doesn't cater to political correctness. And it's a pretty hard sell to say the exact opposite of what you have claimed for the entire primaries and something you have doubled down on on multiple occasions.
Donald Trump Has A Completely Different Immigration Position Every Day
Liberals refine their agenda all the time. They constantly appeal to specific demographics, black, latino, women, gays, etc. When Republicans do the same they are inconsistent and pandering.

Further evidence that liberals are corrupt.

Once again iceweasel attempts to burn rubber with flat tires on square wheels, his spins never work.
Do ewe believe in suffering the consequences of your bad decisions? Or, do ewe believe others should pay the consequences of your bad decisions?

I believe American citizens have rights. The baby has rights by virtue of being born here; the same rights you have. Or are there different rights for different shades of skin color? If you want to say that the parents “own” the baby like they own their shoes or socks…okay. I guess we’ll have to re-write the Constitution to allow for Trump’s inhumanity and thoroughly abusive policy….

Just don’t expect many votes come election time.
well, no, it's the parents decision don't you think? I mean isn't that in the constitution? Parents rights? Why would they wish to leave their baby behind? your are inhumane aren't you?

Not sure where the Constitution says that…but okay. To have a Trump presidency…we’d have to change the Constitution up one side and down the other on a number of fronts.
is it legal to abandon a baby? dude you're funny. you should learn about your country a bit.

Sure it is.
figures you don't know that. you're on the left of things. uninformed. laws funny things they are.
My question would be the if Obama is such a mass deportation specialist like your messiah says he is…why would you want anything new or different in the next President on this topic?
we don't, next question.

Good to hear from a fellow Hillary Supporter.

well if you meant Trump then you'd be spot on and thanks for joining. It was Trump that discussed obummer deportation effort. and he agreed with it. wow you just woke up didn't you?

Trump wants to change Obama’s policies (this week—who knows where he will be next week).
Hillary is pretty much the same.

Perhaps you should buy a mirror and debate yourself; you seem confused by your candidate’s stances…almost as confused as he is.

View attachment 86933
I want the wall, the rest is but gravy. so I haven't wavered one bit
So the way I see it, Donald Trump is hoping for 2 things here. Firstly he hopes his supporters believe he's pandering to Latino's, because he realized he can't win the election, if he has no support whatsoever with minorities. Secondly he hopes that the Latino community, doesn't believe he's pandering but had an actual change of heart and he realized deporting illegal immigrants en masse is inhumane. I think he's actually losing supporters here, because I've seen a lot of people voting for Trump exactly because, like they like to say, he doesn't cater to political correctness. And it's a pretty hard sell to say the exact opposite of what you have claimed for the entire primaries and something you have doubled down on on multiple occasions.
Donald Trump Has A Completely Different Immigration Position Every Day
Liberals refine their agenda all the time. They constantly appeal to specific demographics, black, latino, women, gays, etc. When Republicans do the same they are inconsistent and pandering.

Further evidence that liberals are corrupt.
So doing a complete 180 on a position, a position which is considered by a lot of his supporters a cornerstone of the campaign is refining? My my. To me it would be like Clinton all of a sudden would claim she's for smaller government.


Both of them are full of s**t.
I believe American citizens have rights. The baby has rights by virtue of being born here; the same rights you have. Or are there different rights for different shades of skin color? If you want to say that the parents “own” the baby like they own their shoes or socks…okay. I guess we’ll have to re-write the Constitution to allow for Trump’s inhumanity and thoroughly abusive policy….

Just don’t expect many votes come election time.
well, no, it's the parents decision don't you think? I mean isn't that in the constitution? Parents rights? Why would they wish to leave their baby behind? your are inhumane aren't you?

Not sure where the Constitution says that…but okay. To have a Trump presidency…we’d have to change the Constitution up one side and down the other on a number of fronts.
is it legal to abandon a baby? dude you're funny. you should learn about your country a bit.

Sure it is.
figures you don't know that. you're on the left of things. uninformed. laws funny things they are.

Feel free to google it.

