Correct me If I'm wrong

I listened to it. Clearly Trump is saying it must be done in a humane way.
Ok so at least I know what your position is, the never was a typo. Ok so my logical question is, how do you humanely deport someone who has kids here and has build up a life, has friends, a job. How do you do that humanely? How does a humane deportation look like?
You help them pack up and pay their transportation costs back to Mexico. The fact that they got away with breaking the law for a long time doesn't mean they should be allowed to continue breaking the law. Keep in mind that the job this guy has would have gone to a poor American, probably at higher wages, and sending him back to Mexico will free this job up for a poor American. Sending them back will free up millions of jobs for poor Americans, allow wages to rise for poor Americans and keep the billions of dollars they send back to Mexico each month here in the US economy.
The current US unemployment rate is 4,9 percent. How do you know any of the jobs illegal immigrants do now will be filled at all. This is what happened in Arizona when they lost that workforce. The Thorny Economics of Illegal Immigration This is one of those talking points that sound logical until you actually do some research. And I'll ask you what I try to ask by this OP. How do you feel when Trump starts changing his position now?
According to your link, some jobs in agriculture were not filled by Americans but jobs in construction and other industries were filled by Americans and wages did rise after Arizona got rid of illegal immigrants. It is inhumane and bizarre to advocate illegal immigration so that agricultural companies don't have to pay wages high enough to find Americans who will take those jobs. Keep in mind that slavery was once justified because without it cotton grown in the US would not be competitive in price with cotton grown in Egypt.

You might want to notice that in 2006, Hillary said Mexico should take care of its own problems and stop dumping its poor on the US.

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="Hillary Clinton says US need to secure borders, and illegals should be deported - YouTube" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Yes and the GDP fell, meaning production and consuming went down. Hurting business. The point is you or I can't prove what the effect of illegal immigration is. Either way if I don't know something I try to Err on the side of human decency.
The first sentence of your post immediately makes your position kind of confusing.
Did he or didn't he say it? I don't know what position you take for sure, from reading that post, so I'm going to guess. Trump never called for deportation en masse. The video is only a minute so I suggest you listen.

I listened to it. Clearly Trump is saying it must be done in a humane way.

Ok so at least I know what your position is, the never was a typo. Ok so my logical question is, how do you humanely deport someone who has kids here and has build up a life, has friends, a job. How do you do that humanely? How does a humane deportation look like?

so how do you treat convicted criminals who are getting ready for jail? I mean, they got caught. Is it your position that there would be no consequence of getting caught? it is a criminals Do we humanely move criminals through our system? why would you think we wouldn't illegal criminals?

Yes we do move criminals humanely trough our system, or at least we should. No consequence of getting caught, you mean being sent to prison is not punishment? So you don't feel there's a difference between someone looking for a better life and someone who deliberately hurts someone to get what they want?

yes, when it is done illegally and hurts other people. It isn't just someone moving in, it's someone who line hops in front of someone and hurts that someone. So that is why it is criminal. A criminal is a criminal.

The jail is back to his/ her country. And as a special option, they get to take their kids they had here.

First try to establish that they are hurting someone.
I listened to it. Clearly Trump is saying it must be done in a humane way.
Ok so at least I know what your position is, the never was a typo. Ok so my logical question is, how do you humanely deport someone who has kids here and has build up a life, has friends, a job. How do you do that humanely? How does a humane deportation look like?
so how do you treat convicted criminals who are getting ready for jail? I mean, they got caught. Is it your position that there would be no consequence of getting caught? it is a criminals Do we humanely move criminals through our system? why would you think we wouldn't illegal criminals?
Yes we do move criminals humanely trough our system, or at least we should. No consequence of getting caught, you mean being sent to prison is not punishment? So you don't feel there's a difference between someone looking for a better life and someone who deliberately hurts someone to get what they want?
yes, when it is done illegally and hurts other people. It isn't just someone moving in, it's someone who line hops in front of someone and hurts that someone. So that is why it is criminal. A criminal is a criminal.

