Cotton to schumer: 8 years ago I was getting miy ass shot at in Afghanistan

Did Cotton lie about getting his ass shot at in Afghanistan?

Tom Cotton - Wikipedia

In October 2008, Cotton deployed to eastern Afghanistan. He was stationed within the Regional Command East at its Gamberi Forward operating base (FOB) located in one of the command's 14 province locations, Laghman Province. The overall mission at his duty station – the Gamberi FOB from April 2008 to June 2009, during Operation Enduring Freedom IX – included military logistics, civil reconstruction engineering, government organization, and training from a Joint Task Force

He said his assigned duty was as a military logistics officer of a Provincial Reconstruction Team, where he also helped plan logistical operations for counter-insurgency.[

Sounds like Hillary claiming snipers were firing at her
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Look you cowardly fuckstain go cry to someone that did not volunteer and serve, you are a fucked up asshole that thinks people that serve their country are a problem while they protect your right to be that asshole and fuckstain.

That trolling turd of a poster should have been banned from this forum a long time ago. I put the c-nt on ignore long ago, everyone else should as well until the mods finally get their shit together and cleanse the forum of that scumbag.
Cotton sounds like a real a-hole who has the same bs answer for everything...Schumer is no weasel Try real news sometime.

schumer is worse than a weasel; he's a two-faced piece of worthless shit who has never spent a fucking day in his life on the battle field OR the private sector. He has worked for/in the government EVERY day since he left law school, he has LONG lost any credibility. The only thing that keeps such an empty suit/bottom-feeding loser in office is the NYS democraptic machine, run like an old school Tammany Hall party machine.
Did Cotton lie about getting his ass shot at in Afghanistan?

Tom Cotton - Wikipedia

In October 2008, Cotton deployed to eastern Afghanistan. He was stationed within the Regional Command East at its Gamberi Forward operating base (FOB) located in one of the command's 14 province locations, Laghman Province. The overall mission at his duty station – the Gamberi FOB from April 2008 to June 2009, during Operation Enduring Freedom IX – included military logistics, civil reconstruction engineering, government organization, and training from a Joint Task Force

He said his assigned duty was as a military logistics officer of a Provincial Reconstruction Team, where he also helped plan logistical operations for counter-insurgency.[

Sounds like Hillary claiming snipers were firing at her
Sounds more like you have no comprehension of what you yourself posted or about military operations, to include FOBs in Afghanistan and his duty specifics. To each his own...
He's only making fun of you boy, 'cause you're an idiot.

It takes a special idiot asshole scumbag like you to claim "I don't hate the US," yet attacks all 7 MM people in the armed services, many of whom are in harms way so that a turd like you can sit on the web and complain. You're fucking worthless garbage, and are too stupid to know any better.
Remember when the left went nuts here because Mitch McConnell stated after a year of being treated like shit by Barack Obama that he would actively work against his agenda? Funny how those very same liberals now think it's WONDERFUL that Chuck Shumer is blocking everything Trump is trying to do FROM DAY ONE OF HIS PRESIDENCY!!!

Just one more example of liberal hypocrisy in action!
Did Cotton lie about getting his ass shot at in Afghanistan?

Tom Cotton - Wikipedia

In October 2008, Cotton deployed to eastern Afghanistan. He was stationed within the Regional Command East at its Gamberi Forward operating base (FOB) located in one of the command's 14 province locations, Laghman Province. The overall mission at his duty station – the Gamberi FOB from April 2008 to June 2009, during Operation Enduring Freedom IX – included military logistics, civil reconstruction engineering, government organization, and training from a Joint Task Force

He said his assigned duty was as a military logistics officer of a Provincial Reconstruction Team, where he also helped plan logistical operations for counter-insurgency.[

Sounds like Hillary claiming snipers were firing at her
Sounds more like you have no comprehension of what you yourself posted or about military operations, to include FOBs in Afghanistan and his duty specifics. To each his own...

