Could Someone (Anyone) Somehow Convince Jeb Bush To QUIT ?

The underlying statement is.....maybe the stupidity of the republican party is finlly coming to the realization that putting "gwb" in the presidency was stupid. Their untold comments are....don't put another "booosh" in the Whitehouse.
Jeb quitting puts his support to Rubio or Kasich. Fiorina quitting puts her support to Rubio or Kasich. Christie quitting puts his support to Rubio or Kasich.

Rubio or Kasich quitting puts either's support to the other. Pretty soon, after all that, you have a good establishment challenge to Trump.

Trump will be the nominee, Rubio, Cruz, Christie, and maybe Kasich are in the running for VP-----------and they all know it. Jeb has become a joke, he needs to step aside and preserve what credibility he still has.

The issue of who would be Trump's VP is really interesting. Like his candidacy in general it throws everything out the window.

Conventional wisdom would say he should get amore establishment type for obvious balance -- but given his candidacy I don't think he can do that. Cruz might make some sense and possibly Rubio. No way he goes to Kasich. Of the rest (not that it has to be one of them)??? Fiorina could make some sense - again the CW would say al business, no political experience would be a problem which might be exactly what Trump decides to go for.

Another old saying inside the Beltway is that no one ever wants to be VP -- until they are asked and then no one ever turns it down. That could be different with Trump -- if he were to turn to an establishment type -- highly unlikely -- some of them might actually say no given how controversial he is. But of course those people probably woldnt be asked in the first place

As for Kasich -- here is an example of a guy who probably has campaigned himself out of VP consideration. Had he just stayed out and kept his mouth shut, As Gov of Ohio with a lot of varied experience he would have been at the very top of potential VPs for just about anyone right now -- save Trump. Having gotten in and done soooo poorly both with the electorate and on the debate stage I think he has probably taken himself out of the running or at the very least has really hurt his chances
The fact is that right now there is none of the establishment crowd who are close to viable and that doesn't seem about to change

The Establishment types are completely tone deaf regarding the voters and just how fed up we are with business as usual in DC and the parties as a whole .

You couldn't be more correct about this and the really amazing part is that those establishment types are so unable to process that the voters are sick of them and would support people like Trump, Cruz etc that they can only conclude that this is like temporary voter insanity that has to pass sooner or later. It really is an example of the very arrogance in the establishment that drive the voters away to begin with. These people just aren't capable of anything else.

And to me Trump further reinforces the point. FWIW I don't really think he is very good at what he is trying to say -- it could be done a lot better but it doesn't matter. The voters want it so badly that even someone who says it often as inartfully as Trump does has a hugely receptive audience.
Don't worry about it. He's done. Now it's time to get Hillary out too. Both are the NWO Globalist Elites' preferred candidates. It'll be a huge win for the People if they both get dumped.
Jeb just needs to bug his eyes out even further when he makes a point, maybe that will help. That's some weird shit, like he's trying to zap you with an eye weapon.
Bush campaign lands the coveted Lindsey Graham endorsement, bringing an additional 0.0% support to the juggernaut that is Jeb!
There is no reason for Bush to quit. He has the money to stay in, the establishment GOP is desperate to rally around ONE establishment candidate and that will be either Bush or Rubio.

When candidates like Fiorina, Huckabee, Carson, Christie, Kasich reach the end of their ropes, and if they start dropping out and do not endorse Bush, then he'll know he's finished.
GAME CHANGER -- Lindsey Graham has endorsed Bush -- his supporter will no doubt now back Jeb!
Trump and Rafael

Jeb and Rubio

fighting it out

worth watching
Next thing you know the fruit pickers union will endorse Jeb for employer of the day.
If Rubio makes a good showing in NH, then the establishment candidates should seriously think about swallowing their pride and consolidating around him.

A three way race with Trump, Cruz, and Rubio is the establishment's best hope at this point.
Jeb thinks that dragging his mother out will help him. It just looks pathetic. How bad is it when your mother has to endorse you in public.

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