Safe-haven law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
well, no, it's the parents decision don't you think? I mean isn't that in the constitution? Parents rights? Why would they wish to leave their baby behind? your are inhumane aren't you?

Not sure where the Constitution says that…but okay. To have a Trump presidency…we’d have to change the Constitution up one side and down the other on a number of fronts.
is it legal to abandon a baby? dude you're funny. you should learn about your country a bit.

Sure it is.
figures you don't know that. you're on the left of things. uninformed. laws funny things they are.

Feel free to google it.

Safe-haven law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
you should read it carefully, it is only for those places marked as such. otherwise it is abandonment fool!! one is not allowed to dump a baby in a dumpster and call it safe haven. my gawd are you stupid.
Why do bigoted lefties assume that every Mexican is in illegal alien? How in the world do democrats get away with pandering to Black people to such an extent thay they are convinced they can't obtain anything as basic as a photo I.D. in the 21st century? The democrat party is historically the party of bigotry and slavery and they only way they can gain the votes of minority citizens is to keep them angry and frustrated and on the DNC plantation.

Wow, it's amazing you don't have diabetes with the amount of kool-aid you've consumed. Not only are your opinions echoes, they are too foolish for anyone with an IQ of 90 or greater to believe.
My question would be the if Obama is such a mass deportation specialist like your messiah says he is…why would you want anything new or different in the next President on this topic?
we don't, next question.

Good to hear from a fellow Hillary Supporter.

well if you meant Trump then you'd be spot on and thanks for joining. It was Trump that discussed obummer deportation effort. and he agreed with it. wow you just woke up didn't you?

Trump wants to change Obama’s policies (this week—who knows where he will be next week).
Hillary is pretty much the same.

Perhaps you should buy a mirror and debate yourself; you seem confused by your candidate’s stances…almost as confused as he is.

View attachment 86933
I want the wall, the rest is but gravy. so I haven't wavered one bit

Yes, you’ve been wrong since birth. The wall won’t be built. Trump is going down in flames; the only question is now whether or not he will be the biggest GOP loser in history. His supporters have destroyed the GOP and nobody has a clue of what he stands for on any topic.

He’s flip flopped so often…do you think the wall is far behind?
So the way I see it, Donald Trump is hoping for 2 things here. Firstly he hopes his supporters believe he's pandering to Latino's, because he realized he can't win the election, if he has no support whatsoever with minorities. Secondly he hopes that the Latino community, doesn't believe he's pandering but had an actual change of heart and he realized deporting illegal immigrants en masse is inhumane. I think he's actually losing supporters here, because I've seen a lot of people voting for Trump exactly because, like they like to say, he doesn't cater to political correctness. And it's a pretty hard sell to say the exact opposite of what you have claimed for the entire primaries and something you have doubled down on on multiple occasions.
Donald Trump Has A Completely Different Immigration Position Every Day
I will gladly correct you. Trump never called for illegal immigrants to be deported en masse, but always specified it would have to be done in a humane way.

By the way, as a senator, Hillary voted for a bill to construct a fortified fence along the border but now claims she wants to build bridges not walls. What changed her mind? The only thing that ever changes her mind, polls and focus groups told her then that supporting a border wall would get her more votes and now polls and focus groups tell her opposing a border wall will get her more votes. The only thing Hillary never seems to consider when formulating positions is what's best for Americans.
The first sentence of your post immediately makes your position kind of confusing.
Trump never called for illegal immigrants to be deported en masse, but always specified it would have to be done in a humane way.
Did he or didn't he say it? I don't know what position you take for sure, from reading that post, so I'm going to guess. Trump never called for deportation en masse. The video is only a minute so I suggest you listen.

I listened to it. Clearly Trump is saying it must be done in a humane way.

Ok so at least I know what your position is, the never was a typo. Ok so my logical question is, how do you humanely deport someone who has kids here and has build up a life, has friends, a job. How do you do that humanely? How does a humane deportation look like?

so how do you treat convicted criminals who are getting ready for jail? I mean, they got caught. Is it your position that there would be no consequence of getting caught? it is a criminals Do we humanely move criminals through our system? why would you think we wouldn't illegal criminals?

