Cortez the darling of the liberal press

Its amazing how there will be 5 to 6 posts about cortez on google and yahoo daily.
The follow her every word even her make up procedure.

But they rarely talk about the real cortez .
The dreamer the socialist who has no clue about how to stimulate the economy. Only how to spend trillions .
Her health care plan and green energy plan would probally end up costing 50 to 60 trillion over 10 years.
Destroy manafacturing and the fossil fuel jobs open boarders to millions and destroy our nation.
If you think obama set records for putting people on welfare and food stamps give that pin headed ding bat a chance.
Of course maybe democrats think if she pushed hard enough to pop out her bug eyes and teeth she will pss solid gold turds.

The democrat party need to run from her and her kind .Run fast and far.
Maybe she could become a stripper to stimulate some economies?

She could stimulate my economy. I promise she could make it grow.
Well you seem to care enough to take your time to deflect for Cortez, someone you believe to be a moron. If she’s such a moron, why is it more important to you to question why people
on the right love getting vindication on all of their previous arguments declared “slippery slope” fallacies by the left just a few years ago (and in an embarrassingly hilarious manner)...VS not talking about how moronic this plan is. How can you look at this plan, and still try to claim she’s a lowly congresswoman that won’t effect you?

If you’re an anarcho-capitalist, I’ll cede and say that you’re further right. But always seem so defensive of the left so I highly doubt that. Im thinking at best you’re a “libertarian” that was a former progressive.

I cannot help it if you mistake my laughing my ass off at people like you for "deflection". But that is on you, not me.

She is a lowly lowly congresswoman that won’t effect me because this plan has a 0% chance of becoming law. It is red meat for the faithful, it is the far left Dems playing to their base...not unlike the 62 times the GOP repealed ObamaCare when it had no chance of becoming law.

These are just games to pump up the masses leading into 2020...nothing more.

I am a libertarian that was a former Hardcore conservative.

Yea, but wait til she gets inaugurated.
Its amazing how there will be 5 to 6 posts about cortez on google and yahoo daily.
The follow her every word even her make up procedure.

But they rarely talk about the real cortez .
The dreamer the socialist who has no clue about how to stimulate the economy. Only how to spend trillions .
Her health care plan and green energy plan would probally end up costing 50 to 60 trillion over 10 years.
Destroy manafacturing and the fossil fuel jobs open boarders to millions and destroy our nation.
If you think obama set records for putting people on welfare and food stamps give that pin headed ding bat a chance.
Of course maybe democrats think if she pushed hard enough to pop out her bug eyes and teeth she will pss solid gold turds.

The democrat party need to run from her and her kind .Run fast and far.
the 900 percent increase in the amount of chlorine in the last 500 million years above the north pole all the way from the surface of the earth to the top of the sky. if we let chlorine levels continue to increase, the radiation levels will also increase, leading plants to vanish
And you still do not know why Trump was elected. We know the lies. We see the lies. We experienced the lies. We suffer from the lies. The difference is you do not admit the lies from your sell outs. You have done this for so long that your side has run off the tracks and is now promoting communism.

Trump was elected for the same reason that AOC is dominating the news, he is part of the distraction.

Trump has been a part of the system for years, he just went from financing it to being the figure head.

Do you think it is just an accident he keeps putting establishment people into positions of power?

Oh, and this is my side you fucking moron...Libertarian Party

What has changed under Trump...NOTHING.
Ooo I think my guess of former progressive turned “libertarian” is looking pretty good.
Well you seem to care enough to take your time to deflect for Cortez, someone you believe to be a moron. If she’s such a moron, why is it more important to you to question why people
on the right love getting vindication on all of their previous arguments declared “slippery slope” fallacies by the left just a few years ago (and in an embarrassingly hilarious manner)...VS not talking about how moronic this plan is. How can you look at this plan, and still try to claim she’s a lowly congresswoman that won’t effect you?

If you’re an anarcho-capitalist, I’ll cede and say that you’re further right. But always seem so defensive of the left so I highly doubt that. Im thinking at best you’re a “libertarian” that was a former progressive.

I cannot help it if you mistake my laughing my ass off at people like you for "deflection". But that is on you, not me.

She is a lowly lowly congresswoman that won’t effect me because this plan has a 0% chance of becoming law. It is red meat for the faithful, it is the far left Dems playing to their base...not unlike the 62 times the GOP repealed ObamaCare when it had no chance of becoming law.