The jail is back to his/ her country. And as a special option, they get to take their kids they had here.
If you feel so strongly about it, why are you still supporting Trump who's softening his position daily now?
well can you name anyone else talking about it?
Ok so at least I know what your position is, the never was a typo. Ok so my logical question is, how do you humanely deport someone who has kids here and has build up a life, has friends, a job. How do you do that humanely? How does a humane deportation look like?
You help them pack up and pay their transportation costs back to Mexico. The fact that they got away with breaking the law for a long time doesn't mean they should be allowed to continue breaking the law. Keep in mind that the job this guy has would have gone to a poor American, probably at higher wages, and sending him back to Mexico will free this job up for a poor American. Sending them back will free up millions of jobs for poor Americans, allow wages to rise for poor Americans and keep the billions of dollars they send back to Mexico each month here in the US economy.
The current US unemployment rate is 4,9 percent. How do you know any of the jobs illegal immigrants do now will be filled at all. This is what happened in Arizona when they lost that workforce. The Thorny Economics of Illegal Immigration This is one of those talking points that sound logical until you actually do some research. And I'll ask you what I try to ask by this OP. How do you feel when Trump starts changing his position now?
According to your link, some jobs in agriculture were not filled by Americans but jobs in construction and other industries were filled by Americans and wages did rise after Arizona got rid of illegal immigrants. It is inhumane and bizarre to advocate illegal immigration so that agricultural companies don't have to pay wages high enough to find Americans who will take those jobs. Keep in mind that slavery was once justified because without it cotton grown in the US would not be competitive in price with cotton grown in Egypt.

You might want to notice that in 2006, Hillary said Mexico should take care of its own problems and stop dumping its poor on the US.

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="Hillary Clinton says US need to secure borders, and illegals should be deported - YouTube" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Yes and the GDP fell, meaning production and consuming went down. Hurting business. The point is you or I can't prove what the effect of illegal immigration is. Either way if I don't know something I try to Err on the side of human decency.
I listened to it. Clearly Trump is saying it must be done in a humane way.
Ok so at least I know what your position is, the never was a typo. Ok so my logical question is, how do you humanely deport someone who has kids here and has build up a life, has friends, a job. How do you do that humanely? How does a humane deportation look like?
so how do you treat convicted criminals who are getting ready for jail? I mean, they got caught. Is it your position that there would be no consequence of getting caught? it is a criminals Do we humanely move criminals through our system? why would you think we wouldn't illegal criminals?
Yes we do move criminals humanely trough our system, or at least we should. No consequence of getting caught, you mean being sent to prison is not punishment? So you don't feel there's a difference between someone looking for a better life and someone who deliberately hurts someone to get what they want?
yes, when it is done illegally and hurts other people. It isn't just someone moving in, it's someone who line hops in front of someone and hurts that someone. So that is why it is criminal. A criminal is a criminal.

The jail is back to his/ her country. And as a special option, they get to take their kids they had here.
First try to establish that they are hurting someone.
well they are the moment they reach the border. They might interact with authority, then they will need food, then they will need a place to live, they need work. If you don't think that will deprive another you live on fantasy island. See the plane?
Ok so at least I know what your position is, the never was a typo. Ok so my logical question is, how do you humanely deport someone who has kids here and has build up a life, has friends, a job. How do you do that humanely? How does a humane deportation look like?
so how do you treat convicted criminals who are getting ready for jail? I mean, they got caught. Is it your position that there would be no consequence of getting caught? it is a criminals Do we humanely move criminals through our system? why would you think we wouldn't illegal criminals?
Yes we do move criminals humanely trough our system, or at least we should. No consequence of getting caught, you mean being sent to prison is not punishment? So you don't feel there's a difference between someone looking for a better life and someone who deliberately hurts someone to get what they want?
yes, when it is done illegally and hurts other people. It isn't just someone moving in, it's someone who line hops in front of someone and hurts that someone. So that is why it is criminal. A criminal is a criminal.