Yes we do move criminals humanely trough our system, or at least we should. No consequence of getting caught, you mean being sent to prison is not punishment? So you don't feel there's a difference between someone looking for a better life and someone who deliberately hurts someone to get what they want?
So the way I see it, Donald Trump is hoping for 2 things here. Firstly he hopes his supporters believe he's pandering to Latino's, because he realized he can't win the election, if he has no support whatsoever with minorities. Secondly he hopes that the Latino community, doesn't believe he's pandering but had an actual change of heart and he realized deporting illegal immigrants en masse is inhumane. I think he's actually losing supporters here, because I've seen a lot of people voting for Trump exactly because, like they like to say, he doesn't cater to political correctness. And it's a pretty hard sell to say the exact opposite of what you have claimed for the entire primaries and something you have doubled down on on multiple occasions.
Donald Trump Has A Completely Different Immigration Position Every Day

He's evolving his position. And? Did you have a problem with that when a leftist did it? No? Then stfu.
Not sure where the Constitution says that…but okay. To have a Trump presidency…we’d have to change the Constitution up one side and down the other on a number of fronts.
is it legal to abandon a baby? dude you're funny. you should learn about your country a bit.

Sure it is.
figures you don't know that. you're on the left of things. uninformed. laws funny things they are.

Feel free to google it.

Safe-haven law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
you should read it carefully, it is only for those places marked as such. otherwise it is abandonment fool!! one is not allowed to dump a baby in a garbage can and call it safe haven. my gawd are you stupid.

So now you’re saying it is legal. Thanks for admitting you’re wrong. Not that there ever was any doubt about it.

I have to go but thanks for the batting practice. Try to throw harder next time my bitch!!!!!
Why do bigoted lefties assume that every Mexican is in illegal alien? How in the world do democrats get away with pandering to Black people to such an extent thay they are convinced they can't obtain anything as basic as a photo I.D. in the 21st century? The democrat party is historically the party of bigotry and slavery and they only way they can gain the votes of minority citizens is to keep them angry and frustrated and on the DNC plantation.

Wow, it's amazing you don't have diabetes with the amount of kool-aid you've consumed. Not only are your opinions echoes, they are too foolish for anyone with an IQ of 90 or greater to believe.
so is there a difference between illegal and legal? what is it you're confused with with that word illegal. Can you post up the definition?
we don't, next question.

Good to hear from a fellow Hillary Supporter.

well if you meant Trump then you'd be spot on and thanks for joining. It was Trump that discussed obummer deportation effort. and he agreed with it. wow you just woke up didn't you?

Trump wants to change Obama’s policies (this week—who knows where he will be next week).
Hillary is pretty much the same.

Perhaps you should buy a mirror and debate yourself; you seem confused by your candidate’s stances…almost as confused as he is.

View attachment 86933
I want the wall, the rest is but gravy. so I haven't wavered one bit

Yes, you’ve been wrong since birth. The wall won’t be built. Trump is going down in flames; the only question is now whether or not he will be the biggest GOP loser in history. His supporters have destroyed the GOP and nobody has a clue of what he stands for on any topic.

He’s flip flopped so often…do you think the wall is far behind?
and there it is, off the deep end another lefty goes. :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

need a hole to dive in when he wins? :dig:

Actually, I think another thread is warranted now. can you comply with that?
So the way I see it, Donald Trump is hoping for 2 things here. Firstly he hopes his supporters believe he's pandering to Latino's, because he realized he can't win the election, if he has no support whatsoever with minorities. Secondly he hopes that the Latino community, doesn't believe he's pandering but had an actual change of heart and he realized deporting illegal immigrants en masse is inhumane. I think he's actually losing supporters here, because I've seen a lot of people voting for Trump exactly because, like they like to say, he doesn't cater to political correctness. And it's a pretty hard sell to say the exact opposite of what you have claimed for the entire primaries and something you have doubled down on on multiple occasions.
Donald Trump Has A Completely Different Immigration Position Every Day
Liberals refine their agenda all the time. They constantly appeal to specific demographics, black, latino, women, gays, etc. When Republicans do the same they are inconsistent and pandering.

