Correct me If I'm wrong

No, not inhumane at all to rip a baby from it’s mothers arms….
why would they do that? They can take the baby with them no problem.

You obviously don't have a logical bone in your body.

Let see..... If yank you from your house then deport you to a place that you don't have a job no food and no future. Are you going to bring your American kids with you and let them go hungry? Or leave your kids so they can go on welfare? It's a simple as that.
Wasn't that the path to come here?

You did not answer any of my questions.
I didn't have to, because their path to the US was just how you posted. So there's no difference. So cry me a river.

If you cannot answer a simple question then I suggest you go to bed and stop wasting my time with your idiocy.
wow, another trump thread.. wow, I honestly can't believe for a guy that doesn't have a chance all the thread attention in usmessageboard. Politics, Current Events and Election Forum. Wow, I'd hate to see the number if you all thought he had a chance.

simpletons, you look desperate. Hey, maybe you can start up another useless thread to show your fear of the man.

In reality you are denying that Trump lied to Americans when he said he will deport 12 millions illegals.
I would deny it. He very likely didn't have all information possible and it's what he believed. But it wasn't THE issue that got him nominated. You're just slinging your dirty diaper around. Like most lefties.

You prove that he doesn't know what he is talking about. He lied as simple as that just to get him elected.
What made to think he is not lying with the rest of his policies? My question remain...... What happened to his major policy of deporting 12 millions illegals?
Hillary lies every time she opens her ample pie hole so your holier than thou speech doesn't move me. I don't think Trump had any details worked out starting out and has learned a lot, especially being his first time around. Hillary has no excuse, period.

You admit in your post that Trump is just learning and don't have a clue what he is doing. GREAT we have president that is on the job training. Good for you.
We don't need an apprentice to run this country.
Palin one his top supporter blasted him from flip flopping.

Hillary lied every time she open her mouth. Really? I mean really? Hillary is leading on all major polls.
I admitted no such thing. You must be too retarded to understand words that form sentences. obama is STILL an apprentice and Hillary is corrupt to the gills. So your attitude is just as stupid as it gets.
In reality you are denying that Trump lied to Americans when he said he will deport 12 millions illegals.
I would deny it. He very likely didn't have all information possible and it's what he believed. But it wasn't THE issue that got him nominated. You're just slinging your dirty diaper around. Like most lefties.

You prove that he doesn't know what he is talking about. He lied as simple as that just to get him elected.
What made to think he is not lying with the rest of his policies? My question remain...... What happened to his major policy of deporting 12 millions illegals?
Hillary lies every time she opens her ample pie hole so your holier than thou speech doesn't move me. I don't think Trump had any details worked out starting out and has learned a lot, especially being his first time around. Hillary has no excuse, period.

You admit in your post that Trump is just learning and don't have a clue what he is doing. GREAT we have president that is on the job training. Good for you.
We don't need an apprentice to run this country.
Palin one his top supporter blasted him from flip flopping.

Hillary lied every time she open her mouth. Really? I mean really? Hillary is leading on all major polls.
I admitted no such thing. You must be too retarded to understand words that form sentences. obama is STILL an apprentice and Hillary is corrupt to the gills. So your attitude is just as stupid as it gets.

Read previous post dumbshit.
why would they do that? They can take the baby with them no problem.

You obviously don't have a logical bone in your body.

Let see..... If yank you from your house then deport you to a place that you don't have a job no food and no future. Are you going to bring your American kids with you and let them go hungry? Or leave your kids so they can go on welfare? It's a simple as that.
Wasn't that the path to come here?

You did not answer any of my questions.
I didn't have to, because their path to the US was just how you posted. So there's no difference. So cry me a river.

If you cannot answer a simple question then I suggest you go to bed and stop wasting my time with your idiocy.
Go to bed then. Don't think you call the shots though in here. Again the facts aren't with you and your contradicted yourself. Nice job
I would deny it. He very likely didn't have all information possible and it's what he believed. But it wasn't THE issue that got him nominated. You're just slinging your dirty diaper around. Like most lefties.

