Corrupt Swamp Rat Vietnamese Baby Killer Mueller Being Exposed on FOX Now!

Anyone watching? What a corrupt piece of shit Mueller has always been. Terrible. And that douche is the hope mentally ill Crooked Hillary retards think can save them? :p Anti-Trump folks, head down to your local CVS and stock up on Prep H. :p

Are you dissing the US military? Certainly looks like it.

When NFL players kneel at a FOOTBALL MATCH (notice no reference to the military), you people get all hot under the collar about being disrespectful to the military.

Then when someone in the military, a veteran or whatever says or does something you don't like, you're the first people to come out and criticize and insult.
Republicans have no respect for veterans, it's absolutely awful how bad they smear them and support draft dodgers. Kerry and McCain are other veterans they smear.

Hmm ...

Bronze Star Medal
National Defense Service Medal
Southwest Asia Service Medal
Army Service Ribbon
Kuwait Liberation Medal

Timothy McVeigh was a veteran too ... :thup:

This is a perfect example of how awful republicans can be. Comparing veterans they don't like to McVeigh. Just no conscience at all.
Yeah, like John Kerry.
Muller was labeled incompitant after the Anthrax thing years ago
Sure he was. Which is why he’s highly respected on both sides of the aisle, and why he was picked to lead this investigation

It must suck to be so desperate as you. Miller’s conduct would have his case tossed in the first 15 minutes of any trial in any court in America. This is character assassination clear and simple. To bad it ain’t working for ya because you will have to deal with 8 years of trump, that pisses you off and that’s all I need trump to do which is keep you libtards crying. Now go kiss your Muller pic and fuck off shit bird.
Republicans have no respect for veterans, it's absolutely awful how bad they smear them and support draft dodgers. Kerry and McCain are other veterans they smear.

Hmm ...

Bronze Star Medal
National Defense Service Medal
Southwest Asia Service Medal
Army Service Ribbon
Kuwait Liberation Medal

Timothy McVeigh was a veteran too ... :thup:

This is a perfect example of how awful republicans can be. Comparing veterans they don't like to McVeigh. Just no conscience at all.

Why am I not surprised the point escapes you ... :dunno:

Being a veteran doesn't mean you automatically get a free pass on all the political garbage you may associate yourself with.
And ... I wasn't comparing anyone to a veteran ... John Kerry, John McCain, Robert Mueller and Timothy McVeigh ... Were all veterans.

You are avoiding an inconvenient truth. It is about blatantly lying about their service for political advantage. Swift boats for truth on Kerry, McCain a reckless pilot who deserved it, and now the smear is on for Mueller.
You are avoiding an inconvenient truth. It is about blatantly lying about their service for political advantage. Swift boats for truth on Kerry, McCain a reckless pilot who deserved it, and now the smear is on for Mueller.

No ... I am saying that military service stands on its own ...
And you can expect politicians and pundits to bastardize it any way they feel is beneficial for them.

Or ... You could look at it this way ...
What I respect about veterans doesn't have a fucking thing to do with their political ambitions after their military service.

Don't worry folks this subject is just filler for when Snooter will complain about NFL players on a knee during the national anthem..When the season resumes.

Because he demands respect for our nation and the military might that has kept her in the position of world super power...Then he'll go watch My Little Pony...
You are avoiding an inconvenient truth. It is about blatantly lying about their service for political advantage. Swift boats for truth on Kerry, McCain a reckless pilot who deserved it, and now the smear is on for Mueller.

No ... I am saying that military service stands on its own ...
And you can expect politicians and pundits to bastardize it any way they feel is beneficial for them.

Or ... You could look at it this way ...
What I respect about veterans doesn't have a fucking thing to do with their political ambitions after their military service.

Good to know. It is known fact that George H W. Bush abandoned his squadron to avoid being shot down and his medals are invalid. It is also a well known fact he was involved in the assassination of president Kennedy.
Muller was labeled incompitant after the Anthrax thing years ago
Sure he was. Which is why he’s highly respected on both sides of the aisle, and why he was picked to lead this investigation
Nope. He was picked because once bought, he stays bought.
He’s a Republican appointed by a Republican who was appointed by a Republican President.

