Could CNN's Bad Ratings Be Because Their Anchors Are Idiots?


Gold Member
Apr 8, 2009
We know Wolf Blitzer and Anderson Cooper suck at Jeopardy. But Rick Sanchez is possibly the biggest moron anchoring cable news today with the possible exception of Joy Behar... who is also on CNN.

While reporting on the eruption of a volcano in Iceland, Rickie had this to say.

"When you think of a volcano, you think of Hawaii and long words like that. You don't think of Iceland. You think it's too cold to have a volcano there."

No, Rick. We don't think that, because we're not stupid. On the other hand, since you were addressing a CNN audience, your assessment of what your audience thinks might well be correct.

After all, they also believe that Obama gave them a tax cut.

Rick Sanchez: 'Too Cold' in Iceland 'To Have a Volcano There' |
I'm going to go with 50% idiotic and 50% boring.

Not a good combination.
Is it likely that water goes downhill because of gravitational forces? Is it likely that the sun rises in the east due to the direction of the rotation of the earth? Might it be the case that bears do what they do because they are too big to be potty trained?
Never forget the king of all sleazeballs, Larry King.

Apparently, in his interview with Pamela Anderson, he asked her a lot of inappropriate questions, one of which was "do you have sex standing up"?

Their main anchor is gay (Anderson Cooper), and has CNN's new years celebration with a fag hag known as Kathy Griffin.

Lou Dobbs used to be there, but his racism and intolerance led to him being fired.

Nancy Grace is a bitchy hose beast who won't admit when she's wrong. Remember the Duke players she grilled on her show? When it was proven that they DIDN'T DO IT, she offered no apology. She's just a bitchy hag that thinks she can do no wrong.

Jane Velez Mitchell is also a bitchy woman. Her voice is grating, and she always takes her points too far.

Joy Behar is a gossip and kinda cynical. Also bitchy.

With fags, sexual degenerates and a whole bunch of bitch women, as well as a village idiot in Sanchez, how the fuck can ANYONE consider CNN "the most trusted name in news"? know.......I used to think that Soledad O'Brien and Wolf Blitzer were intelligent until I saw them get their asses handed to them on Jeopardy. The only one that even acted like he might know how to play was Anderson Cooper, and he was still the lowest score.

Nope, with that kind of crew, you'll never know what you get.
Anderson Cooper doesn't suck at Jeopardy. He is the only cable news show host to have won Jeopardy. He completely obliterated a former congressman and a CNBC correspondent on his first Jeopardy appearance. On his second appearance comedian Cheech Marin was faster on the buzzer and built up a lead by snapping up the really moronic questions like the one asking you to identify the thing with the bulb you use to drizzle meat juice over a turkey as a turkey baster. Cooper had thousands and was tied for second place at the end of the second round then finished tied for second with zero dollars after strategically risking it all and losing it when all three players got final jeopardy wrong.

The MSNBC show hosts Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann who have played lost in their appearances.

The only FOX News host willing to chance a Celebrity Jeopardy appearance so far is Gretchen Carlson. She truly did suck. She finished the second round thousands in the red, far behind her competition Olbermann and Al Franken. It's Celebrity Jeopardy so she was gifted a bit of money to be able to compete in final jeopardy. She came in a distant third.
Anderson Cooper doesn't suck at Jeopardy. He is the only cable news show host to have won Jeopardy. He completely obliterated a former congressman and a CNBC correspondent on his first Jeopardy appearance. On his second appearance comedian Cheech Marin was faster on the buzzer and built up a lead by snapping up the really moronic questions like the one asking you to identify the thing with the bulb you use to drizzle meat juice over a turkey as a turkey baster. Cooper had thousands and was tied for second place at the end of the second round then finished tied for second with zero dollars after strategically risking it all and losing it when all three players got final jeopardy wrong.

The MSNBC show hosts Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann who have played lost in their appearances.

The only FOX News host willing to chance a Celebrity Jeopardy appearance so far is Gretchen Carlson. She truly did suck. She finished the second round thousands in the red, far behind her competition Olbermann and Al Franken. It's Celebrity Jeopardy so she was gifted a bit of money to be able to compete in final jeopardy. She came in a distant third.

He came in third place, hardly a great game of Jeopardy or demonstration of his prowess.

Fuck........turkey baster? How could you miss that? Fucking Thanksgiving for crying out loud.

At least.........if you cooked with the family rather than letting the help do all the work like the silver spoon douchebag asshole.

Tying for second place with ZERO? What kind of standards do you set anyway?
He came in third place, hardly a great game of Jeopardy or demonstration of his prowess.