The jail is back to his/ her country. And as a special option, they get to take their kids they had here.
If you feel so strongly about it, why are you still supporting Trump who's softening his position daily now?
well can you name anyone else talking about it?
He was talking about on Hanity lol. Just because you didn't hear it doesn't mean it didn't happen. That's a pretty lame comeback.
so how do you treat convicted criminals who are getting ready for jail? I mean, they got caught. Is it your position that there would be no consequence of getting caught? it is a criminals Do we humanely move criminals through our system? why would you think we wouldn't illegal criminals?
Yes we do move criminals humanely trough our system, or at least we should. No consequence of getting caught, you mean being sent to prison is not punishment? So you don't feel there's a difference between someone looking for a better life and someone who deliberately hurts someone to get what they want?
yes, when it is done illegally and hurts other people. It isn't just someone moving in, it's someone who line hops in front of someone and hurts that someone. So that is why it is criminal. A criminal is a criminal.

The jail is back to his/ her country. And as a special option, they get to take their kids they had here.
If you feel so strongly about it, why are you still supporting Trump who's softening his position daily now?
well can you name anyone else talking about it?
He was talking about on Hanity lol. Just because you didn't hear it doesn't mean it didn't happen. That's a pretty lame comeback.
which candidate is talking about illegals like the donald? That was my point derp!!!!1
You help them pack up and pay their transportation costs back to Mexico. The fact that they got away with breaking the law for a long time doesn't mean they should be allowed to continue breaking the law. Keep in mind that the job this guy has would have gone to a poor American, probably at higher wages, and sending him back to Mexico will free this job up for a poor American. Sending them back will free up millions of jobs for poor Americans, allow wages to rise for poor Americans and keep the billions of dollars they send back to Mexico each month here in the US economy.
The current US unemployment rate is 4,9 percent. How do you know any of the jobs illegal immigrants do now will be filled at all. This is what happened in Arizona when they lost that workforce. The Thorny Economics of Illegal Immigration This is one of those talking points that sound logical until you actually do some research. And I'll ask you what I try to ask by this OP. How do you feel when Trump starts changing his position now?
According to your link, some jobs in agriculture were not filled by Americans but jobs in construction and other industries were filled by Americans and wages did rise after Arizona got rid of illegal immigrants. It is inhumane and bizarre to advocate illegal immigration so that agricultural companies don't have to pay wages high enough to find Americans who will take those jobs. Keep in mind that slavery was once justified because without it cotton grown in the US would not be competitive in price with cotton grown in Egypt.

You might want to notice that in 2006, Hillary said Mexico should take care of its own problems and stop dumping its poor on the US.

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="Hillary Clinton says US need to secure borders, and illegals should be deported - YouTube" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Yes and the GDP fell, meaning production and consuming went down. Hurting business. The point is you or I can't prove what the effect of illegal immigration is. Either way if I don't know something I try to Err on the side of human decency.
Ok so at least I know what your position is, the never was a typo. Ok so my logical question is, how do you humanely deport someone who has kids here and has build up a life, has friends, a job. How do you do that humanely? How does a humane deportation look like?
so how do you treat convicted criminals who are getting ready for jail? I mean, they got caught. Is it your position that there would be no consequence of getting caught? it is a criminals Do we humanely move criminals through our system? why would you think we wouldn't illegal criminals?
Yes we do move criminals humanely trough our system, or at least we should. No consequence of getting caught, you mean being sent to prison is not punishment? So you don't feel there's a difference between someone looking for a better life and someone who deliberately hurts someone to get what they want?
yes, when it is done illegally and hurts other people. It isn't just someone moving in, it's someone who line hops in front of someone and hurts that someone. So that is why it is criminal. A criminal is a criminal.

The jail is back to his/ her country. And as a special option, they get to take their kids they had here.
First try to establish that they are hurting someone.
well they are the moment they reach the border. They might interact with authority, then they will need food, then they will need a place to live, they need work. If you don't think that will deprive another you live on fantasy island. See the plane?
And the jobs the do get are jobs which have a hard time getting filled. I would give the same links I've put up before about the economic impact of illegal immigration. But you obviously aren't interested in reading anything that doesn't mesh with your rhetoric.
Could someone explain to me why deporting people who are here illegally is in humane? Wasn't it in humane for them to sneak in here and steal from us in humane?

One of the things is deporting the parents of babies who were born here.

