Could a President Even Give Such a Speech Today? Ms.NBC and CNN Would Talk About 1940’s Racism


May 23, 2014
Sorry assed sad shit that our nation has become. Liberals are absolutely villainous.
Great speech. It would never be given today as we have not had a real leader as POTUS since Reagan left office.
Great speech. It would never be given today as we have not had a real leader as POTUS since Reagan left office.
It would never be given today because liberal media and professoriate own the television air waves and classroom discussions. Typical communist takeover strategy.
Sorry assed sad shit that our nation has become. Liberals are absolutely villainous.

Great speech. It would never be given today as we have not had a real leader as POTUS since Reagan left office.

Young people have no idea what it took to make this nation, even in the modern era.

I NEVER want our nation to go to war, as it causes so many young people to die, as they are the ones who man our cannons, our planes, our ships, and control our missiles.

And yet, unless every generation learns what is really happening, how the forces of the world would like nothing better than for us to collapse, and many will do everything in their power to make that happen; they will never learn how great they are, how great the country they reside in is, and how fragile the hold we have on the legacy we have inherited is in peril.

While I do not wish it so, let any kind of bomb drop on one of our major cities, from any foreign actor, and watch the mood of the country instantly change!
Sorry assed sad shit that our nation has become. Liberals are absolutely villainous.

I vote Reagan to be the next president added to Mount Rushmore!

Frankly, Reagan, more than any other modern era POTUS is responsible for setting the U.S. on the ideological path that led us to the extreme polarization we today observe. For all else he did, that alone is ample reason not to enshrine him on Mt. Rushmore.
Sorry assed sad shit that our nation has become. Liberals are absolutely villainous.

I vote Reagan to be the next president added to Mount Rushmore!

Frankly, Reagan, more than any other modern era POTUS is responsible for setting the U.S. on the ideological path that led us to the extreme polarization we today observe. For all else he did, that alone is ample reason not to enshrine him on Mt. Rushmore.

Really? This was the stupid shit Mondale was running...
Sorry assed sad shit that our nation has become. Liberals are absolutely villainous.

I vote Reagan to be the next president added to Mount Rushmore!

Reagan will have to get in line behind our current President. Seeing as how Theodore Roosevelt was the "father of the modern Progressive movement", I think with a little judicious jack-hammering and some Spackle, they could turn Teddy into the Magnificent Orange One. :biggrin:
Sorry assed sad shit that our nation has become. Liberals are absolutely villainous.

I vote Reagan to be the next president added to Mount Rushmore!

Frankly, Reagan, more than any other modern era POTUS is responsible for setting the U.S. on the ideological path that led us to the extreme polarization we today observe. For all else he did, that alone is ample reason not to enshrine him on Mt. Rushmore.

Always blaming others and refusing to accept responsibility for your own actions. Typical leftist behavior.

The polarization we are seeing today didn't come from the right. It came from your side of the aisle, after you Democrats allowed your own party to be acculturated by foreign Communist influence. That started during the 1950's and approached its peak during the Vietnam War protests. You really didn't think those were "grass roots" movements, did you?

Since the 1960's, the Democrat Party has been increasingly permeated in Marxism and Socialism to the point where it's barely recognizable from its former personification.

Russia's Communist party had a set of definite goals put forward in the 1950's, in order to subvert and subjugate every aspect of this country's core. The polarization we are seeing from the left today is only one more indication that the Communist agenda has come to fruition in this country. Vladimir Lenin knew full well what he was speaking of when he referred to the practicality of "useful idiots."
Great speech. It would never be given today as we have not had a real leader as POTUS since Reagan left office.
It would never be given today because liberal media and professoriate own the television air waves and classroom discussions. Typical communist takeover strategy.

This is how I picture you...

Great speech. It would never be given today as we have not had a real leader as POTUS since Reagan left office.
It would never be given today because liberal media and professoriate own the television air waves and classroom discussions. Typical communist takeover strategy.

This is how I picture you...