These are just games to pump up the masses leading into 2020...nothing more.

I am a libertarian that was a former Hardcore conservative.
have you ever heard of the Overton window? E.G. a mere month ago, killing an already born baby would have been an outlandish slippery slope argument made by a pro life it’s actually protected by law. We’re kind of past just throwing out the red meat phase. Will the bill pass, no, but now the window has shifted yet again.
And you still do not know why Trump was elected. We know the lies. We see the lies. We experienced the lies. We suffer from the lies. The difference is you do not admit the lies from your sell outs. You have done this for so long that your side has run off the tracks and is now promoting communism.

Trump was elected for the same reason that AOC is dominating the news, he is part of the distraction.

Trump has been a part of the system for years, he just went from financing it to being the figure head.

Do you think it is just an accident he keeps putting establishment people into positions of power?

Oh, and this is my side you fucking moron...Libertarian Party

What has changed under Trump...NOTHING.
Ooo I think my guess of former progressive turned “libertarian” is looking pretty good.

Yeah, I get that a lot from you Trump your little world anyone not bowing down and worshiping your savior in the White House has to be a progressive.

Sent from my iPhone using
Its amazing how there will be 5 to 6 posts about cortez on google and yahoo daily.
The follow her every word even her make up procedure.

But they rarely talk about the real cortez .
The dreamer the socialist who has no clue about how to stimulate the economy. Only how to spend trillions .
Her health care plan and green energy plan would probally end up costing 50 to 60 trillion over 10 years.
Destroy manafacturing and the fossil fuel jobs open boarders to millions and destroy our nation.
If you think obama set records for putting people on welfare and food stamps give that pin headed ding bat a chance.
Of course maybe democrats think if she pushed hard enough to pop out her bug eyes and teeth she will pss solid gold turds.

The democrat party need to run from her and her kind .Run fast and far.
Maybe she could become a stripper to stimulate some economies?

Sorry but theres a limited market for horse faced bug eyed buck teeth bitchs that look like they are excited about getting a lump of sugar
Someone asks Donkey Face Cortez a simple question about a democrat Black male who sodomized and Black female and it replies, "I am trying to figure out where I am going." So symbolic. So troubling. Democrats are totally exposed as retarded, racist, uneducated, hypocritical ignoramuses. Scary.

Ocasio-Cortez Dodges Questions on Believing Vanessa Tyson before anyone get the simple minded opnion that im anti green

Im not im all for it. But lets be real goverment isnt the answer.
It can help no doubt.
But private companies will be the answer. As they develope Affordable technology in the green energy industry slowly in can be implemented.

Alternative lubricants must be developed high efficiency solar panels .
Wind power wave power .
More research into cold fusion .
Geo thermal power but with caution over development of it and hydroelectric power could have extreme effects on our environment.
Nuke power .
Alternative power for our transportation thats keeps us capable of long range travel just like our present cars.electric is fine if you can develope a car with a 500 to 600 mile range with a 1 hour charge to full or less.
Cortez and her followers are morons if they think goverment can tax the rich enough to do this. AND do it in 10 years.
Cold fusion is the base answer to all of this and were probally decades away from it .

Now she also wants free college education for all including illegals

Free health care
A guaranteed job and place for all to live
Well all of her great socialist neo communist plans should not cost more then 70 to 90 trillion and totally destroy the nation

Hey dude hers your . hope you like it

Free education, healthcare and a job?

The Bitch

The 10 Most Insane Requirements Of The Green New Deal
The Green New Deal isn't just un-American, it's also completely bonkers.
By David Harsanyi
FEBRUARY 7, 2019

Note: Ocasio-Cortez’s office has taken down their page describing the Green New Deal.

A number of Democratic Party presidential hopefuls — including Cory Booker, Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, Kirsten Gillibrand, Julián Castro, and Beto O’Rourke, for starters — have already endorsed or expressed support for the “Green New Deal” (GND). Today, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Edward J. Markey dropped details about her plan.

It is not hyperbole to contend that GND is likely the most ridiculous and un-American plan that’s ever been presented by an elected official to voters. Not merely because it would necessitate a communist strongman to institute, but also because the societal costs are unfathomable. The risible historic analogies Markey and Ocasio-Cortez rely on, the building of the interstate highway system or moon landing, are nothing but trifling projects compared to a plan that overhauls modernity by voluntarily destroying massive amounts of wealth and technology. That is the GND.

