Cory Booker’s ‘Spartacus moment’: Dumbest grandstanding fail of all time

That was dumb enough to lock up a VP nomination

Booker isn’t old enough or White enough to be a Democrat VP candidate.

I have to admit, it amazing to get th support of all the minorities when their leadership of the Dems is basically all old white people.

Look at their VPs and their VP candidates of the past.
Cory Booker’s ‘Spartacus moment’: Dumbest grandstanding fail of all time?

Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J., the self-proclaimed “Spartacus” of the United States Senate, is grandstanding like he wants to run for president in 2020. Probably because he wants to run for president in 2020.

Taking advantage of the television cameras present at Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing Thursday morning, Booker declared that he would violate Senate rules to release “damning” confidential documents that would derail Kavanaugh’s confirmation. He told his Senate colleagues that he understood there would be consequences for releasing “committee confidential” documents that are not supposed to be made public, as he cast himself as a hero. He characterized his decision to release the documents anyway as an act of “civil disobedience.”

“I knowingly violated the rules that were put forth,” Booker told Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa. “If Sen. Cornyn believes I violated Senate rules, I openly invite and accept the consequences of my team releasing that email right now.”

“This is about the closest I’ll probably ever have in my life to an ‘I am Spartacus’ moment,” he added

But Cory Booker can’t even pull off grandstanding properly.

As it turns out, the documents “Spartacus” threatened to release at risk of expulsion from the U.S. Senate were already cleared for release Wednesday night, Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, tweeted.

So Cory Booker asked to release these documents, the documents were cleared last night, and then Booker made a big show of “civil disobedience” at the Senate hearing Tuesday after he knew the documents he was threatening to release were already cleared for release.

Cory Booker's 'Spartacus moment': Dumbest grandstanding fail of all time?

Absolutely hilarious! While claiming to be be "Spartacus", he shows he is a lying Spart Ass!

Clearly, whomever wrote this piece, seems to have limited brainpower/mental faculties/is flat out lazy....and the evidence is right in the piece's title.

'Dumbest grandstanding fail of all time?'

How many billions of grandstanding events in history have there been? On how many levels?

How the 'f' could anyone possibly know what is the worst of all of these? So why ask such an incredibly, stupid-sounding question.

This is like - though worse then - when Trump says he is the 'best in history...' at this or that...when clearly he has not a clue and could not ever know with many of them.

For his sake, I hope he was just pandering to the educational/intellectual level of average Trump supporters...whom we know is generally not great.

Donald Trump Supporters Mostly Uneducated, New Poll Finds
Average IQ of university students is around 115 IQ points - read more.

There is nothing wrong with not being bright. The problem arises when you believe you ARE bright when you clearly are not.

BTW, are this guy's actions 'grandstanding'? Maybe they are - but I could care less one way or the other. What matters is the data.
Only an ignoramus ignores data because the person who released the data's motives are suspect. It's the data that counts...sheesh.

'Oh is the data for a cure to skin cancer!!!'
'Oh forget it...the guy releasing it was grandstanding.'

Sheesh Trumpbots? Try to rise above your average IQ's...not unknowingly advertise what they actually are.

The documents proved he was race neutral, even more proof booker is an idiot and doesn’t he have a collage education?

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Cory Booker’s ‘Spartacus moment’: Dumbest grandstanding fail of all time?

Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J., the self-proclaimed “Spartacus” of the United States Senate, is grandstanding like he wants to run for president in 2020. Probably because he wants to run for president in 2020.

Taking advantage of the television cameras present at Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing Thursday morning, Booker declared that he would violate Senate rules to release “damning” confidential documents that would derail Kavanaugh’s confirmation. He told his Senate colleagues that he understood there would be consequences for releasing “committee confidential” documents that are not supposed to be made public, as he cast himself as a hero. He characterized his decision to release the documents anyway as an act of “civil disobedience.”