Fuck........turkey baster? How could you miss that? Fucking Thanksgiving for crying out loud.

At least.........if you cooked with the family rather than letting the help do all the work like the silver spoon douchebag asshole.

Tying for second place with ZERO? What kind of standards do you set anyway?

He never came in third. He came in first on the first show, then graduated to the next round in the tournament where he tied for second place with zero after both he and another player bet everything on final jeopardy to try to beat Cheech who they weren't all that far behind in points at that time.

My point about the turkery baster question was that NOBODY would miss it. All of them were trying hard to buzz in but Cheech managed to be slightly quicker. After the game Cheech credited it to the fact he was buzzing with his forefinger (which has a faster reflex) while the other two players were using their thumbs. Cheech cleaned up on the really easy ones like the baster question and ones like "who played the terminator in the movie The Terminator?" so he built up a lead.

Where you place isn't about "standards", it's just a fact of how the scores stack against each other. Anderson and the woman in the recent game had matched scores at zero after final jeopardy which means they tied for second place. They'd both been evenly matched with a positve score of thousands just before final jeopardy.
Yes, it could be that.

It could be that their just really crap at what they do.

Could CNN's Bad Ratings Be Because Their Anchors Are Idiots? NO....

If this was true, Fox would have to shut down.....Have you ever actually sat through an entire Beck show? Or Hannity? Or bill (i'm a liar) Oreilly?

Damn these guys are idiots.
Yes,, Fox has lots of blonde bimbo's with law degrees..

I know of one...and she "acts" stupid to play to her crowd. Damn her co star Kilmeaede is probably one of the dumbest people on television. Seriously.
Yes, it could be that.

It could be that their just really crap at what they do.

Could CNN's Bad Ratings Be Because Their Anchors Are Idiots? NO....

If this was true, Fox would have to shut down.....Have you ever actually sat through an entire Beck show? Or Hannity? Or bill (i'm a liar) Oreilly?

Damn these guys are idiots.

You can't argue with the ratings. CNN obviously is doing something wrong.
He came in third place, hardly a great game of Jeopardy or demonstration of his prowess.

Fuck........turkey baster? How could you miss that? Fucking Thanksgiving for crying out loud.

At least.........if you cooked with the family rather than letting the help do all the work like the silver spoon douchebag asshole.

Tying for second place with ZERO? What kind of standards do you set anyway?

He never came in third. He came in first on the first show, then graduated to the next round in the tournament where he tied for second place with zero after both he and another player bet everything on final jeopardy to try to beat Cheech who they weren't all that far behind in points at that time.

My point about the turkery baster question was that NOBODY would miss it. All of them were trying hard to buzz in but Cheech managed to be slightly quicker. After the game Cheech credited it to the fact he was buzzing with his forefinger (which has a faster reflex) while the other two players were using their thumbs. Cheech cleaned up on the really easy ones like the baster question and ones like "who played the terminator in the movie The Terminator?" so he built up a lead.

Where you place isn't about "standards", it's just a fact of how the scores stack against each other. Anderson and the woman in the recent game had matched scores at zero after final jeopardy which means they tied for second place. They'd both been evenly matched with a positve score of thousands just before final jeopardy.

Yeah........arguing about the button.

If the gay cotton topped asshole was so smart, why didn't he do what Cheech did?

What's more, why didn't he answer every question correctly? Fuck........generally celebrity Jeopardy is about 1/3 as hard as the regular games.

Nope........Anderson Cooper is a fucking 'tard. Why is it that you so vehemently defend him, are you looking for a date to your next Pride party?
Jeopardy is a better measure of intelligence than most things, because you have to have a varied view, as well as pay attention to a lot of things.

And........if you aren't intelligent, you won't be able to retain the facts for recall later as well as someone who is.
We know Wolf Blitzer and Anderson Cooper suck at Jeopardy. But Rick Sanchez is possibly the biggest moron anchoring cable news today with the possible exception of Joy Behar... who is also on CNN.

While reporting on the eruption of a volcano in Iceland, Rickie had this to say.

"When you think of a volcano, you think of Hawaii and long words like that. You don't think of Iceland. You think it's too cold to have a volcano there."

No, Rick. We don't think that, because we're not stupid. On the other hand, since you were addressing a CNN audience, your assessment of what your audience thinks might well be correct.

After all, they also believe that Obama gave them a tax cut.

Rick Sanchez: 'Too Cold' in Iceland 'To Have a Volcano There' |
If that were the criteria, Fox would be off the air.
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