Costco denies political motive for pulling D'Souza's book

They can sell what ever they want.

It just proves that every time a Liberal claims that they are tolerant, they are lying.

They aren't tolerant of other people's opinions at all.

I've gone into Wal*Mart and Sam's Club and found Liberal books right next to the Conservative ones.

There is the real example of tolerance. By the people Liberals love to hate.

Costco isn't "liberal".

Corporations don't have political opinions.

Why are you so dedicated to being persecuted?

You got to be hitting some really hard cider. If you bother with any of the links you will see that Costco is very political why else would they be pulling a book that was on the NYTs list?

Probably because it's NOT on the NYT best seller list!

[ame=]The New York Times® Bestsellers[/ame]
No, they don't.

That page shows donations to PACs from Costco employees, not Costco PACs.

Go to that first page you linked to, and move your mouse over "Costco" - you'll see under "Distribution" that all of those donations have come from individuals, not PACs.

Individual's that give to PAC's just like all of the other companies do.
The point is Costco contributes to the Dems.

What you keep saying is "the point" is simply not the slightest bit true.

The corporation Costco Wholesale has not donated a cent to any political PACs, campaigns or candidates.

Costco employees have.

That is what I said.
Costco employees (individuals) give to PAC's just alike all the other companies do.
Individual's that give to PAC's just like all of the other companies do.
The point is Costco contributes to the Dems.

What you keep saying is "the point" is simply not the slightest bit true.

The corporation Costco Wholesale has not donated a cent to any political PACs, campaigns or candidates.

Costco employees have.

That is what I said.
Costco employees (individuals) give to PAC's just alike all the other companies do.

Well no. Some companies have their own PACs, funded by corporate money.

Costco is not one of them.
Nobody buys these stupid Right-wing books. They only make the best seller lists because of bulk sales, usually by the author and other Right-wing groups, who then give them away.

For example, once MessiahRushie stopped buying tens of thousands of his own book to give away, it fell completely off the best seller charts.
I live in a rather affluent town in rural NE. We have a pretty astute Recycle Center. It's real cool. We have several rooms were people can bring things they don't need or want and take whatever they want. All free.

There can be some real gems there. High end leather chair, couches, TV's, some top of the line clothes (some with tags still on), computers, DVD's, kitchen appliances, toys, etc, along with your usual clean out stuff. <I love my town!> (get there on the right day, and you can really score. :))

There is a full room devoted to books. I often see these Right wing Limbaugh / Hannity / Ingraham / Coulter /Beck, etc etc etc books there -- they never move. They just pile up. They literally cannot give them away. And this is in a conservative, republican town.

I think previous owners got them on the Connie "buck a book" plan and said Naw, mang -- this too is garbage.

They all end up in the trash heap.
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"Freewill"- Typical RWer who has a stupid Fox/Rush/Beck talking point and has to be corrected on every fact...
Maybe so, maybe, but tell me, how do you know that Costco's employees are the ones donating? Maybe Costco does not directly contribute but I will bet they put some pressure on their employees to do so.

Because that's how it's reported. When anyone makes a political contribution, they must declare their employer on the form.

That's how this data is collected.

What evidence do you have of this "pressure", other than really wanting it to be true?

My evidence, working in management.
So what greedy idiot Pub corporation do you work for? Probably afraid to say...
What you can bet on is that D'Souza and his people knew that shelf space at Costco came with conditions, which his book apparently did not meet after a month there,

which makes it a certainty that D'Souza is lying if he is claiming that his book was removed for any political or other nefarious reasons.

you imply there was some condition that his book didn't meet. Yet those responsible are not saying why they censored his very successful book. The only condition it obviously didn't meet is that it didn't jive with Costco's political agenda.

If you would bother to inform yourself of the facts at least once in awhile you might have have found out that Costco is the one who put out the statement that the book was pulled for not meeting a sales threshold.
Maybe they don't want to sell books whose proceeds will go to a criminal.

The truth is, as if that would matter to the RWnuts, is that the book wasn't selling up to Costco's threshold levels.

Costco doesn't want to sell books that don't sell. now, based on the nut posts since my post above, you can see that as I said,

the truth wouldn't matter to them.
No matter what, it's STILL a (NOW FAR!!) left wing conspiracy...very scary if you're a hater dupe. lol
I encourage everyone to go see the movie "America" by Dinesh.

He takes on liberal arguments head on and kicks their ass using common sense and historical facts.

Why would I want to watch a propaganda film? I feel the same about Michael Moore's work.
I think I'll stick with thinking for myself and continue to not use cherry picked "facts" as my bases for determining what is right or wrong.
Walmart/Costco are free to sell or not sell any book

Especially rightwing propaganda
This will only make the book more popular. Another liberal backfire.

Censorship, liberal style. Don't get me wrong they own the store they have a right to sell what ever they want. If their strongly held religious belief is to censor books then they fit well with the left wing.

NEW YORK – Big-box wholesaler Costco pulled Dinesh D’Souza’s new book, “America: Imagine a World Without Her,” just after the nationwide release of the companion movie, but Chief Financial Officer Richard Galanti told WND the decision was not motivated by political considerations.

The book, heavily critical of Barack Obama, was officially released June 2. A corporate decision to return the books was issued July 1, just as it is about to debut on the New York Times bestseller list.

Galanti confirmed to WND the “pull order” was in effect and that D’Souza’s book is in the process of being removed from Costco stores this week, with the goal to have all copies of D’Souza’s book out of Costco stores nationwide and shipped back to the vendor no later than July 15.

Read more at Costco denies political motive for pulling D?Souza?s book

:thup: Yes, it will, Misty as well as the movie. People are starving for righteousness.
Loves me some Wonkette!