You prove that he doesn't know what he is talking about. He lied as simple as that just to get him elected.
What made to think he is not lying with the rest of his policies? My question remain...... What happened to his major policy of deporting 12 millions illegals?
Hillary lies every time she opens her ample pie hole so your holier than thou speech doesn't move me. I don't think Trump had any details worked out starting out and has learned a lot, especially being his first time around. Hillary has no excuse, period.

You admit in your post that Trump is just learning and don't have a clue what he is doing. GREAT we have president that is on the job training. Good for you.
We don't need an apprentice to run this country.
Palin one his top supporter blasted him from flip flopping.

Hillary lied every time she open her mouth. Really? I mean really? Hillary is leading on all major polls.
I admitted no such thing. You must be too retarded to understand words that form sentences. obama is STILL an apprentice and Hillary is corrupt to the gills. So your attitude is just as stupid as it gets.

Read previous post dumbshit.
I admitted no such thing. You must be too retarded to understand words that form sentences. obama is STILL an apprentice and Hillary is corrupt to the gills. So your attitude is just as stupid as it gets.
Don't vote for him. Why does it bother you so much what we support?

And let me repeat that question.....
Define....... What is HUMANE WAY?
If some one trespassed on your property, how would you escort them off in a humane way? That's how Trump intends to deport the illegal immigrants.

Your example is way beyond me. This is like comparing a water and concrete. If someone trespass your property...... Tell them to get the fuck out of your property. It's that simple.
Deporting an illegals like you as example is not that simple to call it humane way.
Trump keep mentioning HUMANE WAY............ he never define what to call it humane way.
Trump has acknowledged that doing it in a humane way is difficult and he has not yet figured out all the details but he is committed to doing it in a human way.

Let me repeat.... There is no such thing as humane way when I yank you from your job, your home leaving your kids behind or stop schooling and take them to Mexico.
The logistics of these humane way bs is far more complex that what you think. I don't you understand that all.
But I understand you. You simply enjoy these violent racist fantasies and want to escape responsibility for them by blaming them on Trump.
And let me repeat that question.....
Define....... What is HUMANE WAY?
If some one trespassed on your property, how would you escort them off in a humane way? That's how Trump intends to deport the illegal immigrants.

Your example is way beyond me. This is like comparing a water and concrete. If someone trespass your property...... Tell them to get the fuck out of your property. It's that simple.
Deporting an illegals like you as example is not that simple to call it humane way.
Trump keep mentioning HUMANE WAY............ he never define what to call it humane way.
Trump has acknowledged that doing it in a humane way is difficult and he has not yet figured out all the details but he is committed to doing it in a human way.

Let me repeat.... There is no such thing as humane way when I yank you from your job, your home leaving your kids behind or stop schooling and take them to Mexico.
The logistics of these humane way bs is far more complex that what you think. I don't you understand that all.
But I understand you. You simply enjoy these violent racist fantasies and want to escape responsibility for them by blaming them on Trump.

You are shocking me with your comments. Nobody is blaming Trump...... We are only reacting how he manage to mid led millions about his immigration policy.
He flip flopped just to gain Hispanic voters but that is ( DOA or DOW) way too late.
You and your buddies can not even answer a very simple question.
What is the HUMANE WAY of deporting people? I even gave you an example and still doesn't go through your head.
I will repeat the same example.......
If I yank you from your family, deport you to nowhere that you do not have a way of living, leaving your family with no income. Or deport you and your family to nowhere...... Is that what you call it HUMANE WAY?
Could someone explain to me why deporting people who are here illegally is in humane? Wasn't it in humane for them to sneak in here and steal from us in humane?
Ask Trump, he doesn't think it's humane anymore since yesterday lol. Kind of my point.
Donald Trump has redefined "humane".

