Costco's Profit Soars As Low-Wage Competitors Struggle

the irony is delicious. :eusa_drool: Profiting better than Wally World AND giving the workers a living-wage & benefits.

Some conservatives heads will explode, no doubt. Typical USMB Rightist- "Profit without shafting the workers? Not in my Murica :eusa_hand: ".

Not really. The Costco business model lets them slice out a piece of thd market that gets them higher revenue. They have core hours, not 24/7. Their employees are different. I have no idea what they gain from employees that command a higher wage. I can only guess. Okay, confirmed it with someome who has been to both. Let's just say that any randomly picked Costco employee is more likely to hold up their end of a conversation. They must find that this improves efficiency for them.

Costco has fewer products to track amd stock. Displays are just pallets.

Walmart has some sort of computer managed stocking system so pallets dozens of product items end up on the floor, all ready for employees to tranfer, one at a time to the individual shelf displays.
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. Costco pays their employees well and have low prices and that is the opposite of what conservatives believe.

too stupid!! Of course conservatives believe that Costco pays well. Its very very public information!! How could they not believe it?? Do conservatives say everyone is lying about how well Costco pays??

A liberal is so stupid as to believe that anyone can go into business and pay the most, have the best quality products, and survive in a capitalist competitive environment too?? Why not just pass a law that all businesses must pay well??? Does even Krugman suggest that?? See how slow a liberal is. A liberal cant explain why we don't pass a law- right??
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the irony is delicious. :eusa_drool: Profiting better than Wally World AND giving the workers a living-wage & benefits.

Some conservatives heads will explode, no doubt. Typical USMB Rightist- "Profit without shafting the workers? Not in my Murica :eusa_hand: ".

lol, some conservatives on here love to exploit workers, by shopping at wally world, Anti- American cheap bastards. Btw I never said to force through law so Walmart changes, just quit shopping there, simple.
Btw I never said to force through law so Walmart changes, just quit shopping there, simple.

actually you want to shop there all you can so you can save money, and thereby increase your standard of living. Then you can buy other things and stimulate other businesses and jobs with the saved money.

Liberals are so stupid as to want an economy in which people shop for higher prices and get poorer.

See why we say they are slow??
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Btw I never said to force through law so Walmart changes, just quit shopping there, simple.

actually you want to shop there all you can so you can save money, and thereby increase your standard of living. Then you can buy other things and stimulate other businesses and jobs with the saved money.

Liberals are so stupid as to want an economy in which people shop for higher prices and get poorer.

See why we say they are slow??

Yeah, I see you deleted your previous comments so you could avoid owning up to your own bs.

See why an idiot continues to spew BS?
Yeah, I see you deleted your previous comments so you could avoid owning up to your own bs.

See why an idiot continues to spew BS?

why are you so afraid to say what comments were BS and why they were BS?? What does your fear tell you about the liberal IQ and character?
lol, some conservatives on here love to exploit workers, by shopping at wally world, Anti- American cheap bastards. Btw I never said to force through law so Walmart changes, just quit shopping there, simple.

Where do you shop, shitferbrains?
Lower cost does not translate directly to lower prices.

generally lower costs do mean lower prices. Its the beauty of capitalism. If you don't pass on the savings a competitior will and you'll go bankrupt. In the long run capitalism forces profits lower and lower until the weakest firms go out of business.

This is why intelligent people love capitalism so much!!
I doubt seriously their profits are becasue they pay better then walmart

costco profits are better becasue they sell a better quality and type of product.

Yes they do...

But the true comparison is Sam's to Costco, not Wal-Mart...

We have Sam's card as well, but Costco has the higher quality merchandise, cleaner stores and their customers spend more...
Btw I never said to force through law so Walmart changes, just quit shopping there, simple.

actually you want to shop there all you can so you can save money, and thereby increase your standard of living. Then you can buy other things and stimulate other businesses and jobs with the saved money.