I blame the continuation of the law granting citizenship to a baby born here from an illegal immigrant on the Republicans. They don't have the stones to pass a bill to change that law. It would be filibustered in the Senate and if it ever passed, Obama would veto it, but it needs to be done.
Yes we do move criminals humanely trough our system, or at least we should. No consequence of getting caught, you mean being sent to prison is not punishment? So you don't feel there's a difference between someone looking for a better life and someone who deliberately hurts someone to get what they want?
yes, when it is done illegally and hurts other people. It isn't just someone moving in, it's someone who line hops in front of someone and hurts that someone. So that is why it is criminal. A criminal is a criminal.

The jail is back to his/ her country. And as a special option, they get to take their kids they had here.
If you feel so strongly about it, why are you still supporting Trump who's softening his position daily now?
well can you name anyone else talking about it?
He was talking about on Hanity lol. Just because you didn't hear it doesn't mean it didn't happen. That's a pretty lame comeback.
which candidate is talking about illegals like the donald? That was my point derp!!!!1
Ah so your position is as long as he talks about immigration it doesn't matter what he sais. Glad I'm talking to somebody with principles. That's the reason btw I didn't get it because to me what the candidate sais does matter.
The current US unemployment rate is 4,9 percent. How do you know any of the jobs illegal immigrants do now will be filled at all. This is what happened in Arizona when they lost that workforce. The Thorny Economics of Illegal Immigration This is one of those talking points that sound logical until you actually do some research. And I'll ask you what I try to ask by this OP. How do you feel when Trump starts changing his position now?
According to your link, some jobs in agriculture were not filled by Americans but jobs in construction and other industries were filled by Americans and wages did rise after Arizona got rid of illegal immigrants. It is inhumane and bizarre to advocate illegal immigration so that agricultural companies don't have to pay wages high enough to find Americans who will take those jobs. Keep in mind that slavery was once justified because without it cotton grown in the US would not be competitive in price with cotton grown in Egypt.

You might want to notice that in 2006, Hillary said Mexico should take care of its own problems and stop dumping its poor on the US.

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="Hillary Clinton says US need to secure borders, and illegals should be deported - YouTube" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Yes and the GDP fell, meaning production and consuming went down. Hurting business. The point is you or I can't prove what the effect of illegal immigration is. Either way if I don't know something I try to Err on the side of human decency.
so how do you treat convicted criminals who are getting ready for jail? I mean, they got caught. Is it your position that there would be no consequence of getting caught? it is a criminals Do we humanely move criminals through our system? why would you think we wouldn't illegal criminals?
Yes we do move criminals humanely trough our system, or at least we should. No consequence of getting caught, you mean being sent to prison is not punishment? So you don't feel there's a difference between someone looking for a better life and someone who deliberately hurts someone to get what they want?
yes, when it is done illegally and hurts other people. It isn't just someone moving in, it's someone who line hops in front of someone and hurts that someone. So that is why it is criminal. A criminal is a criminal.

The jail is back to his/ her country. And as a special option, they get to take their kids they had here.
First try to establish that they are hurting someone.
well they are the moment they reach the border. They might interact with authority, then they will need food, then they will need a place to live, they need work. If you don't think that will deprive another you live on fantasy island. See the plane?
And the jobs the do get are jobs which have a hard time getting filled. I would give the same links I've put up before about the economic impact of illegal immigration. But you obviously aren't interested in reading anything that doesn't mesh with your rhetoric.
Are ewe trying to tell us there are 22 million jobs that Americans will not do? ROFLMAO.
The current US unemployment rate is 4,9 percent. How do you know any of the jobs illegal immigrants do now will be filled at all. This is what happened in Arizona when they lost that workforce. The Thorny Economics of Illegal Immigration This is one of those talking points that sound logical until you actually do some research. And I'll ask you what I try to ask by this OP. How do you feel when Trump starts changing his position now?
According to your link, some jobs in agriculture were not filled by Americans but jobs in construction and other industries were filled by Americans and wages did rise after Arizona got rid of illegal immigrants. It is inhumane and bizarre to advocate illegal immigration so that agricultural companies don't have to pay wages high enough to find Americans who will take those jobs. Keep in mind that slavery was once justified because without it cotton grown in the US would not be competitive in price with cotton grown in Egypt.

