Could A Coup Be Brewing In The House?

Too small of a minority to make a difference.
It's close: 198 Republicans, 235 Democrats. 38 votes needed, 30 confirmed. And then there are always the renegade Republicans who will have a hair up their ass about something and will not vote with their side.
I'd love to see it happen.

There are no 30 confirmed. You are not going to see it happen.
I suggest you read the Constitution. The Congress has the power of the purse. It doesn't say "if" or "but". The USSC will not intervene.

This is a military issue...defending our nation from invaders, drugs, gangs, killers....22M here already...that's the end of it...he's CIC....Congress gave the funds to the DOD to use as they see fit.
... and for you, the coupe body style of automobile is spelled with an "e" and pronounced like chicken "coop".

There's that glass houses thing again!

Inside joke between me and Likkmee ya anal-retentive dork....
What no death threats to admiral Tory. You get it out your sick little system with me did ya? COuld ya hear me laughing at ya from here. My neighbors did! lol Big bad internet guy gunna shoot me.LOL
Here's a link to an index of articles related to impeachment and removal from office:

Constitution of the United States - We the People

The House can impeach Trump all they want - with no real restriction - but it take 67 members of the Senate to remove him from office.

The 25th amendment can't be used to permanently remove the President unless 3/4 of both the House and the Senate repeatedly vote to keep him out.

So, a coup by the House of representatives is not possible without extreme support by Republicans in the Senate at least.

You may want to read the rest of the U.S. Constitution sometime....

Try reading the OP next time ya blithering moron.

Oops...with Presidential impeachment imminent, I did jump to a conclusion that this was about Presidential impeachment...sorry...

But, the Dems removing or rebelling against Pelosi is just wishful thinking by you Trumpbots. There's no way it is even close to happening.

Right now Pelosi is the hero of the Democratic party and the American people. She's never been politically stronger.

But, hey, you have a right to dream, don't you!

Wow! A libtard admitted they were wrong! I guess you re not a libtard after all! Fantastic!

When I realize that I'm wrong about something I'm quick to admit it. I've done that several times over the years on this message boards. I've even admitted defeat in one debate.

Unfortunately, from what I recall you wouldn't man up and admit you were wrong when I totally proved your statement to be false...even though the statement was peripheral the the topic being discussed.

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