While some of the specifics need to be ironed out, the plan’s authors assure us that this “massive transformation of our society” needs some “clear goals and a timeline.” The timeline is ten years. Here are some of the goals:

  • Ban affordable energy. GND calls for the elimination of all fossil fuel energy production, the lifeblood of American industry and life, which includes not only all oil but also natural gas — one of the cheapest sources of American energy, and one of the reasons the United States has been able to lead the world in carbon-emissions reduction.
  • Eliminate nuclear energy. The GND also calls for eliminating all nuclear power, one of the only productive and somewhat affordable “clean” energy sources available to us, in 11 years. This move would purge around 20 percent of American energy generation so you can rely on intermittent wind for your energy needs.
  • Eliminate 99 percent of cars. To be fair, under the GND, everyone will need to retrofit their cars with Flintstones-style foot holes or pedals for cycling. The authors state that the GND would like to replace every “combustion-engine vehicle” — trucks, airplanes, boats, and 99 percent of cars — within ten years. Charging stations for electric vehicles will be built “everywhere,” though how power plants will provide the energy needed to charge them is a mystery.
  • Gut and rebuild every building in America. Markey and Cortez want to “retrofit every building in America” with “state of the art energy efficiency.” I repeat, “every building in America.” That includes every home, factory, and apartment building, which will all need, for starters, to have their entire working heating and cooling systems ripped out and replaced with…well, with whatever technology Democrats are going invent in their committee hearings, I guess.
  • Eliminate air travel. GND calls for building out “highspeed rail at a scale where air travel stops becoming necessary.” Good luck Hawaii! California’s high-speed boondoggle is already in $100 billion dollars of debt, and looks to be one of the state’s biggest fiscal disasters ever. Amtrak runs billions of dollars in the red (though, as we’ll see, trains that run on fossil fuels will also be phased out). Imagine growing that business model out to every state in America?
  • A government-guaranteed job. The bill promises the United States government will provide every single American with a job that includes a “family-sustaining wage, family and medical leave, vacations, and a pension.” You can imagine that those left in the private sector would be funding these through some unspecified “massive” taxation. On the bright side, when you’re foraging for food, your savings will be worthless.
  • Free education for life. GND promises free college or trade schools for every American.
  • A salubrious diet. The GND promises the government will provide “healthy food” to every American (because there are no beans or lettuce in your local supermarket, I guess).
  • A house. The GND promises that the government will provide, “safe, affordable, adequate housing” for every American citizen. I call dibs on an affordable Adams Morgan townhouse. Thank you, Ocasio-Cortez.
  • Free money. The GND aims to provide, and I am not making this up, “economic security” for all who are “unable or unwilling” to work. Just to reiterate: if you’re unwilling to work, the rest of us will have your back.
  • Bonus insanity: Ban meat. Ocasio-Cortez admits that we can’t get zero emissions in 10 years “because we aren’t sure that we’ll be able to fully get rid of farting cows and airplanes that fast.” The only way to get rid of farting cows is to get rid of beef.
The 10 Most Insane Requirements Of The Green New Deal
...The democrat party need to run from her and her kind .Run fast and far.

Run where exactly, to the 'progressive liberal' side of Hillary, Biden or Kamala?

I'm not sure if AOC is true to her beliefs though, no way a real socialist would join the democratic swamp. More likely she's another hope & change scheme in waiting or just an useful idiot, making the people think that they can change the system by voting for the democrat wing of the oligarchy...

:coffee: before anyone get the simple minded opnion that im anti green

Im not im all for it. But lets be real goverment isnt the answer.
It can help no doubt.
But private companies will be the answer. As they develope Affordable technology in the green energy industry slowly in can be implemented.

Alternative lubricants must be developed high efficiency solar panels .
Wind power wave power .
More research into cold fusion .
Geo thermal power but with caution over development of it and hydroelectric power could have extreme effects on our environment.
Nuke power .
Alternative power for our transportation thats keeps us capable of long range travel just like our present cars.electric is fine if you can develope a car with a 500 to 600 mile range with a 1 hour charge to full or less.
Cortez and her followers are morons if they think goverment can tax the rich enough to do this. AND do it in 10 years.
Cold fusion is the base answer to all of this and were probally decades away from it .

