Correct me If I'm wrong

You help them pack up and pay their transportation costs back to Mexico. The fact that they got away with breaking the law for a long time doesn't mean they should be allowed to continue breaking the law. Keep in mind that the job this guy has would have gone to a poor American, probably at higher wages, and sending him back to Mexico will free this job up for a poor American. Sending them back will free up millions of jobs for poor Americans, allow wages to rise for poor Americans and keep the billions of dollars they send back to Mexico each month here in the US economy.
The current US unemployment rate is 4,9 percent. How do you know any of the jobs illegal immigrants do now will be filled at all. This is what happened in Arizona when they lost that workforce. The Thorny Economics of Illegal Immigration This is one of those talking points that sound logical until you actually do some research. And I'll ask you what I try to ask by this OP. How do you feel when Trump starts changing his position now?
According to your link, some jobs in agriculture were not filled by Americans but jobs in construction and other industries were filled by Americans and wages did rise after Arizona got rid of illegal immigrants. It is inhumane and bizarre to advocate illegal immigration so that agricultural companies don't have to pay wages high enough to find Americans who will take those jobs. Keep in mind that slavery was once justified because without it cotton grown in the US would not be competitive in price with cotton grown in Egypt.

You might want to notice that in 2006, Hillary said Mexico should take care of its own problems and stop dumping its poor on the US.

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="Hillary Clinton says US need to secure borders, and illegals should be deported - YouTube" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Yes and the GDP fell, meaning production and consuming went down. Hurting business. The point is you or I can't prove what the effect of illegal immigration is. Either way if I don't know something I try to Err on the side of human decency.U.S. Farmers Risk Losing Everything Because Of Absurd Immigration Rule
Of course we both know the impact of illegal immigration and your argument has been it is good for business and you couldn't care less about the harm it does to poor Americans. It is precisely this casual indifference to the problems of poor Americans, especially poor black Americans, that has led both The Nation and the Huffignton Post to declare Hillary doesn't deserve the votes of black Americans.

How Can Black People Trust Hillary Clinton After the 2008 Campaign?

Why Hillary Clinton Doesn’t Deserve the Black Vote
Firstly in this OP I sited a few times that I don't know what the general impact of illegal immigration, on economics is. Like most things macro-economically, there are advantages and disadvantages. I also want to remind you, that the premise of this post is not illegal immigration, but Trumps inability to stick with like I said cornerstone of his platform. Saying that I don't care what harm it does to poor Americans is false, since neither you or me can tell me, if there even is harm. A store being able to sell more goods because there are a few hundred thousand consumers extra, needs to hire more people, jobs that will go to poor Americans being an example. On the other hand I wouldn't be able to begin to tell you if that's offset by the fact that there might be some poor American that wouldn't mind picking fruit for a season. But the point is neither can you.
except that illegals don't pay income tax. How can they? they suck money out of our country. You don't think that doesn't hurt the economy? the fact they live multi families in single family homes doesn't hurt the neighbors? and then the job stealing and all that. illegal is illegal is illegal. You obviously again, hate that word.
I've talked to maybe six or seven friends who were fanatic trump supporters. Four of them say they will simply not vote in November if trump is in fact offering amnesty to illegals now, which is exactly what he is saying he will do. For them it is a deal breaker because they believed he was a REAL outsider who wouldn't cave and flip-flop on everything he has been saying the past year, which is what every Rino has done. Two of them say they don't care and will vote for him whatever he does (I guess rational thought isn't necessary when voting). One of them says they aren't sure now.

It is hard to understand how anyone that was a strident supporter of trumps specifically because he used harsh straight forward talk about what he would do and how he saw things, could now support him when he is flip-flopping on the core issue for which they came over to his camp.

It is as if he was wearing a trump mask all this time and, voila, he pulls it off and he's Jeb Bush.
You help them pack up and pay their transportation costs back to Mexico. The fact that they got away with breaking the law for a long time doesn't mean they should be allowed to continue breaking the law. Keep in mind that the job this guy has would have gone to a poor American, probably at higher wages, and sending him back to Mexico will free this job up for a poor American. Sending them back will free up millions of jobs for poor Americans, allow wages to rise for poor Americans and keep the billions of dollars they send back to Mexico each month here in the US economy.
The current US unemployment rate is 4,9 percent. How do you know any of the jobs illegal immigrants do now will be filled at all. This is what happened in Arizona when they lost that workforce. The Thorny Economics of Illegal Immigration This is one of those talking points that sound logical until you actually do some research. And I'll ask you what I try to ask by this OP. How do you feel when Trump starts changing his position now?
According to your link, some jobs in agriculture were not filled by Americans but jobs in construction and other industries were filled by Americans and wages did rise after Arizona got rid of illegal immigrants. It is inhumane and bizarre to advocate illegal immigration so that agricultural companies don't have to pay wages high enough to find Americans who will take those jobs. Keep in mind that slavery was once justified because without it cotton grown in the US would not be competitive in price with cotton grown in Egypt.