Further evidence that liberals are corrupt.
So doing a complete 180 on a position, a position which is considered by a lot of his supporters a cornerstone of the campaign is refining? My my. To me it would be like Clinton all of a sudden would claim she's for smaller government.

I remember Obama being opposed to same sex marriage and when he decided to be for it the word used was evolved and everything was cool.
Not sure where the Constitution says that…but okay. To have a Trump presidency…we’d have to change the Constitution up one side and down the other on a number of fronts.
is it legal to abandon a baby? dude you're funny. you should learn about your country a bit.

Sure it is.
figures you don't know that. you're on the left of things. uninformed. laws funny things they are.

Feel free to google it.

Safe-haven law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
you should read it carefully, it is only for those places marked as such. otherwise it is abandonment fool!! one is not allowed to dump a baby in a dumpster and call it safe haven. my gawd are you stupid.

Another right winger like iceweasel. He tries to spin and completely fails.

Q. Why are dumb people conservatives?

Q. Why do dumb people support D. Trump?

A. Birds of a feather, flock together.
The first sentence of your post immediately makes your position kind of confusing.
Did he or didn't he say it? I don't know what position you take for sure, from reading that post, so I'm going to guess. Trump never called for deportation en masse. The video is only a minute so I suggest you listen.

I listened to it. Clearly Trump is saying it must be done in a humane way.

Ok so at least I know what your position is, the never was a typo. Ok so my logical question is, how do you humanely deport someone who has kids here and has build up a life, has friends, a job. How do you do that humanely? How does a humane deportation look like?

You help them pack up and pay their transportation costs back to Mexico. The fact that they got away with breaking the law for a long time doesn't mean they should be allowed to continue breaking the law. Keep in mind that the job this guy has would have gone to a poor American, probably at higher wages, and sending him back to Mexico will free this job up for a poor American. Sending them back will free up millions of jobs for poor Americans, allow wages to rise for poor Americans and keep the billions of dollars they send back to Mexico each month here in the US economy.

The current US unemployment rate is 4,9 percent. How do you know any of the jobs illegal immigrants do now will be filled at all. This is what happened in Arizona when they lost that workforce. The Thorny Economics of Illegal Immigration This is one of those talking points that sound logical until you actually do some research. And I'll ask you what I try to ask by this OP. How do you feel when Trump starts changing his position now?

According to your link, some jobs in agriculture were not filled by Americans but jobs in construction and other industries were filled by Americans and wages did rise after Arizona got rid of illegal immigrants. It is inhumane and bizarre to advocate illegal immigration so that agricultural companies don't have to pay wages high enough to find Americans who will take those jobs. Keep in mind that slavery was once justified because without it cotton grown in the US would not be competitive in price with cotton grown in Egypt.

You might want to notice that in 2006, Hillary said Mexico should take care of its own problems and stop dumping its poor on the US.

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="Hillary Clinton says US need to secure borders, and illegals should be deported - YouTube" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Yes and the GDP fell, meaning production and consuming went down. Hurting business. The point is you or I can't prove what the effect of illegal immigration is. Either way if I don't know something I try to Err on the side of human decency.U.S. Farmers Risk Losing Everything Because Of Absurd Immigration Rule
Last edited:
I will gladly correct you. Trump never called for illegal immigrants to be deported en masse, but always specified it would have to be done in a humane way.

By the way, as a senator, Hillary voted for a bill to construct a fortified fence along the border but now claims she wants to build bridges not walls. What changed her mind? The only thing that ever changes her mind, polls and focus groups told her then that supporting a border wall would get her more votes and now polls and focus groups tell her opposing a border wall will get her more votes. The only thing Hillary never seems to consider when formulating positions is what's best for Americans.
The first sentence of your post immediately makes your position kind of confusing.
Trump never called for illegal immigrants to be deported en masse, but always specified it would have to be done in a humane way.
Did he or didn't he say it? I don't know what position you take for sure, from reading that post, so I'm going to guess. Trump never called for deportation en masse. The video is only a minute so I suggest you listen.