Do you even wonder why we had the McCarthy trials in the 1950's and the fear you people have, of Russia "interfering" with a US Presidential election?

If you sincerely believe that the Russians "interfered" with our election, then Senator Joe McCarthy owed you. You are his bitch now.

So which way is it?
Great speech. It would never be given today as we have not had a real leader as POTUS since Reagan left office.
It would never be given today because liberal media and professoriate own the television air waves and classroom discussions. Typical communist takeover strategy.

This is how I picture you...


Do you even wonder why we had the McCarthy trials in the 1950's and the fear you people have, of Russia "interfering" with a US Presidential election?

If you sincerely believe that the Russians "interfered" with our election, then Senator Joe McCarthy owed you. You are his bitch now.

So which way is it?

Of course the Russians interfered with our election, they do it all over the world just like we do. You think we didn't interfere with the Ukraine or Israel?

We cannot return the favor directly to Russia as they do not hold real elections.

But the actions of the Russias were not to cause one person to win over the other, they are not that short sighted. The goal of the Russians is to undermine the faith of the US people in the election process, as they have done in other countries.

And they are succeeding in destroying faith not only in the election process but also in our law enforcement and intelligence community as well.

There is nobody in the world happier about what is going on in the US right now than Putin.

You are very naive if you think that Russia does not do such things.
Ronald Reagan voted for FDR in 1932, 1936, 1940 and 1944, the man can't be all bad, even as GE gave him a new philosophy.
Great speech. It would never be given today as we have not had a real leader as POTUS since Reagan left office.
It would never be given today because liberal media and professoriate own the television air waves and classroom discussions. Typical communist takeover strategy.

This is how I picture you...


Do you even wonder why we had the McCarthy trials in the 1950's and the fear you people have, of Russia "interfering" with a US Presidential election?

If you sincerely believe that the Russians "interfered" with our election, then Senator Joe McCarthy owed you. You are his bitch now.

So which way is it?

Of course the Russians interfered with our election, they do it all over the world just like we do. You think we didn't interfere with the Ukraine or Israel?

We cannot return the favor directly to Russia as they do not hold real elections.

But the actions of the Russias were not to cause one person to win over the other, they are not that short sighted. The goal of the Russians is to undermine the faith of the US people in the election process, as they have done in other countries.

And they are succeeding in destroying faith not only in the election process but also in our law enforcement and intelligence community as well.

There is nobody in the world happier about what is going on in the US right now than Putin.

You are very naive if you think that Russia does not do such things.
There's no evidence Russia interfered with our election that caused Trump to be victorious over Hillary. Comey testified to that fact.
Great speech. It would never be given today as we have not had a real leader as POTUS since Reagan left office.
It would never be given today because liberal media and professoriate own the television air waves and classroom discussions. Typical communist takeover strategy.

This is how I picture you...


Do you even wonder why we had the McCarthy trials in the 1950's and the fear you people have, of Russia "interfering" with a US Presidential election?

If you sincerely believe that the Russians "interfered" with our election, then Senator Joe McCarthy owed you. You are his bitch now.

So which way is it?

Of course the Russians interfered with our election, they do it all over the world just like we do. You think we didn't interfere with the Ukraine or Israel?

We cannot return the favor directly to Russia as they do not hold real elections.

But the actions of the Russias were not to cause one person to win over the other, they are not that short sighted. The goal of the Russians is to undermine the faith of the US people in the election process, as they have done in other countries.

And they are succeeding in destroying faith not only in the election process but also in our law enforcement and intelligence community as well.

There is nobody in the world happier about what is going on in the US right now than Putin.

You are very naive if you think that Russia does not do such things.
Anti Trump whiners are destroying faith in system...unless their candidate wins...then it’s all good.
Reagan will have to get in line behind our current President. Seeing as how Theodore Roosevelt was the "father of the modern Progressive movement", I think with a little judicious jack-hammering and some Spackle, they could turn Teddy into the Magnificent Orange One. :biggrin:

Fuckin A

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