Liberals are so stupid as to want an economy in which people shop for higher prices and get poorer.

See why we say they are slow??

Are you that much of a simple person? I want Quality, I want knowledgeable employees, I dont want to buy cheap shit that falls apart. I want no one in the store, I want people to kiss my ass when I shop. Fuck walmart. my money will be spent where I get what I want....and I dont give a crap if I have to pay more. Win Win for me and them.
Btw I never said to force through law so Walmart changes, just quit shopping there, simple.

actually you want to shop there all you can so you can save money, and thereby increase your standard of living. Then you can buy other things and stimulate other businesses and jobs with the saved money.

Liberals are so stupid as to want an economy in which people shop for higher prices and get poorer.

See why we say they are slow??

Are you that much of a simple person? I want Quality, I want knowledgeable employees, I dont want to buy cheap shit that falls apart. I want no one in the store, I want people to kiss my ass when I shop. Fuck walmart. my money will be spent where I get what I want....and I dont give a crap if I have to pay more. Win Win for me and them.

dear, we were not talking about you. Nobody cares about you. Here, we try to talk about people in general or the common good. Sorry!
actually you want to shop there all you can so you can save money, and thereby increase your standard of living. Then you can buy other things and stimulate other businesses and jobs with the saved money.

Liberals are so stupid as to want an economy in which people shop for higher prices and get poorer.

See why we say they are slow??

Are you that much of a simple person? I want Quality, I want knowledgeable employees, I dont want to buy cheap shit that falls apart. I want no one in the store, I want people to kiss my ass when I shop. Fuck walmart. my money will be spent where I get what I want....and I dont give a crap if I have to pay more. Win Win for me and them.

dear, we were not talking about you. Nobody cares about you. Here, we try to talk about people in general or the common good. Sorry!

but you do..... just read back through the posts on this thread, dear.
Guess you must have read my new sig.........guess its confusing for you to know I hate Unions as much as Walmart.
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Lower cost does not translate directly to lower prices.

generally lower costs do mean lower prices. Its the beauty of capitalism. If you don't pass on the savings a competitior will and you'll go bankrupt. In the long run capitalism forces profits lower and lower until the weakest firms go out of business.

This is why intelligent people love capitalism so much!!

Right, so companies sell at cost. Right?
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Went to walmart recently. It is against my better judgement, but I went there anyway. Bought some groceries. Wanted a cut of meat. No butcher was anywhere you could see him. No help was available. So, what you have is an option. What is actual help worth. To me, a lot. Went to electronics. Just needed a printer cartridge. No one had a clue. Nor did they seem to care.
Then I looked around. If a bomb went off in that place, the average IQ of the city I live in would increase. Jesus, the clientel seemed to have just awakened. Scary.
Looked at the Wallyworld staff. They seemed to all wish they were somewhere else.
Went to the restroom. Came out of the restroom. Without using the restroom. Disgusting. No, not just dirty. DISGUSTING. Damn.
No person with actual brain activity would want to shop at wallyworld. Hell, Costco does not have a lot of staff on the floor. But they are a warehouse store. Not supposed to. But I can get more help at costco than at wallyworld. And the staff seems to be happy with what they are doing. And the place is CLEAN. And, when I look around at who is shopping there, I do not see a bunch of losers. They actually seem normal. And, the prices are better than wallyworld.

So, I make about one trip to wallyworld per year. Funny how it always reminds me of why I do not shop there.
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Lower cost does not translate directly to lower prices.

generally lower costs do mean lower prices. Its the beauty of capitalism. If you don't pass on the savings a competitior will and you'll go bankrupt. In the long run capitalism forces profits lower and lower until the weakest firms go out of business.

This is why intelligent people love capitalism so much!!

Right, so companies sell at cost. Right?

they sell as close to cost to possible; if they don't a competitor will undersell them and drive them into bankruptcy. Now even you can see the beauty of capitalism and how it made Americans the richest people in human history!

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