You might want to notice that in 2006, Hillary said Mexico should take care of its own problems and stop dumping its poor on the US.

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="Hillary Clinton says US need to secure borders, and illegals should be deported - YouTube" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Yes and the GDP fell, meaning production and consuming went down. Hurting business. The point is you or I can't prove what the effect of illegal immigration is. Either way if I don't know something I try to Err on the side of human decency.
so how do you treat convicted criminals who are getting ready for jail? I mean, they got caught. Is it your position that there would be no consequence of getting caught? it is a criminals Do we humanely move criminals through our system? why would you think we wouldn't illegal criminals?
Yes we do move criminals humanely trough our system, or at least we should. No consequence of getting caught, you mean being sent to prison is not punishment? So you don't feel there's a difference between someone looking for a better life and someone who deliberately hurts someone to get what they want?
yes, when it is done illegally and hurts other people. It isn't just someone moving in, it's someone who line hops in front of someone and hurts that someone. So that is why it is criminal. A criminal is a criminal.

The jail is back to his/ her country. And as a special option, they get to take their kids they had here.
First try to establish that they are hurting someone.
well they are the moment they reach the border. They might interact with authority, then they will need food, then they will need a place to live, they need work. If you don't think that will deprive another you live on fantasy island. See the plane?
And the jobs the do get are jobs which have a hard time getting filled. I would give the same links I've put up before about the economic impact of illegal immigration. But you obviously aren't interested in reading anything that doesn't mesh with your rhetoric.
the jobs they do get are the ones the employers don't want to pay citizens for just like china jobs. cheap labor. Pay what a citizen wants and that job is no longer there. making folks go on welfare is cruel, and criminal if one is illegal.

And now you see why it is called inhumane.

Or to put it another way:
I agree. It is In humane to hard working American taxpayers who are forced to pay for all this illegal bullshittery! Why do ewe hate America?

In humane? They used to sell this thing called hooked on phonics. Perhaps you should look into purchasing it.

The ironic thing is that the only reason your illiterate ass is an “american” is an accident of your being born here….just like the person you seek to deport. Obviously you’re contributions are minimal otherwise.
dude, you should reread your sentence. if someone is born here, they are not illegal.

The parents are. Send them back.

No, not inhumane at all to rip a baby from it’s mothers arms….

Momma can always take the baby with her drama queen.
yes, when it is done illegally and hurts other people. It isn't just someone moving in, it's someone who line hops in front of someone and hurts that someone. So that is why it is criminal. A criminal is a criminal.

The jail is back to his/ her country. And as a special option, they get to take their kids they had here.
If you feel so strongly about it, why are you still supporting Trump who's softening his position daily now?
well can you name anyone else talking about it?
He was talking about on Hanity lol. Just because you didn't hear it doesn't mean it didn't happen. That's a pretty lame comeback.
which candidate is talking about illegals like the donald? That was my point derp!!!!1
Ah so your position is as long as he talks about immigration it doesn't matter what he sais. Glad I'm talking to somebody with principles. That's the reason btw I didn't get it because to me what the candidate sais does matter.
the fact he is talking about is what I want. So you have no idea what my position is. I've never told you. you assume cause you're an ass.
According to your link, some jobs in agriculture were not filled by Americans but jobs in construction and other industries were filled by Americans and wages did rise after Arizona got rid of illegal immigrants. It is inhumane and bizarre to advocate illegal immigration so that agricultural companies don't have to pay wages high enough to find Americans who will take those jobs. Keep in mind that slavery was once justified because without it cotton grown in the US would not be competitive in price with cotton grown in Egypt.

You might want to notice that in 2006, Hillary said Mexico should take care of its own problems and stop dumping its poor on the US.

