Cotton to schumer: 8 years ago I was getting miy ass shot at in Afghanistan

Donald Trump, 2008, on fake news channel CNN:

Trump: "I was surprised that she (Nancy Pelosi) didn't do more in terms of Bush and going after Bush. It was almost -- it just seemed like she was going to really look to impeach Bush and get him out of office, which, personally, I think would have been a wonderful thing."

Blitzer: "Impeaching him?"

Trump: "Absolutely, for the war, for the war."

Blitzer: "Because of the conduct of the war."

Trump: "Well, he lied. He got us into the war with lies. And, I mean, look at the trouble Bill Clinton got into with something that was totally unimportant. And they tried to impeach him, which was nonsense. And, yet, Bush got us into this horrible war with lies, by lying, by saying they had weapons of mass destruction, by saying all sorts of things that turned out not to be true."
Donald Trump, when President Bush was calling for a surge, on fake news channel CNN:

Trump: "Well, I think Bush is probably the worst president in the history of the United States, and I just don't understand how they could have lost that election."

"The rest of the world hates us."

Blitzer: How does the United States get out of this situation?

Trump: You know they get out? They get out! That's how they get out. Declare victory, and leave.

"Declare victory, and leave." Cut and run.

While Bush was calling for a surge, Donald Trump was demanding we cut and run.

"You know they get out? They get out! That's how they get out. Declare victory and leave!"

Trump was a registered Democrat all during the Bush Administration.

Remember how much the pseudocon HATED cut and run Democrats?

Dems Can Cut and Run, But They Can't Hide

Their "Bush lied" mantra gave them cover through the November elections, but their acquisition of congressional control resulted in pressure to come up with a plan of their own.

Who could have predicted a guy getting shot at in Afghanistan would one day drop to his knees and give head to a cut and run New York limousine liberal?
Sean Hannity, 2006:

“You know what, Congressman? I just thank God every day that you cut-and-run, you cheap shot, weak on homeland security and national defense Democrats - you didn’t win the election."

"You know they get out? They get out! That's how they get out. Declare victory and leave!"

These days, Sean Hannity can't cram enough yards of Democrat cut and run Donald's cock down his throat.

Who could have predicted a guy getting shot at in Afghanistan would one day drop to his knees and give head to a cut and run New York limousine liberal?

He was a logistics officer....He was not getting shot at
weasel Schumer walking back his inaugeration day schpeel about Trump appointees gets cute with veteran who lets him have it.
schumer look devastated after that exchange.

Cotton puts Schumer in his place after blowup: 'Eight years ago, I was getting my ass shot at in Afghanistan!'

Fake news site. Junk.
LMAO. Here's the bio of the site's editor and president: Jack Furnari, Author at BizPac Review
NOTHING BUT ADS! Bahahahahaha.....sucker.
Don't you goons ever scratch beneath the surface of anything on the internet?
Ya, the video was doctored. :rolleyes:
While Senator Cotton was getting his ass shot at in Afghanistan, you know what our current President, the one Cotton is sucking up to right now, was doing?

Donald Trump was calling Bush a liar. Donald Trump was calling for Bush's impeachment. Donald Trump was calling for us to cut and run from Iraq.
that's ok no? if everyone was in the military it be kinda odd. Cotton didn't like being lied to by Schumer. Not sure how that weighs in on Trump not being in the military. I doubt Schumer was ever in the military
Who could have predicted a guy getting shot at in Afghanistan would one day drop to his knees and give head to a cut and run New York limousine liberal?
cause the president and congress work together. Maybe?

Cotton is a pos. And a hypocrite.

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Hypocritville) is incensed that Democrats are slowing down the confirmation of popular vote loser Donald Trump's CIA pick, Mike Pompeo. Mr. Cotton, meet Sen. Tom Cotton:

In early 2014, after decades of government and nonprofit work that reflected a passion for public service, Cassandra Butts got a reward — or so she thought. She was nominated by President Obama to be the next United States ambassador to the Bahamas. […]
[…] Senator Tom Cotton, an Arkansas Republican, put a hold specifically on Butts and on nominees for the ambassadorships to Sweden and Norway. He had a legitimate gripe with the Obama administration over a Secret Service leak of private information about a fellow member of Congress, and he was trying to pressure Obama to take punitive action. But that issue was unrelated to Butts and the Bahamas.

Cotton eventually released the two other holds, but not the one on Butts. She told me that she once went to see him about it, and he explained that he knew that she was a close friend of Obama’s—the two first encountered each other on a line for financial-aid forms at Harvard Law School, where they were classmates—and that blocking her was a way to inflict special pain on the president.

Cotton is a pos. And a hypocrite.

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Hypocritville) is incensed that Democrats are slowing down the confirmation of popular vote loser Donald Trump's CIA pick, Mike Pompeo. Mr. Cotton, meet Sen. Tom Cotton:

In early 2014, after decades of government and nonprofit work that reflected a passion for public service, Cassandra Butts got a reward — or so she thought. She was nominated by President Obama to be the next United States ambassador to the Bahamas. […]
[…] Senator Tom Cotton, an Arkansas Republican, put a hold specifically on Butts and on nominees for the ambassadorships to Sweden and Norway. He had a legitimate gripe with the Obama administration over a Secret Service leak of private information about a fellow member of Congress, and he was trying to pressure Obama to take punitive action. But that issue was unrelated to Butts and the Bahamas.

