Cortez the darling of the liberal press

O’crazyO O’commieO……………..

Never before have we seen someone of

her stature spout ignorance with such confidence…


Wait a minute….

I forgot about hank johnson thinking Guam would

Tump over if too many people were on it….

Ah Shit, I forgot about sheila jackson lee

asking about that American flag on Mars…..

Well son of a Bitch, I just thought of some more…

Well anyway, libtards say a lot of Stupid Shit….
Yes they do and the worst is, Mexico is gonna pay for the wall..

"If you like your doctor" you can let him butt bone you,

Said the libtard…….
ah role playing with yer husband..


That was about you playing Doctors...
I'm usually playing farmer..
What is even more amazing is how there will be 10 to 12 threads on this forum about her daily, 95% of which are started by Repubs that are obsessed with her.
She’s just soooo stupid though, can you blame us. More importantly, she’s perfect example of the pathology of the left and the media that has transformed themselves, megatron style, into a supertanker to carry water for the likes of AOC. Gotta love this new talking point from the left. They fawn all over AOC, the right points out how dumb she is, and the left scoffs and says the right is just obsessed with her. A. Yes, they are obsessed...with her stupidity, it’s just never ending B. The right is no where near as “obsessed” with AOC as the left is with trump.

So, isn’t it so interesting how obsessed the left is with trump guys?
What is even more amazing is how there will be 10 to 12 threads on this forum about her daily, 95% of which are started by Repubs that are obsessed with her.
She’s just soooo stupid though, can you blame us. More importantly, she’s perfect example of the pathology of the left and the media that has transformed themselves, megatron style, into a supertanker to carry water for the likes of AOC. Gotta love this new talking point from the left. They fawn all over AOC, the right points out how dumb she is, and the left scoffs and says the right is just obsessed with her. A. Yes, they are obsessed...with her stupidity, it’s just never ending B. The right is no where near as “obsessed” with AOC as the left is with trump.

So, isn’t it so interesting how obsessed the left is with trump guys?

Trump is the president, he can actually have an impact on our lives. AOC is freshman congressperson with no power whatsoever other than talking.

I am not really sure it is a good comparison, but whatever helps you sleep at night.
O’crazyO O’commieO……………..

Never before have we seen someone of

her stature spout ignorance with such confidence…


Wait a minute….

I forgot about hank johnson thinking Guam would

Tump over if too many people were on it….

Ah Shit, I forgot about sheila jackson lee

asking about that American flag on Mars…..

Well son of a Bitch, I just thought of some more…

Well anyway, libtards say a lot of Stupid Shit….
Yes they do and the worst is, Mexico is gonna pay for the wall..

"If you like your doctor" you can let him butt bone you,

Said the libtard…….
ah role playing with yer husband..


That was about you playing Doctors...
I'm usually playing farmer..

Now you're scaring me....
The more I think about it, the more I realize how much alike Trump and Cortez are.

She went up against a ten term Establishment Democrat and bumped him off.

He went up against Establishment Republicans and bumped them off.

She makes crazy, outrageous statements which continually keep her on the front page.

He made crazy, outrageous statements which continually kept him on the front page.

She tells gigantic whoppers without a twinge of guilt.

He tells gigantic whoppers without a twinge of guilt.

She's dumber than a box of rocks.

He's dumber than a box of rocks.

She's a lifelong New Yorker.

He's a lifelong New Yorker.

She was opposed to the war in Iraq and says there were no WMDs in Iraq.

He was opposed to the war in Iraq and says there were no WMDs in Iraq.
Both are Economics majors
O’crazyO O’commieO……………..

Never before have we seen someone of

her stature spout ignorance with such confidence…


Wait a minute….

I forgot about hank johnson thinking Guam would

Tump over if too many people were on it….

Ah Shit, I forgot about sheila jackson lee

asking about that American flag on Mars…..

Well son of a Bitch, I just thought of some more…

Well anyway, libtards say a lot of Stupid Shit….
Yes they do and the worst is, Mexico is gonna pay for the wall..

"If you like your doctor" you can let him butt bone you,

Said the libtard…….
I kept my doctor

Did Mexico pay for your wall

The Vast majority couldn’t keep their doctor….

The story of the wall ain’t over…………..
98 percent of people kept their insurance

When is Mexico going to pay for 98 percent of the wall?
What is even more amazing is how there will be 10 to 12 threads on this forum about her daily, 95% of which are started by Repubs that are obsessed with her.
She’s just soooo stupid though, can you blame us. More importantly, she’s perfect example of the pathology of the left and the media that has transformed themselves, megatron style, into a supertanker to carry water for the likes of AOC. Gotta love this new talking point from the left. They fawn all over AOC, the right points out how dumb she is, and the left scoffs and says the right is just obsessed with her. A. Yes, they are obsessed...with her stupidity, it’s just never ending B. The right is no where near as “obsessed” with AOC as the left is with trump.