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="Hillary Clinton says US need to secure borders, and illegals should be deported - YouTube" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Yes and the GDP fell, meaning production and consuming went down. Hurting business. The point is you or I can't prove what the effect of illegal immigration is. Either way if I don't know something I try to Err on the side of human decency.
Yes we do move criminals humanely trough our system, or at least we should. No consequence of getting caught, you mean being sent to prison is not punishment? So you don't feel there's a difference between someone looking for a better life and someone who deliberately hurts someone to get what they want?
yes, when it is done illegally and hurts other people. It isn't just someone moving in, it's someone who line hops in front of someone and hurts that someone. So that is why it is criminal. A criminal is a criminal.

The jail is back to his/ her country. And as a special option, they get to take their kids they had here.
First try to establish that they are hurting someone.
well they are the moment they reach the border. They might interact with authority, then they will need food, then they will need a place to live, they need work. If you don't think that will deprive another you live on fantasy island. See the plane?
And the jobs the do get are jobs which have a hard time getting filled. I would give the same links I've put up before about the economic impact of illegal immigration. But you obviously aren't interested in reading anything that doesn't mesh with your rhetoric.
Are ewe trying to tell us there are 22 million jobs that Americans will not do? ROFLMAO.
I'm trying to tell you that there are jobs Americans aren't willing to do, are you claiming otherwise? Because for instance agriculture, as one of my links stated rely heavily on undocumented labor and the moment that falls away, fields go fallow.
If you feel so strongly about it, why are you still supporting Trump who's softening his position daily now?
well can you name anyone else talking about it?
He was talking about on Hanity lol. Just because you didn't hear it doesn't mean it didn't happen. That's a pretty lame comeback.
which candidate is talking about illegals like the donald? That was my point derp!!!!1
Ah so your position is as long as he talks about immigration it doesn't matter what he sais. Glad I'm talking to somebody with principles. That's the reason btw I didn't get it because to me what the candidate sais does matter.
the fact he is talking about is what I want. So you have no idea what my position is. I've never told you. you assume cause you're an ass.
which candidate is talking about illegals like the donald? That was my point derp!!!!1
Forgive me when I read this post as you saying as long as he talks about it it's all good. Regardless of the position he actually takes.
The current US unemployment rate is 4,9 percent. How do you know any of the jobs illegal immigrants do now will be filled at all. This is what happened in Arizona when they lost that workforce. The Thorny Economics of Illegal Immigration This is one of those talking points that sound logical until you actually do some research. And I'll ask you what I try to ask by this OP. How do you feel when Trump starts changing his position now?
According to your link, some jobs in agriculture were not filled by Americans but jobs in construction and other industries were filled by Americans and wages did rise after Arizona got rid of illegal immigrants. It is inhumane and bizarre to advocate illegal immigration so that agricultural companies don't have to pay wages high enough to find Americans who will take those jobs. Keep in mind that slavery was once justified because without it cotton grown in the US would not be competitive in price with cotton grown in Egypt.

You might want to notice that in 2006, Hillary said Mexico should take care of its own problems and stop dumping its poor on the US.

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="Hillary Clinton says US need to secure borders, and illegals should be deported - YouTube" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Yes and the GDP fell, meaning production and consuming went down. Hurting business. The point is you or I can't prove what the effect of illegal immigration is. Either way if I don't know something I try to Err on the side of human decency.
so how do you treat convicted criminals who are getting ready for jail? I mean, they got caught. Is it your position that there would be no consequence of getting caught? it is a criminals Do we humanely move criminals through our system? why would you think we wouldn't illegal criminals?
Yes we do move criminals humanely trough our system, or at least we should. No consequence of getting caught, you mean being sent to prison is not punishment? So you don't feel there's a difference between someone looking for a better life and someone who deliberately hurts someone to get what they want?
yes, when it is done illegally and hurts other people. It isn't just someone moving in, it's someone who line hops in front of someone and hurts that someone. So that is why it is criminal. A criminal is a criminal.

The jail is back to his/ her country. And as a special option, they get to take their kids they had here.
First try to establish that they are hurting someone.
well they are the moment they reach the border. They might interact with authority, then they will need food, then they will need a place to live, they need work. If you don't think that will deprive another you live on fantasy island. See the plane?
And the jobs the do get are jobs which have a hard time getting filled. I would give the same links I've put up before about the economic impact of illegal immigration. But you obviously aren't interested in reading anything that doesn't mesh with your rhetoric.

