Corrupt FBI & DOJ caught redacting their criminal acts - they're now caught creating fraudulent docs

Corrupt FBI and DOJ Not Only Caught Redacting Their Criminal Acts - They're Now Caught CREATING Fraudulent Documents

Unless you're a died in the wool Anti-Trumper who subscribes to the 'ends justifying the means'; this sheite must end, enough is enough! F this charade of missed deadlines and refusing to testify in front of Congress. What would U advise Nunes to do? Should the President start swinging the reaper blade...

Over the past few years the DOJ and FBI redacted documents in the name of national security but their real reason was later uncovered as an effort to hide their crimes. They also will not allow Congress to obtain copies of records and instead only allow Congress to review documents maintained at an FBI or DOJ location. Now this too is catching up to them as their efforts to swap documents or create two versions of documents are being uncovered.

Neither the FBI nor Justice are ‘corrupt’ – that’s truly a ridiculous rightwing lie, a lie contrived by Trump sycophants.
Corrupt FBI and DOJ Not Only Caught Redacting Their Criminal Acts - They're Now Caught CREATING Fraudulent Documents

Unless you're a died in the wool Anti-Trumper who subscribes to the 'ends justifying the means'; this sheite must end, enough is enough! F this charade of missed deadlines and refusing to testify in front of Congress. What would U advise Nunes to do? Should the President start swinging the reaper blade...

Over the past few years the DOJ and FBI redacted documents in the name of national security but their real reason was later uncovered as an effort to hide their crimes. They also will not allow Congress to obtain copies of records and instead only allow Congress to review documents maintained at an FBI or DOJ location. Now this too is catching up to them as their efforts to swap documents or create two versions of documents are being uncovered.

Neither the FBI nor Justice are ‘corrupt’ – that’s truly a ridiculous rightwing lie, a lie contrived by Trump sycophants.
Learned not to bite at the 'flames' lol.
Corrupt FBI and DOJ Not Only Caught Redacting Their Criminal Acts - They're Now Caught CREATING Fraudulent Documents

Unless you're a died in the wool Anti-Trumper who subscribes to the 'ends justifying the means'; this sheite must end, enough is enough! F this charade of missed deadlines and refusing to testify in front of Congress. What would U advise Nunes to do? Should the President start swinging the reaper blade...

Over the past few years the DOJ and FBI redacted documents in the name of national security but their real reason was later uncovered as an effort to hide their crimes. They also will not allow Congress to obtain copies of records and instead only allow Congress to review documents maintained at an FBI or DOJ location. Now this too is catching up to them as their efforts to swap documents or create two versions of documents are being uncovered.

Those two departments of our government (FBI,DOJ) can’t be compromised, and it appears very clearly they have. A long, thorough and extensive investigation needs to root out all the wrong doers and those people need to be severely punished. The message must be that political funny business will not be tolerated. Do you hear me Comey?
Corrupt FBI and DOJ Not Only Caught Redacting Their Criminal Acts - They're Now Caught CREATING Fraudulent Documents

Unless you're a died in the wool Anti-Trumper who subscribes to the 'ends justifying the means'; this sheite must end, enough is enough! F this charade of missed deadlines and refusing to testify in front of Congress. What would U advise Nunes to do? Should the President start swinging the reaper blade...

Over the past few years the DOJ and FBI redacted documents in the name of national security but their real reason was later uncovered as an effort to hide their crimes. They also will not allow Congress to obtain copies of records and instead only allow Congress to review documents maintained at an FBI or DOJ location. Now this too is catching up to them as their efforts to swap documents or create two versions of documents are being uncovered.

I will not release these documents 'IN THE NAME OF NATIONAL SECURITY' has been exposed to be the liberal / co-conspirator code for 'to protect my ass from going to jail, which would surely happen if you saw these documents'.

They have been BUSTED, dead-to-rights. red-handed, as proven by evidence. Everyone - and I mean EVERONE, even the Trump-Hating Extremists - have known for some time that the Obama administration engaged in Conspiracy, Obstruction, and Treason to protect Hillary, to attempt to control the outcome of the election, and to affect a politcal coup should Trump win.

The EVIDENCE has been there.
The EVIDENCE is still there.
The EVIDENCE is still coming out.

This is the biggest scandal in the history of the United States, and it can not be contained.
They are making mountains out of SOP.
So then you don't mind picking up the tab for this charade (got millions ready in your check book I reckon), or are you a drug cartel flunky or mobster runner with skin in this game thus proposing it's no big deal in adding to your criminal exploits?
I worry about anyone who thinks this is all OK, nor is it normal to think your party is the only one with the right to govern or appoint a judge, that's not democracy you fascist. Besides, your party is still part of this gov't and yet never does anything for the country, but sabotage it every step of the way.
Because they are criminals.
So does this mean we get to outsource the Justice Department and FBI to private corporations like our founders intended?
So does this mean we get to outsource the Justice Department and FBI to private corporations like our founders intended?
No it means we will handle law enforcement at the local level and eliminate agencies that were created unconstitutionally to violate the constitutionally protected rights of American citizens.
So does this mean we get to outsource the Justice Department and FBI to private corporations like our founders intended?
No it means we will handle law enforcement at the local level and eliminate agencies that were created unconstitutionally to violate the constitutionally protected rights of American citizens.
So are you saying that only federal agencies are corruptible?

Last I checked, some of these federal agencies were put in place due to how easily corruptible the local agencies were -- that is why there was a DOJ created shortly after reconstruction began --

So no, I don't think doing away with the FBI and DOJ is the solution -- it is more like a hissy fit reaction to being upset about the agencies conservatives so felt they had in their back pocket, now exposing their own
Agencies such as the NSA don't really have an oversight mechanism in place. With all the alphabet soup of the intelligence agencies, there must be better & more routine oversight. In addition to the Congressional oversight committees a channel to pass indiscretions to a SCOTUS oversight committee should probably be implemented. They could have a review mechanism built in as an ongoing review of the Constitutionality of these "intelligence" agencies. For instance, the latest FISC abuses should have been brought to light not by happenstance but by systemic screening.
Agencies such as the NSA don't really have an oversight mechanism in place. With all the alphabet soup of the intelligence agencies, there must be better & more routine oversight. In addition to the Congressional oversight committees a channel to pass indiscretions to a SCOTUS oversight committee should probably be implemented. They could have a review mechanism built in as an ongoing review of the Constitutionality of these "intelligence" agencies. For instance, the latest FISC abuses should have been brought to light not by happenstance but by systemic screening.
People were saying that around the time the Patriotic first rolled out -- but back then you were considered a traitor if you ever questioned all of these new alphabet agencies

...but it took their own president getting 4 or 5 of his own people indicted/convicted before conservatives suddenly start asking for oversight -- and the only oversight they are asking for is only in regards of shielding Trump -- which is fake oversight
They are making mountains out of SOP.

And a mockery of the language….”died in the wool”? Try dyed-in-the-wool.

What is this…the 7,000th allegation about how bad the Trump DOJ is? Yet their support for the blob hasn’t waned. Not once.

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