You might want to notice that in 2006, Hillary said Mexico should take care of its own problems and stop dumping its poor on the US.

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="Hillary Clinton says US need to secure borders, and illegals should be deported - YouTube" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Yes and the GDP fell, meaning production and consuming went down. Hurting business. The point is you or I can't prove what the effect of illegal immigration is. Either way if I don't know something I try to Err on the side of human decency.U.S. Farmers Risk Losing Everything Because Of Absurd Immigration Rule
Of course we both know the impact of illegal immigration and your argument has been it is good for business and you couldn't care less about the harm it does to poor Americans. It is precisely this casual indifference to the problems of poor Americans, especially poor black Americans, that has led both The Nation and the Huffignton Post to declare Hillary doesn't deserve the votes of black Americans.

How Can Black People Trust Hillary Clinton After the 2008 Campaign?

Why Hillary Clinton Doesn’t Deserve the Black Vote
Firstly in this OP I sited a few times that I don't know what the general impact of illegal immigration, on economics is. Like most things macro-economically, there are advantages and disadvantages. I also want to remind you, that the premise of this post is not illegal immigration, but Trumps inability to stick with like I said cornerstone of his platform. Saying that I don't care what harm it does to poor Americans is false, since neither you or me can tell me, if there even is harm. A store being able to sell more goods because there are a few hundred thousand consumers extra, needs to hire more people, jobs that will go to poor Americans being an example. On the other hand I wouldn't be able to begin to tell you if that's offset by the fact that there might be some poor American that wouldn't mind picking fruit for a season. But the point is neither can you.

In other words, you are a Hillary fan and are throwing a left handed insult at Trump. If you don't like the fact that he has 'evolved,' don't vote for him.
I've talked to maybe six or seven friends who were fanatic trump supporters. Four of them say they will simply not vote in November if trump is in fact offering amnesty to illegals now, which is exactly what he is saying he will do. For them it is a deal breaker because they believed he was a REAL outsider who wouldn't cave and flip-flop on everything he has been saying the past year. Two of them say they don't care and will vote for him whatever he does (I guess rational thought isn't necessary when voting). One of them says they aren't sure now.

It is hard to understand how anyone that was a strident supporter of trumps specifically because he used harsh straight forward talk about what he would do and how he saw things, could now support him when he is flip-flopping on the core issue for which they came over to his camp.

It is as if he was wearing a trump mask all this time and, voila, he pulls it off and he's Jeb Bush.

Spoken like a fanatic Hillary supporter.
Republicans can try to spin it however they want, the fact is trump is just another Rino who had a much better disguise than all the other ones. I think there is going to be a lot of buyers remorse the next couple months. It doesn't matter what another party's candidate does or doesn't do, trump is betraying his base in exactly the same way every single Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, Paul Ryan rino has done the past 10 years.

What is different? He is turning into Jeb Bush.
The current US unemployment rate is 4,9 percent. How do you know any of the jobs illegal immigrants do now will be filled at all. This is what happened in Arizona when they lost that workforce. The Thorny Economics of Illegal Immigration This is one of those talking points that sound logical until you actually do some research. And I'll ask you what I try to ask by this OP. How do you feel when Trump starts changing his position now?
According to your link, some jobs in agriculture were not filled by Americans but jobs in construction and other industries were filled by Americans and wages did rise after Arizona got rid of illegal immigrants. It is inhumane and bizarre to advocate illegal immigration so that agricultural companies don't have to pay wages high enough to find Americans who will take those jobs. Keep in mind that slavery was once justified because without it cotton grown in the US would not be competitive in price with cotton grown in Egypt.

You might want to notice that in 2006, Hillary said Mexico should take care of its own problems and stop dumping its poor on the US.

