Costco denies political motive for pulling D'Souza's book

Oh, it's not blind in the slightest. He's the kind of guy you hit full-speed without braking, then back up over to see if you hit something?

I love the liberal defense of free speech.

And I love the fact that Conservatives don't seem to understand what "free speech" means.

Here's a hint: it doesn't mean forcing book stores to sell the books you want them to.

And yet no one said it did, well except the left when ever one of their pet projects gets rejected.
How amazing the definition the far right has of free speech.
Did someone not let him publish his book?
Do any other bookstores sell his book?
Can you purchase the book on-line?
Grow up right wingers and learn what the real world is about and how it works.

As I said, blind hatred fits well with the liberal left.
Oh, it's not blind in the slightest. He's the kind of guy you hit full-speed without braking, then back up over to see if you hit something?

I love the liberal defense of free speech.
What you can bet on is that D'Souza and his people knew that shelf space at Costco came with conditions, which his book apparently did not meet after a month there,

which makes it a certainty that D'Souza is lying if he is claiming that his book was removed for any political or other nefarious reasons.

Yes, the COSTCO "book section" does not specialize in complex subjects, not much of a bookstore in any event.
Costco doesn't donate to anyone, because they're not allowed to.

Those contributions come from employees of Costco, not the company itself.

I think you are forgetting about PAC's

I haven't forgotten about PACs. Costco doesn't have any.

This is all on the page you linked to.

Yes they do
Costco Wholesale | Influence Explorer: Campaign Finance, Regulations, EPA Violations and Advisory Committees
I think you are forgetting about PAC's

I haven't forgotten about PACs. Costco doesn't have any.

This is all on the page you linked to.

Yes they do
Costco Wholesale | Influence Explorer: Campaign Finance, Regulations, EPA Violations and Advisory Committees

No, they don't.

That page shows donations to PACs from Costco employees, not Costco PACs.

Go to that first page you linked to, and move your mouse over "Costco" - you'll see under "Distribution" that all of those donations have come from individuals, not PACs.
Costco is going to PULL a popular book that's been selling well and even has a new movie out on it....? and they don't give a good reason for doing so....?

WTF.....are they deliberately trying to lose business....?

i've always liked Costco but i knew the store was headed downhill back when they switched from Coke to Pepsi....:(
Costco isn't "liberal".

Corporations don't have political opinions.

Why are you so dedicated to being persecuted?

The owners of Business do have political opinions and often use their business to push their opinions.

Just take Television and Movies.. Do you honestly think that if it were not for shows like Will and Grace and other shows "normalizing" the gay lifestyle, that they would be getting the special treatment that they are today?

Whenever the phrase "Do you honestly think" is thrown out its because the person saying it has no proof and instead is relying on innuendo.

And when ever a poster attacks another poster instead of answering the question posed in the post, it shows that they are afraid of answering the question for any reason, and especially afraid of answering it honestly.
Oh, it's not blind in the slightest. He's the kind of guy you hit full-speed without braking, then back up over to see if you hit something?

I love the liberal defense of free speech.

And I love the fact that Conservatives don't seem to understand what "free speech" means.

Here's a hint: it doesn't mean forcing book stores to sell the books you want them to.

Oh you are now making things up, no one said it wasn't their right.
They can sell what ever they want.

It just proves that every time a Liberal claims that they are tolerant, they are lying.

They aren't tolerant of other people's opinions at all.

I've gone into Wal*Mart and Sam's Club and found Liberal books right next to the Conservative ones.

There is the real example of tolerance. By the people Liberals love to hate.

Costco isn't "liberal".

Corporations don't have political opinions.

Why are you so dedicated to being persecuted?

You got to be hitting some really hard cider. If you bother with any of the links you will see that Costco is very political why else would they be pulling a book that was on the NYTs list?
They can sell what ever they want.

It just proves that every time a Liberal claims that they are tolerant, they are lying.

Lol...what? Costco doesnt sell every book and that means they are intolerant?

They aren't tolerant of other people's opinions at all.

I've gone into Wal*Mart and Sam's Club and found Liberal books right next to the Conservative ones.

There is the real example of tolerance. By the people Liberals love to hate.

Again, Costco has to offer every book or else they "hate" it? So every book store everywhere hates books in some way?

You need to wipe you face and stop whining

You got to be kidding. What if WalMart sent the dog of a book written by Hillary's got writer back to the publisher?