So, isn’t it so interesting how obsessed the left is with trump guys?

Trump is the president, he can actually have an impact on our lives. AOC is freshman congressperson with no power whatsoever other than talking.

I am not really sure it is a good comparison, but whatever helps you sleep at night.
Well, AOC proposed a plan that has been endorsed by every single dem 2020 candidate that I know of...a plan that would abolish all combustion engines, air travel, oil, gas, nuclear, strangely not coal...completely gut and update with energy efficient shit in every single building in the country... guarantee everyone a government job, or a salary if they are unwilling to work...and she’s somehow going to eradicate cow farts, really only one way I could see that being possible. So, with that in mind, yea, I’d say she has a much better chance of drastically effecting my life versus a guy whose most controversial proposal is to build a wall.

She is somehow both more narcissistic and dumber than trump. Having Mexico pay for a wall is infinitely more plausible, and would actually maybe be somewhat opposed to Soviet gulag style hell on earth if AOC had her way.

I just wanna hear you say that you think she isn’t stupid and has good ideas. We’ve heard the warn out deflection of “you guys are sooo obsessed with her.” Now, we wanna see you actually defend the shitty childlike drawing y’all have elected to proudly display in a gallery as a masterpiece. Be our guest, defend the retard mouth diarrhea that AOC finally put into written form intended to be policy...or stop deflecting.
What is even more amazing is how there will be 10 to 12 threads on this forum about her daily, 95% of which are started by Repubs that are obsessed with her.

Name on Dim who does not take the same positions as the New Green Deal and Free health care for all, etc.?

She is merely an empty suit being used as a tool to transform American government.

Everything she spews was thought of decades before she was even born.
What is even more amazing is how there will be 10 to 12 threads on this forum about her daily, 95% of which are started by Repubs that are obsessed with her.
She’s just soooo stupid though, can you blame us. More importantly, she’s perfect example of the pathology of the left and the media that has transformed themselves, megatron style, into a supertanker to carry water for the likes of AOC. Gotta love this new talking point from the left. They fawn all over AOC, the right points out how dumb she is, and the left scoffs and says the right is just obsessed with her. A. Yes, they are obsessed...with her stupidity, it’s just never ending B. The right is no where near as “obsessed” with AOC as the left is with trump.

So, isn’t it so interesting how obsessed the left is with trump guys?

Trump is the president, he can actually have an impact on our lives. AOC is freshman congressperson with no power whatsoever other than talking.

I am not really sure it is a good comparison, but whatever helps you sleep at night.
Because people like her need to be removed. They are dangerous. I agree with most of all of this stuff. But who pays for it? Obamacare is a rookie MLB league issue where people were extorted out of their meager paychecks and this is major league at the most expensive levels. You have tens of millions of more boomers retiring in the next decade or so. Talk about expensive. Our government is hiding the true costs of things.
What is even more amazing is how there will be 10 to 12 threads on this forum about her daily, 95% of which are started by Repubs that are obsessed with her.
She’s just soooo stupid though, can you blame us. More importantly, she’s perfect example of the pathology of the left and the media that has transformed themselves, megatron style, into a supertanker to carry water for the likes of AOC. Gotta love this new talking point from the left. They fawn all over AOC, the right points out how dumb she is, and the left scoffs and says the right is just obsessed with her. A. Yes, they are obsessed...with her stupidity, it’s just never ending B. The right is no where near as “obsessed” with AOC as the left is with trump.

So, isn’t it so interesting how obsessed the left is with trump guys?

Trump is the president, he can actually have an impact on our lives. AOC is freshman congressperson with no power whatsoever other than talking.

I am not really sure it is a good comparison, but whatever helps you sleep at night.
Well, AOC proposed a plan that has been endorsed by every single dem 2020 candidate that I know of...a plan that would abolish all combustion engines, air travel, oil, gas, nuclear, strangely not coal...completely gut and update with energy efficient shit in every single building in the country... guarantee everyone a government job, or a salary if they are unwilling to work...and she’s somehow going to eradicate cow farts, really only one way I could see that being possible. So, with that in mind, yea, I’d say she has a much better chance of drastically effecting my life versus a guy whose most controversial proposal is to build a wall.