I am fully aware of what a FOB is and what the duties of a military logistics officer are
Remember when the left went nuts here because Mitch McConnell stated after a year of being treated like shit by Barack Obama that he would actively work against his agenda? Funny how those very same liberals now think it's WONDERFUL that Chuck Shumer is blocking everything Trump is trying to do FROM DAY ONE OF HIS PRESIDENCY!!!

Just one more example of liberal hypocrisy in action!

Save us your drama

The confirmation is being held up a day or two

Why don't you take it up with Merrick Garland?
Remember when the left went nuts here because Mitch McConnell stated after a year of being treated like shit by Barack Obama that he would actively work against his agenda? Funny how those very same liberals now think it's WONDERFUL that Chuck Shumer is blocking everything Trump is trying to do FROM DAY ONE OF HIS PRESIDENCY!!!

Just one more example of liberal hypocrisy in action!

Save us your drama

The confirmation is being held up a day or two

Why don't you take it up with Merrick Garland?

So it's "drama" when someone on the right complains about it happening on day one but not when so many of you on the left ranted about McConnell "obstructing" Obama because of a comment he made a year after Obama took office?
The truth is...politicians like Schumer desperately need Trump to fail because if he doesn't...the Democratic Party will become an after thought.
Remember when the left went nuts here because Mitch McConnell stated after a year of being treated like shit by Barack Obama that he would actively work against his agenda? Funny how those very same liberals now think it's WONDERFUL that Chuck Shumer is blocking everything Trump is trying to do FROM DAY ONE OF HIS PRESIDENCY!!!

Just one more example of liberal hypocrisy in action!

Save us your drama

The confirmation is being held up a day or two

Why don't you take it up with Merrick Garland?

So it's "drama" when someone on the right complains about it happening on day one but not when so many of you on the left ranted about McConnell "obstructing" Obama because of a comment he made a year after Obama took office?

Yea....Drama seems to be the correct word
So does whimpering, whining and being a freaking pussy

The Republicans held up Merrick Garlands confirmation for eight months and never actually go around to having a confirmation vote

Crying....I am a VET and you should do what I want because a confirmation was held up for a few days is kind of petty don't you agree?
Remember when the left went nuts here because Mitch McConnell stated after a year of being treated like shit by Barack Obama that he would actively work against his agenda? Funny how those very same liberals now think it's WONDERFUL that Chuck Shumer is blocking everything Trump is trying to do FROM DAY ONE OF HIS PRESIDENCY!!!

Just one more example of liberal hypocrisy in action!

Save us your drama

The confirmation is being held up a day or two

Why don't you take it up with Merrick Garland?

So it's "drama" when someone on the right complains about it happening on day one but not when so many of you on the left ranted about McConnell "obstructing" Obama because of a comment he made a year after Obama took office?

Yea....Drama seems to be the correct word
So does whimpering, whining and being a freaking pussy

The Republicans held up Merrick Garlands confirmation for eight months and never actually go around to having a confirmation vote

Crying....I am a VET and you should do what I want because a confirmation was held up for a few days is kind of petty don't you agree?
Schumer is a cowardly piece of shit that happens to be a career politician… She has no credibility
Remember when the left went nuts here because Mitch McConnell stated after a year of being treated like shit by Barack Obama that he would actively work against his agenda? Funny how those very same liberals now think it's WONDERFUL that Chuck Shumer is blocking everything Trump is trying to do FROM DAY ONE OF HIS PRESIDENCY!!!

Just one more example of liberal hypocrisy in action!

Save us your drama

The confirmation is being held up a day or two

Why don't you take it up with Merrick Garland?

So it's "drama" when someone on the right complains about it happening on day one but not when so many of you on the left ranted about McConnell "obstructing" Obama because of a comment he made a year after Obama took office?

