Corrupt Mohamed Bin Salman's Plan to Cut Saudi Oil Production to Sabotage the US economy and Help Trump has Backfired badly

The Banker

Diamond Member
Oct 24, 2017
MBS, the corrupt crooked leader of Saudi Arabia that only came to power because of Trump, AND who gave Kushner a $2B bribe tried to sabotage the US economy by cutting Saudi Oil production substantially in order to increase the price of oil.

Initially his plan was working as US oil went all the way up to $95, but Biden has America pumping max capacity, more than ever before and oil has plummeted down to a great $75 !!

MBS gave Kushner a $2B bribe and only came to power because of Trump, Im sure Trump was directing MBS to cut oil production and sabotage the US economy.

Now Saudi Arabia is screwed as they have lost market share, lost revenue from lower production, and are much worse off.
Karma is a B, and Congress needs t do a real investigation into the $2B bribe MBS gave Kushner.

MBS, the corrupt crooked leader of Saudi Arabia that only came to power because of Trump, AND who gave Kushner a $2B bribe tried to sabotage the US economy by cutting Saudi Oil production substantially in order to increase the price of oil.

Initially his plan was working as US oil went all the way up to $95, but Biden has America pumping max capacity, more than ever before and oil has plummeted down to a great $75 !!

MBS gave Kushner a $2B bribe and only came to power because of Trump, Im sure Trump was directing MBS to cut oil production and sabotage the US economy.

Now Saudi Arabia is screwed as they have lost market share, lost revenue from lower production, and are much worse off.
Karma is a B, and Congress needs t do a real investigation into the $2B bribe MBS gave Kushner.

January 20, 2025
MBS, the corrupt crooked leader of Saudi Arabia that only came to power because of Trump, AND who gave Kushner a $2B bribe tried to sabotage the US economy by cutting Saudi Oil production substantially in order to increase the price of oil.

Initially his plan was working as US oil went all the way up to $95, but Biden has America pumping max capacity, more than ever before and oil has plummeted down to a great $75 !!

MBS gave Kushner a $2B bribe and only came to power because of Trump, Im sure Trump was directing MBS to cut oil production and sabotage the US economy.

Now Saudi Arabia is screwed as they have lost market share, lost revenue from lower production, and are much worse off.
Karma is a B, and Congress needs t do a real investigation into the $2B bribe MBS gave Kushner.

You are stupid because you get your information from stupid people. Plus, you were kinda born that way. Stupid, I mean

I, and many others, have said in here that MBS is a little more than just pissed at Sponge Brains Poopy Pants for insulting him on the world stage. Seems the NY Slimes wanted Sponge Brains Shits Pants to take a few shots at MBS for killing the useless piece of shit, Kashoggi. So, he did his duty and called MBS a couple of names. Pissed him off.
Wanker's near daily crap thread .

Our lovely young Prince knows exactly the oil price effect if the US and Israel terrorists are fighting against all of the planet's Allahu Akbars .
If they get things wrong --- foregone if the US is involved --- the Oil price could sail very high , 150 or, even more .

Wanker has confirmed this because he is wrong every time he makes a call .
You are stupid because you get your information from stupid people. Plus, you were kinda born that way. Stupid, I mean

I, and many others, have said in here that MBS is a little more than just pissed at Sponge Brains Poopy Pants for insulting him on the world stage. Seems the NY Slimes wanted Sponge Brains Shits Pants to take a few shots at MBS for killing the useless piece of shit, Kashoggi. So, he did his duty and called MBS a couple of names. Pissed him off.
you try to call me stupid, yet you post like a 5 year old little child...

Sponge Brains Poopy Pants

Now we know why you struggle to get ahead in life and have serious troubles getting laid. NYT, CNN, Reuters, and AP Reporters Were Embedded With the Terrorist Killers of 10/7; Kept Silent About Coming Slaughter So That They Could Get Good Juicy Propaganda Pictures for Hamas​

—Disinformation Expert Ace​

I don't even know what to say.
On October 7, Hamas terrorists were not the only ones who documented the war crimes they had committed during their deadly rampage across southern Israel. Some of their atrocities were captured by Gaza-based photojournalists working for the Associated Press and Reuters news agencies whose early morning presence at the breached border area raises serious ethical questions.
What were they doing there so early on what would ordinarily have been a quiet Saturday morning? Was it coordinated with Hamas? Did the respectable wire services, which published their photos, approve of their presence inside enemy territory, together with the terrorist infiltrators? Did the photojournalists who freelance for other media, like CNN and The New York Times, notify these outlets? Judging from the pictures of lynching, kidnapping and storming of an Israeli kibbutz, it seems like the border has been breached not only physically, but also journalistically.
AP: Photojournalists or Infiltrators?
Four names appear on AP's photo credits from the Israel-Gaza border area on October 7: Hassan Eslaiah, Yousef Masoud, Ali Mahmud, and Hatem Ali.
Eslaiah, a freelancer who also works for CNN, crossed into Israel, took photos of a burning Israeli tank, and then captured infiltrators entering Kibbutz Kfar Azza.

