Cotton to schumer: 8 years ago I was getting miy ass shot at in Afghanistan

If Pompeo wasn't confirmed as CIA Director on Friday, Inauguration Day then I'd say Cotton got picked. He'll know better next time to trust a Democrat. Good comeback but as they say, live and learn.
Schumer represents the very worst of the 'Career Politician' problem that plagues our nation. He's as corrupt as they come. I'd give anything to see the weasel talk that shite in private to this Vet's face.
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It's amusing to watch RWrs get all indignant unless the vet is a Leftie or Democrat.
weasel Schumer walking back his inaugeration day schpeel about Trump appointees gets cute with veteran who lets him have it.
schumer look devastated after that exchange.

Cotton puts Schumer in his place after blowup: 'Eight years ago, I was getting my ass shot at in Afghanistan!'
Trump rails against scrutiny over delayed donations to veterans groups

Obama Stands Up For Veterans By Vowing To Veto GOP Bill That Cut Benefits For 70,000 Vets

Veterans, lawmakers decry proposed cuts to GI Bill

Republicans have such an abysmal record when it comes to how they've insulted veterans and assaulted veterans benefits. They should just keep their mouths shut.

I hope Cotton remembers who it was who sent him over there 8 years ago.
The kind that loves their country and respects its citizens unlike scum like you.
Or couldn't find a job after HS....and wanted those great benefits...
Socialist benefits.
When one EARNS benefits they are not socialist you fucking MORON.

Nah, it's just that in america, socialism is ok for some, not for others. Socialism is terrific for the aristocracy, Wall Street, and the "job creator" class for example.
Again RETARD EARNED benefits are not socialism.
That is so dumb, dupe.
Schumer represents the very worst of the 'Career Politician' problem that plagues our nation. He's as corrupt as they come. I'd give anything to see the weasel talk that shite in private to this Vet's face.
No evidence as always, hater dupe. All he said was he couldn't herd cats, unlike your lying fascist party.
Schumer represents the very worst of the 'Career Politician' problem that plagues our nation. He's as corrupt as they come. I'd give anything to see the weasel talk that shite in private to this Vet's face.
No evidence as always, hater dupe. All he said was he couldn't herd cats, unlike your lying fascist party.

Schumer's a corrupt dog. He's exactly what's wrong with our Government.
Schumer represents the very worst of the 'Career Politician' problem that plagues our nation. He's as corrupt as they come. I'd give anything to see the weasel talk that shite in private to this Vet's face.
No evidence as always, hater dupe. All he said was he couldn't herd cats, unlike your lying fascist party.

Schumer's a corrupt dog. He's exactly what's wrong with our Government.
He rules his staff like a kingdom. He arranges marriages and hounds his staff until they marry then nag them into having children. If you want to keep your job, congratulations on your wedding.

I can't stand that bastard.
It's amusing to watch RWrs get all indignant unless the vet is a Leftie or Democrat.

You didn't seriously just say that. The liberal who claims military experience and then uses it just for cheap leftist political points
What kind of idiot signs up for what the military is used for today.
The kind that loves their country and respects its citizens unlike scum like you.
The kind who gets fooled into furthering US corporate interests abroad in the name of global corporate hegemony.

LOL, more Marxist rhetoric

Label it to avoid the concept.

Corporations, blah blah, corporations again, blah blah, Marxist rhetoric. And you started with a point I agreed with, our wars are stupid and we need to stop getting into them.

Of course I want both parties to and you want the Republicans to but hey, it's a start. Then you went off into Marx and idiotic rhetoric
The left in this thread are the dumbest piles of indoctrinated shit I have ever read. There WERE WMD's, WHO SENT HIM was bill shitscum clinton because he FAILED to finish the war he started and follow up on the first world trade center attack by the same people. If you are not prepared to defend this country you need to hop a bus to your ideal country and get the hell out. If you think you pile of shit liberals are so damn bad why not start some shit in the streets here chicken shit, OH I FORGOT you only murder babies and children in the streets, beat up disabled kids, and fight twenty against one. when one of your pets gets killed trying to act bad you all cry and yell one of your little petty shit labels. You and those like you are the most vile disgusting scum on earth and even seeing you at a distance, or being around you makes most peoples skin crawl. That is why you got beat, not because of anything else. the people flushed the toilet and the turds went down. Decent people who are trapped by liberal shit programs in federal housing where their children are murdered every day by a class of protected shit thugs that YOU liberal scum fostered flushed their toilets. The people you shit on in the working class daily flushed you, the people who are bound by their faith to try to be decent Christians flushed you. the mothers who were tired of their daughters being subject to the whims of a damn pervert flushed you. ALL decent people in the USA flushed you, and next time after letting them see they were absolutely right in their assessment of how vile and disgusting you are They will flush the toilets many more times and you will leave or die in exile.
It's amusing to watch RWrs get all indignant unless the vet is a Leftie or Democrat.

You didn't seriously just say that. The liberal who claims military experience and then uses it just for cheap leftist political points

We've all seen what you people do to someone like Kerry or McCain son.

I blasted Trump for what he said about McCain, Dad. You really are a useless piece of shit. And Kerry was there for a few months collecting band aids to get out on a technicality no one had ever done before and then he went back and testified that his comrades were guilty of tortue and war crimes. Using McCain and him in the same sentence is ridiculous
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It's amusing to watch RWrs get all indignant unless the vet is a Leftie or Democrat.

You didn't seriously just say that. The liberal who claims military experience and then uses it just for cheap leftist political points

We've all seen what you people do to someone like Kerry or McCain son.

Here you go, lying sack of cow excrement

This just gets worse...

Trump slams McCain for being captured in Vietnam other Republicans quickly condemn him - The Washington Post

Trump has managed to identify what little dignity still exists in contemporary American politics and pee on it.


Totally agree. I'm no fan of McCain politically, I couldn't even vote for him over Obama and I don't regret it. But pissing on his war record is wrong on so many levels. Particularly since he was given the chance to leave the Hanoi Hilton early because his father was a Senator and he refused to leave out of turn. That while Trump kept taking deferments. It's politics at it's sleeziest
Schumer represents the very worst of the 'Career Politician' problem that plagues our nation. He's as corrupt as they come. I'd give anything to see the weasel talk that shite in private to this Vet's face.
No evidence as always, hater dupe. All he said was he couldn't herd cats, unlike your lying fascist party.

Schumer's a corrupt dog. He's exactly what's wrong with our Government.
He rules his staff like a kingdom. He arranges marriages and hounds his staff until they marry then nag them into having children. If you want to keep your job, congratulations on your wedding.

I can't stand that bastard.
Try issues instead of malicious gossip sometime.
weasel Schumer walking back his inaugeration day schpeel about Trump appointees gets cute with veteran who lets him have it.
schumer look devastated after that exchange.

Cotton puts Schumer in his place after blowup: 'Eight years ago, I was getting my ass shot at in Afghanistan!'

So, the right winger, Cotton, will deflect ANY criticism against his fellow moron by saying, "I was in a war therefore no one can call me an idiot"????

He never said that, fucking liar. Learn to use quotes

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