Cotton to schumer: 8 years ago I was getting miy ass shot at in Afghanistan

What kind of idiot signs up for what the military is used for today.
The kind that loves their country and respects its citizens unlike scum like you.
The kind who gets fooled into furthering US corporate interests abroad in the name of global corporate hegemony.
We get it you are a disloyal piece of human garbage that thinks he has rights and doesn't have to do anything for them.

And Iraq has WMD's. By the way pard, those rights, they don't come from my creator anymore?
They were found. According to NY Times.

LOL at you losers.
What kind of idiot signs up for what the military is used for today.
The kind that loves their country and respects its citizens unlike scum like you.
The kind who gets fooled into furthering US corporate interests abroad in the name of global corporate hegemony.

/--- It's the libtards "US Corporate Interest" boogie man rant. A classic since 1965.
All just cliches. Puppet strings is a better term.
Veterans Hurt by Chemical Weapons in Iraq Get Apology

Why did the Army apologize for mishandling chemical weapons that do not exist?

Under Secretary Brad R. Carson acknowledged that the military had not followed its own policies for caring for troops exposed to old and abandoned chemical munitions that had been scattered around
Iraq, and he vowed improvement

This is why we sent 5000 troops to be killed?
5000 troops who thanks to obama died for nothing.

I am sick and tired of going over this with you stupid fucking loser puppets. We have shown you who propagated the existence of WMDs before Bush took office you fucking waste of life.

What we do know is the country was liberated from a tyrant, and the country was under control when Bush left.

Then obama pissed on all of the accomplishments Apologized to the world for our country liberating another from a murdering tyrant. He then withdrew our troops and let the isis sandNIGGERS take ALL of our hardware that we left and they grew into a fucking MONSTER.

You and your fucking losers are fucking losers. You are pathetic and ALL of you are fucking liars. Your perspective is a warped pile of shit perspective. Ignorant and hypocritical.

You fucking loser.

Check out the isis sandNIGGERS and what the American hating sack of muslim shit left them...


Don't worry though. He is going to find those responsible who killed our Americans all due a video.


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Veterans Hurt by Chemical Weapons in Iraq Get Apology

Why did the Army apologize for mishandling chemical weapons that do not exist?

Under Secretary Brad R. Carson acknowledged that the military had not followed its own policies for caring for troops exposed to old and abandoned chemical munitions that had been scattered around
Iraq, and he vowed improvement

This is why we sent 5000 troops to be killed?
5000 troops who thanks to obama died for nothing.

I am sick and tired of going over this with you stupid fucking loser puppets. We have shown you who propagated the existence of WMDs before Bush took office you fucking waste of life.

What we do know is the country was liberated from a tyrant, and the country was under control when Bush left.

Then obama pissed on all of the accomplishments Apologized to the world for our country liberating another from a murdering tyrant. He then withdrew our troops and let the isis sandNIGGERS take ALL of our hardware that we left and they grew into a fucking MONSTER.

You and your fucking losers are fucking losers. You are pathetic and ALL of you are fucking liars. Your perspective is a warped pile of shit perspective. Ignorant and hypocritical.

You fucking loser.

Don't let them get to you, dude.

When you get mad, just think about this bitch and have a laugh.

weasel Schumer walking back his inaugeration day schpeel about Trump appointees gets cute with veteran who lets him have it.
schumer look devastated after that exchange.

Cotton puts Schumer in his place after blowup: 'Eight years ago, I was getting my ass shot at in Afghanistan!'

I like Tom Cotton.....left his law practice to become an Army Ranger.........54 days of hell just to get the tab....became an officer, and actually went over seas for our country...
Veterans Hurt by Chemical Weapons in Iraq Get Apology

Why did the Army apologize for mishandling chemical weapons that do not exist?

Under Secretary Brad R. Carson acknowledged that the military had not followed its own policies for caring for troops exposed to old and abandoned chemical munitions that had been scattered around
Iraq, and he vowed improvement

This is why we sent 5000 troops to be killed?
5000 troops who thanks to obama died for nothing.

I am sick and tired of going over this with you stupid fucking loser puppets. We have shown you who propagated the existence of WMDs before Bush took office you fucking waste of life.

What we do know is the country was liberated from a tyrant, and the country was under control when Bush left.

Then obama pissed on all of the accomplishments Apologized to the world for our country liberating another from a murdering tyrant. He then withdrew our troops and let the isis sandNIGGERS take ALL of our hardware that we left and they grew into a fucking MONSTER.

You and your fucking losers are fucking losers. You are pathetic and ALL of you are fucking liars. Your perspective is a warped pile of shit perspective. Ignorant and hypocritical.

You fucking loser.

Check out the isis sandNIGGERS and what the American hating sack of muslim shit left them...


Don't worry though. He is going to find those responsible who killed our Americans all due a video.



Sending in more troops to cover for the fact that you made a mistake is treason

Bush had no business sending in troops to conquer Iraq in the first place. He lied to create an imaginary threat
weasel Schumer walking back his inaugeration day schpeel about Trump appointees gets cute with veteran who lets him have it.
schumer look devastated after that exchange.