I listened to it. Clearly Trump is saying it must be done in a humane way.

Ok so at least I know what your position is, the never was a typo. Ok so my logical question is, how do you humanely deport someone who has kids here and has build up a life, has friends, a job. How do you do that humanely? How does a humane deportation look like?

so how do you treat convicted criminals who are getting ready for jail? I mean, they got caught. Is it your position that there would be no consequence of getting caught? it is a criminals Do we humanely move criminals through our system? why would you think we wouldn't illegal criminals?

Yes we do move criminals humanely trough our system, or at least we should. No consequence of getting caught, you mean being sent to prison is not punishment? So you don't feel there's a difference between someone looking for a better life and someone who deliberately hurts someone to get what they want?

yes, when it is done illegally and hurts other people. It isn't just someone moving in, it's someone who line hops in front of someone and hurts that someone. So that is why it is criminal. A criminal is a criminal.

The jail is back to his/ her country. And as a special option, they get to take their kids they had here.
is it legal to abandon a baby? dude you're funny. you should learn about your country a bit.

Sure it is.
figures you don't know that. you're on the left of things. uninformed. laws funny things they are.

Feel free to google it.

Safe-haven law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
you should read it carefully, it is only for those places marked as such. otherwise it is abandonment fool!! one is not allowed to dump a baby in a dumpster and call it safe haven. my gawd are you stupid.

Another right winger like iceweasel. He tries to spin and completely fails.

Q. Why are dumb people conservatives?

Q. Why do dumb people support D. Trump?

A. Birds of a feather, flock together.
I did? the only thing spinning here is your head.

but feel good about your spin. being cuckoo fits you:cuckoo:
Could someone explain to me why deporting people who are here illegally is in humane? Wasn't it in humane for them to sneak in here and steal from us in humane?
Ask Trump, he doesn't think it's humane anymore since yesterday lol. Kind of my point.
He didn't make your arguments, you are simply trying to smear him, being the liberal you are. He said those not deported must go through the legalization process.
"Now, everybody agrees we get the bad ones out," Trump said. "But when I go through and I meet thousands and thousands of people on this subject, and I've had very strong people come up to me, really great, great people come up to me, and they've said, 'Mr. Trump, I love you, but to take a person who's been here for 15 or 20 years and throw them and their family out, it's so tough, Mr. Trump,' I have it all the time! It's a very, very hard thing."
I didn't realize pointing out your candidates inconsistencies was smearing.

Trump realized that it would be a very hard thing to do as well and has changed his position. Hillary has staked out the position of open borders that, IMO would be a disaster for the US
The first sentence of your post immediately makes your position kind of confusing.
Did he or didn't he say it? I don't know what position you take for sure, from reading that post, so I'm going to guess. Trump never called for deportation en masse. The video is only a minute so I suggest you listen.

I listened to it. Clearly Trump is saying it must be done in a humane way.

Ok so at least I know what your position is, the never was a typo. Ok so my logical question is, how do you humanely deport someone who has kids here and has build up a life, has friends, a job. How do you do that humanely? How does a humane deportation look like?

so how do you treat convicted criminals who are getting ready for jail? I mean, they got caught. Is it your position that there would be no consequence of getting caught? it is a criminals Do we humanely move criminals through our system? why would you think we wouldn't illegal criminals?

Yes we do move criminals humanely trough our system, or at least we should. No consequence of getting caught, you mean being sent to prison is not punishment? So you don't feel there's a difference between someone looking for a better life and someone who deliberately hurts someone to get what they want?

yes, when it is done illegally and hurts other people. It isn't just someone moving in, it's someone who line hops in front of someone and hurts that someone. So that is why it is criminal. A criminal is a criminal.

The jail is back to his/ her country. And as a special option, they get to take their kids they had here.

If you feel so strongly about it, why are you still supporting Trump who's softening his position daily now?

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