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="Hillary Clinton says US need to secure borders, and illegals should be deported - YouTube" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Yes and the GDP fell, meaning production and consuming went down. Hurting business. The point is you or I can't prove what the effect of illegal immigration is. Either way if I don't know something I try to Err on the side of human decency.U.S. Farmers Risk Losing Everything Because Of Absurd Immigration Rule
Of course we both know the impact of illegal immigration and your argument has been it is good for business and you couldn't care less about the harm it does to poor Americans. It is precisely this casual indifference to the problems of poor Americans, especially poor black Americans, that has led both The Nation and the Huffignton Post to declare Hillary doesn't deserve the votes of black Americans.

How Can Black People Trust Hillary Clinton After the 2008 Campaign?

Why Hillary Clinton Doesn’t Deserve the Black Vote
Firstly in this OP I sited a few times that I don't know what the general impact of illegal immigration, on economics is. Like most things macro-economically, there are advantages and disadvantages. I also want to remind you, that the premise of this post is not illegal immigration, but Trumps inability to stick with like I said cornerstone of his platform. Saying that I don't care what harm it does to poor Americans is false, since neither you or me can tell me, if there even is harm. A store being able to sell more goods because there are a few hundred thousand consumers extra, needs to hire more people, jobs that will go to poor Americans being an example. On the other hand I wouldn't be able to begin to tell you if that's offset by the fact that there might be some poor American that wouldn't mind picking fruit for a season. But the point is neither can you.

In other words, you are a Hillary fan and are throwing a left handed insult at Trump. If you don't like the fact that he has 'evolved,' don't vote for him.
I would actually have preferred Sanders over Clinton.
I've talked to maybe six or seven friends who were fanatic trump supporters. Four of them say they will simply not vote in November if trump is in fact offering amnesty to illegals now, which is exactly what he is saying he will do. For them it is a deal breaker because they believed he was a REAL outsider who wouldn't cave and flip-flop on everything he has been saying the past year. Two of them say they don't care and will vote for him whatever he does (I guess rational thought isn't necessary when voting). One of them says they aren't sure now.

It is hard to understand how anyone that was a strident supporter of trumps specifically because he used harsh straight forward talk about what he would do and how he saw things, could now support him when he is flip-flopping on the core issue for which they came over to his camp.

It is as if he was wearing a trump mask all this time and, voila, he pulls it off and he's Jeb Bush.

Spoken like a fanatic Hillary supporter.
Maybe but he also directly answered the OP. Something I haven't seen of any Trump supporter here, unless maybe JC who got as far as admitting that he doesn't care what Trump says about immigration, as long as he speaks about the issue. It shows that for at least the people here today. The fact that Trump screws them on immigration is not important as long as it's not Clinton. I doubt it's the case for all Trump supporters and I seriously doubt It'll impact the Latino vote in any way, but at least it says something about the type of people who are answering this OP.
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According to your link, some jobs in agriculture were not filled by Americans but jobs in construction and other industries were filled by Americans and wages did rise after Arizona got rid of illegal immigrants. It is inhumane and bizarre to advocate illegal immigration so that agricultural companies don't have to pay wages high enough to find Americans who will take those jobs. Keep in mind that slavery was once justified because without it cotton grown in the US would not be competitive in price with cotton grown in Egypt.

You might want to notice that in 2006, Hillary said Mexico should take care of its own problems and stop dumping its poor on the US.

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="Hillary Clinton says US need to secure borders, and illegals should be deported - YouTube" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Yes and the GDP fell, meaning production and consuming went down. Hurting business. The point is you or I can't prove what the effect of illegal immigration is. Either way if I don't know something I try to Err on the side of human decency.U.S. Farmers Risk Losing Everything Because Of Absurd Immigration Rule
Of course we both know the impact of illegal immigration and your argument has been it is good for business and you couldn't care less about the harm it does to poor Americans. It is precisely this casual indifference to the problems of poor Americans, especially poor black Americans, that has led both The Nation and the Huffignton Post to declare Hillary doesn't deserve the votes of black Americans.

How Can Black People Trust Hillary Clinton After the 2008 Campaign?