Cotton puts Schumer in his place after blowup: 'Eight years ago, I was getting my ass shot at in Afghanistan!'

I like Tom Cotton.....left his law practice to become an Army Ranger.........54 days of hell just to get the tab....became an officer, and actually went over seas for our country...

He is a traitor who took sides against his country
Veterans Hurt by Chemical Weapons in Iraq Get Apology

Why did the Army apologize for mishandling chemical weapons that do not exist?

Under Secretary Brad R. Carson acknowledged that the military had not followed its own policies for caring for troops exposed to old and abandoned chemical munitions that had been scattered around
Iraq, and he vowed improvement

This is why we sent 5000 troops to be killed?
5000 troops who thanks to obama died for nothing.

I am sick and tired of going over this with you stupid fucking loser puppets. We have shown you who propagated the existence of WMDs before Bush took office you fucking waste of life.

What we do know is the country was liberated from a tyrant, and the country was under control when Bush left.

Then obama pissed on all of the accomplishments Apologized to the world for our country liberating another from a murdering tyrant. He then withdrew our troops and let the isis sandNIGGERS take ALL of our hardware that we left and they grew into a fucking MONSTER.

You and your fucking losers are fucking losers. You are pathetic and ALL of you are fucking liars. Your perspective is a warped pile of shit perspective. Ignorant and hypocritical.

You fucking loser.

Check out the isis sandNIGGERS and what the American hating sack of muslim shit left them...


Don't worry though. He is going to find those responsible who killed our Americans all due a video.



Sending in more troops to cover for the fact that you made a mistake is treason

Bush had no business sending in troops to conquer Iraq in the first place. He lied to create an imaginary threat
What kind of idiot signs up for what the military is used for today.
The kind that loves their country and respects its citizens unlike scum like you.
The kind who gets fooled into furthering US corporate interests abroad in the name of global corporate hegemony.

LOL, more Marxist rhetoric

Ah yes, Marxism.

As in Karl Marx.

From Russia.


Was the Union of Soviet Socialist Republican


Head of KGB

Vladimir Putin

Dicator of Russia

Helped Donald Trump become president

Donald Trump now a Russian Poodle

Doesn't even know he follows the idol of his Boss,

Karl Marx

Which leads us to


We've just gone full circle.

Corporations, blah, blah, the rich, blah blah. You and Karl have more excuses for why you're a failure than Jake Blues
Remember when the left went nuts here because Mitch McConnell stated after a year of being treated like shit by Barack Obama that he would actively work against his agenda? Funny how those very same liberals now think it's WONDERFUL that Chuck Shumer is blocking everything Trump is trying to do FROM DAY ONE OF HIS PRESIDENCY!!!

Just one more example of liberal hypocrisy in action!

Save us your drama

The confirmation is being held up a day or two

Why don't you take it up with Merrick Garland?

So it's "drama" when someone on the right complains about it happening on day one but not when so many of you on the left ranted about McConnell "obstructing" Obama because of a comment he made a year after Obama took office?

Yea....Drama seems to be the correct word
So does whimpering, whining and being a freaking pussy

The Republicans held up Merrick Garlands confirmation for eight months and never actually go around to having a confirmation vote

Crying....I am a VET and you should do what I want because a confirmation was held up for a few days is kind of petty don't you agree?
To bad for you that's not what he said.
Remember when the left went nuts here because Mitch McConnell stated after a year of being treated like shit by Barack Obama that he would actively work against his agenda? Funny how those very same liberals now think it's WONDERFUL that Chuck Shumer is blocking everything Trump is trying to do FROM DAY ONE OF HIS PRESIDENCY!!!

Just one more example of liberal hypocrisy in action!

Save us your drama

The confirmation is being held up a day or two

Why don't you take it up with Merrick Garland?

So it's "drama" when someone on the right complains about it happening on day one but not when so many of you on the left ranted about McConnell "obstructing" Obama because of a comment he made a year after Obama took office?

Yea....Drama seems to be the correct word
So does whimpering, whining and being a freaking pussy

The Republicans held up Merrick Garlands confirmation for eight months and never actually go around to having a confirmation vote

Crying....I am a VET and you should do what I want because a confirmation was held up for a few days is kind of petty don't you agree?
To bad for you that's not what he said.

LOL....go ahead
Tell us what crybaby Cotton said

He also lied about getting his ass shot at
I respect Tom Cotton even more now. Schumer is the worst of the worst when it comes to Career Politicians. He's what's wrong with our Government. So big props to Cotton. :thup:
Amy's uncle is the Senate minority leader, but he claims he only speaks for himself, not all Democrats in the Senate.

He is even a shitty liar:
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What kind of idiot signs up for what the military is used for today.
so now the military are idiots. Wow the crusade never stops. America First is hitleresk and being in the military you're an idiot. You just gotta love the left crack heads.


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