Corruption ala Biden, Hunter, FBI, China and Ukraine

Meh.......I have an idea that 'certain' people were recommended to Him to keep a leash on Him. Remember all the GOP love after He won.....
Oh, definitely agree, as he had no clue how government worked or what was needed to run it and still didn't by the time he got voted out. One thing even I can say for him is, there wasn't and isn't any "keeping a leash on him" even now, as every lawyer that has tried to represent him to get or keep his ass out of trouble has found out. This is actually a minus, while also being a potential plus, except for him not having a clue or any self-discipline. He could hire as many normal people as recommended, along with the liars and crooks, (though getting along better with liar and crook [probably the birds of a feather thing]), but he did not listen to reason from the normal ones, and ran them off, or they quit him, not wanting to be associated.
Nicon wasn't crooked no more than any other president before him him. LBJ hid classified documents and told an aid to allow no one to see them
Well, he certainly doesn't get any points for being a "run-of-the-mill" crook in that office, considered highly intelligent, but too dumb to remember the Oval Office tape system he had installed, so everybody would know he was crooked. Voting for his is the only vote I regret, but we just didn't know before the Washington Post, Woodward and Bernstein with the help of Deep Throat.
Well, he certainly doesn't get any points for being a "run-of-the-mill" crook in that office, considered highly intelligent, but too dumb to remember the Oval Office tape system he had installed, so everybody would know he was crooked. Voting for his is the only vote I regret, but we just didn't know before the Washington Post, Woodward and Bernstein with the help of Deep Throat.
Nixon got caught doing what others did. At least he got us out of Johnson's war
Nixon got caught doing what others did. At least he got us out of Johnson's war
I'll give him that. I was 1A when he cut off the draft, a couple of weeks before graduation. That has nothing to do with whether he was crooked as a dog's leg, acting against his oath of office, and highly detrimental to the the country and office of the Presidency.
I'll give him that. I was 1A when he cut off the draft, a couple of weeks before graduation. That has nothing to do with whether he was crooked as a dog's leg, acting against his oath of office, and highly detrimental to the the country and office of the Presidency.
Again he was no more crooked than other presidents. Detrimental to the country? How so? Getting us out of an unjust war? However, Biden takes the cake
Again he was no more crooked than other presidents. Detrimental to the country? How so? Getting us out of an unjust war? However, Biden takes the cake
What did Nixon do that was so detrimental to the country? Wire tap the DNC same thing Obama did to Trump?
Nixon got publicly caught doing his deed, while in office and proven by his own words.
For Obama, it has been 7 years, and you still have nothing proven in court or charges even charged. Until you do, most of the country is not listening to you. Just like the Hillary thing, but unlike the Trump things. Who knows. It could be just shitty Republican lawyers, then again, maybe the never got the goods to prove chargable offences as those targets were highly intelligent and self disciplined, where as Trump is stupid and runs off at the mouth. If it is a lawyer thing, hire Democrat lawyers. They will represent anybody for a buck, to the best of legal ability. Maybe for Republican lawyers, it's enough to sound good on the courthouse steps or FAUX NEWS, whether they can find or present anything a judge and jury will buy or not.
Nixon got publicly caught doing his deed, while in office and proven by his own words.
For Obama, it has been 7 years, and you still have nothing proven in court or charges even charged. Until you do, most of the country is not listening to you. Just like the Hillary thing, but unlike the Trump things. Who knows. It could be just shitty Republican lawyers, then again, maybe the never got the goods to prove chargable offences as those targets were highly intelligent and self disciplined, where as Trump is stupid and runs off at the mouth. If it is a lawyer thing, hire Democrat lawyers. They will represent anybody for a buck, to the best of legal ability. Maybe for Republican lawyers, it's enough to sound good on the courthouse steps or FAUX NEWS, whether they can find or present anything a judge and jury will buy or not.

It was in the Mueller report.
The Durham report.
The inspector general report.