When Trump was talking about "humane" deportations, he meant he was going to deport American citizens.

Very Orwellian.
If some one trespassed on your property, how would you escort them off in a humane way? That's how Trump intends to deport the illegal immigrants.

Your example is way beyond me. This is like comparing a water and concrete. If someone trespass your property...... Tell them to get the fuck out of your property. It's that simple.
Deporting an illegals like you as example is not that simple to call it humane way.
Trump keep mentioning HUMANE WAY............ he never define what to call it humane way.
Trump has acknowledged that doing it in a humane way is difficult and he has not yet figured out all the details but he is committed to doing it in a human way.

Let me repeat.... There is no such thing as humane way when I yank you from your job, your home leaving your kids behind or stop schooling and take them to Mexico.
The logistics of these humane way bs is far more complex that what you think. I don't you understand that all.
But I understand you. You simply enjoy these violent racist fantasies and want to escape responsibility for them by blaming them on Trump.

You are shocking me with your comments. Nobody is blaming Trump...... We are only reacting how he manage to mid led millions about his immigration policy.
He flip flopped just to gain Hispanic voters but that is ( DOA or DOW) way too late.
You and your buddies can not even answer a very simple question.
What is the HUMANE WAY of deporting people? I even gave you an example and still doesn't go through your head.
I will repeat the same example.......
If I yank you from your family, deport you to nowhere that you do not have a way of living, leaving your family with no income. Or deport you and your family to nowhere...... Is that what you call it HUMANE WAY?
What is the point of pretending you don't understand what has been explained to you several times? Are you trying to persuade me you are stupid?
Could someone explain to me why deporting people who are here illegally is in humane? Wasn't it in humane for them to sneak in here and steal from us in humane?
The "humane" part of Trump's deportation plan was not the deporting of illegals. It was the deporting of American citizens.

Everything is topsy turvey in TrumpWorld. Throwing out US citizens is considered "humane".
So the way I see it, Donald Trump is hoping for 2 things here. Firstly he hopes his supporters believe he's pandering to Latino's, because he realized he can't win the election, if he has no support whatsoever with minorities. Secondly he hopes that the Latino community, doesn't believe he's pandering but had an actual change of heart and he realized deporting illegal immigrants en masse is inhumane. I think he's actually losing supporters here, because I've seen a lot of people voting for Trump exactly because, like they like to say, he doesn't cater to political correctness. And it's a pretty hard sell to say the exact opposite of what you have claimed for the entire primaries and something you have doubled down on on multiple occasions.
Donald Trump Has A Completely Different Immigration Position Every Day
Inhumane? Lol.
Your example is way beyond me. This is like comparing a water and concrete. If someone trespass your property...... Tell them to get the fuck out of your property. It's that simple.
Deporting an illegals like you as example is not that simple to call it humane way.
Trump keep mentioning HUMANE WAY............ he never define what to call it humane way.
Trump has acknowledged that doing it in a humane way is difficult and he has not yet figured out all the details but he is committed to doing it in a human way.

Let me repeat.... There is no such thing as humane way when I yank you from your job, your home leaving your kids behind or stop schooling and take them to Mexico.
The logistics of these humane way bs is far more complex that what you think. I don't you understand that all.
But I understand you. You simply enjoy these violent racist fantasies and want to escape responsibility for them by blaming them on Trump.

You are shocking me with your comments. Nobody is blaming Trump...... We are only reacting how he manage to mid led millions about his immigration policy.
He flip flopped just to gain Hispanic voters but that is ( DOA or DOW) way too late.
You and your buddies can not even answer a very simple question.
What is the HUMANE WAY of deporting people? I even gave you an example and still doesn't go through your head.
I will repeat the same example.......
If I yank you from your family, deport you to nowhere that you do not have a way of living, leaving your family with no income. Or deport you and your family to nowhere...... Is that what you call it HUMANE WAY?
What is the point of pretending you don't understand what has been explained to you several times? Are you trying to persuade me you are stupid?