HonestReporting has obtained screenshots of Eslaiah's now-removed tweets on X in which he documented himself standing in front of the Israeli tank. He did not wear a press vest or a helmet, and the Arabic caption of his tweet read: "Live from inside the Gaza Strip settlements."

Masoud, who also works for The New York Times, was there as well -- just in time to set foot in Israeli territory and take more tank pictures.
Ali Mahmud and Hatem Ali were positioned to get pictures of the horrific abductions of Israelis into Gaza.
Mahmud captured the pickup truck carrying the body of German-Israeli Shani Louk and Ali got several shots of abductees being kidnapped into the Strip.

Interestingly, the names of the photographers, which appear on other sources, have been removed from some of the photos on AP's database. Perhaps someone at the agency realized it posed serious questions regarding their journalistic ethics.

More at the link.

If the link doesn't work -- it's getting hit with massive traffic right now -- you can try the link.
you try to call me stupid, yet you post like a 5 year old little child...

Now we know why you struggle to get ahead in life and have serious troubles getting laid.
Banker thinks he is


but comes off as
Thanks, The Banker , for the useful report on Saudi financial difficulties from CNN Business. I don’t always agree with you or trust CNN, but this was informative. Of course even the Saudi Royal Family is now itself terrorized by MBS, who still controls oodles of oil billions and has shown he can expropriate or even kill anyone who crosses him. He’s now playing footsie with Putin. I think it is hard to know where that petro-state dictatorship is heading ultimately.

The scumbag Edgetho — who praises the murder and dismemberment of the mild-mannered dissident journalist Kashaggi by MBS — is one very sick creep.
Thanks, The Banker , for the useful report on Saudi financial difficulties from CNN Business. I don’t always agree with you, but this was informative. Of course even the Royal Family is now terrorized by MBS, who still has oodles of oil billions. He’s now playing footsie with Putin. I think it is hard to know where that petro-state dictatorship is heading ultimately.

The scumbag Edgetho — who praises the murder and dismemberment of the mild-mannered dissident journalist Kashaggi by MBS — is one sick creep alright.
Eat a dick, scumbag.
MBS, the corrupt crooked leader of Saudi Arabia that only came to power because of Trump, AND who gave Kushner a $2B bribe tried to sabotage the US economy by cutting Saudi Oil production substantially in order to increase the price of oil.

Initially his plan was working as US oil went all the way up to $95, but Biden has America pumping max capacity, more than ever before and oil has plummeted down to a great $75 !!

MBS gave Kushner a $2B bribe and only came to power because of Trump, Im sure Trump was directing MBS to cut oil production and sabotage the US economy.

Now Saudi Arabia is screwed as they have lost market share, lost revenue from lower production, and are much worse off.
Karma is a B, and Congress needs t do a real investigation into the $2B bribe MBS gave Kushner.

This is the dumbest thing I've seen all week.
Shouldn't this be in conspiracy theories.

This is bullshit.

After obtaining a law degree from King Saud University, MbS served as an advisor to his father. After Salman became king, he appointed Mohammed defense minister and deputy crown prince in 2015. Mohammed was promoted to crown prince in 2017 after the dismissal of Crown Prince Muhammad bin Nayef, King Salman's nephew.

MbS has trained for this job his whole life. Trump had nothing to do with it.
MBS, the corrupt crooked leader of Saudi Arabia that only came to power because of Trump, AND who gave Kushner a $2B bribe tried to sabotage the US economy by cutting Saudi Oil production substantially in order to increase the price of oil.

Initially his plan was working as US oil went all the way up to $95, but Biden has America pumping max capacity, more than ever before and oil has plummeted down to a great $75 !!

MBS gave Kushner a $2B bribe and only came to power because of Trump, Im sure Trump was directing MBS to cut oil production and sabotage the US economy.

Now Saudi Arabia is screwed as they have lost market share, lost revenue from lower production, and are much worse off.
Karma is a B, and Congress needs t do a real investigation into the $2B bribe MBS gave Kushner.

So the investigation your party already conducted fake?