It is not like Costco didn't already have the book. They ordered the book because of the name, once they found out what it was about they censored it. There is no other way a sane person can look at the situation.
From Costco's Facebook page:

Costco Costco is not influenced by political considerations in selecting product for sale in our warehouses or on This includes our selection of books. Our book buyers are solely interested in book sales, and do not favor any political persuasion over another. Recently, after deciding to sell the book "America: Imagine the World Without Her", beginning on June 1, a decision was made to pull the book from sale on July 1. This decision was based solely on the number of copies sold during that month, and had nothing to do with the content of the book.

Costco is not a book store. Our book shelf space is very limited. We exercise discipline in the best utilization of that limited space based solely on what our members are buying. We can't carry every title that our members are interested in reading. We are constantly monitoring book sales, and make decisions to pull books off the shelves frequently based on sales volume to make room for other titles. Politics or controversy over content do not influence our decisions.

After we made the return, a documentary was released about the book. Since then there has been heightened interest by our membership base and brisk sales at locations still in stock.Therefore, we have made the decision to reorder the book.
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They can sell what ever they want.

It just proves that every time a Liberal claims that they are tolerant, they are lying.

They aren't tolerant of other people's opinions at all.

I've gone into Wal*Mart and Sam's Club and found Liberal books right next to the Conservative ones.

There is the real example of tolerance. By the people Liberals love to hate.

Costco isn't "liberal".

Corporations don't have political opinions.

Why are you so dedicated to being persecuted?

You got to be hitting some really hard cider. If you bother with any of the links you will see that Costco is very political why else would they be pulling a book that was on the NYTs list?

What links?

How do you know why they stopped selling D'Souza's book?

Costco is a corporation. Corporations don't have political views, aside from "What will make me the most money?"

If Costco had decided to take the book off their shelves for political reasons rather than financial ones, they'd be opening themselves up to shareholder lawsuits.
What you can bet on is that D'Souza and his people knew that shelf space at Costco came with conditions, which his book apparently did not meet after a month there,

which makes it a certainty that D'Souza is lying if he is claiming that his book was removed for any political or other nefarious reasons.

you imply there was some condition that his book didn't meet. Yet those responsible are not saying why they censored his very successful book. The only condition it obviously didn't meet is that it didn't jive with Costco's political agenda.
What you can bet on is that D'Souza and his people knew that shelf space at Costco came with conditions, which his book apparently did not meet after a month there,

which makes it a certainty that D'Souza is lying if he is claiming that his book was removed for any political or other nefarious reasons.

you imply there was some condition that his book didn't meet. Yet those responsible are not saying why they censored his very successful book. The only condition it obviously didn't meet is that it didn't jive with Costco's political agenda.

I just posted the Facebook page entry where Costco said the book was not selling.

They have also said they are re-ordering the book since there is now a documentary film coming out which is based on the book.
I love the liberal defense of free speech.

And I love the fact that Conservatives don't seem to understand what "free speech" means.

Here's a hint: it doesn't mean forcing book stores to sell the books you want them to.

Who is saying they should be forced to sell it?

The thread is about the claim that it was not politically motivated. That is hard to believe, but that is their claim.

But what makes you believe that conservatives are saying "force them to sell it"?

Or did you just say that for the hell of it...

You "they will tell you he has a funny name....and he is black"

They only have a limited amount of talking points and something they just have to force the square peg in the round hole.
Costco isn't "liberal".

Corporations don't have political opinions.

Why are you so dedicated to being persecuted?

A look at the home of Costco co-founder Jim Sinegal, where Pres. Barack Obama will attend a $5,000-per-plate fundraiser Tuesday, July 24, 2012.

Photos: Eastside home where Obama will hold fundraisers Tuesday | Seattle

And here is Jim Sinegal speaking at the 2012 Democratic National Convention:

Costco is a publicly traded company.

The political opinions of it's "co-founder" are not somehow representative of the company as a whole.
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What you can bet on is that D'Souza and his people knew that shelf space at Costco came with conditions, which his book apparently did not meet after a month there,

which makes it a certainty that D'Souza is lying if he is claiming that his book was removed for any political or other nefarious reasons.

you imply there was some condition that his book didn't meet. Yet those responsible are not saying why they censored his very successful book. The only condition it obviously didn't meet is that it didn't jive with Costco's political agenda.

I just posted the Facebook page entry where Costco said the book was not selling.

They have also said they are re-ordering the book since there is now a documentary film coming out which is based on the book.

Do they so quickly get rid of other books that are not selling? And I don't believe them the publicity for the movie and the book just started.

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