Cotton to schumer: 8 years ago I was getting miy ass shot at in Afghanistan

If Pompeo wasn't confirmed as CIA Director on Friday, Inauguration Day then I'd say Cotton got picked. He'll know better next time to trust a Democrat. Good comeback but as they say, live and learn.
You deserve a medal for staying on topic.
weasel Schumer walking back his inaugeration day schpeel about Trump appointees gets cute with veteran who lets him have it.
schumer look devastated after that exchange.

Cotton puts Schumer in his place after blowup: 'Eight years ago, I was getting my ass shot at in Afghanistan!'

So, the right winger, Cotton, will deflect ANY criticism against his fellow moron by saying, "I was in a war therefore no one can call me an idiot"????
Is that what that was about??? my my.
He never said that, fucking liar. Learn to use quotes

OK, fuck head.......The issue between the exchange is over Pompeo's confirmation and the moron Cotton brings out his service which he is now using as a stepping stone to be the big balls in the senate.....

Maybe next time Cotton should be hit over his head by one of Tammy Duckworth's prosthetic legs.
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He never said that, fucking liar. Learn to use quotes

OK, fuck head.......The issue between the exchange is over Pompeo's confirmation and the moron Cotton brings out his service which he is now using as a stepping stone to be the big balls in the senate.....

Maybe next time Cotton should be hit over his head by one of Tammy Duckworth prosthetic legs.

My point is you lied about his quote. Cut the crap with this emphasis shit. Yes, that is a valid reason to use quote marks. But when you say you are quoting a person with QUOTE marks and say things they did not say, that is not "emphasis" that is a flat out lie you stupid mother fucker. When you are using it for emphasis, you need to be sure to be clear you are not misquoting a person.

If you think you are paraphrasing someone, you do ... not ... use ... QUOTE ... marks. Think about the name, moron. They are QUOTE marks
What kind of idiot signs up for what the military is used for today.
The kind that loves their country and respects its citizens unlike scum like you.
The kind who gets fooled into furthering US corporate interests abroad in the name of global corporate hegemony.

LOL, more Marxist rhetoric

Ah yes, Marxism.

As in Karl Marx.

From Russia.


Was the Union of Soviet Socialist Republican


Head of KGB

Vladimir Putin

Dicator of Russia

Helped Donald Trump become president

Donald Trump now a Russian Poodle

Doesn't even know he follows the idol of his Boss,

Karl Marx

Which leads us to


We've just gone full circle.
What kind of idiot signs up for what the military is used for today.

People with intelligence and bravery. In other words, not liberals.

Your endless war machine learned in the 60's that if you suck up around 1% of the population into the military, as opposed to sucking up many in a draft, everyone else will be at the mall instead of opposing wars for corporate hegemony across the globe.

Defensive wars are for those with intelligence and bravery. Been a while pard.
I call Bullshit

Veterans need to understand that just because they are veterans doesn't mean they get everything they want in life. I didn't see Schumer challenging Cottons service or what possible bearing his service has on a Senate confirmation hearing

Tammy Duckworth sacrificed more than Cotton did and I don't see her whining....I'm a veteran and you should do what I want!
I call Bullshit

Veterans need to understand that just because they are veterans doesn't mean they get everything they want in life. I didn't see Schumer challenging Cottons service or what possible bearing his service has on a Senate confirmation hearing

Tammy Duckworth sacrificed more than Cotton did and I don't see her whining....I'm a veteran and you should do what I want!

Playing the vet card.
Cotton learned some valuable lessons:
- Schumer is a lying, POS snake
- Unlike in combat, your enemy in Congress is often the one smiling at you to your face
- 'Honor, Integrity, Excellence in all that we do' is a military honor code, NOT a Democratic Party / Political one
Schumer told Cotton that the Senate had never previously confirmed a CIA director on Inauguration Day and if Cotton had been around eight years earlier, he’d know that Republicans didn’t extend that courtesy for incoming president Barack Obama. “Eight years ago, I was getting my ass shot at in Afghanistan,” Cotton snapped. “So don’t talk to me about where I was 8 years ago.”

So lets see how this works...

Because someone served in Afghanistan eight years ago, nothing that occurred outside of Afghanistan counts
I'm a Vet and you are not allowed to bring up things that happened while I was in the service
Cotton learned some valuable lessons:
- Schumer is a lying, POS snake
- Unlike in combat, your enemy in Congress is often the one smiling at you to your face
- 'Honor, Integrity, Excellence in all that we do' is a military honor code, NOT a Democratic Party / Political one
And sneak behind your government to side with the enemy. Yippee for Tehran Tom.

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