Why Hillary Clinton Doesn’t Deserve the Black Vote
Firstly in this OP I sited a few times that I don't know what the general impact of illegal immigration, on economics is. Like most things macro-economically, there are advantages and disadvantages. I also want to remind you, that the premise of this post is not illegal immigration, but Trumps inability to stick with like I said cornerstone of his platform. Saying that I don't care what harm it does to poor Americans is false, since neither you or me can tell me, if there even is harm. A store being able to sell more goods because there are a few hundred thousand consumers extra, needs to hire more people, jobs that will go to poor Americans being an example. On the other hand I wouldn't be able to begin to tell you if that's offset by the fact that there might be some poor American that wouldn't mind picking fruit for a season. But the point is neither can you.

In other words, you are a Hillary fan and are throwing a left handed insult at Trump. If you don't like the fact that he has 'evolved,' don't vote for him.
I would actually have preferred Sanders over Clinton.
I've talked to maybe six or seven friends who were fanatic trump supporters. Four of them say they will simply not vote in November if trump is in fact offering amnesty to illegals now, which is exactly what he is saying he will do. For them it is a deal breaker because they believed he was a REAL outsider who wouldn't cave and flip-flop on everything he has been saying the past year. Two of them say they don't care and will vote for him whatever he does (I guess rational thought isn't necessary when voting). One of them says they aren't sure now.

It is hard to understand how anyone that was a strident supporter of trumps specifically because he used harsh straight forward talk about what he would do and how he saw things, could now support him when he is flip-flopping on the core issue for which they came over to his camp.

It is as if he was wearing a trump mask all this time and, voila, he pulls it off and he's Jeb Bush.

Spoken like a fanatic Hillary supporter.
Maybe but he also directly answered the OP. Something I haven't seen of any Trump supporter here, unless maybe JC who got as far as admitting that he doesn't care what Trump says about immigration, as long as he speaks about the issue. It shows that for at least the people here today. The fact that Trump screws them on immigration is not important as long as it's not Clinton. I doubt it's the case for all Trump supporters and I seriously doubt It'll impact the Latino vote in any way, but at least it says something about the type of people who are answering this OP.

You should be very happy with Hillary since she has adopted all of the free stuff that Bernie was talking about.
You help them pack up and pay their transportation costs back to Mexico. The fact that they got away with breaking the law for a long time doesn't mean they should be allowed to continue breaking the law. Keep in mind that the job this guy has would have gone to a poor American, probably at higher wages, and sending him back to Mexico will free this job up for a poor American. Sending them back will free up millions of jobs for poor Americans, allow wages to rise for poor Americans and keep the billions of dollars they send back to Mexico each month here in the US economy.
The current US unemployment rate is 4,9 percent. How do you know any of the jobs illegal immigrants do now will be filled at all. This is what happened in Arizona when they lost that workforce. The Thorny Economics of Illegal Immigration This is one of those talking points that sound logical until you actually do some research. And I'll ask you what I try to ask by this OP. How do you feel when Trump starts changing his position now?
According to your link, some jobs in agriculture were not filled by Americans but jobs in construction and other industries were filled by Americans and wages did rise after Arizona got rid of illegal immigrants. It is inhumane and bizarre to advocate illegal immigration so that agricultural companies don't have to pay wages high enough to find Americans who will take those jobs. Keep in mind that slavery was once justified because without it cotton grown in the US would not be competitive in price with cotton grown in Egypt.

You might want to notice that in 2006, Hillary said Mexico should take care of its own problems and stop dumping its poor on the US.

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="Hillary Clinton says US need to secure borders, and illegals should be deported - YouTube" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Yes and the GDP fell, meaning production and consuming went down. Hurting business. The point is you or I can't prove what the effect of illegal immigration is. Either way if I don't know something I try to Err on the side of human decency.U.S. Farmers Risk Losing Everything Because Of Absurd Immigration Rule
Of course we both know the impact of illegal immigration and your argument has been it is good for business and you couldn't care less about the harm it does to poor Americans. It is precisely this casual indifference to the problems of poor Americans, especially poor black Americans, that has led both The Nation and the Huffignton Post to declare Hillary doesn't deserve the votes of black Americans.

How Can Black People Trust Hillary Clinton After the 2008 Campaign?