She is somehow both more narcissistic and dumber than trump. Having Mexico pay for a wall is infinitely more plausible, and would actually maybe be somewhat opposed to Soviet gulag style hell on earth if AOC had her way.

I just wanna hear you say that you think she isn’t stupid and has good ideas. We’ve heard the warn out deflection of “you guys are sooo obsessed with her.” Now, we wanna see you actually defend the shitty childlike drawing y’all have elected to proudly display in a gallery as a masterpiece. Be our guest, defend the retard mouth diarrhea that AOC finally put into written form intended to be policy...or stop deflecting.

Why would I defend her, she is a fucking moron.

Considering you are much further left than me, it would be you that defend her if anyone did.

I find those like you who are obsessed with her to be of great amusement and entertainment value, watching her jerk your chain without even meaning too is priceless.
What is even more amazing is how there will be 10 to 12 threads on this forum about her daily, 95% of which are started by Repubs that are obsessed with her.

Name on Dim who does not take the same positions as the New Green Deal and Free health care for all, etc.?

She is merely an empty suit being used as a tool to transform American government.

Everything she spews was thought of decades before she was even born.

And way back when all the Repubs were all for repealing ObamaCare, even voted 62 times to do did that work out when they had the power to do so?

You people are way too easily swayed by pretty words
What is even more amazing is how there will be 10 to 12 threads on this forum about her daily, 95% of which are started by Repubs that are obsessed with her.
She’s just soooo stupid though, can you blame us. More importantly, she’s perfect example of the pathology of the left and the media that has transformed themselves, megatron style, into a supertanker to carry water for the likes of AOC. Gotta love this new talking point from the left. They fawn all over AOC, the right points out how dumb she is, and the left scoffs and says the right is just obsessed with her. A. Yes, they are obsessed...with her stupidity, it’s just never ending B. The right is no where near as “obsessed” with AOC as the left is with trump.

So, isn’t it so interesting how obsessed the left is with trump guys?

Trump is the president, he can actually have an impact on our lives. AOC is freshman congressperson with no power whatsoever other than talking.

I am not really sure it is a good comparison, but whatever helps you sleep at night.
Because people like her need to be removed. They are dangerous. I agree with most of all of this stuff. But who pays for it? Obamacare is a rookie MLB league issue where people were extorted out of their meager paychecks and this is major league at the most expensive levels. You have tens of millions of more boomers retiring in the next decade or so. Talk about expensive. Our government is hiding the true costs of things.

Yes, our government is doing that...and they use people like AOC to be the shiny object to keep people distracted...and it works like a charm every time.
What is even more amazing is how there will be 10 to 12 threads on this forum about her daily, 95% of which are started by Repubs that are obsessed with her.

Name on Dim who does not take the same positions as the New Green Deal and Free health care for all, etc.?

She is merely an empty suit being used as a tool to transform American government.

Everything she spews was thought of decades before she was even born.

And way back when all the Repubs were all for repealing ObamaCare, even voted 62 times to do did that work out when they had the power to do so?

You people are way too easily swayed by pretty words
And you still do not know why Trump was elected. We know the lies. We see the lies. We experienced the lies. We suffer from the lies. The difference is you do not admit the lies from your sell outs. You have done this for so long that your side has run off the tracks and is now promoting communism.
And you still do not know why Trump was elected. We know the lies. We see the lies. We experienced the lies. We suffer from the lies. The difference is you do not admit the lies from your sell outs. You have done this for so long that your side has run off the tracks and is now promoting communism.

Trump was elected for the same reason that AOC is dominating the news, he is part of the distraction.

Trump has been a part of the system for years, he just went from financing it to being the figure head.

Do you think it is just an accident he keeps putting establishment people into positions of power?

Oh, and this is my side you fucking moron...Libertarian Party

What has changed under Trump...NOTHING.
one of the most important reasons for studying history is that virtually every stupid idea that is in vogue today has been tried before and proved disastrous before, time and again!

that's the Green Big Deal!
If she can get a job in government than I anyone should be able to get any job they want without any college or training. I mean seriously what the hell is going on. It’s like they want the Americans to get so outraged we take control back ourselves. She isn’t even smart enough to work a snack bar cuz the register would completely confuse her.
What is even more amazing is how there will be 10 to 12 threads on this forum about her daily, 95% of which are started by Repubs that are obsessed with her.
She’s just soooo stupid though, can you blame us. More importantly, she’s perfect example of the pathology of the left and the media that has transformed themselves, megatron style, into a supertanker to carry water for the likes of AOC. Gotta love this new talking point from the left. They fawn all over AOC, the right points out how dumb she is, and the left scoffs and says the right is just obsessed with her. A. Yes, they are obsessed...with her stupidity, it’s just never ending B. The right is no where near as “obsessed” with AOC as the left is with trump.