Cotton eventually released the two other holds, but not the one on Butts. She told me that she once went to see him about it, and he explained that he knew that she was a close friend of Obama’s—the two first encountered each other on a line for financial-aid forms at Harvard Law School, where they were classmates—and that blocking her was a way to inflict special pain on the president.
You forgot to add that Butts died before she could be confirmed

Cotton is an asshole
Cotton's the man. Didn't know much about him before this, but i do now. I have a lot of respect for the man. Schumer is one of the sleaziest Career Politicians in our Government.
Last edited:
Cotton's the man. Didn't know much about him before this, but i do now. I have a lot of respect for the man. Schumer is one of sleaziest Career Politicians in our Government.

Cotton sided with Iranian militants over his own country


Cotton is a pos. And a hypocrite.

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Hypocritville) is incensed that Democrats are slowing down the confirmation of popular vote loser Donald Trump's CIA pick, Mike Pompeo. Mr. Cotton, meet Sen. Tom Cotton:

In early 2014, after decades of government and nonprofit work that reflected a passion for public service, Cassandra Butts got a reward — or so she thought. She was nominated by President Obama to be the next United States ambassador to the Bahamas. […]
[…] Senator Tom Cotton, an Arkansas Republican, put a hold specifically on Butts and on nominees for the ambassadorships to Sweden and Norway. He had a legitimate gripe with the Obama administration over a Secret Service leak of private information about a fellow member of Congress, and he was trying to pressure Obama to take punitive action. But that issue was unrelated to Butts and the Bahamas.

Cotton eventually released the two other holds, but not the one on Butts. She told me that she once went to see him about it, and he explained that he knew that she was a close friend of Obama’s—the two first encountered each other on a line for financial-aid forms at Harvard Law School, where they were classmates—and that blocking her was a way to inflict special pain on the president.
You forgot to add that Butts died before she could be confirmed

Cotton is an asshole

Thanks for taking care of that.
weasel Schumer walking back his inaugeration day schpeel about Trump appointees gets cute with veteran who lets him have it.
schumer look devastated after that exchange.

Cotton puts Schumer in his place after blowup: 'Eight years ago, I was getting my ass shot at in Afghanistan!'

Fake news site. Next....
well Cotton did get in Schumer's face, there was tape of it. So how is it fake?

Nope, no tape. The video is a conversation between a Fox anchor and a reporter. Sorry, dumbass. Stop while you're behind.
Cotton's the man. Didn't know much about him before this, but i do now. I have a lot of respect for the man. Schumer is one of sleaziest Career Politicians in our Government.

Cotton sided with Iranian militants over his own country


He's done more than you and sleazy Schumer will ever do for this nation. He risked his life for his country. And i'd like to see you or Schumer call him a 'traitor' to his face. Man i'd pay to see that.
Cotton's the man. Didn't know much about him before this, but i do now. I have a lot of respect for the man. Schumer is one of sleaziest Career Politicians in our Government.

Cotton sided with Iranian militants over his own country


He's done more than you and sleazy Schumer will ever do for this nation. He risked his life for his country. And i'd like to see you or Schumer call him a 'traitor' to his face. Man i'd pay to see that.

He sold out his country

He is a traitor. I'm not afraid of him.....neither is Chuck Schumer
Cotton's the man. Didn't know much about him before this, but i do now. I have a lot of respect for the man. Schumer is one of sleaziest Career Politicians in our Government.

Cotton sided with Iranian militants over his own country


He's done more than you and sleazy Schumer will ever do for this nation. He risked his life for his country. And i'd like to see you or Schumer call him a 'traitor' to his face. Man i'd pay to see that.

He sold out his country

He is a traitor. I'm not afraid of him.....neither is Chuck Schumer
Internet witty guy, turns internet commando.
To funny.
What kind of idiot signs up for what the military is used for today.

People with intelligence and bravery. In other words, not liberals.

Your endless war machine learned in the 60's that if you suck up around 1% of the population into the military, as opposed to sucking up many in a draft, everyone else will be at the mall instead of opposing wars for corporate hegemony across the globe.

Defensive wars are for those with intelligence and bravery. Been a while pard.

That post made even less sense than you normally do. Want to try that again and sound better than you have an elementary school education?
Cotton's the man. Didn't know much about him before this, but i do now. I have a lot of respect for the man. Schumer is one of sleaziest Career Politicians in our Government.

Cotton sided with Iranian militants over his own country


He's done more than you and sleazy Schumer will ever do for this nation. He risked his life for his country. And i'd like to see you or Schumer call him a 'traitor' to his face. Man i'd pay to see that.

He sold out his country

He is a traitor. I'm not afraid of him.....neither is Chuck Schumer
Internet witty guy, turns internet commando.
To funny.

Don't you mean "Two funny"???
Cotton's the man. Didn't know much about him before this, but i do now. I have a lot of respect for the man. Schumer is one of sleaziest Career Politicians in our Government.

Cotton sided with Iranian militants over his own country


He's done more than you and sleazy Schumer will ever do for this nation. He risked his life for his country. And i'd like to see you or Schumer call him a 'traitor' to his face. Man i'd pay to see that.

He sold out his country

He is a traitor. I'm not afraid of him.....neither is Chuck Schumer
Internet witty guy, turns internet commando.
To funny.

I'd pay to see that poster and sleazy Schumer call him a traitor to his face. The bitch slappin beat down would be priceless entertainment.

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