It's not in dispute.
Nixon got publicly caught doing his deed, while in office and proven by his own words.
For Obama, it has been 7 years, and you still have nothing proven in court or charges even charged. Until you do, most of the country is not listening to you. Just like the Hillary thing, but unlike the Trump things. Who knows. It could be just shitty Republican lawyers, then again, maybe the never got the goods to prove chargable offences as those targets were highly intelligent and self disciplined, where as Trump is stupid and runs off at the mouth. If it is a lawyer thing, hire Democrat lawyers. They will represent anybody for a buck, to the best of legal ability. Maybe for Republican lawyers, it's enough to sound good on the courthouse steps or FAUX NEWS, whether they can find or present anything a judge and jury will buy or not.
The whole things is about to unravel and Nixon will look like a saint compared to how corrupt Obama was. All because of the trump witch hunt starting with spring in the political opposition.
Oh, definitely agree, as he had no clue how government worked or what was needed to run it and still didn't by the time he got voted out.
He quickly found out the revolving door career gov't workers and advisors were the talent pool He was forced to draw it or not. Won't happen again if He is elected.
One thing even I can say for him is, there wasn't and isn't any "keeping a leash on him" even now, as every lawyer that has tried to represent him to get or keep his ass out of trouble has found out.
Advisors can hold the leash.
It was in the Mueller report.
The Durham report.
The inspector general report.

It's not in dispute.
Get some charges and get it before a judge. If he is found guilty, I' cuss about him call him name, right with you. But for now, it's like OJ before he got caught stealing his stuff back from those people. Between the time of the murders and the strong arm theft years later, people said to him "how ya doin Mr. Simpson, or OJ?" Not "hey convict, ya murdering scum." So that is how I am about Joe Biden. Now dumbass Hunter is another thing. He has admitted tax crime and weapon's violation under oath. Maybe you can write emails to the judge to reject, but I doubt the judge will. Still, you don't have a crime on Joe, but have fun trying. I don't mind or anything. I just won't join in your fun and games.
The whole things is about to unravel and Nixon will look like a saint compared to how corrupt Obama was. All because of the trump witch hunt starting with spring in the political opposition.
Good luck with that. Have fun. :D
He quickly found out the revolving door career gov't workers and advisors were the talent pool He was forced to draw it or not. Won't happen again if He is elected.

Advisors can hold the leash.
Well, he won't be elected again, so you'll never know.
Good luck with that. Have fun. :D
Biden will be forced to resign 17 recordings of bribing Jo with hunters former business partners in Ukraine. Two with Jo actually talking with the guy
There is no way around it. Even democrat controlled media can't cover it up . Hell simp some are even questioning Jo now
Biden will be forced to resign 17 recordings of bribing Jo with hunters former business partners in Ukraine. Two with Jo actually talking with the guy
There is no way around it. Even democrat controlled media can't cover it up . Hell simp some are even questioning Jo now
Why, heck, simp, It doesn't bother me if you actually get him. And I even get a kick out of either side, saying the old "Oh, We Got Him This time!" thing. Be sure and let us know how it comes out, when it comes out. If you make your case, I'm sure you be as happy as a puppy with two peters, so like I said, good luck to ya! You guys aren't going to use the same Republican lawyers you've been using, are you? IF so, you gotta know you're just having a delusional wet dream, like with the original Hillary server deal and the Hillary and Obama spying deal. I got to admit, you got lil Hunter on the hot seat, with two different years of income tax and a weapons violation, all pled guilty, waiting for a judge to accept his guilty plea. Hey, that's an idea. Maybe you can get the Lawyer Hunter used for defense to prosecute. You know you won't be happy if another bumbling Republican prosecutes and blows it, thinking he only has to sound good outside the courtroom. I am pretty sure you would not be happy with the prosecutor that handled Hunter's prosecution.:D
Why, heck, simp, It doesn't bother me if you actually get him. And I even get a kick out of either side, saying the old "Oh, We Got Him This time!" thing. Be sure and let us know how it comes out, when it comes out. If you make your case, I'm sure you be as happy as a puppy with two peters, so like I said, good luck to ya! You guys aren't going to use the same Republican lawyers you've been using, are you? IF so, you gotta know you're just having a delusional wet dream, like with the original Hillary server deal and the Hillary and Obama spying deal. I got to admit, you got lil Hunter on the hot seat, with two different years of income tax and a weapons violation, all pled guilty, waiting for a judge to accept his guilty plea. Hey, that's an idea. Maybe you can get the Lawyer Hunter used for defense to prosecute. You know you won't be happy if another bumbling Republican prosecutes and blows it, thinking he only has to sound good outside the courtroom. I am pretty sure you would not be happy with the prosecutor that handled Hunter's prosecution.:D
It doesn't bother you that he's a criminal?

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