So, isn’t it so interesting how obsessed the left is with trump guys?

Trump is the president, he can actually have an impact on our lives. AOC is freshman congressperson with no power whatsoever other than talking.

I am not really sure it is a good comparison, but whatever helps you sleep at night.
Well, AOC proposed a plan that has been endorsed by every single dem 2020 candidate that I know of...a plan that would abolish all combustion engines, air travel, oil, gas, nuclear, strangely not coal...completely gut and update with energy efficient shit in every single building in the country... guarantee everyone a government job, or a salary if they are unwilling to work...and she’s somehow going to eradicate cow farts, really only one way I could see that being possible. So, with that in mind, yea, I’d say she has a much better chance of drastically effecting my life versus a guy whose most controversial proposal is to build a wall.

She is somehow both more narcissistic and dumber than trump. Having Mexico pay for a wall is infinitely more plausible, and would actually maybe be somewhat opposed to Soviet gulag style hell on earth if AOC had her way.

I just wanna hear you say that you think she isn’t stupid and has good ideas. We’ve heard the warn out deflection of “you guys are sooo obsessed with her.” Now, we wanna see you actually defend the shitty childlike drawing y’all have elected to proudly display in a gallery as a masterpiece. Be our guest, defend the retard mouth diarrhea that AOC finally put into written form intended to be policy...or stop deflecting.

Why would I defend her, she is a fucking moron.

Considering you are much further left than me, it would be you that defend her if anyone did.

I find those like you who are obsessed with her to be of great amusement and entertainment value, watching her jerk your chain without even meaning too is priceless.
Well you seem to care enough to take your time to deflect for Cortez, someone you believe to be a moron. If she’s such a moron, why is it more important to you to question why people
on the right love getting vindication on all of their previous arguments declared “slippery slope” fallacies by the left just a few years ago (and in an embarrassingly hilarious manner)...VS not talking about how moronic this plan is. How can you look at this plan, and still try to claim she’s a lowly congresswoman that won’t effect you?

If you’re an anarcho-capitalist, I’ll cede and say that you’re further right. But always seem so defensive of the left so I highly doubt that. Im thinking at best you’re a “libertarian” that was a former progressive.
Well you seem to care enough to take your time to deflect for Cortez, someone you believe to be a moron. If she’s such a moron, why is it more important to you to question why people
on the right love getting vindication on all of their previous arguments declared “slippery slope” fallacies by the left just a few years ago (and in an embarrassingly hilarious manner)...VS not talking about how moronic this plan is. How can you look at this plan, and still try to claim she’s a lowly congresswoman that won’t effect you?

If you’re an anarcho-capitalist, I’ll cede and say that you’re further right. But always seem so defensive of the left so I highly doubt that. Im thinking at best you’re a “libertarian” that was a former progressive.

I cannot help it if you mistake my laughing my ass off at people like you for "deflection". But that is on you, not me.

She is a lowly lowly congresswoman that won’t effect me because this plan has a 0% chance of becoming law. It is red meat for the faithful, it is the far left Dems playing to their base...not unlike the 62 times the GOP repealed ObamaCare when it had no chance of becoming law.

These are just games to pump up the masses leading into 2020...nothing more.

I am a libertarian that was a former Hardcore conservative.
Well you seem to care enough to take your time to deflect for Cortez, someone you believe to be a moron. If she’s such a moron, why is it more important to you to question why people
on the right love getting vindication on all of their previous arguments declared “slippery slope” fallacies by the left just a few years ago (and in an embarrassingly hilarious manner)...VS not talking about how moronic this plan is. How can you look at this plan, and still try to claim she’s a lowly congresswoman that won’t effect you?

If you’re an anarcho-capitalist, I’ll cede and say that you’re further right. But always seem so defensive of the left so I highly doubt that. Im thinking at best you’re a “libertarian” that was a former progressive.

I cannot help it if you mistake my laughing my ass off at people like you for "deflection". But that is on you, not me.

She is a lowly lowly congresswoman that won’t effect me because this plan has a 0% chance of becoming law. It is red meat for the faithful, it is the far left Dems playing to their base...not unlike the 62 times the GOP repealed ObamaCare when it had no chance of becoming law.

These are just games to pump up the masses leading into 2020...nothing more.

I am a libertarian that was a former Hardcore conservative.

Yea, but wait til she gets inaugurated.

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