Why Hillary Clinton Doesn’t Deserve the Black Vote
Firstly in this OP I sited a few times that I don't know what the general impact of illegal immigration, on economics is. Like most things macro-economically, there are advantages and disadvantages. I also want to remind you, that the premise of this post is not illegal immigration, but Trumps inability to stick with like I said cornerstone of his platform. Saying that I don't care what harm it does to poor Americans is false, since neither you or me can tell me, if there even is harm. A store being able to sell more goods because there are a few hundred thousand consumers extra, needs to hire more people, jobs that will go to poor Americans being an example. On the other hand I wouldn't be able to begin to tell you if that's offset by the fact that there might be some poor American that wouldn't mind picking fruit for a season. But the point is neither can you.
The link to the WSJ article you posted specified that gain were made in construction and other industries once the illegal immigrants were gone.

And while

' "Legal workers picked up less than 10 percent of the jobs formerly held by illegal immigrants, according to economists from the Public Policy Institute of California and the University of California at Berkeley. The good news: Median income of “low-skilled whites” who were employed rose 6 percent since 2008.

But there were positives reported after tougher immigration and E-Verify employment laws led to undocumented workers leaving the state.

Wages rose for farm workers (15 percent) and construction workers (10 percent) as Arizona’s economy made a comeback, reports to Bureau of Labor Statistics.'

Arizona economy impacted by exodus of illegal immigrants

Clearly poor Americans did benefit from getting rid of the illegal immigrants, and the slight decline in Arizona's GDP, which corresponded roughly to the worse years of the recent recession, over and Arizona's GDP continues to grow.

Total Gross Domestic Product for Arizona

There clearly is no downside to the American economy to deporting illegal immigrants and just as clearly, as the experience in Arizona shows, poor Americans benefit from it. Before Bill Clinton became president in 1992, the Democratic Party was always concerned with the problems of poor Americans, but since then the Party has shown only indifference to the problems of the poor.
The current US unemployment rate is 4,9 percent. How do you know any of the jobs illegal immigrants do now will be filled at all. This is what happened in Arizona when they lost that workforce. The Thorny Economics of Illegal Immigration This is one of those talking points that sound logical until you actually do some research. And I'll ask you what I try to ask by this OP. How do you feel when Trump starts changing his position now?
According to your link, some jobs in agriculture were not filled by Americans but jobs in construction and other industries were filled by Americans and wages did rise after Arizona got rid of illegal immigrants. It is inhumane and bizarre to advocate illegal immigration so that agricultural companies don't have to pay wages high enough to find Americans who will take those jobs. Keep in mind that slavery was once justified because without it cotton grown in the US would not be competitive in price with cotton grown in Egypt.

You might want to notice that in 2006, Hillary said Mexico should take care of its own problems and stop dumping its poor on the US.

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="Hillary Clinton says US need to secure borders, and illegals should be deported - YouTube" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Yes and the GDP fell, meaning production and consuming went down. Hurting business. The point is you or I can't prove what the effect of illegal immigration is. Either way if I don't know something I try to Err on the side of human decency.U.S. Farmers Risk Losing Everything Because Of Absurd Immigration Rule
Of course we both know the impact of illegal immigration and your argument has been it is good for business and you couldn't care less about the harm it does to poor Americans. It is precisely this casual indifference to the problems of poor Americans, especially poor black Americans, that has led both The Nation and the Huffignton Post to declare Hillary doesn't deserve the votes of black Americans.

How Can Black People Trust Hillary Clinton After the 2008 Campaign?

Why Hillary Clinton Doesn’t Deserve the Black Vote
Firstly in this OP I sited a few times that I don't know what the general impact of illegal immigration, on economics is. Like most things macro-economically, there are advantages and disadvantages. I also want to remind you, that the premise of this post is not illegal immigration, but Trumps inability to stick with like I said cornerstone of his platform. Saying that I don't care what harm it does to poor Americans is false, since neither you or me can tell me, if there even is harm. A store being able to sell more goods because there are a few hundred thousand consumers extra, needs to hire more people, jobs that will go to poor Americans being an example. On the other hand I wouldn't be able to begin to tell you if that's offset by the fact that there might be some poor American that wouldn't mind picking fruit for a season. But the point is neither can you.
The link to the WSJ article you posted specified that gain were made in construction and other industries once the illegal immigrants were gone.

And while

' "Legal workers picked up less than 10 percent of the jobs formerly held by illegal immigrants, according to economists from the Public Policy Institute of California and the University of California at Berkeley. The good news: Median income of “low-skilled whites” who were employed rose 6 percent since 2008.

But there were positives reported after tougher immigration and E-Verify employment laws led to undocumented workers leaving the state.