You are stupid because you get your information from stupid people. Plus, you were kinda born that way. Stupid, I mean

I, and many others, have said in here that MBS is a little more than just pissed at Sponge Brains Poopy Pants for insulting him on the world stage. Seems the NY Slimes wanted Sponge Brains Shits Pants to take a few shots at MBS for killing the useless piece of shit, Kashoggi. So, he did his duty and called MBS a couple of names. Pissed him off.

MbS is very cool . He's not pissed at Biden. I know his father well ....long before he was king. Salman became king in January 2015. He was Crown Prince before king Abdullah died.

Trump had nothing to do with it. Who writes this garbage?
MBS, the corrupt crooked leader of Saudi Arabia that only came to power because of Trump, AND who gave Kushner a $2B bribe tried to sabotage the US economy by cutting Saudi Oil production substantially in order to increase the price of oil.

Initially his plan was working as US oil went all the way up to $95, but Biden has America pumping max capacity, more than ever before and oil has plummeted down to a great $75 !!

MBS gave Kushner a $2B bribe and only came to power because of Trump, Im sure Trump was directing MBS to cut oil production and sabotage the US economy.

Now Saudi Arabia is screwed as they have lost market share, lost revenue from lower production, and are much worse off.
Karma is a B, and Congress needs t do a real investigation into the $2B bribe MBS gave Kushner.


UNITED ARAB EMIRATES – President Joe Biden’s press secretary delivered a striking message to Saudi Arabia’s de facto leader, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, this week. Jen Psaki told a news conference, using diplomatic language, that the U.S.-Saudi relationship — particularly that with the kingdom’s crown prince — is being downgraded.
Most of the rich extended Saudi Royal Family are indeed well educated, many at the best Universities in the U.S. and Britain. The hundreds of billions of oil dollars circulating through Western capitals and banks (and into politicians’s pockets) are the pivot of this relationship, but there have been times — and may be again — when relations get very strained.

Doesn’t everybody remember their ban on selling oil to the West, the long lines and rationing of gasoline in our country in the 70s? We have built up and valued our relationship with these Arab corporate feudalists, and their military, for generations. Doesn’t make MBS any less a disgusting murderer willing to use violence against other Royals … and of course anyone else who he decides is a threat.

Also, we are in a far stronger position as an independent and top oil and LNG producer and exporter in the world today. Nothing like our utter dependence on their exports in those days.
Most of the rich extended Saudi Royal Family are indeed well educated, many at the best Universities in the U.S. and Britain. The hundreds of billions of oil dollars circulating through Western capitals and banks (and into politicians’s pockets) are the pivot of this relationship, but there have been times — and may be again — when relations get very strained.

Doesn’t everybody remember their ban on selling oil to the West, the long lines and rationing of gasoline in our country in the 70s? We have built up and valued our relationship with these Arab corporate feudalists, and their military, for generations. Doesn’t make MBS any less a disgusting murderer willing to use violence against other Royals … and of course anyone else who he decides is a threat.

Also, we are in a far stronger position as an independent and top oil and LNG producer and exporter in the world today. Nothing like our utter dependence on their exports in those days.
Yes. Israel caused that. My neighbor was with the king. Sad times and tough decisions .
Yes. Israel caused that. My neighbor was with the king. Sad times and tough decisions .
You and your beloved Saudi Monarchy still blame Israel for the great Arab oil boycott of the U.S.? Fortunately, today the Saudi leadership seems to have finally recognized they must accept the reality of Israel.

Other nations have been blaming Jews for many things for millennia. The Jews originally were themselves a rather strange, often quite fanatical religious tribal-based group. That very fanaticism led to their destruction as a proto-state in the Roman Empire and to the disbursal of their people.

Since then they faced persecution most everywhere, but they found ways to survive. Their deep connections to other Western religions made it hard to ignore or destroy them entirely and gave them a sense of their own “specialness.” Eventually they also became a kind of “people-class” of tiny artisans, urban dwellers, small traders, merchants and ultimately produced their own great financiers. They contributed to world culture and science.

The Jewish nationalist movement and its “return to Zion” after the Holocaust had a powerful emotional pull on Jews everywhere that won U.N. support and the support of all the great powers, including the USSR. Had their tiny state not faced short-sighted Arab nationalist opposition and invasions, they may have not been all the wars, and the new Jewish Homeland may have remained small and been a huge boon to the region, working closely with Palestinian neighbors.

But that didn’t happen. There has been plenty of blame to go around, plenty of tragedy. The great feudal oil monarchies set up by the imperialist West, all the backward Islamist and Arab nationalist movements and leaderships — none of these can be excused for their own benighted contributions to the great tragedy triggered by Jewish Zionism that is now being experienced by millions of Palestinians in Gaza.
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