Where oh where will the wingnuts of the near future go for deals on grosses of &#8220;World&#8217;s Greatest Grandma&#8221; t-shirts and barrel-sized containers of Twizzlers? Certainly not Costco, which is the newest and shiniest focus of right-wing rage after the warehouse retailer made the decision to pull Dinesh D&#8217;Souza&#8217;s latest book from its shelves.

Costco claims this was part of its ordinary monthly rotation of stock &#8211; the book was released on June 2 but did not meet a certain sales threshold, moving only 3600 copies in four weeks, so the company pulled it to make room for something else. Which is JUST WHAT THEY WOULD SAY. "


Read more at Costco Pulls Dinesh D?Souza?s D?Book From Shelves Over Poor Sales, Replaces With Wrath Of The Wingnuts
Censorship, liberal style. Don't get me wrong they own the store they have a right to sell what ever they want. If their strongly held religious belief is to censor books then they fit well with the left wing.

NEW YORK – Big-box wholesaler Costco pulled Dinesh D’Souza’s new book, “America: Imagine a World Without Her,” just after the nationwide release of the companion movie, but Chief Financial Officer Richard Galanti told WND the decision was not motivated by political considerations.

The book, heavily critical of Barack Obama, was officially released June 2. A corporate decision to return the books was issued July 1, just as it is about to debut on the New York Times bestseller list.

Galanti confirmed to WND the “pull order” was in effect and that D’Souza’s book is in the process of being removed from Costco stores this week, with the goal to have all copies of D’Souza’s book out of Costco stores nationwide and shipped back to the vendor no later than July 15.

Read more at Costco denies political motive for pulling D?Souza?s book
I will not be renewing my Costco membership

quelle surprise!!!! :eek: Didn't see that knee jerk reaction coming from you :doubt:

D'DSouza is a convicted felon & a hack now.
Loves me some Wonkette!

Where oh where will the wingnuts of the near future go for deals on grosses of &#8220;World&#8217;s Greatest Grandma&#8221; t-shirts and barrel-sized containers of Twizzlers? Certainly not Costco, which is the newest and shiniest focus of right-wing rage after the warehouse retailer made the decision to pull Dinesh D&#8217;Souza&#8217;s latest book from its shelves.

Costco claims this was part of its ordinary monthly rotation of stock &#8211; the book was released on June 2 but did not meet a certain sales threshold, moving only 3600 copies in four weeks, so the company pulled it to make room for something else. Which is JUST WHAT THEY WOULD SAY. "


Read more at Costco Pulls Dinesh D?Souza?s D?Book From Shelves Over Poor Sales, Replaces With Wrath Of The Wingnuts

Costco is all about the turnover of goods. If it doesn't perform they pull the items off the shelves.
Now, if they have Hillary Clinton's book on their selves and based on the sales of the book nationally, it too will be pulled from the shelves because of low sales.
Will that also be censorship?
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his books belong right beside these books at a hobby lobby :D

Loves me some Wonkette!

Where oh where will the wingnuts of the near future go for deals on grosses of &#8220;World&#8217;s Greatest Grandma&#8221; t-shirts and barrel-sized containers of Twizzlers? Certainly not Costco, which is the newest and shiniest focus of right-wing rage after the warehouse retailer made the decision to pull Dinesh D&#8217;Souza&#8217;s latest book from its shelves.

Costco claims this was part of its ordinary monthly rotation of stock &#8211; the book was released on June 2 but did not meet a certain sales threshold, moving only 3600 copies in four weeks, so the company pulled it to make room for something else. Which is JUST WHAT THEY WOULD SAY. "


Read more at Costco Pulls Dinesh D?Souza?s D?Book From Shelves Over Poor Sales, Replaces With Wrath Of The Wingnuts

I like this part :D :

Whereas a human person capable of rationality might see this as the Invisible Hand of the Free Market at work, your average wingnut sees censorship of the worst kind.
Read more at Costco Pulls Dinesh D?Souza?s D?Book From Shelves Over Poor Sales, Replaces With Wrath Of The Wingnuts
eXtreme rw'ers goin' to:
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JULY 8, 2014
"Pardon me, can you tell me where I can find your aircraft-carrier-sized cartons of Cheez-Its?" "Over there, in Aisle 4."

Where oh where will the wingnuts of the near future go for deals on grosses of &#8220;World&#8217;s Greatest Grandma&#8221; t-shirts and barrel-sized containers of Twizzlers? Certainly not Costco, which is the newest and shiniest focus of right-wing rage after the warehouse retailer made the decision to pull Dinesh D&#8217;Souza&#8217;s latest book from its shelves. Costco claims this was part of its ordinary monthly rotation of stock &#8211; the book was released on June 2 but did not meet a certain sales threshold, moving only 3600 copies in four weeks, so the company pulled it to make room for something else. Which is JUST WHAT THEY WOULD SAY.

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Whereas a human person capable of rationality might see this as the Invisible Hand of the Free Market at work, your average wingnut sees censorship of the worst kind. Just as the Nazis used to burn books that Hitler disapproved of, so is Costco destroying books that offend the fee-fees of Uberfuhrer Obama. And like the partisans of World War II, who took to the forests of Europe to fight the occupiers, so too do the wingnuts take to the hills and dales of Twitter and Facebook for their brave protests.

Read more at Costco Pulls Dinesh D?Souza?s D?Book From Shelves Over Poor Sales, Replaces With Wrath Of The Wingnuts
FUCK COSTCO...I just ripped up my re-up for me.

Why would you do that? Costco has the right to limit what they sell and limit especially if it goes against their deeply held religious beliefs.

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