Could Somebody Please Explain This? (Mostly Asking Liberals)

For those of you liberals on here who think that we're not headed towards communism and the government doesn't want to try and control us, why the government keeps giving out free money to people, having them rely solely on them, and not get a freaking JOB and that's why so many businesses are shorthanded right now?

I wouldn't call them liberals, PROGS are anything but liberal. They're a very dependent people today, unimaginative, soft and dishonest.

PROGS, leftists, or communists are more reflective.
I wouldn't call them liberals, PROGS are anything but liberal. They're a very dependent people today, unimaginative, soft and dishonest.

PROGS, leftists, or communists are more reflective.
Right-wingers are just plain, intolerant socialists on a national and international basis.
Well we just went through a pandemic that shut down the production and distribution of our world. So a little financial stimulus to avoid a depression that would last in excess of 10 years was initiated and recommended by anybody and everybody who understands basic economics.
It was not then pandemic which did htose things it was in fact local and state governments who did so needlessly
So you are saying that the Dem party is controlled by Socialists, right?

Once again, Socialism, like Capitalism, cannot be a government. Both of them are Economic Models, not Government Models. With that in mind, rehash your ideas and represent them.

Socialism is a government model only barely concerned with economics.

You clearly do not under stand what socialism is or economics like all socialists
Socialism is only one form of government which always fails. It is not government in general

this is fact which has been proven but you always lie about it
You simply appeal to ignorance, like usual. Our form of Constitutional government is socialism.

nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
You simply appeal to ignorance, like usual. Our form of Constitutional government is socialism.

nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
I neevr appeal to you and you are proven ignorant.

Our consgtitutional government is not soclaism period
Government can Take private property for public use. That is Socialism not Capitalism. Government can "own" all the means of production or control them; all that is required is Cause.
Government can Take private property for public use. That is Socialism not Capitalism. Government can "own" all the means of production or control them; all that is required is Cause.
Government cannot own all the means of production sorry.

Such central planning ALWAYS fails
Liberals scoff when you use the word "communism." But deep inside, they admire it.
Hello, it's not all that deep! Many of them voted for a known socialist for prez recently after all.
That was not contro;l The means of production were paid to do something not traken over and owned by governnment which the constitution does not allow
What does it matter what the Constitution allows or doesn't allow? The Constitution doesn't allow forbidding people to go to work or leave their homes or collect rent or walk around without a mask over their faces, either, or it wouldn't have allowed this if anyone had thought people could get that crazy, but here we are all the same.

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