“I knowingly violated the rules that were put forth,” Booker told Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa. “If Sen. Cornyn believes I violated Senate rules, I openly invite and accept the consequences of my team releasing that email right now.”

“This is about the closest I’ll probably ever have in my life to an ‘I am Spartacus’ moment,” he added

But Cory Booker can’t even pull off grandstanding properly.

As it turns out, the documents “Spartacus” threatened to release at risk of expulsion from the U.S. Senate were already cleared for release Wednesday night, Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, tweeted.

So Cory Booker asked to release these documents, the documents were cleared last night, and then Booker made a big show of “civil disobedience” at the Senate hearing Tuesday after he knew the documents he was threatening to release were already cleared for release.

Cory Booker's 'Spartacus moment': Dumbest grandstanding fail of all time?

Absolutely hilarious! While claiming to be be "Spartacus", he shows he is a lying Spart Ass!

Clearly, whomever wrote this piece, seems to have limited brainpower/mental faculties/is flat out lazy....and the evidence is right in the piece's title.

'Dumbest grandstanding fail of all time?'

How many billions of grandstanding events in history have there been? On how many levels?

How the 'f' could anyone possibly know what is the worst of all of these? So why ask such an incredibly, stupid-sounding question.

This is like - though worse then - when Trump says he is the 'best in history...' at this or that...when clearly he has not a clue and could not ever know with many of them.

For his sake, I hope he was just pandering to the educational/intellectual level of average Trump supporters...whom we know is generally not great.

Donald Trump Supporters Mostly Uneducated, New Poll Finds
Average IQ of university students is around 115 IQ points - read more.

There is nothing wrong with not being bright. The problem arises when you believe you ARE bright when you clearly are not.

BTW, are this guy's actions 'grandstanding'? Maybe they are - but I could care less one way or the other. What matters is the data.
Only an ignoramus ignores data because the person who released the data's motives are suspect. It's the data that counts...sheesh.

'Oh is the data for a cure to skin cancer!!!'
'Oh forget it...the guy releasing it was grandstanding.'

Sheesh Trumpbots? Try to rise above your average IQ's...not unknowingly advertise what they actually are.

The documents proved he was race neutral, even more proof booker is an idiot and doesn’t he have a collage education?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Collage or college? He doesn't even have a degree?
Cory Booker’s ‘Spartacus moment’: Dumbest grandstanding fail of all time?

Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J., the self-proclaimed “Spartacus” of the United States Senate, is grandstanding like he wants to run for president in 2020. Probably because he wants to run for president in 2020.

Taking advantage of the television cameras present at Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing Thursday morning, Booker declared that he would violate Senate rules to release “damning” confidential documents that would derail Kavanaugh’s confirmation. He told his Senate colleagues that he understood there would be consequences for releasing “committee confidential” documents that are not supposed to be made public, as he cast himself as a hero. He characterized his decision to release the documents anyway as an act of “civil disobedience.”

“I knowingly violated the rules that were put forth,” Booker told Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa. “If Sen. Cornyn believes I violated Senate rules, I openly invite and accept the consequences of my team releasing that email right now.”

“This is about the closest I’ll probably ever have in my life to an ‘I am Spartacus’ moment,” he added

But Cory Booker can’t even pull off grandstanding properly.

As it turns out, the documents “Spartacus” threatened to release at risk of expulsion from the U.S. Senate were already cleared for release Wednesday night, Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, tweeted.

So Cory Booker asked to release these documents, the documents were cleared last night, and then Booker made a big show of “civil disobedience” at the Senate hearing Tuesday after he knew the documents he was threatening to release were already cleared for release.

Cory Booker's 'Spartacus moment': Dumbest grandstanding fail of all time?

Absolutely hilarious! While claiming to be be "Spartacus", he shows he is a lying Spart Ass!

Clearly, whomever wrote this piece, seems to have limited brainpower/mental faculties/is flat out lazy....and the evidence is right in the piece's title.