You have not explained any diddly crap Dude. Except your un real low IQ brain.
Lately you hear Trump keep saying they go out of the country get in line then come back legally ......... Even a dog will not believe that crap. This alone is so screwed up. Get in line means you have to go at the end of the line.
It will cost thousands of dollars and years of waiting while you are out there with no income to support yourself or your family.
UNLESS...... Tax payers are willing to pay for all the cost: food & lodging, pay for lost income while they are waiting in line. Plus the food/lodging, clothes and schools of millions and millions of American kids that are left behind. And don't worry about the pain and sufferings.............
Maybe that is what Trump called humane. That is very nice of him.
Could someone explain to me why deporting people who are here illegally is in humane? Wasn't it in humane for them to sneak in here and steal from us in humane?
Ask Trump, he doesn't think it's humane anymore since yesterday lol. Kind of my point.
Donald Trump has redefined "humane".

When Trump was talking about "humane" deportations, he meant he was going to deport American citizens.

Very Orwellian.
huh? how does one deport american citizens? That's an oximoron statement.
Lately you hear Trump keep saying they go out of the country get in line then come back legally ......... Even a dog will not believe that crap. This alone is so screwed up. Get in line means you have to go at the end of the line.
It will cost thousands of dollars and years of waiting while you are out there with no income to support yourself or your family.
UNLESS...... Tax payers are willing to pay for all the cost: food & lodging, pay for lost income while they are waiting in line. Plus the food/lodging, clothes and schools of millions and millions of American kids that are left behind. And don't worry about the pain and sufferings.............
Maybe that is what Trump called humane. That is very nice of him.
seems you are more concerned for an illegal alien then you are an american citizen. wow dude.
Could someone explain to me why deporting people who are here illegally is in humane? Wasn't it in humane for them to sneak in here and steal from us in humane?
Ask Trump, he doesn't think it's humane anymore since yesterday lol. Kind of my point.
Donald Trump has redefined "humane".

When Trump was talking about "humane" deportations, he meant he was going to deport American citizens.

Very Orwellian.
huh? how does one deport american citizens? That's an oximoron statement.
Read Trump's "humane" speeches. He is talking about deporting American citizens. Or, as he likes to call them, "anchor babies".

That's Trump's definition of "humane". Deporting American citizens.
So the way I see it, Donald Trump is hoping for 2 things here. Firstly he hopes his supporters believe he's pandering to Latino's, because he realized he can't win the election, if he has no support whatsoever with minorities. Secondly he hopes that the Latino community, doesn't believe he's pandering but had an actual change of heart and he realized deporting illegal immigrants en masse is inhumane. I think he's actually losing supporters here, because I've seen a lot of people voting for Trump exactly because, like they like to say, he doesn't cater to political correctness. And it's a pretty hard sell to say the exact opposite of what you have claimed for the entire primaries and something you have doubled down on on multiple occasions.
Donald Trump Has A Completely Different Immigration Position Every Day

I think he's hoping his supporters won't mind that he's suddenly moving off the Alt R racism towards blacks and latinos ... but NOT that he actually thinks any of those folks will be convinced he's sincerely renouncing the Alt R. Rather, he's hoping that by appearing to be a not out and out racist, some suburban whites gopers who don't really have racial agendas might give him another look.
Could someone explain to me why deporting people who are here illegally is in humane? Wasn't it in humane for them to sneak in here and steal from us in humane?
Ask Trump, he doesn't think it's humane anymore since yesterday lol. Kind of my point.
Donald Trump has redefined "humane".

When Trump was talking about "humane" deportations, he meant he was going to deport American citizens.

Very Orwellian.
huh? how does one deport american citizens? That's an oximoron statement.
Read Trump's "humane" speeches. He is talking about deporting American citizens. Or, as he likes to call them, "anchor babies".

That's Trump's definition of "humane". Deporting American citizens.
can you provide a link to the speech you are referring to?

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