Could the climate be changing and the sea levels rising because of something other than CO2?

Let us know when your get to high school so we can help you in your first science class ...

Nerem et al; "Climate-change–driven accelerated sea-level rise detected in the altimeter era"; PNAS Vol 115 No 9; 2018

Reap them and wheat ...

PARROTING FUDGE and FRAUD is not a photo.

YOUR SIDE claims "ocean rise" but has no visual evidence at all, because THERE IS NO OCEAN RISE because THERE IS NO ONGOING NET ICE MELT and NASA explained WHY....

"the Antarctic ice sheet showed a net gain of 112 billion tons of ice a year from 1992 to 2001. That net gain slowed to 82 billion tons of ice per year between 2003 and 2008."

That's 90% of Earth ice GROWING... your side claims it is "melting" but cannot show us any LIQUID WATER on it because THERE IS NONE...

"The good news is that Antarctica is not currently contributing to sea level rise, but is taking 0.23 millimeters per year away,” Zwally said. “But this is also bad news. If the 0.27 millimeters per year of sea level rise attributed to Antarctica in the IPCC report is not really coming from Antarctica, there must be some....


which explains why you have NO PHOTOS of landmarks sinking...
PARROTING FUDGE and FRAUD is not a photo.

YOUR SIDE claims "ocean rise" but has no visual evidence at all, because THERE IS NO OCEAN RISE because THERE IS NO ONGOING NET ICE MELT and NASA explained WHY....

"the Antarctic ice sheet showed a net gain of 112 billion tons of ice a year from 1992 to 2001. That net gain slowed to 82 billion tons of ice per year between 2003 and 2008."

That's 90% of Earth ice GROWING... your side claims it is "melting" but cannot show us any LIQUID WATER on it because THERE IS NONE...

"The good news is that Antarctica is not currently contributing to sea level rise, but is taking 0.23 millimeters per year away,” Zwally said. “But this is also bad news. If the 0.27 millimeters per year of sea level rise attributed to Antarctica in the IPCC report is not really coming from Antarctica, there must be some....


which explains why you have NO PHOTOS of landmarks sinking...

In high school ... they'll teach you about what we call "scientific literature" ... and scientific method ... if you'd read the link, you could performed the math yourself with the raw data ... but you don't know how to, so it must be wrong? ... it's fudge unless a twelve-year-old can understand it ...

We can use photoshop to make this photo you speak of ... we can even make up a decent video ... don't you sneak into PG-13 movies? ...

Is New Orleans famous enough of a landmark?

Once again, when asked for a PHOTO of an LANDMARK SINKING we get a photo of a STORM HIT....

and when we go to GOOGLE and search for IMAGES New Orleans Coast during the past year we get the truth of NO OCEAN RISE...

With ocean levels rising and the ground sinking, New Orleans has become officially classified as a sinking city (Brennan).

With ocean levels rising and the ground sinking, New Orleans has become officially classified as a sinking city (Brennan).

This is classic Co2 fraud. They have fudged studies lying about ocean warming and rise, neither of which is happening.


To believe the fudged fraud and deny your own eyes is what it takes to still believe in the Co2 fraud...
This is classic Co2 fraud. They have fudged studies lying about ocean warming and rise, neither of which is happening.


To believe the fudged fraud and deny your own eyes is what it takes to still believe in the Co2 fraud...
That's nice. New Orleans is sinking despite your silly belief that it is not. I use to live. It's common knowledge.
Then WHY did you post a STORM SURGE to document the "sinking" when the Google 1 year images show JUST THE OPPOSITE???
I didn't. ReinyDays did. But his point was New Orleans was sinking, not that sinking caused the flood. You seemed to be arguing no sinking is occurring. And that's just not true.
I didn't. ReinyDays did. But his point was New Orleans was sinking, not that sinking caused the flood. You seemed to be arguing no sinking is occurring. And that's just not true.

There are places where land, for one reason or another, is "sinking." There are "sink holes." A tectonic plate being pulled apart will develop gaps and valleys as a result.

If you are claiming New Orleans is sinking during NO OCEAN RISE I will not attempt to dispute that, but the visual evidence on Google is clear, NO OCEAN RISE AND NO SINKING - NEITHER....
There are places where land, for one reason or another, is "sinking." There are "sink holes." A tectonic plate being pulled apart will develop gaps and valleys as a result.

If you are claiming New Orleans is sinking during NO OCEAN RISE I will not attempt to dispute that, but the visual evidence on Google is clear, NO OCEAN RISE AND NO SINKING - NEITHER....
I'm not saying why New Orleans is sinking. I don't care why New Orleans is sinking. New Orleans is sinking. It's well established. That was my only point.
New Orleans is sinking. It's well established.

And our evidence of this is..... that you claim it, and don't even have a link or any data to support it?

And the images on Google sorted New Orleans coast - past year show NO EVIDENCE OF ANY SINKING....
And our evidence of this is..... that you claim it, and don't even have a link or any data to support it?

And the images on Google sorted New Orleans coast - past year show NO EVIDENCE OF ANY SINKING....
I posted the link already. Why don't you post a link that says New Orleans isn't sinking? Because I've already provided my link. Where's yours?
I posted the link already.

A photo of a STORM SURGE doesn't cut it. It just outs your side as attempting to mislead right away, as a STORM SURGE is NOT OCEAN RISE....
A photo of a STORM SURGE doesn't cut it. It just outs your side as attempting to mislead right away, as a STORM SURGE is NOT OCEAN RISE....
New Orleans has levies. Lot's of them. Much of New Orleans is below sea level. Something like 4 ft or so.

New Orleans didn't flood because of storm surge. New Orleans flooded because the Lake Pontchartrain levy failed due to backside winds from Katrina. The storm had passed when the levy failed.
Bodies of water can contain more water just underneath them than they hold above ground.
New Orleans has levies. Lot's of them. Much of New Orleans is below sea level. Something like 4 ft or so.

New Orleans didn't flood because of storm surge. New Orleans flooded because the Lake Pontchartrain levy failed due to backside winds from Katrina. The storm had passed when the levy failed.

Ok, but that is NOT OCEAN RISE, and to post a photo of that and claim it is "evidence" of "ocean rise" is par for the course of the fudged Co2 FRAUD...
Ok, but that is NOT OCEAN RISE, and to post a photo of that and claim it is "evidence" of "ocean rise" is par for the course of the fudged Co2 FRAUD...
I agree. It is par for the course for them to over dramatize and over sensationalize normal weather events. It's how they stir up their sheep.
We use altimeters to measure sea level rise ... why don't you believe in altimeters ...


I do not trust the conflicted liars who announce the "results." Indeed, there are conflicting reports of Antarctic ice, 90% of Earth ice. NASA and the British court certified the data that it is growing. The Co2 Fraud knows it cannot claim an "ocean rise" without fudging Antarctic ice. If you cannot understand why Antarctic ice is still growing, and will continue to do so, you do not understand ice ages at all... that one is centered on the pole. It ain't "melting" and there is no liquid water on it...

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