Could Someone (Anyone) Somehow Convince Jeb Bush To QUIT ?

But.....But the job was promised to him by the GOP elitists.
Just like Hillary was for the Dem's.
jeb bush was actually leading then we found out he had no energy & then he went down the tubes.

no we need energy.

Jeb Bush is an embarrassment. To himself, to his family, and to the Republican Party. Even worse than that, Bush is an albatross around the Republican Party's neck, in particular that person who will be the Republican party's nominee in the 2016 presidential election.

There is no way that Bush is going to become that nominee and have Republicans voting for him 11 months from now. By staying in the race and mocking other candidates with senseless (and childish) insults, all he is doing is piling up ammunition for whoever becomes the Democratic nominee. He couldn't be doing a bigger favor for THEM, if he were on their payroll.

So, somebody please get Jeb to drop out (and to shut up as well). Maybe this could start by explaining to him that the US presidency doesn't automatically belong to him, just because his name is Bush. And while they're at it, if they could get Paul Ryan to resign, and shut up about Muslims and immigration, that would be nice too.

PS - Bush could also stop bragging about how experienced he is. As a governor in Florida, he stunk, and the only reason he even got there to begin with, was because of his last name, and his father's coat tails.

Who cares, he knows he nothing but an also ran, let him blow his tens of millions, at least he's providing a few jobs.
The race is hardly over. Once people start dropping out then supporters will go elsewhere. many believe Trump has a limit to his ability to get people to support him. In a crowd of 15, 30% looks good, in a crowd of 3 30% looks okay, in a crowd of 2 it's not very good at all.
Could Someone (Anyone) Somehow Convince Jeb Bush To QUIT ?

He's not gonna quit, after all he's a Bush, the Presidency is his birthright.

"Have you seen how much money the British People spend on their royalty?" she asked

"Yeah, it's only so meager because they can't afford what we blow on ours"

Could Someone (Anyone) Somehow Convince Jeb Bush To QUIT ?
He's not gonna quit, after all he's a Bush, the Presidency is his birthright.

"Have you seen how much money the British People spend on their royalty?" she asked

"Yeah, it's only so meager because they can't afford what we blow on ours"

probably right, but the money will dry up when he fails to score in any primary state.
Jeb quitting puts his support to Rubio or Kasich. Fiorina quitting puts her support to Rubio or Kasich. Christie quitting puts his support to Rubio or Kasich.

Rubio or Kasich quitting puts either's support to the other. Pretty soon, after all that, you have a good establishment challenge to Trump.
Jeb quitting puts his support to Rubio or Kasich. Fiorina quitting puts her support to Rubio or Kasich. Christie quitting puts his support to Rubio or Kasich.

Rubio or Kasich quitting puts either's support to the other. Pretty soon, after all that, you have a good establishment challenge to Trump.

the problem with that is that of this august group only Rubio has any real level of support -- about 12% nationally. According to the RCP average:

Fiorina 2.0%
Kasich 1.8%
Bush 3.8%
Christie 4.3%
Total -- 11.9%

Even if you give it all to Rubio - and hes the only one of that group who has any chance at all it still well behind Trump. And for what its worth I don't think those voters necessarily go where you predict -- certainly not Fiorina's - no way they go to Kasich.

The fact is that right now there is none of the establishment crowd who are close to viable and that doesn't seem about to change
Jeb quitting puts his support to Rubio or Kasich. Fiorina quitting puts her support to Rubio or Kasich. Christie quitting puts his support to Rubio or Kasich.

Rubio or Kasich quitting puts either's support to the other. Pretty soon, after all that, you have a good establishment challenge to Trump.

Trump will be the nominee, Rubio, Cruz, Christie, and maybe Kasich are in the running for VP-----------and they all know it. Jeb has become a joke, he needs to step aside and preserve what credibility he still has.
Bush still has a lot of money and anything can happen if you can afford to spread propaganda. If democrats hadn't trashed his brother so much republicans might have been stuck with an establishment candidate.
The fact is that right now there is none of the establishment crowd who are close to viable and that doesn't seem about to change

The Establishment types are completely tone deaf regarding the voters and just how fed up we are with business as usual in DC and the parties as a whole .

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