Cory Booker Didn't Say Anything Of Merit

Well, at least he didn't spend 8 years doing and saying nothing of merit. Thank God that is rapidly coming to an end.
Booker had glowing accolades for Senator Sessions....called him a civil right warrior, and a great guy....

What say you Libs?
He's better at jumping into fires than this politics thing.....he should.ho be a fireman.
are you ready to get your mind blown by 1 picture? here you go. this is real (google: cory booker trump)


This was just a trial ballon for him to make a 2020 Presidential run nothing more.
hey cory when you are done pretending to be a victim could you stop slandering a man who spent his life fighting for inner city youth
Cory Booker blocked a Politico reporter on twitter cos she was doing unflattering stories about him. someone has a short fuse!
Shorter Cory Booker testimony against Sessions: “Fighting white privilege is duty of nation's chief law enforcement officer.”

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