Now she also wants free college education for all including illegals

Free health care
A guaranteed job and place for all to live
Well all of her great socialist neo communist plans should not cost more then 70 to 90 trillion and totally destroy the nation

Hey dude hers your . hope you like it

Free education, healthcare and a job?

The Bitch
/——/ There is nothing free about free healthcare and education. And Trump has created so many jobs they can’t fill them all. So what is so great about those fake promises?
Are our armed forces free?

Talking about healthcare, what happened to that great healthcare plan that Trump claimed he had?

Patience my son. We have six more years.
Cortez will be Congresses Court Jester.............for amusement purposes............that way the public will not see what BS they are really doing up there............

Keep your eyes on the village idiot..............and not the man behind the curtain.
Its amazing how there will be 5 to 6 posts about cortez on google and yahoo daily.
The follow her every word even her make up procedure.

But they rarely talk about the real cortez .
The dreamer the socialist who has no clue about how to stimulate the economy. Only how to spend trillions .
Her health care plan and green energy plan would probally end up costing 50 to 60 trillion over 10 years.
Destroy manafacturing and the fossil fuel jobs open boarders to millions and destroy our nation.
If you think obama set records for putting people on welfare and food stamps give that pin headed ding bat a chance.
Of course maybe democrats think if she pushed hard enough to pop out her bug eyes and teeth she will pss solid gold turds.

The democrat party need to run from her and her kind .Run fast and far.

For God's sake people, we have been talking about it for months if not years!

It is spelled "BORDERS"!

"Boarders" are people who rent rooms in your house!
Its amazing how there will be 5 to 6 posts about cortez on google and yahoo daily.
The follow her every word even her make up procedure.

But they rarely talk about the real cortez .
The dreamer the socialist who has no clue about how to stimulate the economy. Only how to spend trillions .
Her health care plan and green energy plan would probally end up costing 50 to 60 trillion over 10 years.
Destroy manafacturing and the fossil fuel jobs open boarders to millions and destroy our nation.
If you think obama set records for putting people on welfare and food stamps give that pin headed ding bat a chance.
Of course maybe democrats think if she pushed hard enough to pop out her bug eyes and teeth she will pss solid gold turds.

The democrat party need to run from her and her kind .Run fast and far.
Maybe she could become a stripper to stimulate some economies?

Do they let them strip with bags over their heads?
Its amazing how there will be 5 to 6 posts about cortez on google and yahoo daily.
The follow her every word even her make up procedure.

But they rarely talk about the real cortez .
The dreamer the socialist who has no clue about how to stimulate the economy. Only how to spend trillions .
Her health care plan and green energy plan would probally end up costing 50 to 60 trillion over 10 years.
Destroy manafacturing and the fossil fuel jobs open boarders to millions and destroy our nation.
If you think obama set records for putting people on welfare and food stamps give that pin headed ding bat a chance.
Of course maybe democrats think if she pushed hard enough to pop out her bug eyes and teeth she will pss solid gold turds.

The democrat party need to run from her and her kind .Run fast and far.
They only talk about her so much because you guys hate it.
Your not very smart are you
It's "You're" kid, also interrogative sentences usually end in a question mark.

But I'm the one who's "not very smart".


View attachment 244561

You seem to associate intelegence with grammer instead of factor8ng in common sense which is far more inportant then me not pushing a button with a period on it.

Turn the spell check on with your browser and you might just learn how to spell!
Your not very smart are you
It's "You're" kid, also interrogative sentences usually end in a question mark.

But I'm the one who's "not very smart".


View attachment 244561

You seem to associate intelegence with grammer instead of factor8ng in common sense which is far more inportant then me not pushing a button with a period on it.
The smart folks I know can properly construct a sentence and know the difference between "you're" and "your".

Not to mention understanding basic punctuation and the value of proofreading.

In short, yes. Intelligent people talk and write intelligently.
If your so intelegent why do you want open boarders higher tax rates instead of more sources of tax generating jobs and business.
Aginst fair trade .
Intelligence isnt based on your abality to spell or make periods, moron! its based on your ability to make decisions and development of theroy .

Wow! Five errors in one sentence. Spell check works, but only if you use it!

Your posts look like a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic!
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