Yea....Drama seems to be the correct word
So does whimpering, whining and being a freaking pussy

The Republicans held up Merrick Garlands confirmation for eight months and never actually go around to having a confirmation vote

Crying....I am a VET and you should do what I want because a confirmation was held up for a few days is kind of petty don't you agree?

Holding up a confirmation because the Trump Administration is getting too much done too quickly is what is "petty"!

As for Garland? What's amusing is that many liberals didn't care about Garland not being confirmed because they were so convinced that Hillary would win in November and she could appoint someone even more liberal than Garland! Gee, sucks when your plans don't work out...doesn't it!
Remember when the left went nuts here because Mitch McConnell stated after a year of being treated like shit by Barack Obama that he would actively work against his agenda? Funny how those very same liberals now think it's WONDERFUL that Chuck Shumer is blocking everything Trump is trying to do FROM DAY ONE OF HIS PRESIDENCY!!!

Just one more example of liberal hypocrisy in action!

Save us your drama

The confirmation is being held up a day or two

Why don't you take it up with Merrick Garland?

So it's "drama" when someone on the right complains about it happening on day one but not when so many of you on the left ranted about McConnell "obstructing" Obama because of a comment he made a year after Obama took office?

Yea....Drama seems to be the correct word
So does whimpering, whining and being a freaking pussy

The Republicans held up Merrick Garlands confirmation for eight months and never actually go around to having a confirmation vote

Crying....I am a VET and you should do what I want because a confirmation was held up for a few days is kind of petty don't you agree?

Holding up a confirmation because the Trump Administration is getting too much done too quickly is what is "petty"!

As for Garland? What's amusing is that many liberals didn't care about Garland not being confirmed because they were so convinced that Hillary would win in November and she could appoint someone even more liberal than Garland! Gee, sucks when your plans don't work out...doesn't it!

Like Schumer said before Cotton went on his "I am a Vet" rampage
It is consistent with what was done eight years ago

Delaying a Supreme Court nominee vote is unprecedented. Where was Cotton then?
Getting his ass shot at?
Did Cotton lie about getting his ass shot at in Afghanistan?

Tom Cotton - Wikipedia

In October 2008, Cotton deployed to eastern Afghanistan. He was stationed within the Regional Command East at its Gamberi Forward operating base (FOB) located in one of the command's 14 province locations, Laghman Province. The overall mission at his duty station – the Gamberi FOB from April 2008 to June 2009, during Operation Enduring Freedom IX – included military logistics, civil reconstruction engineering, government organization, and training from a Joint Task Force

He said his assigned duty was as a military logistics officer of a Provincial Reconstruction Team, where he also helped plan logistical operations for counter-insurgency.[

Sounds like Hillary claiming snipers were firing at her

Is there any confirmation that logistics officer Cotton EVER got his ass shot at while in Afghanistan??
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Seems Cotton doesn't have any problem blocking nominations

Cassandra Butts nomination[edit]

Senator Cotton at First In The Nation Townhall, New Hampshire
In February 2015 Obama renominated Cassandra Butts, a former White House lawyer, to be United States Ambassador to the Bahamas. However, Butts' nomination was blocked by several Republican senators. First, Sen. Ted Cruz placed a blanket hold on all U.S. State Department nominees.[83] Then, Cotton specifically blocked the nominations of Butts and ambassador nominees to Sweden and Norway after the Secret Service had leaked private information about a fellow member of Congress, even though that issue was unrelated to those nominees.[83] Cotton eventually released his holds on the nominees to Sweden and Norway, but kept his hold on Butts' nomination.[83] Butts told New York Times columnist Frank Bruni that she had gone to see Cotton about his objections to her nomination, and Cotton explained to her that because he knew that the president and Butts were friends, it was a way to "inflict special pain on the president," Bruni wrote.[83] Cotton's spokeswoman did not dispute Butts' characterization.[83] Butts died on May 26, 2016, still awaiting a Senate vote

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