Wages rose for farm workers (15 percent) and construction workers (10 percent) as Arizona’s economy made a comeback, reports to Bureau of Labor Statistics.'

Arizona economy impacted by exodus of illegal immigrants

Clearly poor Americans did benefit from getting rid of the illegal immigrants, and the slight decline in Arizona's GDP, which corresponded roughly to the worse years of the recent recession, over and Arizona's GDP continues to grow.

Total Gross Domestic Product for Arizona

There clearly is no downside to the American economy to deporting illegal immigrants and just as clearly, as the experience in Arizona shows, poor Americans benefit from it. Before Bill Clinton became president in 1992, the Democratic Party was always concerned with the problems of poor Americans, but since then the Party has shown only indifference to the problems of the poor.
You cherry picked and misunderstood some stuff here first. You try to tie the fall in GDP to the recession but this is what the article said.
-For the paper, Moody’s Analytics “concluded that the departures alone had reduced Arizona’s gross domestic product by an average of 2 percent a year between 2008 and 2015.
-Do you know what the sentence means "Legal workers picked up less than 10 percent of the jobs formerly held by illegal immigrants" It means that 90 percent of those jobs never became filled. That means contracts not fulfilled, crops not harvested, people going out of business, in short I think we can safely can call that a downside. It also means that your assertion that illegal immigration affect poor workers only is true in 10 percent of the cases.The other 90 percent of the time they provide much needed labor.
The reason why wages went up was because there was a shortage of labor, something that hurts an economy across the board. And yes that also means it hurts poor Americans, in rising unemployment and an increase in inflationary pressures.
According to your link, some jobs in agriculture were not filled by Americans but jobs in construction and other industries were filled by Americans and wages did rise after Arizona got rid of illegal immigrants. It is inhumane and bizarre to advocate illegal immigration so that agricultural companies don't have to pay wages high enough to find Americans who will take those jobs. Keep in mind that slavery was once justified because without it cotton grown in the US would not be competitive in price with cotton grown in Egypt.

You might want to notice that in 2006, Hillary said Mexico should take care of its own problems and stop dumping its poor on the US.

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="Hillary Clinton says US need to secure borders, and illegals should be deported - YouTube" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Yes and the GDP fell, meaning production and consuming went down. Hurting business. The point is you or I can't prove what the effect of illegal immigration is. Either way if I don't know something I try to Err on the side of human decency.U.S. Farmers Risk Losing Everything Because Of Absurd Immigration Rule
Of course we both know the impact of illegal immigration and your argument has been it is good for business and you couldn't care less about the harm it does to poor Americans. It is precisely this casual indifference to the problems of poor Americans, especially poor black Americans, that has led both The Nation and the Huffignton Post to declare Hillary doesn't deserve the votes of black Americans.

How Can Black People Trust Hillary Clinton After the 2008 Campaign?

Why Hillary Clinton Doesn’t Deserve the Black Vote
Firstly in this OP I sited a few times that I don't know what the general impact of illegal immigration, on economics is. Like most things macro-economically, there are advantages and disadvantages. I also want to remind you, that the premise of this post is not illegal immigration, but Trumps inability to stick with like I said cornerstone of his platform. Saying that I don't care what harm it does to poor Americans is false, since neither you or me can tell me, if there even is harm. A store being able to sell more goods because there are a few hundred thousand consumers extra, needs to hire more people, jobs that will go to poor Americans being an example. On the other hand I wouldn't be able to begin to tell you if that's offset by the fact that there might be some poor American that wouldn't mind picking fruit for a season. But the point is neither can you.
The link to the WSJ article you posted specified that gain were made in construction and other industries once the illegal immigrants were gone.

And while

' "Legal workers picked up less than 10 percent of the jobs formerly held by illegal immigrants, according to economists from the Public Policy Institute of California and the University of California at Berkeley. The good news: Median income of “low-skilled whites” who were employed rose 6 percent since 2008.

But there were positives reported after tougher immigration and E-Verify employment laws led to undocumented workers leaving the state.

Wages rose for farm workers (15 percent) and construction workers (10 percent) as Arizona’s economy made a comeback, reports to Bureau of Labor Statistics.'

Arizona economy impacted by exodus of illegal immigrants

Clearly poor Americans did benefit from getting rid of the illegal immigrants, and the slight decline in Arizona's GDP, which corresponded roughly to the worse years of the recent recession, over and Arizona's GDP continues to grow.