'Dumbest grandstanding fail of all time?'

How many billions of grandstanding events in history have there been? On how many levels?

How the 'f' could anyone possibly know what is the worst of all of these? So why ask such an incredibly, stupid-sounding question.

This is like - though worse then - when Trump says he is the 'best in history...' at this or that...when clearly he has not a clue and could not ever know with many of them.

For his sake, I hope he was just pandering to the educational/intellectual level of average Trump supporters...whom we know is generally not great.

Donald Trump Supporters Mostly Uneducated, New Poll Finds
Average IQ of university students is around 115 IQ points - read more.

There is nothing wrong with not being bright. The problem arises when you believe you ARE bright when you clearly are not.

BTW, are this guy's actions 'grandstanding'? Maybe they are - but I could care less one way or the other. What matters is the data.
Only an ignoramus ignores data because the person who released the data's motives are suspect. It's the data that counts...sheesh.

'Oh is the data for a cure to skin cancer!!!'
'Oh forget it...the guy releasing it was grandstanding.'

Sheesh Trumpbots? Try to rise above your average IQ's...not unknowingly advertise what they actually are.
So, we should completely ignore the fact that he learned several hours earlier that the documents were released thanks to the Republicans and still acted lout his gladiator moment and didn't think that this would be the biggest story, hilarious story that is, that he is nothing but a horse's ass.

I agree with an earlier poster, "Run for President" booker. We need the comical aversion.
his 2020 bid self destructed yesterday.
He will never live this down.

Are you serious? He’s just the new front runner for the presidency on the Democrat side.
If that's true it's just more nails in the Democrat coffin. More evidence of Democrat implosion. :rolleyes: Gomer Pyle would be a better candidate.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) reacted to Booker's display Friday morning on Fox News by giving his colleague some friendly advice.

"If you're gonna use a document to disqualify a nominee, read it," Graham suggested. "If you read the damn thing," he added, you'll see that Kavanaugh "was against racial profiling."

On this day in 71 B.C. the Thracian gladiator Spartacus was put to death by Marcus Licinius Crassus for disclosing confidential scrolls. When informed days later that in fact the Roman Senate had already publicly released the scrolls, Crassus replied “Oh, ok, my bad”. - Marco Rubio

“You know... I knew Spartacus.” - Orrin Hatch

On Twitter now.

Bookering- the act of daring to do something perfectly acceptable.

Lots of examples out there such as taking a piece of candy from the bowl with a free candy sign. Then claim you stole it.
Seriously, why are liberals ok with Booker saying he is a hero and will jeopardize being kicked out of the senate when he KNEW the emails had been declassified?

That’s some pathetic shit.
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) reacted to Booker's display Friday morning on Fox News by giving his colleague some friendly advice.

"If you're gonna use a document to disqualify a nominee, read it," Graham suggested. "If you read the damn thing," he added, you'll see that Kavanaugh "was against racial profiling."

On this day in 71 B.C. the Thracian gladiator Spartacus was put to death by Marcus Licinius Crassus for disclosing confidential scrolls. When informed days later that in fact the Roman Senate had already publicly released the scrolls, Crassus replied “Oh, ok, my bad”. - Marco Rubio

“You know... I knew Spartacus.” - Orrin Hatch

That was actually a pretty good quote from Marco.

I doubt he would have said that if Jeb had won the presidency.
Booker is a typical snowflake. He pretends to be tough when he knows it’s safe.
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Seriously, why are liberals ok with Booker saying he is a hero and will jeopardize being kicked out of the senate when he KNEW the emails had been declassified?

That’s some pathetic shit.
Are you shocked? I’m not
Cory Booker: I’m just going to refill my drink, even though I haven’t paid for it!

McDonald’s Cashier: Sir, we have free refills.

Booker: Breaking the law. Breaking the law.
when it all becomes about the spectacle of cory booker, you think to yourself: this guy's a real phony!

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