Muller was labeled incompitant after the Anthrax thing years ago
Sure he was. Which is why he’s highly respected on both sides of the aisle, and why he was picked to lead this investigation

It must suck to be so desperate as you. Miller’s conduct would have his case tossed in the first 15 minutes of any trial in any court in America. This is character assassination clear and simple. To bad it ain’t working for ya because you will have to deal with 8 years of trump, that pisses you off and that’s all I need trump to do which is keep you libtards crying. Now go kiss your Muller pic and fuck off shit bird.

Go find your safe space, you whiny little pussy. Meuller is highly respected, and you’re a nobody who worships a one term, highly disrespected president
Anyone watching? What a corrupt piece of shit Mueller has always been. Terrible. And that douche is the hope mentally ill Crooked Hillary retards think can save them? :p Anti-Trump folks, head down to your local CVS and stock up on Prep H. :p
"VIetnamese baby killer"? Really?

John fucking McCain, the darling of the Democrats, Maverick, but once he ran for President the liberal, lapdog, lamestream ,media turned on John as an old guy who would bring 4 more years of Bush...Okay, Mueller was a Vietnam vet, but he turned into a Liberal, just as bad as John, and is a traitor to this country. Donald J. Trump was adored by you libfucks, while he was doing what ever other Democrat was doing, even grabbing pussy like Harvey Weinstein and Bill Clinton, but when President Trump woke the fuck up and saw what you COMMIES were trying to do to this country, he turned over a new leaf and Made America Great Again... Fuck you all libs...
Revisionist history from the RW....just imagine how they will turn on trump in a few years and deny ever supporting him.
Republicans have no respect for veterans, it's absolutely awful how bad they smear them and support draft dodgers. Kerry and McCain are other veterans they smear.

Hmm ...

Bronze Star Medal
National Defense Service Medal
Southwest Asia Service Medal
Army Service Ribbon
Kuwait Liberation Medal

Timothy McVeigh was a veteran too ... :thup:

Check this out...comparing Mueller and McCain with McVeigh.
Anyone watching? What a corrupt piece of shit Mueller has always been. Terrible. And that douche is the hope mentally ill Crooked Hillary retards think can save them? :p Anti-Trump folks, head down to your local CVS and stock up on Prep H. :p
Ohh nooos Fox is doing a hit piece on Meuller? You don’t say. Like they’ve been trying to vilify him since day one to no effect?


That correspondents dinner really got your panties in a bunch


Na, Muller was labeled incompitant after the Anthrax thing years ago. You know, when he tried to put an innocent guy in prision?
English, please.
Republicans have no respect for veterans, it's absolutely awful how bad they smear them and support draft dodgers. Kerry and McCain are other veterans they smear.

Hmm ...

Bronze Star Medal
National Defense Service Medal
Southwest Asia Service Medal
Army Service Ribbon
Kuwait Liberation Medal

Timothy McVeigh was a veteran too ... :thup:

Check this out...comparing Mueller and McCain with McVeigh.
It's how draft dodgers like BlackSand roll.
Republicans have no respect for veterans, it's absolutely awful how bad they smear them and support draft dodgers. Kerry and McCain are other veterans they smear.

Hmm ...

Bronze Star Medal
National Defense Service Medal
Southwest Asia Service Medal
Army Service Ribbon
Kuwait Liberation Medal

Timothy McVeigh was a veteran too ... :thup:

This is a perfect example of how awful republicans can be. Comparing veterans they don't like to McVeigh. Just no conscience at all.


Military service does not in itself impart wisdom, nor a shield against criticism.
However, the OP is attacking Mueller BECAUSE of his military service...not in spite of it.
Republicans have no respect for veterans, it's absolutely awful how bad they smear them and support draft dodgers. Kerry and McCain are other veterans they smear.

Hmm ...

Bronze Star Medal
National Defense Service Medal
Southwest Asia Service Medal
Army Service Ribbon
Kuwait Liberation Medal

Timothy McVeigh was a veteran too ... :thup:

This is a perfect example of how awful republicans can be. Comparing veterans they don't like to McVeigh. Just no conscience at all.

Why am I not surprised the point escapes you ... :dunno:

Being a veteran doesn't mean you automatically get a free pass on all the political garbage you may associate yourself with.
And ... I wasn't comparing anyone to a veteran ... John Kerry, John McCain, Robert Mueller and Timothy McVeigh ... Were all veterans.

And here you are comparing Kerry, McCain, and Mueller to a mass murdering bomber again.

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