Total Gross Domestic Product for Arizona

There clearly is no downside to the American economy to deporting illegal immigrants and just as clearly, as the experience in Arizona shows, poor Americans benefit from it. Before Bill Clinton became president in 1992, the Democratic Party was always concerned with the problems of poor Americans, but since then the Party has shown only indifference to the problems of the poor.
You cherry picked and misunderstood some stuff here first. You try to tie the fall in GDP to the recession but this is what the article said.
-For the paper, Moody’s Analytics “concluded that the departures alone had reduced Arizona’s gross domestic product by an average of 2 percent a year between 2008 and 2015.
-Do you know what the sentence means "Legal workers picked up less than 10 percent of the jobs formerly held by illegal immigrants" It means that 90 percent of those jobs never became filled. That means contracts not fulfilled, crops not harvested, people going out of business, in short I think we can safely can call that a downside. It also means that your assertion that illegal immigration affect poor workers only is true in 10 percent of the cases.The other 90 percent of the time they provide much needed labor.
The reason why wages went up was because there was a shortage of labor, something that hurts an economy across the board. And yes that also means it hurts poor Americans, in rising unemployment and an increase in inflationary pressures.
It is a fact that the slight downturn in Arizona's GDP occurred during the worst years of the recession so one can only wonder why that fact wasn't factored into the original article. There was a temporary lack of agricultural workers which no longer exists, and with the illegal immigrants gone, wages rose for Americans. This is a good thing. Clearly, illegal immigrants drive down wages for poor Americans.

The outcome is that Arizona's economy, including the agriculture sector, quickly recovered from the slight dislocation the exit of the illegal immigrants may have caused and their exit caused wages to rise for poor Americans. Clearly, the illegal immigrants were never needed.
Trump has gone from the wall to no wall, deportation force to " we will work with you". Explain this.
Trump has gone from the wall to no wall, deportation force to " we will work with you". Explain this.
You are misinformed. Trump has never changed his position about the border wall, which, btw, Hillary voted for as a senator, and he has not reneged on his pledge to deport illegal immigrants. He has simply said he has not fully decided how to do it in a humane fashion.
So the way I see it, Donald Trump is hoping for 2 things here. Firstly he hopes his supporters believe he's pandering to Latino's, because he realized he can't win the election, if he has no support whatsoever with minorities. Secondly he hopes that the Latino community, doesn't believe he's pandering but had an actual change of heart and he realized deporting illegal immigrants en masse is inhumane. I think he's actually losing supporters here, because I've seen a lot of people voting for Trump exactly because, like they like to say, he doesn't cater to political correctness. And it's a pretty hard sell to say the exact opposite of what you have claimed for the entire primaries and something you have doubled down on on multiple occasions.
Donald Trump Has A Completely Different Immigration Position Every Day
I will gladly correct you. Trump never called for illegal immigrants to be deported en masse, but always specified it would have to be done in a humane way.

Yes he said he will deport 11 to 12 millions illegals. See link dated Nov. 2015.
There are no such thing as HUMANE WAY when you are deporting and separating families then leaving anchor babies without parents.
What is your definition of HUMANE WAY when separating families by the millions?

Donald Trump promises 'deportation force' to move 11M -

Washington (CNN)Pressed on how he would deport 11 million undocumented immigrants from the country, Donald Trump said Wednesday he would build a "deportation force."
There is certainly a humane way to deport illegal immigrants. Eisenhower rounded them up and put them in camps before deporting them and Cruz would have sent agents to round them up in their homes, but Trump opposes both of these methods. ]

You are not telling the truth.
1. Since last year Trump suggested force deportation. Are you denying that?
2. Rounded up just like what the NAZI did during WW2 is inhumane. If I pull you out from your house leaving your American citizen kids behind to tend for themselves. What do you think happened to your jobs and properties. Is that what you called humane way?
Could someone explain to me why deporting people who are here illegally is in humane? Wasn't it in humane for them to sneak in here and steal from us in humane?

One of the things is deporting the parents of babies who were born here.
So the parents broke into our home, dropped a baby on the living room floor and we're supposed to reward them? They can take their babies back with them.

So what do you think will happened to American kids that you deported that do not have home, no food, no place to go, no future, no education?
I guarantee you 100% most or all will leave their kids behind so tax payers will feed and house millions and millions of anchor babies.
Aside from that set aside your racism and pay attention.