We had a guest worker program for many years that filled those jobs.
well can you name anyone else talking about it?
He was talking about on Hanity lol. Just because you didn't hear it doesn't mean it didn't happen. That's a pretty lame comeback.
which candidate is talking about illegals like the donald? That was my point derp!!!!1
Ah so your position is as long as he talks about immigration it doesn't matter what he sais. Glad I'm talking to somebody with principles. That's the reason btw I didn't get it because to me what the candidate sais does matter.
the fact he is talking about is what I want. So you have no idea what my position is. I've never told you. you assume cause you're an ass.
which candidate is talking about illegals like the donald? That was my point derp!!!!1
Forgive me when I read this post as you saying as long as he talks about it it's all good. Regardless of the position he actually takes.
How about you quote what I said as better.

As long as he's talking about it i'm good. Why is that hard for you? no other candidate was nor is.
I listened to it. Clearly Trump is saying it must be done in a humane way.
Ok so at least I know what your position is, the never was a typo. Ok so my logical question is, how do you humanely deport someone who has kids here and has build up a life, has friends, a job. How do you do that humanely? How does a humane deportation look like?
You help them pack up and pay their transportation costs back to Mexico. The fact that they got away with breaking the law for a long time doesn't mean they should be allowed to continue breaking the law. Keep in mind that the job this guy has would have gone to a poor American, probably at higher wages, and sending him back to Mexico will free this job up for a poor American. Sending them back will free up millions of jobs for poor Americans, allow wages to rise for poor Americans and keep the billions of dollars they send back to Mexico each month here in the US economy.
The current US unemployment rate is 4,9 percent. How do you know any of the jobs illegal immigrants do now will be filled at all. This is what happened in Arizona when they lost that workforce. The Thorny Economics of Illegal Immigration This is one of those talking points that sound logical until you actually do some research. And I'll ask you what I try to ask by this OP. How do you feel when Trump starts changing his position now?
According to your link, some jobs in agriculture were not filled by Americans but jobs in construction and other industries were filled by Americans and wages did rise after Arizona got rid of illegal immigrants. It is inhumane and bizarre to advocate illegal immigration so that agricultural companies don't have to pay wages high enough to find Americans who will take those jobs. Keep in mind that slavery was once justified because without it cotton grown in the US would not be competitive in price with cotton grown in Egypt.

You might want to notice that in 2006, Hillary said Mexico should take care of its own problems and stop dumping its poor on the US.

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="Hillary Clinton says US need to secure borders, and illegals should be deported - YouTube" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Yes and the GDP fell, meaning production and consuming went down. Hurting business. The point is you or I can't prove what the effect of illegal immigration is. Either way if I don't know something I try to Err on the side of human decency.U.S. Farmers Risk Losing Everything Because Of Absurd Immigration Rule
Of course we both know the impact of illegal immigration and your argument has been it is good for business and you couldn't care less about the harm it does to poor Americans. It is precisely this casual indifference to the problems of poor Americans, especially poor black Americans, that has led both The Nation and the Huffignton Post to declare Hillary doesn't deserve the votes of black Americans.

How Can Black People Trust Hillary Clinton After the 2008 Campaign?

Why Hillary Clinton Doesn’t Deserve the Black Vote
He was talking about on Hanity lol. Just because you didn't hear it doesn't mean it didn't happen. That's a pretty lame comeback.
which candidate is talking about illegals like the donald? That was my point derp!!!!1
Ah so your position is as long as he talks about immigration it doesn't matter what he sais. Glad I'm talking to somebody with principles. That's the reason btw I didn't get it because to me what the candidate sais does matter.
the fact he is talking about is what I want. So you have no idea what my position is. I've never told you. you assume cause you're an ass.
which candidate is talking about illegals like the donald? That was my point derp!!!!1
Forgive me when I read this post as you saying as long as he talks about it it's all good. Regardless of the position he actually takes.
How about you quote what I said as better.

As long as he's talking about it i'm good. Why is that hard for you? no other candidate was nor is.
I have a hard time with the argument because by the same logic. If someone at the beginning of this race would have build his race on the statement I'll legalize all illegal immigrants he would get your vote. Because hey, he's talking about it. What the candidate has to say about a certain subject is relevant I would think.
which candidate is talking about illegals like the donald? That was my point derp!!!!1
Ah so your position is as long as he talks about immigration it doesn't matter what he sais. Glad I'm talking to somebody with principles. That's the reason btw I didn't get it because to me what the candidate sais does matter.
the fact he is talking about is what I want. So you have no idea what my position is. I've never told you. you assume cause you're an ass.
which candidate is talking about illegals like the donald? That was my point derp!!!!1
Forgive me when I read this post as you saying as long as he talks about it it's all good. Regardless of the position he actually takes.
How about you quote what I said as better.

As long as he's talking about it i'm good. Why is that hard for you? no other candidate was nor is.
I have a hard time with the argument because by the same logic. If someone at the beginning of this race would have build his race on the statement I'll legalize all illegal immigrants he would get your vote. Because hey, he's talking about it. What the candidate has to say about a certain subject is relevant I would think.
that's you and not me. is that a problem?

You want hitlery and she is responsible for four american deaths. I find that incomprehensible.
Ok so at least I know what your position is, the never was a typo. Ok so my logical question is, how do you humanely deport someone who has kids here and has build up a life, has friends, a job. How do you do that humanely? How does a humane deportation look like?
You help them pack up and pay their transportation costs back to Mexico. The fact that they got away with breaking the law for a long time doesn't mean they should be allowed to continue breaking the law. Keep in mind that the job this guy has would have gone to a poor American, probably at higher wages, and sending him back to Mexico will free this job up for a poor American. Sending them back will free up millions of jobs for poor Americans, allow wages to rise for poor Americans and keep the billions of dollars they send back to Mexico each month here in the US economy.
The current US unemployment rate is 4,9 percent. How do you know any of the jobs illegal immigrants do now will be filled at all. This is what happened in Arizona when they lost that workforce. The Thorny Economics of Illegal Immigration This is one of those talking points that sound logical until you actually do some research. And I'll ask you what I try to ask by this OP. How do you feel when Trump starts changing his position now?
According to your link, some jobs in agriculture were not filled by Americans but jobs in construction and other industries were filled by Americans and wages did rise after Arizona got rid of illegal immigrants. It is inhumane and bizarre to advocate illegal immigration so that agricultural companies don't have to pay wages high enough to find Americans who will take those jobs. Keep in mind that slavery was once justified because without it cotton grown in the US would not be competitive in price with cotton grown in Egypt.

You might want to notice that in 2006, Hillary said Mexico should take care of its own problems and stop dumping its poor on the US.

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="Hillary Clinton says US need to secure borders, and illegals should be deported - YouTube" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Yes and the GDP fell, meaning production and consuming went down. Hurting business. The point is you or I can't prove what the effect of illegal immigration is. Either way if I don't know something I try to Err on the side of human decency.U.S. Farmers Risk Losing Everything Because Of Absurd Immigration Rule
Of course we both know the impact of illegal immigration and your argument has been it is good for business and you couldn't care less about the harm it does to poor Americans. It is precisely this casual indifference to the problems of poor Americans, especially poor black Americans, that has led both The Nation and the Huffignton Post to declare Hillary doesn't deserve the votes of black Americans.

How Can Black People Trust Hillary Clinton After the 2008 Campaign?

Why Hillary Clinton Doesn’t Deserve the Black Vote
Firstly in this OP I sited a few times that I don't know what the general impact of illegal immigration, on economics is. Like most things macro-economically, there are advantages and disadvantages. I also want to remind you, that the premise of this post is not illegal immigration, but Trumps inability to stick with like I said cornerstone of his platform. Saying that I don't care what harm it does to poor Americans is false, since neither you or me can tell me, if there even is harm. A store being able to sell more goods because there are a few hundred thousand consumers extra, needs to hire more people, jobs that will go to poor Americans being an example. On the other hand I wouldn't be able to begin to tell you if that's offset by the fact that there might be some poor American that wouldn't mind picking fruit for a season. But the point is neither can you.

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