And now you see why it is called inhumane.

Or to put it another way:
I agree. It is In humane to hard working American taxpayers who are forced to pay for all this illegal bullshittery! Why do ewe hate America?

Then ask your CON MAN....... What stoping him of deporting 12 millions illegals?
So the way I see it, Donald Trump is hoping for 2 things here. Firstly he hopes his supporters believe he's pandering to Latino's, because he realized he can't win the election, if he has no support whatsoever with minorities. Secondly he hopes that the Latino community, doesn't believe he's pandering but had an actual change of heart and he realized deporting illegal immigrants en masse is inhumane. I think he's actually losing supporters here, because I've seen a lot of people voting for Trump exactly because, like they like to say, he doesn't cater to political correctness. And it's a pretty hard sell to say the exact opposite of what you have claimed for the entire primaries and something you have doubled down on on multiple occasions.
Donald Trump Has A Completely Different Immigration Position Every Day
I will gladly correct you. Trump never called for illegal immigrants to be deported en masse, but always specified it would have to be done in a humane way.

Yes he said he will deport 11 to 12 millions illegals. See link dated Nov. 2015.
There are no such thing as HUMANE WAY when you are deporting and separating families then leaving anchor babies without parents.
What is your definition of HUMANE WAY when separating families by the millions?

Donald Trump promises 'deportation force' to move 11M -

Washington (CNN)Pressed on how he would deport 11 million undocumented immigrants from the country, Donald Trump said Wednesday he would build a "deportation force."
There is certainly a humane way to deport illegal immigrants. Eisenhower rounded them up and put them in camps before deporting them and Cruz would have sent agents to round them up in their homes, but Trump opposes both of these methods. ]

You are not telling the truth.
1. Since last year Trump suggested force deportation. Are you denying that?
2. Rounded up just like what the NAZI did during WW2 is inhumane. If I pull you out from your house leaving your American citizen kids behind to tend for themselves. What do you think happened to your jobs and properties. Is that what you called humane way?
No, you're not telling the truth. Trump once used the term deportation force last November, but he specified numerous times that the deportations would be done in a humane way. Your violent,racist nazi fantasies have nothing to do with anything Trump said.
I agree. It is In humane to hard working American taxpayers who are forced to pay for all this illegal bullshittery! Why do ewe hate America?

In humane? They used to sell this thing called hooked on phonics. Perhaps you should look into purchasing it.

The ironic thing is that the only reason your illiterate ass is an “american” is an accident of your being born here….just like the person you seek to deport. Obviously you’re contributions are minimal otherwise.
dude, you should reread your sentence. if someone is born here, they are not illegal.

The parents are. Send them back.

No, not inhumane at all to rip a baby from it’s mothers arms….
why would they do that? They can take the baby with them no problem.

You obviously don't have a logical bone in your body.

Let see..... If yank you from your house then deport you to a place that you don't have a job no food and no future. Are you going to bring your American kids with you and let them go hungry? Or leave your kids so they can go on welfare? It's a simple as that.
Should we ask Kate Steinle's family? That is why we need that wall. Asshole illegal deported what? Five times? Kept sneaking back across " the most secure border ever" ( obummer lie). Deportation does not work. Build the dam wall and man it. Cut off all welfare to illegals and access to jobs.

I am more worried with white Americans that commit mass shooting than getting shot by illegals.
No, not inhumane at all to rip a baby from it’s mothers arms….
Do ewe believe in suffering the consequences of your bad decisions? Or, do ewe believe others should pay the consequences of your bad decisions?

I believe American citizens have rights. The baby has rights by virtue of being born here; the same rights you have. Or are there different rights for different shades of skin color? If you want to say that the parents “own” the baby like they own their shoes or socks…okay. I guess we’ll have to re-write the Constitution to allow for Trump’s inhumanity and thoroughly abusive policy….

Just don’t expect many votes come election time.
well, no, it's the parents decision don't you think? I mean isn't that in the constitution? Parents rights? Why would they wish to leave their baby behind? your are inhumane aren't you?

Not sure where the Constitution says that…but okay. To have a Trump presidency…we’d have to change the Constitution up one side and down the other on a number of fronts.
is it legal to abandon a baby? dude you're funny. you should learn about your country a bit.

Anchor babies range from a new born to college students to grand father. Take a pick.

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